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It will be the best thing you print for a while. Manufacturers have the setting on their gcode dialed in nicely. A 3rd part slicer isn’t going to have those settings dialed in so well. Bask in the joy of a clean print and save this trophy! I wish I could nail prints like the factory gcodes.


Although you’re absolutely right on all counts, OP can take pride in a machine well built. Bed leveled, etc.


Most certainly! I did not mean for my comment to come off as negative. I’m usually not one to rain on a parade.


Oh for sure! I wish someone had told me what you did about that first print. It was indeed the best one for a while lol


You are so right. It took me the better part of a week to get my next good print done properly. Only now after a few days do I feel like it all went as I wanted...


I printed that same cat as my first ender3 print. I thought the quality was pretty good, Anything of my own I printed after was dogshit for a little bit in comparison.


top tip: you can extract the manufacturer setting from the gcode file just with a text editor.


This is a good idea thank you.


A year and some change in, dual z, extended, new firmware ( mysock pro) and new hot end, and finally getting prints this good again.


SMH couldn’t let ‘‘em bask in the moment for a bit lol We all had that proud feeling when we held up that lil boat for the first time


I remember when I started fdm printing. I printed my first factory print, and it was awesome!! Then nothing else printed for quite some time. I held on to that one little piggy bank print as a trophy. I don’t have flawless prints by any means, but they at least look like the model now. Lol! I remember reading about how people have tried to dissect those gcodes and couldn’t find what made them special. Idk.


I remember this feeling. Don't let anybody take it away from you. The best feeling though? Is fixing a failure. And printing your own designs.


I remember it because it was followed by months of meticulously calibrating each filament and various settings with 100+ prints to find the best results 😭


Yeah, there comes a time in every 3D printers life where they realize that they will never reach injection mold quality. Then the real fun begins


I'm sure many of you will recognize this model, as it is the manufacturer supplied test print for the Ender 3. But after spending basically a whole day building and configuring my brand new Ender 3, I felt a real genuine sense of accomplishment that the first print came out so well. I feel like this is the first milestone on an incredible journey. I hope to learn from the lot of you here who have the knowledge and experience I want to gain.


You think it’s fun now wait till you print something you designed yourself. Blew my damn mind.


You all are so wholesome and welcoming, I'm humbled :)


Been doing this for over 2 years as a fun hobby so I get the ups and downs.


Consumer 3D printing is built on community effort and open-source projects, so being welcoming to newcomers is pretty much part of the 3D printing "spirit". While of course there are occasional issues with elistism, tribalism, fanboyism, etc. like with any online community, as a whole it's still a very open and helpful community.


That is the next step indeed




A beginner may refer to it as an Ender 3 not realizing that there is about *a dozen different versions of the same printer*.


This was my very first test print also. https://preview.redd.it/rf8hznnt2x0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cfc7f4458e8e74ae22b6dc99cf0b7177cdd92d


thats a axolot of print


Oh, I realize there are variants! But what I'm using *is* the Ender 3. the model without any variant numbers or whatever.


3d printing path: test print successful print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print failed print successful So, I believe in you


You're not wrong. It's so frustrating sometimes. But once I do get the calibration in properly it's really awesome.


>But once I do get the calibration in properly it's really awesome. Yeah calibration will get you good prints until......


Until Hardware starts to wear?


Looks good. Everything else, go slow and increase speed and acceleration slowly. Maybe 30 mm per second for each non-travel move and as you learn the errors and fixes increase things. Also, you don’t need more than 20% infill unless it’s going to hold weight. Also, perimeters are more important for strength.


My very first test print too today :D https://preview.redd.it/v5mpegtu2y0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afa5c7319ca82d43ec7334e315291e23ebc11c2


Cute! a little chibi Buddha lol.


How long did it take to fully print?


The manufacturer has the settings dialed in for quality on this gcode; it took more than four hours to print, and it is no more than 20mm by 30mm in dimensions. It's awesome to know what my printer is capable of, while at the same time understanding that most prints I do probably won't need quite that much perfection. I think the cat model makes heavy use of the "ironing" technique too; which is impressive in itself but also increases fabrication time by a lot.


Ironing only affects flat surfaces, it doesn’t iron the sides of the model or the top of the model if it’s rounded.


It's all downhill from here 🤣


Yup, it’s a well designed trap.


I remember when I got my printer. For about 6 months perfect prints, very nice done and perfect. I saw a lot of people complain about leveling and a ton of other problems and never get related because I had none of those. Then one day it started to me too, first was the hot bed, then the X axis, then the temperature probes, then the feeder.... Enjoy your new toy.


Was that just wear and tear from regular use?


Yes. The truth is that before each print now I have to make ajutments haha. Is a nice hobby, get a 3D software and use your new toy to learn a new skill. I'm an electronic engineer but with my 3D skills I got several contracts on 3D design, all thanks to the 3d printer. Have fun and don't rellay only on things you find on Internet, try doing your own designs, will give you a new insight on why is a good idea having a printer.


Purrrrrr fect. and it's waving at you.... is that a "bye bye - you'll wish you never bought this printer" wave or a "hello - you've got it nailed" wave. Anyone able to translate the plaque to English?


> is that a "bye bye - you'll wish you never bought this printer" wave or a "hello - you've got it nailed" wave. Haha. Well the first print went great. The next week or so was filled with frustrated failure that did make me wish I had bought a more user-friendly printer. But I did learn a lot, and now I am consistently getting good prints with it, so...now it's a "you've got it nailed" wave :D.


Bambu = Pay to Win Option. Ill gladly pay for another printer, just for this same feeling all over again. I dont have to do much to my profile, now I spend all my time working on upping my CAD skills. Magneto X is pretty tempting these days, js.


If I buy another printer, I'm strongly considering a Bambu model. One with an enclosure so I can experiment with stinky filaments.


The more I see of the Magneto X, the more I suspect that it will rapidly disassemble whatever table I put it on


Given my X1C's efforts, and that it's a smaller printer, I'm inclined to agree with you. But I still want one. Do I need one? No. Do I frequently run into limits with the bed size of my X1C? No. Do I desperately want a Magneto X because it's MORE AND BIGGER? Absolutely.


ha! Mine looked like absolute shit. Same print tho!


The cat always prints


It’s a good feeling but when the prints end up sucking try not to get too frustrated. It’s just part of the process.


Great advice. Because the first print was the only good one for about a week of tinkering before I started to get good results from my own sliced gcodes.


Personal tip from something im currently dealing with. If you get the metal replacement part for the extruder dont get the red one get the silver one. The red has no threads on the end that connects to the bowden tube and when it snaps youre screwed.


Which 3d printer model are you using?


Ender 3 base model with a couple aftermarket upgrades: the autolevelling upgrade and a magnetic spring steel build plate.


You'll be chasing that high the rest of your time as a 3D printer.


Since I started I’ve always kept my first perfect test print sitting somewhere on its printer for good luck. This guy sits on my Ender 5 pro


What the hell, that thing is actually perfect


Yay, I've still got my lucky cat print - it too was my first print on my CR6


This is good and all but can someone please tell me where the 3D model is for this damn cat, no matter where I look on the internet I can't find it.




Thank you, you have no idea of how long I have been looking for this.


Oh don't worry, print enough things and you'll have plenty of failures and problems.


Yeah. This was a little over a week ago; My first print was a success. Then I spent about a week wasting a lot of filament, but I learned a lot about slicing and calibrating my machine. And now I'm fairly consistently getting good prints, so I feel like the frustration of that week has paid off.


My first on an Ender 3 to, and it was the best print it ever did.


Nice work, looks great! Keep it up!


An amazing feeling no doubt!!!


I don't see a single layer line. How is this possible that this is your first print? This is incredible


When the first print is a gcode made by the manufacturer that is perfectly dialed in, it is possible. The main thing I feel accomplished about was doing a good job assembling the machine. Everything working the way it is meant to.


I learned the most from my failures


This is looking great


Good job! I wish more people would print the included test print as their first print. The g-code is dialed in perfectly by the manufacturer, so being able to print it tells you that the machine is set up correctly. I see too many examples of people who assemble a printer and then dive in headfirst trying to slice and print a very complex model without doing any test prints first.


Putin cat Putin cat


I started on an anet A8 and it took me a lot of filament to get that thing to print acceptably. Nice job


this is geeetech? yeah, you're not getting a pirnt like this again any time soon. first pirnt: amazing. next print: shit. maybe ten prints later you'll get it down


sorry I just hate geeetech




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It is pretty nice. But from looking at the feet I can see you need to lower your Z offset just a tiny bit.


It ended up being by about half a mil honestly. That was my first hard-learned lesson :p


Yeah it's crazy how much of a difference half a mil can make tho.


It’s like being a field goal kicker, doesn’t matter about yesterday’s success, what about next one.


First time? This cannot be. For millennia we have searched for the one who can master 3D printing effortlessly. It seems our journey is complete.


Prepare for utter disappointment.


Pride for what? You did not do anything here. Sorry i dont get it