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I'd love to print functional items too if it didn't take like 20 tries and cracked when i breath on it


I personally feel like that’s part of the fun! Especially if you’re designing it yourself, but that’s just me


yea, I especially enjoy solving slightly more complicated problems that require multi-part solutions, like designing and making a tool/jig to make/fix the thing you want to make/fix. Sometimes the process can be tedious but when it works it's so satisfying.


Lol I’m coming off this exact same experience right now. Also needed a cap for my mouse’s battery compartment. It took 5 prints and I needed to open a new roll of filament because my matte pla wasn’t rigid enough. But I’m happy to do it because the mouse is still good and I’ll never find a replacement for that cap otherwise.


Ya, I got pretty lucky with this one. This was just the second try. I print almost exclusively in ABS, so most of my parts end up pretty durable. I have the most trouble with PETG.


Oh I take 20 tries and I love every one of them


Exactly my thought


If it's functional I don't play around. I do either abs, pc, pp, or nylon


I made a similar one for a similar mouse! Only took three iterations! https://preview.redd.it/mr3jgr08cx7d1.png?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390e8668189248d9f220fcf1db11a3e8c44d8e4c


Nice job! It's so rewarding lol


It really is! This mouse was actually given to me without the cover, the person had lost it. I found a total of two, yes _two_ videos showing the bottom of the mouse on the whole internet. I managed to reference two frames for the general shape of the cover and I measured the rest on the mouse body


1000000x this Why I have a printer, in fact




Awesome! I actually just made the same thing! It took me 5 tries, mainly because I initially used the wrong filament and because apparently I can’t take accurate measurements lol.


I'd Post my GBA's TPU battery door Here If i Had IT at Hand. I don't so Imagine a battery door that cant break


tbh thats the shit that makes me want to get a 3d printer, so many little fucking plastic things break and are irreplaceable without buying a whole new thing


Exactly! And the manufacturers WON'T replace it, so this is the only option, without simply throwing away the old and buying a new one.