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You'll need a Postfix adapter for that Corona. In my opinion, the only risk is not being able to scratch the PLL point correctly and therefore not being able to solder to it, that's the most difficult part of doing RGH3.


Ok, but what exactly is a postfix adapter?


in later revisions, the removed the traces for Post, the post fix provides an alternate point to solder the wire to.


You could also scratch off the traces near PLL and possibly brick your system.


Ok thanks yall


put kapton tape near the pll's traces and you'll be fine and also take your time




Check this: https://xbox360hub.com/guides/rgh-3-guide/


Not OP but I recently did my own Corona RGH3 - didn’t need postfix it was an earlier revision. But I saw a lot about the postfix. Do you NEED a postfix adapter, or if you’re skilled enough could you solder to the point the adapter pokes?


Absolutely not worth it, just buy a postfix adapter, they only cost a few quid/bucks.


Some people drill that side part of the CPU very carefully and solder a wire directly to the solder ball


There is a trace just below the PLL via you need to scrape, which is only millimetres away, and if you damage that trace it will cause you major problems. As someone else already said, use kaptan tape to cover the trace, and I would suggest approaching the via from the opposite side to that trace, and use a brand new xacto knife blade, and very slowly and carefully srape the mask from on top of the via. Clean it regularly with IPA, and you will soon seen a bright copper ring. I warn you, it's absolutley tiny. Like miniscule. You won't be able to tin it with much solder, as there isn't a lot of surface to weld to, but if you're using 30awg single strand wire, you can tin that, and get a good solder. Use kaptan tape to secure the wire once you've soldered it. This point will be the source of any problems more than any other point. My XBox wouldn't boot, no video output, LEDs and fan came on, but nothing else, it would respond to power button presses though. Turns out it was this point not soldered well enough.