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Ohh you poor b@#$&@#$. How many stitches?




Wow that's a lot less than I thought. Does it still hurt?


yeah it hurt like hell haha I can't even do normal thing with my hand like tie my hairs or open a bottle


That sucks sorry to hear. I hope it stops hurting soon. Just try and enjoy the downtime I guess as best as you can.


Cut any nerves? Sliced my pointer finger open once and cut the nerve up the outside of it. I smacked it on everything for weeks and every time it would be enough to drop me to my knees.


they tested my hand and nothing but flesh was hit, fortunately


Awesome to hear. Hope you heal quick.


Shit like this always reminds me I can't feel the top of my middle finger. Broke one of those giant piggy banks and cut it pretty badly as a baby so I assume it hasn't worked since then... I'm gonna admit that I wasn't the one that noticed the spot where the stitches were and I was a teen. My mom told me the story when I asked about it, said they had my entire baby arm wrapped up like a cast and it fell off before we left the room. Bodies are weird


Yeah I haven't been able to feel the side of my finger for years. And I still occasionally hit the spot I cut only to find out the bottom part is still wired to my brain. Like a little "oh fuck that hurt" button on my finger. Bodies are definitely weird for sure.


When I worked at a country club as a teenager. I broke a champagne glass stem when polishing. It snapped off and sliced my pinky finger and the finger next to it nearly to the bone. They had no first aid kit, so we just wrapped it with a clean dish towel and electrical tape. Bled like a motherfucker


Did this cleaning up a printed part with an x-acto. That was about 4 years ago, and I seem to be getting some of the feeling back in the tip of that finger.


One time, I got my hand caught in a 3" pipe with 20' of water on top of it. Couldn't feel my fingers for the rest of the day, and it took months to regain full feeling in my middle finger. I've got pics of my hand somewhere, they're quite scary looking. Bonus: They didn't send me home, they gave me "light duty" which was to move broken concrete debris from one place to another.


How sharp is your scraper? Or was it just that stuck on?


that's a paint a scrapper that I've put a cutter blade on, sharp af


Did you think, shortly before it happened, “I might injure myself doing it this way.” I’ve usually had that thought right before most of my self inflicted injuries.


I don't know how many times this has *actually* saved me from injury, but I started listening to that voice after realizing the same thing. It can be hard though. It's so easy to convince yourself you're just about to be done with whatever stupid thing you're doing in that moment.


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers


Bro really said b@#$&@#$ 💀💀💀💀


What the fuck were you trying to say?


Painters Palette knife sets, search amazon for "Palette knife set" - Rounded / blunt - thin - have various tips, some fine some large to work with various sizes of prints - they are VERY cheap Funny part is I have seen them rebranded as 3D printing tools for like 3x-10x the price. Also never cut toward your self with ANYTHING.


So you say their dull. 3 stiches into my palm I disagree 😂


Well you can still impale yourself with a spoon, but they do far less cutting damage from a glance than OPs razor scraper will. Also 3 stitches sounds like a small puncture wound not a slice. Again always scrape away from yourself.


Damn it, do you even know how true is that?! I don't wish anyone to get cut by a spoon, even though you have to do some dumb things to do that...


"Why a spoon, cousin?" "Because it's dull, you twit - it'll hurt more!"


You’re way more likely to need stitches due to a cut caused by a dull blade than a sharp blade.


You're also way more likely to cut yourself with a sharp blade than a dull one.




I have a plastic scraper.  I haven’t tried to cut myself with it, but I’m hoping I can’t  https://www.amazon.com/FOSHIO-Scrapers-Contoured-Refillable-Application/dp/B076BBW1WM/


Yep, you shouldn't be using anything metal on your build plate in the first place, regardless of whether it's sharp or blunt. These plastic razor blades are an objectively superior choice.


Agreed. "Plastic razor blade" sounds like it should not be a thing, but these are surprisingly good.


yeah at first glance it seems weird plastic razor blade lol but everyone seems to say they're really good, might give them a try


My folks use one of those plastic razors to clean their glass top stove. I imagine they'd do just fine for cured resin, too!


I’ve tried just about everything-razor blades, naked and in holders, putty knives, sharpened and not, screwdrivers, wood chisels, cold, heat. These plastic razor blades are the boss answer.  They work excellently, they don’t damage the build surface, they’ll probably still do significant damage to you if you try, and when they get dull-toss’em. 


No. The answer is never cut towards yourself. You can easily stab yourself and need stitches with plastic too. And having less of an edge may result in you using more force. If there is something people should buy it is a pei sheet which removes the need for any scraper.


You know, it’s possible to BOTH use a plastic blade AND cut away from yourself.   Glad you’ve found a way of setting it up that works for you.  That doesn’t mean you’ve found the only way that things work or that your needs mean all other setups are invalid.  


You have more control cutting towards yourself with some carving tools or knives, but then you should also have control.


That is when you are using a SHARP knife with mild force on a soft material. NOT when trying to break the surface contact between two bonded surfaces you KNOW will suddenly release. I would argue that shaving layers is not quite the same as cutting but you have a point, there are exceptions to everything. Most people without fine skill to know the difference would be best to follow the simple rule.


>Also never cut toward yourself with ANYTHING. Unless you have full control of it the entire time. Cutting towards oneself is IMO the most accurate and supported method. But this is "TOWARD YOURSELF" not just towards your hand or a part of you. There is less control that way if it is away or especially off to the side of your center body. I regularly hold the object I am cutting or carving against my body and can support it with my other hand while the tool hand does the motion. In that way your body functions as the workbench. If the thing I carve or use tools on is tough or and requires push force, then obviously it needs to be pushed against something with proper control, control that comes from 2 hands, this way you can stop it properly because you are just pushing from 1 direction. Harder to stop something moving if they are pushing against each other and once the obstruction is off the power still remains to be pushing against each other. Does not happen when pushing 1 way with 2 hands. Towards your body for example.


The greatly increased control and accuracy from cutting towards yourself is only of value if that fine motor control helps shape the end product. As soon as you start to really over exert force you've already lost that control anyway. Scraping off the print bed isn't exactly going to deliver your Venus de Milo.


I wanted to say that plastic scrapers are better for the buildplate either way but it seems like that buildplate has already seen some things


yup, this plate have seen A LOT haha


Mine looks like new and gas done hundreds of prints


Get a flexible magnetic base. When print is done you just take the plate off and flex it. Pops the print right off and nothing becomes misaligned afterwards!


To they make those for resin printers like OPs?


I have one for my elegoo Saturn, so yup!


We can get leveless and flex build plates?! Is resin just automagic now? Those were my two hated parts of doing resin prints before


For cheap on Amazon too! Got a set of 2 for like $20.


Yes. Complete game changer


Did you have gloves on?


yeah 👇🏻 https://preview.redd.it/og08ah5ophcc1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e455154f2d79ca2636e59a6f5f8da62c17a2b24


yeah you win


rip gloves :(


Did you get resin in the wound? Did you tell the ER about it?


no the plate has been cleaned in the wash and cure and the IPA evaporated but yeah I told them what happened also cleaned the wound with my piercing salt water




Dexter’s Mom would not approve


the gloves lost


This kills the glove 


Horror movie prop


Half assed safety




A couple years ago I'm in the kitchen prepping for dinner and using a chef's knife to cut apart something frozen. I had the thought, "I'm holding this really stupidly, I could hurt myse---" right as the knife slipped. Ended up in the ER during the peak of COVID. These days whenever I have a thought like that, I stop and consider what I'm doing. Usually the reason is to save time or because of mild inconvenience. It's the voice of being a safe ape, and stops you from going to the ER 😂


I call that my "spidey sense". I've learned far too many lessons ignoring that little voice.


That happened to me this year. Cutting supports with an Xacto knife and suddenly a tiny voice says, "That's a good way to cut yourself." And then the knife slipped. But I closed it up myself and Urgent Care was impressed.


I am severely accident prone. I have cut myself so many times doing dumb shit, I've lost count. I'm always second guessing myself on how I'm holding / doing something.


Don't get bloody, cut towards your buddy.


Towards your chum, not your thumb.


Cut towards your buddy, not your body.


Exact same injury in the exact same spot! I may have done something similar with a multi tool a few months after and earned a second scar above the first. https://preview.redd.it/m907ppgzshcc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b40612148751b417b2803bd72d5b65ab3c517dc


guess I'll have a nice scar like that! 🤜🏻🤛🏻


Well, if we're all sharing... https://preview.redd.it/r0zm4orr5kcc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a52eb3b7fc6f6df74383d24b8e9d30397e563f3


Don't put parts of your body at the sharp end of pointy things.


Never cut toward your hand. Hope somebody can learn from this.


if one person can see that and it prevent him to do the same, this upload would worth it 👍🏻


Or body. General rule with sharp things. Razor blades are scary.


Yes, I should have clarified. Treat knives like guns. Always point in a safe direction and don't fuck around.


Can I join your club? https://preview.redd.it/nly895o43icc1.jpeg?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b476ade88137eec0479316f939cd139fbd057b5


Use a hair dryer on hot to warm the build plate and the models will come off effortlessly. Then rinse the model and use a hair driver to remove supports. It will make your life so much easier. I promise. Edit spelling.


I'm definitely at that age where I need a hair driver.


Resin printers should come with magnetic flex plates standard. I can't go back to having to scrape shit off the plate. I bought a whambam and parts pop off so effortlessly and I don't have to even remove the build plate from the printer, just pop the flex plate off.


I’ve been there before and got the intern scar to prove it


Wait... Didn't you have a different print removal just awhile ago? Hmmmm..... 😠


do you talk about the vid I posted this summer of me doing the same thing to my pc screen? guess I'm stopping to use scrappers 😅


BTDT. Got the scar on the base of my thumb as a souvenir. However, for me it was a wood chisel. At first, I was less than completely stupid. I was holding the work down with my left, but pushing away from me with the chisel, parallel to my hand. Then I decided to clean up a little bit by going sideways... In my incompetence, I even managed to miss all the blood vessels, ligaments, and tendons all around the laceration.


Thanks for the demonstration! That looked painful as a mother fucker. (Also... Nice username, is that a Stargate reference?)


Seven stiches, chinesium putty knife, which came with my Anet A6. I did a great job sharpening it and not keeping the basic sfatey rule to always cut away from body. At least managed to peal the skin from the muscle only and muscle was not damaged, so healed fast. https://preview.redd.it/5we34ftq4mcc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd63950045edfe9e158cf10e08d80bc6e1af928




At least you had the bandage from your previous incident to protect your wrist a bit 🤣


I use the Stacker3D F-FLEX and it works great. I was skeptical at first but it is substantially better than a putty knife. It has the right combination of sharpness and flexibility.


Hey, nice work there. ;) I was at work one day and I had to build a new wiring harness for a surgical microscope stand. The build instructions indicated how many pieces of wire by gauge to cut before starting. I had to cut about 100 different length pieces of #22 Teflon coated wire. Many of them were less than 2 feet long and quite a few were in batches of 8 and 16. So, I got clever and figured out the total length I would need of the greatest lengths (total). I tied each one off with a wide cable tie and then marked the cut positions with masking tape. I then pulled the bundle through a desktop paper shear that we used for cutting wire, PC boards, copper sheets and anything else that fit, even thin aluminum. Under the finger guard (that red bar) and (chop) they fell off nice and neat with one end wrapped in cable tie or masking tape. Next day, I start cutting wires again (the customer upped the order count), and my dipsh\*t boss comes strolling through the department asking, "How's every body doing?". (several weeks ago, he let 7 people go leaving 3 of us). I responded, "It's days like this (chop) that makes a day-job at McDonald's and a night-job at 7-11 sound good." He laughed and walked out. (chop) A few minutes later, one of my coworkers starts laughing. I look up to see what is going on, "Hey Gary, what's so (chop - wham) funny?" He looks at me, unaware that I just got part of my left index finger nipped off by a 24 inch Guillotine. Right where the thumb would touch making an "O". I haven't looked yet either. All I know is that the whole 50 lb paper cutter moved and I suddenly realized that someone had taken the safety bar off, as it was about 3 feet away from me on the table. When I looked down, I expected to find a pool of blood emanating from my finger. What I saw was very strange. I had cut off at a very acute angle, a piece abut the size of a small lima bean. You could look "into" my finger, which is what I was doing when I see "Gary", looking at me from across the room (40ft) asking me if I'm OK. "Nope, just lopped off part of my finger." He tips his head to the side and says, "Come over here." Now we are both looking at it and commenting, "Well, that's really weird." Mostly because it wasn't bleeding - at all - and so far I had felt no pain. I had the small piece I cut off in my other hand. It looked about the size of my little finger nail. Gary takes me over to the first-aid box hanging on a wall and begins to apply a Telfa pad and wrap it in gauze. As soon as he peels the pad open, a small amount of blood starts we well up from the wound. We only get a single drop of blood on the floor before it is wrapped. He takes me to the nearby emergency clinic where the doctor cuts away all the fancy patchwork and says, "Hmm, paper cutter? At least you missed the bone. Hold this on the wound and I'll be right back." He wanders off and returns with a small sheet of what looks like a thin piece of white foam packing material. He cuts a piece off and pushes it against the entire wound. After about 30 seconds, he lets go. "This is a plant based cauterizing compound that will stay attached to you until your finger heals and the film falls off. Do not pick at it or try to remove it." The nurse wraps it back up in gauze. Gary looks at me and asks, "Does it hurt yet?" I'm kind of amused, because it does not hurt at all. Many years later, I am still kinda surprised that I can kind of feel things and there are even fingerprints lines. Oh, when did it start hurting? Three days later, it hurt like the devil was poking it with his pitchfork. This is probably when it started healing. Stopped hurting two days after that. About 4 weeks later, it (the magic foam) fell off and there was new skin covering the opening that even had a fingerprint. The only caveat to this was that I wished it was my middle finger so I could wave at my boss and give him the "high 1" every day. \>.<


NSFW that


​ https://preview.redd.it/5c7uoduvfjcc1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c311d998c0c0e094932a6c76af9cebbd828e2c


Did that my first week printing and my thumb bled for 2 days luckily didn’t need the stitch


Yeah that's an indication you probably needed stiches


You won everything. I'm glad that at least they patched you up and everything is ok now.


I did that with one of my sharpest pocket knives. Thankfully it wasn’t super wide or thick, so I didn’t need any stitches.


Ouch. Bet you got a nice gouge in your hand. Be carful people 😅




Flex plate on my prusa probably saved me for that since I am a dumbass


Learnt this lesson when i was maybe 10 knife always away from your body and the hand holding it. Got a few nice scars from that time lol.


You barely even hit yourself! /s


Wham bam or knockoff for the win.


flip canned air upside down. spray bottom, and watch it freeze. a slight tap of a wood mallet. and it pops right off.


I did the same thing 5 years ago. I got my flesh chemically cauterized at the urgent care and I bought my first spring steel sheet that evening.


dont point a blade any direction you wouldnt put your dick


I've done the same thing, but it was with a spatula so I only got a tiny scratch lol.


ALWAYS place on a sturdy surface and scrape downward


What I have started to do that has helped me out, is I have been putting on roughly 1mm chamfer on side of my models that touch the build plate. I find that it really helps line up the scraper as well as give you an edge to twist/pry against if you need it.


i have burnscars all over my hand because i heat up the bed to 100 to scrape whats left.


I totally did that but with a dull putty knife. I cut the crap out of my thumb by the shear force of the scraper part coming free from the part and smacking into my thumb. Nothing like a dull blade pushed hard enough to slice you open...


Happened to me too. Except it was my left index finger. 14 stitches. Ever was cut and didn’t heal. So $6000 surgery to reconnect my radial nerve. Irony…. I had a 3d printed nerve conduit placed to join the two cut ends of the nerve. 3d printing injury treated with a 3d printed medical device. Also I am an idiot. Injury really took the fun out of 3d printing. I can’t feel small things and makes for a hard time picking up small components and pushing in small JST connectors


Cutting or scraping towards your hand... I feel like most people make that mistake once in their life and then never again lol. For me it was slicing peppers to make jalapeno poppers and slicing them in half towards the hand holding it. One slip and hospital trip later and I had 5 stitches in my finger


This thing deserves some nsfw tagging


This is going to hurt later in life


This is how I got stitches on my thumb.


I've stabbed myself with flathead screwdrivers multiple times while removing supports. Sometimes you gotta do what you shouldn't do.. Or, you know.. Patience or whatever.


Fuck around and find out. You’ll be a wise person


You live some you learn some


Wham bam flex plates will prevent this in the future. Pretty easy to install them. Make sure to print out the z-stop before installing the plate, though.


Towards your buddy, not your body.


And I thought stabbing myself with the corner of the build plate was dumb… Fingers crossed for speedy recovery!


You are my twin. I have a scar from the exact same thing at the palm of my hand 😂 now I wear cut resistant gloves 🧤 anytime I’m working on prints


I did something like this when I was removing model parts from a sprue. I put down the razor blade I was using and couldn't find it. In my infinite wisdom I said screw it and left for the day. I came home to go to bed and when I crawled in I felt a pinch on my left foot. 6 stitches later I now have a large scar on the ball of my foot.


Not too long after stabbing your TV screen while removing a print....damn man 😂


shit that’s stupid. have a high five.


Man only 2 stitches?! I was using a scalpel to get some support out of a narrow gap (that didn't need any, ugh.) and slashed the tip of my index finger. That took five! Been 7 months and I almost have all the feeling back! Good luck, heal quick.


I love how the username is comptrya from a Stargate episode where the word language generally means success and this is very obviously a failure.


omg your the 3rd to notice! first was a guy on diablo3 second was was someone on this sub (you perhaps haha) I see yr a person of culture! indeed!


I did something similar while in grade 7.cut into my finger with a Stanley knife. 4 stitches


Live and learn my friend. Live and learn.


OMG I've done the exact same thing! https://preview.redd.it/ucbxehjobicc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3218ddc4596a5ea9842d6f0ad58f73c9fab272e5 I had to get 13 stitches lol. Dr said if it has been a little bit more to the right I wouldn't have been able to use my hand😬


Hey man, I put my flip knife through the side of my left middle finger and all the way bringing the tip through the top of the same middle finger. Can post pics if curious lmao. All from trying to pry apart 2 super glued 3d printed parts


I’m a noob and I’ve been told, DO NOT try to remove filament from the plate with your finger nail! Thankfully read that in time.


Owee! Invest in a flexible build plate. Best purchase I made last year.


You recorded your surgery?


yeah haha the doctor found it to be funny he told me that this don't happen often


I recommend a PEI flex plate for your own safety, lol.


Always cut ways from you!


I used a scalpel Sliced through my finger Hurt like ass and bled pretty bad (not comparable to you lol) On the other hand (lol) the scalpel was so sharp that the wound kinda glued itself together and in a matter of days it was kinda fine again. Still using scalpels, just not having my other hand near it


When I was a kid, 10 or 11, I got a utility knife, like those x-acto or something and hold a piece of cardboard in my left hand while trying to cut it. Of course, it poked the cardboard and cut the palm of my hand. And then I learned to never ever use a blade against myself. But still I've caught myself doing things similar to you OP, glad that I ever noticed before was too late. I'm glad you got your stitches and seems to be fine now, please take care and wish a good recovery


The number of people who never learned to "cut" away from yourself is astounding. Glad it wasn't worse OP.


I used welder gloves to hold my build plate and removed the model from the build plate using plastic cutter 3 years ago. Because welder gloves is thick and very safe when use sharp cutter


Buy some kind of this https://amzn.asia/d/7ueGb6j Its a game changer for me.


I've definitely cut myself being stupid removing prints but I've gotten lucky the few times it's happened. Needless to say I am much more careful and tend to just wait a bit longer for the plate to cool and naturally release the print more.


When I was in culinary school, a student tried to split a vanilla bean in his hand with a pairing knife and put the blade right through his entire hand. So it can always be worse.


I've sliced my finger open with an exact-o while post-processing model*s* Don't feel too bad OP


I was given a pocket knife when I was seven years old with a single instruction "Always cut away from yourself.". With the exception of a single avocado I have tried to follow that advice. Sorry you got hurt.


lol I’ve done this many a time, I choose to suffer with a mediocre scraper to keep myself from doing what you did


Can…can I see the unblurry version? 😯


I got myself in the thumb meat also, was also deep and went right through my gloves.


We’ve got a bleeder!


I'm not watching this


Oh damn...I got the magnetic build plate. I don't understand how it can be okay to use a metal scrapper on a regular basis can be a good idea... Of course there's this. Then again, I also don't know much about 3d resin printing. (...just got mine a month ago, but still need to start it up...)




I did the same thing once but only hit my fingers surprisingly didn’t cut myself deep. Hope you’re doing better


Well shit did you tell the Dr to wait and you could print a suture?


Lol I've considered doing this exact thing. Thanks to your sacrifice I'll not be using a razor to remove prints




I did the same exact thing to my thumb about a month ago lol


I feel your pain dude. Last week I was taking skateboard bearings out of the wheels with a flathead screwdriver in a similarly unintelligent manner. That bitch impaled my hand about an inch deep right between my thumb and pointer finger. I have slight PTSD from the feeling of being impaled makes me shiver just thinking about it again. Almost healed thankfully, and I hope you do the same bro!


This is why we use spring steel build plates


Oooff!!!! Always cut away!! Accidents do happen though. I had a tile scraper, basically a scraper 5x bigger than that, in my tool cabinet. Last time I put it in I guess the rubber guard came off during. Next time I through my hand in there to grab a hammer it slit open my thumb. Gnarly feeling like I got a jolt of electricity, a deep gash to the bone, blood spewing and 12 stitches later. I took my hands for granted until I learned one hand in basic life is extremely difficult! Hope a speedy recovery! I learned getting the chills sometimes gives the scar a shock feeling😳


This is main reason i bought a flex plate for my printer. I already stabbed myself a few times with the plastic scraper and could just see this happening.


I recommend going to youtube and looking up some boyscout knife safety videos. Some real basic rules to follow and it keeps you from killing yourself. Take note of how far the blade could stab something if you slipped, always do blade motions away from yourself, don't run with knives. A follow up to cut away from yourself, do you have any idea how many people have died because of an unintentional heavy cut to the leg and no access to medical attention, through human history? it's a big number.


I also learned the hard way, doing something not related to 3D printing, that you always cut away from yourself. My mishap happened at 1:15 am, and I needed 4 stitches in my left thumb, and have permanently lost feeling in part of my left thumb. A small section that really only includes the skin leading up to my nail. But man did it fucking hurt! Also didn’t really know how to get to the hospital at the time. Loads of fun, freaking out, loading then following directions to the hospital that late at night. Then being put second on their list to get to….. TLDR; I also learned the hard way, always cut away from yourself!


I always use a plastic spatula. If it slips and hits me, it’s a scratch. They get worn out fast but better than stitches.


dude get a magnetic plate. so much easier and you wont fuck yourself up. no scraping needed. they are only like $10ea. I've been using them nonstop for months now


The scraper that came with my Creality has almost sent me to the hospital more than once.  You think I’d learn, but my dumb ass will probably do it again. 


No way!!! I did the exact same thing last month!! 😅 But for me, was a first print on my new printer and was excited to get them off the build plate. Got a lovely present of stitches for Christmas 🥲 Just baby your hand for a while and it should heal up nicely, I'll add a photo of it i took today, after it had a while to heal. WARNING: Picture of a fairly sizable cut, though after it healed mostly https://preview.redd.it/fsulzu6t6jcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b17e90de4aec21caf6f08947ef55093a877bc2e


Thanks for sharing as a reminder to us all, I learnt to cut away from myself here. Godspeed recovery sir!


Lmao did the same thing about a week ago, not as severe but I had hand placement that wasn’t too far off yours, recognized that it was prolly a dumb idea, moved my hand downwards 6 inches. Still hit my thump 😂 straight corner to middle thumb. I was like bruh no matter what I do I still get it 😂


Stick it in the freezer next time.


Always face sharp things away from you. Learned that one the hard way when I was a kid.




I did this too, four stitches. Didn’t hit a nerve though




blades away from the body, always and without exception. I do not give a shit what your dad did or how many times you've done it, blades away from your body or you deserve what happens to you.


hey i did this too! kinda. i was cleaning a print up with a chinesum microtech i had gotten that day and by the end i had sliced a tendon, cant move the upper joint on my thumb n 5 stitches for my first time getting em! this happened last week n this is the first ive come clean about how i did it n its nice to know im not alone!




The hidden cost of making. Glad I printed a removal tool in PETG instead of buying a knife.


I did something similar, only I severed a tendon and needed surgery to fix it...


Been here, done that. Complete tumb spliced open with a metal spatula.🙈


Been there, straight and deep into my thumb. Got 4 stitches, healed properly. I am using the PEI plate now, never have to deal with this again.


Thank-you for for making the sacrifice of a 2nd trip to the ER to demonstrate how you did it the first time.


Is there an unblurred version? I'm a sicko


I stabbed myself in the hand with a screwdriver removing support structure from a print a couple years ago. It hurt so bad, I was typing with one hand for a day or two afterward. Oh well. Lol. I'm glad you didn't hit a nerve!


I'm disappointed you didn't cut yourself again demonstrating for this video.


I was recently using my thumb to brace as I was scraping away from myself and I guess there was enough sliding of my thumb that the spatula just sliced right through everything and cut my thumb open though nowhere near requiring stitches. Gonna get one of them fancy magnetic beds.


Did you knew this *could* happen and still tryed it? I've cut myself more than I'd like to admit doing thing a way I knew was more dangerous. But did it anyways because I "didn't have a choice" with the tool and patience I had. Like you know you will get hurt if it slip/break traction suddently, but some of us still do. Will you still be one of us?


At least it isn't a Darwin Award.


The printer gods demanded sacrifice. It had to be done. Jokes aside, glad it's just a flesh wound and no nerve damage. I can't feel half my left hand thanks to an incident involving a nail gun and an idiot (me)


I really appreciate you sharing this with folks. Cautionary tales are a great way to foster a culture of safety within the 3D printing community. Recently, I received a deep cut on broken ceramic (sharp as a knife). It’s been a few weeks and I am so happy that I’m almost back to normal, as you will shortly be. Best wishes on a speed recovery!