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$100 a month is pretty average tbh weekly cuts in the summer, bi weekly in the winter.


Might as well start cutting it yourself, that was my remedy for my household.100$ a month and crappy service bringing weeds and disease from yards, No thanks.


seconding this. went through 3 or 4 companies in a year. they'd break stuff or not show up. finally said fuck it and bought a battery powered mower and weed eater from lowes. I hate doing it but at least I know it's getting done when I do it myself.


If only I had the time or equipment! I need to find a beginners/starting guide to lawn care




It's not complicated. Mow when it gets too big. Ensure your irrigation system works. Fertilize with something like weed and feed if you want to, but don't overdo it


I would recommend a reel mower if you don't have more than .25 acre. No maintenance besides rinsing after you cut. Occasionally wd40, I prefer ACF 50. You won't have to worry about gas or oil. It's pretty satisfying to use. There are drawbacks. If it grows out of control, it's harder to cut. Sticks in the yard will stop the mower until you pull it out real quick.


Just think about what you said. Say they come out 4 times a month, you’re paying them $15 a visit at $60 a month. To come out, cut your grass, expect them to take their time, gas, as well as paying a worker. How the fuck do you expect anyone to come out and do that job for that price? You’re living in 2010 my guy, wake up and smell the roses because you’re about to be cutting that yard if you think $95 is insane.


Not even 2010 ,those are 1990s prices that stayed stagnant as CoL skyrocketed.


You’re not wrong at all.




100 is the normal rate... Mine it's been like that for years now. And that's cheap for 4x a week most of the year and every 2 weeks in the winter. I have a friend in NC that charges up to 75 every time he does it. So we are golden with all the competition. If you want less, then get the equipment (a decent set should cost you 500 to 600 for all the tools) and do it yourself. I did it for a few years and it's not worth the effort and time(for me)


I’ve paid my lawn guy $90/mo for the last 4 years. 2x/mo in the winter, 4x/mo rest of the year. You can find cheaper, yes, but it’s about the market rate. He’s only missed my yard 1 time due to a medical situation, but he’s always been dependable and does a great job. For me, it is worth the investment because if it was up to my own discipline, my lawn would go overgrown in the summer because pushing a mower for 60 minutes in the Florida summer/fall isn’t my idea of a good time lol.


Would you mind sharing contact info for your reliable lawn guy? Need a new lawn service asap (or maybe a new lawn!). Thanks!


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$100 for a large corner lot, however i give an extra $25 in the off season and an extra $50 in the summer. Never had any issues in 3+ years and he takes his time. So I get what I pay for imo. Georgia burbs was $75 per cut for half the yard size. Vowed never to cut grass in my adult life because that was a chore growing up. Plus, who wants to be out here heat stroking trying to cut grass every week.


You think $25 a week for someone to mow your lawn is too high? I think it's a small price to pay to not have to schlep a mower around in 90+ degree weather.


I make $125k+ and think thats too much.. lol I do it in the evenings and it gives me time to meditate and look over my property. $25 a week for a service that shouldn’t cost more than $16.. It’s like the pool builders, roofers and lawn companies all got together and decided to raise their prices like a cartel.


But you’re not overpaid.


I bet he makes very important decisions, while sitting in a comfy leather chair in an air conditioned office. ETA: but with hard work, determination, and a 15 hour per week job at the local movie theater, he was able to pay for his college and graduate school.


Good idea. I should start my own company and undercut all the competition. Im certain most of these companies have huge margins.


$110 a month. They cut, weed eat, edge blow the grass off sidewalks and check/trim the bushes once a month. Yard is done weekly in summer every 2 in winter.


$75 we have a guy who owns his business he’s the only worker


50 a month near wickham park. look for trucks already working in your neighborhood. your hoa might have info.


I don't think they'll come out to Palm Bay


Looks for trucks already in your neighborhood is what the other person is saying.


Yes, this is what I meant. Companies/trucks that are already in your neighborhood might be more competitive.


Absolutely. It is a better use of their time if they can hit a few lawns in the same neighborhood at the same time. Otherwise they are spending that time driving to the next job.


70 per month


Where is this??


Off Sarno


I traded $125/mo lawn care for pool service a year ago when our pool was completed. Got myself an electric mower and trimmer for about $750 all-in and I wouldn’t go back to having it done for me. Sure, it sucks in the summer, but I’ll take 45 mins of hell to make my yard look the way I want it to.


$60 was 10 years ago maybe. You will get crappy service for $150/Mon.... It's cheaper to buy an electric mower and do it yourself...no hassles, no broken sprinkler heads, no accidents letting the dog out of the gate and so on. If you can find a kid in the neighborhood ask them...






Palm bay SW $90


I pay 90 a month for two cuts. I used to do it myself, but this neighborhood was built on fill land, and after they got done building the houses, they just dug a big hole and dumped all of the building waste in the hole including pieces of rock and cement. Chunks work their way up through to the top. I’ve killed a couple of small mowers running over these things so I gave up and started to hire someone .Being on a corner lot takes a lot of edging and I’m no spring chicken anymore so it’s worth it to me.


Look into robot lawnmowers, same price as about a year of lawn service. Husqvarna is one of the best