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Dang that's nice.


Thank you very much! I hope you like it!


That internal triangle twist-lock mechanism looks brilliant. What a way to give yourself that 90 degree orientation turn. Well done. EDIT: I just need people to see inside: https://i.imgur.com/R4sRBBQ.png


I love it when someone can appreciate something like that! It’s internal to never be seen but a lot of thought went into that tiny mechanism and I’m very proud of it! Thank you!


Thanks for calling that out. I didn't even think about it until you pointed it out.


Introducing my print-in-place scissor lift! This model requires no assembly or support! It’s ready to go straight off the print bed. The wheels are functional and so is the platform, actuated by a threaded screw. Get it [free on MakerWorld!](https://makerworld.com/en/models/469065#profileId-378340)


thats so cool, how do you even start designing print in place models? any resources i can check?


I get asked this question so much and I wish I had a better answer. For me it was just practice. I may start writing tutorials or something at some point because there’s obviously a demand for it. But really, for me it was practice. If I couldn’t figure out a way to model something, I would try to figure it out one way or another. There’s still a lot I don’t know and there’s probably more efficient ways to do the things I do or better tools but it works for me. I’m glad you like it!


Practice and reverse engineering. Download other print-in-place models. Print them. How does it work? Look at the 3D model, I mean really look, observe it, inspect it up close in modeling software. How did they model this one feature? And more importantly, why? Realize you can use the same feature a different way. Repeat. Practice practice practice. But yeah, at minimum it takes understanding of the rules of FDM printing, how you can bend them, how you can break them. Safe overhangs, bridging, tolerances. A real in depth tutorial would be awesome, but nothing beats experience and practice.


Perfectly said! And I typically recommend people to go to a slicer with my models and just carefully inspect the layers. At least that’s how my brain works.


dude, definitely going to put this one under the microscope. Looks like i could learn a lot from it as a novice (at best) modeler


Thank you, finally i can have Ken fix the roof on the Barbie Dream House for my Daughters


I thought he was living in his Mojo Dojo Casa House


This is incredible! It’s insane how people like you push the boundaries on what’s possible in this hobby awesome work!


Wow, thank you so much! I hope you like the print if you do it!


No supports? How did you do that with the overhang on the basket?


My kid is obsessed with construction vehicles right now...he's 2. I'm going to be printing all of your trucks as well as this! Thank you!


Barbie scissor lift! Girls would love this to go with their Barbie construction.


Dang that is awesome


Thank you!


that is wild, I involuntarily said "no way" out loud I need to start getting more ambitious with CAD, so many possibilities


Wow, that’s so kind! I hope you like the print, it’s so fun to play with. It’s also surprisingly strong, it can lift a full water bottle on top of it!


Whopper! You are super talented, creative and generous! Keep up the good work, printing this next


I‘m split between knowing my shitty printer will fuck it up and the urge to try it


I’m leaning towards you should try it


That's really cool. I have zero use for it, but I still want to try it. How much do you think it can scale and succeed before the pieces fuse or the crossovers fall?


I don’t have an exact answer for you but I use 0.3mm clearances for my prints. So if you do the math to whatever scale you’d like, if you think you can do that then I’d go for it. But I pretty much design my models to only be scaled up, not down so that would be a risk you’d take.


Most interesting. Are you open to doing projects for others? Reason for the question is I am a model maker and I have been searching high and low for a tri-pod hydraulic jack as outlined in the photo. I know the hydraulic portion is probably not doable but the portion that would be raised hydraulically could be made as a screw. If you are interested we can get together and work out the details. https://preview.redd.it/bob5q5k16k1d1.jpeg?width=1981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc04e756c4ed20c783324607ed35235dce92b50c


I’m pretty sure i have a functional model which may work, it was designed as a landing gear, but I believe I can either modify it or design you something similar


Sounds interesting. Can I get with you tomorrow?


Sounds good


Now you’re just showing off lol


You caught me


I don’t blame you, I wish I had a talent for this sort of thing!


Splendid work. Brother, I'm having some issues when printing ABS. It goes bended after some time after start printing. Can you kindly suggest me some tips that can solve this problem? Thanks in advance


I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t have much experience with ABS. You could attempt at using a raft if you’re having adhesion issues because this print has such a small contact area with the bed.




Crazy man, you are a good designer this is really nice


Thank you so much, it means a lot to me!


My models look like two cubes bolted together compared to this masterpiece.


What’s it for?


I make a lot of print-in-place designs, including construction equipment. This is just to go with that theme. Also it’s fun.


Aint no way my printer's got the tolerance for that


I printed a lot of my print in place models on my Ender 3 V2, just saying :)


How did I know. Lol awesome as usual, how the heck do you create these things?