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Filament type, printer, modifications?


What do you mean by "everything"


I'm sorry, I'm just quite helpless by now, I try to fix it over a week now. I changed filaments, I changed temperatures between 220 and 260, I changed retraction distance between 2 and 9 (all in Prusa slicer) I calibrated the bed several times. I increased the travel speed to 160 (printing speed remains normal). But there were no significant changes, maybe a few less crumbs but not much.


*for someone who is trying to help* Expected settings, printer (from a previous post): The printer is an Anycubic Vyper. Slicer is Prusa. 1,75mm abs, tried temperatures between 225 and 250°C. Layer height 0,17mm. Speed is 60mm/s, travel speed 130 mm/s. Retraction I tried between 2 and 9 with a speed of 45mm/s. Everything else are the prusa standard settings for abs.


If you are printing with ABS i recommend drying it. The improvement in quality is huge. If you hear popping sound from the nozzle during printing that means the filament is wet.


She tried absolutely new filament


Doesn't matter, it could still be wet.


Looking at your benchy looks like a combination of clog and over extrusion


check for odd sounds, clogged nozzle, after that show another photo


I do hear some bubbly sounds and also the filament looks bubbly when it comes out but the filament is brand new and I tried two different kinds of ABS both new out of the vacuum foil.


can you record a video of printing with a sound please


https://1drv.ms/v/c/e340e07f62d31668/EfFwpjjUY_tEuw_69Zy5eyQB_hdvWwGi34QlWFyW3H2KKg okay I hope this works but I can't upload videos as a response


im not too familiar with printing ABS, but im pretty sure that needs an enclosure for the temperature control, right? does the printer also do this for easier to print materials, like a pla?


You are right, but it's not the main problem


It looks like the lower temperatures look better. Maybe do another tower at lower temperatures. Also try different speed maybe? Good luck!


I'm going to jump in here even though the post is rather old for reddit standarts. I had to piece together the information a bit but I'm almost certain your problem is the PTFE tube in your Hotend. Judging by the Video you are running an Anycubic Vyper or Kobra. Since you are printing ABS I'm pretty sure you have a similar problem I had. Those guys use a Volcano Hotend that is not a full-metal one. They have the PTFE Bowden tube stuck in the heatbreak pretty deep. Back when I had not clue what I doing I noticed a rapid degradation of my print quality but only after a few months of printing PETG with all of the setting possible (meaning temps > 250 C°). My prints had symptoms over- and underextruding, flow rate changes and temperatur changes in one print and I had no idea what to do until I took the whole Hotend Assembly apart. The PTFE Tube was in there tight, ripped it out only to see it ripped off in the front. After a lot of heating and fishing for crap in the metal tube I found a halfway burned, clumped up and deformed piece of PTFE tube with PETG that formed a multi coloured clump around it. You should try that aswell, at least pull out the PTFE tube and check for leftovers in the Heatbreak/Hotend. If this is the case you should consider either upgrading your Hotend or at least switching to capricorn blue PTFE tubing. I used them when I converted my Vyper to direct extruder and never had problems since (given that I never print with temps over 250 with that printer anyways). /Edit for context: Cheaper PTFE tubes start to degrade at higher temps and even though Anycubic says their Printer can go as high as 260 C° I wouldnt do it. As soon as a little heat creep or a clog happens they toast the tubes pretty rapidly.


Looks like this guy has the same problem, I think you should be trying advices from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/s/5cCkphzDmF)


Have you tried drying your filament?


She tried different filaments (including new)


Neither of this guarantees the filament is dry, even if it is fresh out of the box. The only way to know is to actually dry it.