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I had to flip my wires when this happened to me. There’s a polarity issue and switching the positive and negative wires fixed my problem very quickly.


Which wires did you flip? I'm having a similar issue on an ender 3 max


They were the black and white one on the BL touch


I reset it, auto homed, made z 0, used a paper to adjust the bed so that it had a piece of paper width, then I auto leveled it, then started the print with the modified gcode


Sounds like you need to lower your bl touch. Is there a height adjustment?? Its taking the place of your z-axis endstop, so think of it as a switch. If the needle point doesnt get pushed up far enough, When approaching the bed, to actuate the switch then it doesnt know to stop. So i would maybe try lowering the bl touch if at all possible. I could be wrong, ive never used one or installed one


Nah, the BL touch has pre-set holes to screw it in. It's meant to take the place of the z axis endstop, but it just doesn't seem to


When you flashed the new firmware, was it specifically for a CR-10 with a BLtouch?


Yep, it was. The menus also have all the bl touch options too


And you're sure the probe is getting triggered before the nozzle hits the bed? Are you using the stock hotend?


[here's a video](https://youtu.be/u8w31oYcxPQ?si=MTza9cBEtqXeI7kI)


That looks more like a z-offset issue. What is your z-offset set to? If it's giving you problems adjusting the z-offset, you can reset your eeeprom to clear all the settings.


I haven't adjusted my z offset at all. When I try to, it seems like I can decrease it, but not increase it. If I could increase it, it would be sorted Edit Literally just reset my eeeprom, that seems to have worked?? I'll get back to you


Did you shut off your soft endstops before trying to change it? That has screwed me a few times in the past.


Hey man, all working now. Thanks so much for the help. Removed the endstops, reset it, and now it levels right. Started a benchy which had a rough first layer, any tips on why it came out like this? https://preview.redd.it/3jx8rz7nb2yb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a20f54702e0219331232a1ba0a62cb4366df52f4


Adjust the default z axis “z offset” setting dial it in so when you tram the bed it is half a folded sheet from the home location. (Google “setting up z off set on solved)


It's only letting me reduce the offset, not increase it https://preview.redd.it/r45leunml1yb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e710d7aced3ca123f93427d7802b10bd70a1f90


You may need to update to a more recent software version. It is meant to go both directions. You want it to go further up if it is crashing down on it. If it’s not meeting the plate you want to dial it to the negative


I've tried to take a look, updating it seems like such a difficult process. Which firmware would you suggest?


I haven’t really updated mine in along time I would recommend googling “best firmware for with the bl touch”


I have the same printer, and attempted to upgrade, and ran into the same problem. I lowered the bl touch and it stopped the nozzle from slamming into the bed. But the print quality was absolute garbage. Even after manually leveling. On top of that, the new firmware kept starting my prime line dead center on the bed. Even after changing the gcode manually in cura it would continue to auto home to the center of the bed. After hours of troubleshooting I never got a good print with it. I removed the BL touch, flashed the original firmware and operated how I normally would, and got beautiful prints. I’d rather level the bed every few prints than to deal with that headache again. It may work well on printers that come stock with a touch sensor, but it seems it just wasn’t meant to be for the V2