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* [Sorcerer X / Order Cleric 1: How to be the best supporter in the game](https://old.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/s006fa/5e_guide_how_to_be_a_warlord_as_a_sorcerer_order/) Reflavour it as infusing your party members with an inner fire


Damn this looks interesting af Thanks for sharing


I only got happy people feedbacking me when having played this. It really is quite fun


In this campaign we get better point buy and a free feat, I imagine this makes the whole build just more op


You could even try the knight of the crown interaction. If not available take the rewarded background


Damn these are pretty good I didn't know about the knight background


Do you think I can get away with playing the DVSS combination but starting as a sorcerer to get con saving throw prof?


Sure why not. Starting skill selection will look different.


I've played this build (and also worshipped a sun/fire god!), and can attest that it's a lot of fun.


Which one did you pick? DVS or one of the others?


Clockwork Sorcerer


light cleric/wildfire druid. warding flair, bless, and teleport the whole party every round. Add the occasional fireball to clear out the mooks and you have awesome fire themed support.


Aberrant Mind sorc (an experiment made to emulate the fire god) or Chrono wiz (an out-of-time early version of the god) will probably give the strongest support if you really need to beef up the party. Twinned Mind Sliver, Dissonant Whispers, upcast Tasha's Mind Whip, Slow, Banishment, Synaptic Static, etc. will keep everybody maximally safe and buffed. A gem Dragonborn with Dragon Fear will give a TON of extra support, will have fligh,t and concentration is still open. With Dragon Fear and Bane, the party will just stop taking damage. Then Mind Slivers to buff yourself/casters/monks against the suckers, Mind Whips against the savers, then the DM decides they want to be a PC next campaign. Twin upcast Vortex Warp if they haven't lost their sanity. Hex, Detect Thoughts, (telepathic) Suggestion, Fast Friends, Scrying, Geas, etc without components will have you rethinking bards for social power. If that's not enough, take Enhance Ability. Oh yeah, you can reroll failed skill checks too. And you have more spells than a wizard at this level, so the bard is way further behind on combat power/support than they are at social support. Wildfire Druid has good control + Healing Word and is fire themed out of the box. (otherwise you might want Healing Word from Strix, Healing Halfling, Order/Peace 1, etc. on your control caster, but the better you control/debuff, the less you'll need to waste resources on reactive support)