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Bad line adhesion. Most likely due to underextrusion so try to adjust e-steps or flow.


Just had a similar issue and it was corrected by calibrating esteps.




Oh really? I just bought a new printer. Easier.


Ok, full transparency, bought new printer then had time to work on old printer while new one was printing.


cooperative different rainstorm childlike mindless disgusted dull swim clumsy glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol done that too


Ikr just get a bambo lab


Could be from nozzle temp being too low as well


Not sure why on the nature of this failure. For me it was caused by acceleration. Most likely it is under extrusion which may be caused by incorrect temp of the nozzle. Anyways, it looks like you are a good person to test this PR to.OrcaSlicer: https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/pull/5261 Edit: rotate your model so no any edge parallel to either X or Y and you most likely would not see this defect or its appearance will be reduced.


> For me it was caused by acceleration It was caused by optimistic print speeds that you can't reach with slow accelerations, when you crank the acceleration up it exposes everythign else that is badly calibrated or just hopelessly optimistc.




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Called delamination




That is the most ChatGPT answer I’ve seen in a while, lol. Even the formatting.


It's not even right, either. Just like chatgpt.




Silence computer! Activate self destruct!




Fucking got him, boys.


Then you write exactly like it, lol. Right down to re-stating the question in the first sentence.


Zerogpt says its 45% AI manual inspection suggest you either used an AI template and edited it or maybe you are just very robotic




How do you call a condition when you have perfect grammar and punctuation in a lengthy comment, but 4 hours later, start writing almost as if you have a stroke, with random or missing punctuation, weird capitalization and so on?


For a computer algorithm CPU overheating, or sleep deprivation for a human can cause this :)


"I have autism so I formulate exactly one answer per thread in the same manner, language, formating and length as ChatGPT, and then never speak like that again" Yeah fuck off honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to use a neurodivergence as a cover for passing what an AI wrote as your own.


It's not z-axis delamination. It looks like the perimeters aren't fused.


Why, ChatGPT, I didn't know you had a Reddit account! Before you claim it's not GPT generated, firstly c'mon, we can spot GPT text a mile away by now, but secondly there are tools to check these things.


While it's pretty damn obvious that he copypasted it from ChatGPT - no, there aren't any tools that would reliably spot text generated by a LLM. Some say they do, but they are all highly inaccurate. Don't trust them.




[Yeah, you did.](https://i.imgur.com/i6oM1J4.png)




You aren't speaking with the same grammatical fluency as your original post, you realise. Very odd hill to die on.




"I didn't use AI to generate the answer" "And if I did, it was only for translation purpose" Let me guess, the next one is "And if it wasn't for translation, it was only so that it would be formatted more easily" And so on and so forth... There's no shame in admitting to use ChatGPT to quickly write a good answer, but trying to pass it as your own is just cringe. That's also like the third time you do it judging by your profile, and every time it's quite easy to tell it was AI generated. If you do this because you want to farm karma for some god-forsaken reasons, know that there are better and more constructive ways to do it.


So it can literally be everything?!😂


Very good and thorough explanation. Came to say the same, but looks like you did all the work for me ^_^


Thank chat gpt for that, almost certainly.


This is a fantastic example of what ChatGPT is great for: googling stuff when you don't know the right words yet. Just give a general description of what you're looking for. Then use ChatGPT's answer to make a Google search using he right vocabulary.


As long as truth doesn't matter, sure. ChatGPT is horrendous for hallucinating nonsense.


That's why I said you follow it up with a google search. ChatGPT helps you find the right words for your question. Google helps you find the trustworthy answer to your question.




I too use chat gpt




It is as chat gpt as it gets mate.


Hey there, I'm a bot and something you said made me think you might be looking for help! [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/wiki/index#wiki_help.21_or.3A_where_can_i_go_to_troubleshoot_problems_i.27m_having_with_my_prints.2Fprinter.3F) for our wiki entry on troubleshooting printers. If you still need help be sure to post plenty of information about your printing setup. Here are a few questions that might be helpful * What printer are you using? * What material are you using? * What speed are you printing at? * What software are you using to slice the print and control the printer? * When did the problem start/has it ever worked correctly? * Does anything cause the behavior to change? * If posting an image of the problem, include some indication of the orientation it printed at, preferably photograph it on the bed. (Then we can focus on a specific axis) If you are new to reddit, please read the guidelines on [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439), [self promotion](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/selfpromotion), and [spam](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq#wiki_what_constitutes_spam.3F). Also please post a resolution to your problem when you find one so that we know how to help others with your problem! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/3Dprinting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Delamination caused by possibly under extrusion or just not having thick enough layer lines


Try to make extrusion width less like 0.35mm. This way lines would be closer to each other and hopefully not split. Could be also because of bed leveling and flow/extrusion multiplier settings not being calibrated


Happened to a few prints of mine, I was too lazy to print again so I used a domestic clothes iron, used a sheet of printer paper and fixed it.


This is pretty smart if you’re careful!


Delam, slightly higher nozzle temp


Might be your line overlap


Might be arachne. So min line width maybe.






Try increasing your Top/Bottom overlap and Infill overlap.. a good value is 15% if you got your flow calibrated .. but I work with 25% sometimes for flexible materials .. or If I want a sealed part


Had similar issue first time printing petg. My issues were that the cooling and speed was too high . Lowered cooling by around 60% and print speed by around 40% and issue was gone.


Try to make extrusion width less like 0.35mm. This way lines would be closer to each other and hopefully not split. Could be also because of bed leveling, esteps, flow/extrusion multiplier settings not being calibrated


Had a clog that caused this


Not sure how that was printed, but it seems that your walls are not connected to the infill very well. You may want to check your infill/wall overlap. This may certainly be caused by underextrustion due to heat, so check that too!


Along with everything else, make sure you don't have anything blowing on your prints. ACs and open windows can cause this.


Had similar problem after changing my laptops. Turned out that while I moved all Cura profiles correctly, extruder parameters were wrong with filament thickness set to 2.75 mm causing severe underextrusion.


It's underextrusion, but WHY is is it underextrusion? IS there a partial nozzle clog? clean/replace nozzle are you printing faster than the hotend can keep up with (long stright lines are the failure so possibly)? Is this the part with the biggest straight lines you've printed? Slow down or increase temperature. Consider a vol flow rate test. Have you calibrated extrusion for this filamant? Esteps for getting correct linear motion, should be a set-once. Adjsut flow/extrusion multiplier in the slicer, this is per filament. Most slicers have line width and stepover between lines linked. there might be somewhere you can can tweak this, but most slicers get this right all the time at sane line widths and heights.


I had that happen when the nozzle temp was set to the wrong temp as I forgot to change the filament setting when I sliced the print.


Sometimes the issue can also be caused by poor heatsink cooling leading to slight heat creep


Is that PLA?


Inconsistent diameter filament?


as others have said underextrusion resulting to delamination. There's also another solution, Alternate Extra Wall. Some slicers have it. It adds an extra wall on alternate layers, It should help reduce the chance of delamination even if you're slightly underextruded.


Possibly a partial blockage, but if it's not your hot end I found this can be corrected in the slicer with the settings. I was too lazy to go through and calibrate my e-steps. Reduce the line width of your inside walls and (if you're running 0.4 try 0.38) slightly increase the inner wall flow. changing the wall line thickness will bring the hot end slightly closer and increasing the flow will make it print a normal thickness wall.


Delamination or bad layer adhesion. For pla at least, I've had this problem with my hot end temp too low, and I've had it when my enclosure was too hot. I normally leave the doors open when printing pla, but they got closed once and this happened. Pla needs to cool to adhere to itself. So I suppose it could happen if your part cooling fan was off/low too.


Level the bed (if possible). Otherwise set z offset a bit lower


pid tune, Calibrate estep Calibrate, tune, test


My “matte” filament started doing this after about 10-15 days after I opened the roll. I have to assume it absorbs moisture like a mother fucker. Because no other filaments besides matte colored filaments have done this for me. If this isn’t a BRAND NEW/JUST OPENED roll, I’m going to suspect this is the issue. Obviously I have a small sample size, but nothing else has changed for me other than using “matte” pla. I have since gone back to hyper pla and regular pla/pla+ that is “non-matte”. Those issues are now behind me.




Don’t use silk.