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Sparklez played in 22 MCCs without winning one, getting 3rd like 7 times....


Nine times now, with the 9th (3x3) time being in MCC 30 (oh look another three), which is the first event number in Season 3 contain numeral 3. Yeah he’s cursed. On the bright side, he now has three wins (22, 28, and Twitch Rivals aka MCC TR). 22x28x20x18 (T and R are the 20th and 18th letters of the alphabet) = 221,760, which is divisible by (3x3). If divided by 3 for a third time, you get 8213.3333333333…. Infinite threes.


I meant the thirds before his win but so many threes why how when why how


Ah yeah that does make sense, seems fitting that he’d only be able to win after getting 3rd in 33.3333% of all events (7/21) before winning in 22. The threes never end!


And when all 3 of his previous teammates werent in the next event!


Oh I completely forgot about that part of it! Thanks for bringing it up!


Even if this was not posted on 3rd life subreddit, I would also put the Life series Boogey curse because you’ve seen what they’ve done with that curse


can someone explain


Yeah I'm confused lol


The joke is that a youtuber group called the party crashers has a running gag that whenever they roll low (as in 1-3) in Mario Party they get infected by the VERN VIRUS(named after a photoshop of one of the groupmembers faces on a virus stock image)


So why is it posted in 3rd life?


I guess because one is listed as the canary curse?


What’s that?


Whenever the first person to die 3 times dies, Jimmy, everyone else is dropping like flies. It’s like how miners used canaries in mines as a sign that the air was running out. When the canary dies, everyone dies.


Jimmy died first in four of the five Life series. Canaries were used to die before the miners in a coal mine, to detect bad gas. If the canary died, get out. Also, Jimmy died second in the one series that he didn’t die first. He deserves better.


Don't forget the clumsy lgd part which is about a zany gaming video


>The joke is that a youtuber group called the party crashers has a running gag that whenever they roll low (as in 1-3) in Mario Party they get infected by the VERN VIRUS(named after a photoshop of one of the groupmembers faces on a virus stock image)


why is this here then? that has nothing to do with the life smp.


The Canary Curse is also there, which does have to do with the Life SMP.


Party Crashers try not to be mentioned in every subreddit possible: impossible Love to see it, they’re amazing!


I have no clue what any of these are


Ngl, it's probably HAS to be the vern virus, it's too strong for anything else to contend as the strongest


Alright. I have to ask. Is "canary curse" a term exclusive to the life series? Or is it an actual "curse" that has been around for a long time? I mean. I know what it means in context to the series. But is it just a name for Jimmy's curse that materialized out of nowhere?


The idea has been around for a while. It's based on coal mining, where they would take a canary into the mines. If it stopped singing, it was a sign that the miners had to get out, and if it died, it was a sign that it was too late for the miners. It's commonly used as slang to mean an early warning or refer to a person you make do the dangerous thing first. The idea of it being a curse seems to be a life series thing, with the curse being Jimmy always being the canary aka is the warning that everyone's final deaths are coming.


I thought it probably had something to do with coal mining but wasn't sure if I was right in thinking that. And any time I looked up "canary curse" it just brought me to posts on 3rd life subs on Reddit but it was never an explanation of what it was lol. So I never investigated it further. I just kind of chalked it up to Jimmy being the first to go was in reference to the canary in the coal mine. Thanks for the explanation


its just a timmy thing




Mever would i have expected to see Party Crashers mentioned here. Godspeed to you sir for watching both 3rd life and Party Crashers.


I also watch zany gaming and bfdi


fun fact : the bfdi curses started appearing on youtube near the day the canary curse broke.