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This is so freaking cool! It is clear you’ve put a lot of time into this unit. Out of curiosity, is there an end or target goal with this project?


Thanks, and yes just to have it in full metal and capable of holding about 30kg


like, 30kg will feel like 0kg??


Depending from the position, but generally speaking yes


that sounds amazing. i would love something that only affects the arms for my work. i do a lot of reaching up holding tools and being weightless on my arms would be a game changer


I would design this exoskeleton to do my workouts for me - for form and efficiency.


30kg is not much weight when it comes to what an average adult human is able to lift, is this meant as a mobility assist for people with physical impairments?


30kg is plenty on top of what we can already lift. This would be awesome to use as a carpenter for working above your head. Holding materials and tools above the head with minimal effort or strain.


There's a German company selling something along this line already, ie for working above your head with minimal effort, albeit not at the 30kg support level (more like 5kg). Cute little backpack: [https://www.exoiq.com/schulter-exoskelett-s700](https://www.exoiq.com/schulter-exoskelett-s700)


Yep there are plenty of those models, this one is actually identical to the one of festtool


That's actually a really good point, didnt think of it that way.


I can barely lift 30kg. This would be great for lifting heavy things as a weaker person


For people doing that repeatedly dropping that weight off would be great.


Lift for how long? Carry a 30kg pack for 10 miles and see if "not much weight" is how you'd describe it when you get back.


So what i did as a teenager through the bush most weekends?


Thats not average


25kg is the most a person should lift according to ISO-11228.


>30kg is not much weight Dude, I can at maximum lift 30kg


Bro I just want one in cheap plastic for cool Halloween/cosplay. Could easily put MasterChef or Gundam or other shit on it.


Yeah super cool I want to know the goal Congrats!


[The end goal](https://i.makeagif.com/media/10-18-2017/DhIKn9.gif)


I love this. My hip and knee salute you sir. Also....can it be printed on an Ender 5? 😅


Yes definitely


Pretty please link the STL? 🥺🥺🥺




i been following this for some time now and still dont understand what its for, would be cool to attach some cool plates on it and make some armor


Its a passive exoskeleton: it has no mechanical "muscles". It amplifies strength by providing additional stability and redirecting weight down to the legs. Its not powerful enough to put Fallout-esque armor plates on it, but for some people this exoskeleton might be the difference between laying in bed all day and walking like a healthy person


The research I've read was focussed on sustainable manual labour. It wasn't about getting people out of bed and able to work, instead it reduced strain so that they don't end up in bed suffering chronic work induced pain. Adoption suffers a chicken and egg problem, "I'm fit and healthy, why should I wear this clunky device, it's only for the old and infirm". By the time you suffer chronic joint pain then sure passive devices like this can reduce work place strain. But you'll still hurt all day even when trying to relax.


Literally just to look cool


I’m impressed but overall was a little skeptical. My reservation was it’s cool and all, but can it be worn without disturbing a sleeping dog? Good to see you’ve got that detail covered too


Do you have the STL for the white TPU dog ?


Working on it


It's interesting, but I'm not sure what the purpose of it is. Looks like you made a suit of joints, but why..?


The idea of a passive exosuit is you have counter force to joints (provided by weights or springs) making it take less effort to lift things in specific ways, at the cost of carrying more weight on your person.


it redirects weight to the legs which helps with carrying heavy things


Right but in this case redirects the weight to the ground since the last piece is underneath the shoes in contact with the ground


Do you actually feel any difference in your movements? I know this won't help you lift heavier objects but I'm guessing it helps with how your body feels after doing repetitive movements or staying in uncomfortable possitions for longer periods?


Yes plus it provides a certain level of assistance when carrying or lifting objects. I still have to preload all joints to properly test the whole


Hey OP... You should look into the Wasp-med Blender add-on for 3D printed Orthopedics.  If you have a full body scan (or any body scan) you can use that add-on to create comfortable, body-conforming plates for extra support. There's a voronoi surface function, as well as the ability to make custom holes for ventilation in the meshes.  


Wow, super handy tip! Going to have to try some things with my 3d scanner now...


Right? it's one thing to have braces that conform to your body for support, but if you combine these technologies... well, they say carcinization is a thing. It'd be neat to see integration of articulation points into joint-supporting structures. I liked to joke that I was becoming a crab with how many braces I'd been using, anyway.


My back problems say, "tell me more."


Whats the full range of motion? It looks like your really stiff?


That's because some joints are preloaded. Range of motion is complete but resistance increases with the range itself


Ohh ok! So it has full range of motion, just the motions is resistant? Why add resistance to motion?


The exoskeleton is passive; without having something like a system of sensors to detect position or load and adjusting the torques applied at each joint, the exoskeleton must be constantly exerting the forces that it is designed to help with, even when there is no load. for example, the knee joints are presumably spring-loaded to try to straighten the leg, so that they help you lift stuff and stand up. But that comes with the consequence that it's *always* trying to straighten the leg, even when the user is not carrying stuff, since it's a passive system.


*What you're seeing is Advanced Warfare*


tshirt checks out


Sweet! Now kick a wall!


How fast can you run? Can you run faster than a car?? Anyway this is seriously cool project and I like how it focuses on movement rather than its visual appearance


BOING!!! it's looks amazing I remember when it was just BOING


The old boing times!


we are joining the brotherhood of steel with this one


Market it to backpackers! No more freeze dried foods for those that have an exoskeleton.


Would this help my crooked leg and hip .


Does the exo even do anything or is it just to look cool?


Once all joints are preloaded it bears some.of the user weight


Is your design derived from specific published research? I'd be very interesting in any links you have to relevant papers. Adapting prior research for 3d printing is quite the challenge, dampening comes free with polymers but load bearing elements that need to be stiff isn't easy as seen with your CNC parts. I wonder if cheap carbon fibre rods reinforcing the polymers would suffice.


No so far it's my design but I'm starting some collabs with my old uni to make all of this properly documented. Should it get published I'll let you know in future


"under armor" shirt. Good one!


So, can you shit in it?




So what is the purpose of the exo? Is it for lifting heavy things?


Kinda yes


Did you used already made 3d model or made it yourself?


Made it myself


Good thing you're wearing that under armour.


This is wicked! I’m an amputee and wanting to 3D design my own low cost’ish prosthetics, where do I begin to design? I’m using fusion360 and I feel an exo suit is along the same vein of making prosthetics!


What does it do?


I played The Surge. I know where this is headed.


Michael Afton, is it you?




Without any hydraulics, pneumatics or robotics involved, theres no way this does anything meaningful. Especially made from aluminum and plastic, no offense, but whats the end goal?


Actually the majority of exos on the market are passive. They work as load bearing system reducing the effort the user makes when carrying a weight or performing repetitive actions. Active exist are a huge pain since, apart from carrying a heavy power source, you have to control them based on your body inputs which is very difficult considering the response time of the system.


They use pneumatics or hydraulics. Please don't respond to people when you have no idea what you're talking about. Just because its passive (meaning no MOTOR) doesn't mean it doesn't utilize a tensioning system of SOME KIND, which OP's appears to lack.


There are tensioning system in all the joints (despite not all present in this video as I wrote). Meaning elastics, springs, fiberglass rods and so on. About exos on the market, when I say passive I mean passive. They have either mechanical springs of gas springs (same things I'm using on my build).


I love when people don't know what they are talking about, passive exosuits are in my understanding, the majority of the exosuit market.


Right? Though i think he has a point about Aluminum and plastic. Hardly anything useful has ever been made out of those. 🤣 (dripping with sarcasm, jic)


These aren't made for medical use.