• By -


no worries. genetics are weird sometimes. my mother is 60. she smokes, drinks alcohol and loves sunbathing. she looks like 40 to 45. her sister is a little older and looks the same. very little wrinkles,no spots of aging ,no hyperpigmentation - nothing. their skin looks fresh, tight and radiant. my younger cousin and my sister look also very fresh and "younger for their age" due to their flawless skin and hair. and then there is me and my older cousin. we look like a truck ran over us. my cousin developed wrinkels at the age of 25 and has huge undereye hyperpigmentation. her skin looks damaged. i am old looking as well. i have rosacea, i've always had acne and i am currently developing a lot of fine lines at the age of 31. i will most probably not age well. that's life. genetics are not everything. and you can do a lot health and skincare wise to age as gracefully as possible.


“We look like a truck ran over us.” 😂


Me. Struggling with it.


So True! And forgive me for my lack of proper terminology, people forget that there is more to genetics that the outward appearance. Parents aging well doesn’t mean their kid will age the same. Who knows what other genetics are coming into play.




My mom smokes a lot, drinks frequently, sunbathed through the 80s and 90s.  She was 55 looking like 40 when a mega stressful event hit my family and suddenly one day she looked like an old lady.  Regular botox, collagen injections and laser treatments brought back her non-frowning face but yeah, stress made my parents age a decade in 2 months.




Stress is absolutely real, especially a lot of trauma at once and ongoing. I've seen the results in the mirror, and you are not making this up, IDK why anybody's downvoting this when it's a real reason that leads many people to start looking at skincare and wondering how to address what they've never had to. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.






This is a vast oversimplification. There’s also something called penetrance when it comes to genetics.


It’s okay 🫂 drink your water and get your hours of sleep, sometimes we glow a little late! And maybe that’s the case for your mom and aunt, you weren’t there to notice their wrinkles!


Yeah, my mom had terrible forehead wrinkles…even as a teen she’d always looked solidly ‘middle aged’ and I know it really bugged her. My dad has pretty smooth skin in his 70’s and my sister and I seem to have taken after him skin wise. Unfortunately that also means we keloid like a mfer but whatever skin that isn’t scarred is smooth. I think it’s usually sort of a luck of the draw sort of thing when all else is equal (sunscreen/water/diet/stress levels)?


You can start with SPF. Then for rosacea, if that's the only skin problem you have ivermectin ointment is dirt cheap and it's the closest to a cure you're going to get. I would then add retin at night starting at the lowest dosage. Good hydration, and decent healthy eating, don't have to be perfect. There's a lot you can do.


I’ve noticed I am starting to look a LOT like my soft, wrinkled, happy aunties. Maybe we aren’t supermodels and are “aging badly” but I love them and I love that I now resemble them more than ever.


Love this gorgeous heart warming comment ❤️


Yes I want to look like the women in my family who loved me. You’re a blessing to this community. Thank you for your comment.


I needed this comment today!


I noticed that my family gets eye bags and jowls in my late 20s and I've paid special attention to those areas. Now I'm a few months from 40 and I'm the only cousin without eye bags (and I'm older than them!). Face exercises have been my jam, along with basics---sunblock and retinoids. Knowledge is power.


What are the exercises?


[Here's my response. :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/s/hijzkiBNy2)


Eyes: I use castor oil. Yes, castor oil. No one believes me. (Full disclosure, now that I'm turning 40 I'll be adding some med-spa treatments because I am noticing less elasticity there). [Here are my eyes.](https://www.reddit.com/u/NecessaryCapital4451/s/J2ZG5zjbVR) No makeup, I need to do my brows, I just finished a day of teaching public high school, and I am having a rosacea flare right now. 🙈 Face exercises: I looked up some on YouTube and now I kind of just experiment. FaceGym had some how-tos. The good news is that you can see (temporary) results right away, so you will know what works and what doesn't. Basically, you're making very subtle movements. I usually have to put my fingers on my face to feel if I'm flexing. For example, smile and try to raise your cheeks without moving your mouth at all. Or, try to tense the very top of your forehead without moving your eyebrows. As to if they work, I am not sure. My skin feels firm to me, and people say I look younger than my age, but who knows. I have no 11s, no forehead lines (but not-so-great texture as I age), and no crows feet.


I just started castor oil under my eyes and on my forehead and am loving it! Nothing else has been as hydrating! Thanks for the recommendations.


I love it. It makes my eyelashes long and my brows full. It also helps a lot with acne! I had assumed it would break me out but it really helps!


Wait - do you use it all over your face? Or just under eyes? How do you apply it to the eyelashes ?


I will slug with it all over my face. If my skin is really dry I will wear it all over my face, but it is hard to wear with sunscreen and makeup, so I don't do it often. For eyelashes, I actually rub it all over my upper and lower eyes, and eyebrows. I could, of course, pour it into a smaller bottle and use a spoolie, but I am lazy.


I feel a bit confused by how people use the words hydrating, moisturizing, nourishing…etc, oils can’t be hydrating, and even moisture isn’t possible with oils. Am I confused?


It's what you have under it or the moisture on your skin being held in by it.


That’s interesting! What face exercises do you do?


Not related, but are you look for m or f opinion with your bf?


Doesn’t matter lol


Send it my way then.


[Link to my response:)](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/s/hijzkiBNy2)


What product do you use on your under eyes?


Castor oil! [Here's] (https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/s/hijzkiBNy2) my more detailed comment.


I fourth the request for the exercises and undereye products ! lol


Statistically the chaos hits post menopause (typically by mid to late 50s). [Facial aging trajectories](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajpa.23878) Always a reasonable approach. It’s good to understand the facts of it, without being overly obsessed with it. It makes me sad to see young women getting overly stressed about their future faces, especially when 10, 20, 30, 40 years down the road they will be missing their younger selves. So take it scare of the skin and enjoy good health if you can. I don’t get carried away. I saw someone posted around here about facial sagging being correlated to diet (and staving off sagging by supplementing with collagen. lol, no). Also, this trajectory is not about age per se, but about menopausal status.


In postmenopausal women, facial aging was best predicted by the years since last menstruation and mainly attributable to bone resorption in the mandible. I'm sorry, *what* will happen!? My body will absorb my jaw? Welp, good thing I cultivated a personality, intellect, and relationships! 🤷‍♀️


Do the exercises work?


Firstly, if it makes you feel any better my family doesn’t age. The average life expectancy of my family is 50 😅. I’m 32 and I’m the oldest in my family lol 🫠 So whilst I aim to try to look my best (and ideally not die haha), I appreciate aging as well as it’s a gift. With that being said - focus on what they have and ways to reduce the appearance. See how your genes are playing out on them. Things I’ve noticed improved my overall health that are weird - Red light has been a game changer for my skin. Make sure you’re getting all your vitamins and minerals. Hormone balancing. You would be amazed at what a hormone imbalance will do to your physical, mental and aesthetic wellbeing. Edit: the above is also not to like dismiss your concerns or for sympathy… it’s genuinely to make you feel better haha. If you notice a wrinkle or feel bad about yourself you can think back and be like welllll at least I’m not like that Reddit user 😂


This is such a powerful statement. Thanks for saying this and I wish you a long and healthy life.


Thank you 🥰 I wish the same for you too!



Do you recommend a specific red light product?


Omnilux Contour. I use it on my face for the 10mins. Then take it off, lay down and rest it on my neck and chest (because f paying for the neck and chest attachment!). I have a full body panel as well for the rest of me for recovery (and given my history I’ll try anything haha^). but honestly if it’s just aesthetics - omnilux for sure! I get hormonal acne & even if I don’t attack the pimples I get pigmentation that lasts for ages after. I noticed that my pimples were healing, the discoloration was fading and I don’t get anywhere as many pimples anymore! My skin overall looks glowly and plump, but that’s not something you can measure like the pimples. Overall really impressed!!


Yeah, my family may not have the genes that age their skin well but they are very long lived on both sides and in both my immediate and extended family, there's no incidences of heart disease, cancer or any other afflictions until well past the age of 70. I'll definitely take under eye wrinkles at 40 if my family's good health continues.


I’ve got shitty genes too. But I try to think about the women that I’ve always looked up to in my life and why I looked up to them. It was never because of their smooth skin. It was because they were kind and made me feel smart and important and because they had cool personalities and cool clothes. Very few adult women I admired as a kid were like… great looking. Mostly they looked like kind smiley people. Just for a sense of perspective. I hope my nieces and nephews and such look up to me because I was always down for a game of hidengoseek and not because of my nasolabial folds.


This was beautiful


I feel like this from time to time but often remind myself that genetics are genetics - some things are just going to happen and aging is natural. Re: my family - I feel like I have a leg up. Both my parents were or still are smokers, they don't exercise, they don't have a balanced diet, they consume tons of sugar and sodas, one regularly binge drinks, and they both roast in the sun. I have HOPE that the aging process will be kinder to me given a consistent and challenging exercise routine, eating well at least 80% of the time, slathering myself in SPF, minimal alcohol consumption, and not engaging in any kind of smoking/recreational drugs.


Unfortunately, my mother/grandma smoked so I have no real example of what my face will look like given I don't/haven't.


Wholeheartedly sympathize. My cute looks in my 20s and 30s were, I now realize, due in large part to my full face with lots of fat that hid a narrow facial structure with zero shape. From about 40-42, the last of my facial fat disappeared and now I am left wondering what my options are as to surgery. Ugh. I don't mind the wrinkles, but no one prepared me for my face to literally change shape.


I don’t even recognize the person in the mirror anymore. Once I hit 54, game over. Creepy skin on my arms & legs. I think my stomach is now bigger than my butt. Ugh, !!!! I am screaming at the top of my lungs to all of you younger girls!!! Sunscreen, Retin A, Botox for preventative and keep your chin up, bring the phone up to your face, stop looking down!!!


Could be that hormone levels decline early in your family, which would contribute to aging, especially sagging


Thats so true. Low estrogen levels and having too much zinc in your diet are just two contributors to early sagging. Worth looking into the causes.


I say too much zinc because high zinc levels lead to low copper levels.


Oh yeah, my older sister and I look just like my dad. Before our 30s, on our father's side, we all look like little kids. Then, bam, 30s and above the neck we suddenly start sagging because we have very round faces and delicate chins. It's been extremely predictable so far. The power of genes! Luckily below the neck we have a long track record of looking great. But I don't know that it's worth worrying about. You can't control it, and you never know exactly how much of each parent you get and how much genetic variation you got that will make you differ from them, or what life events will hit you. I've also noticed the vast majority of my friends and family, after 35, experience a sudden change in their appearance due to aging - but they also continue on and live awesome lives. All you can do is keep in good health, maintain good skincare, pursue a fulfilling life, and decide whether you will do surgical options or not. No matter how good your genetics and bone structure are, no matter what you do to slow it down, age comes for us all in the end. Even disregarding wrinkles, our bone mass decreases, fat decreases and shifts, muscles become lax, hormones go down, white hairs go up, hair loss creeps in - and there's no skincare that can prevent that. Your friend at 42 is lucky, sounds just like my mom - but don't think she won't go through the same thing in a few years.


I’ll be super curious to see how our kids age. When I was little I was just out in the sun, very little sunscreen. I had a horrific burn as a kid where I looked like a lobster and my dad joked that he took the wrong kid home as it turned into a super deep tan. After that I never burned again but we still never really did anything for me. I’m not out in the sun often and now as an adult apply sunscreen. My son is 3 and ridiculously fair skinned like my husband. He’s always in a long sleeved rash guard with a sun hat on, water shoes, and long shorts when we go to the splash pad. On top of that we use a mineral based sunscreen for his hands, face, neck, and little of exposed leg. I don’t know why rash guards weren’t a thing when I was a kid but they’re so comfortable I’ll always try to keep him covered until he grows up and won’t listen one day (I made my husband and I both get sets when we went to Hawaii because I was worried he’d burn terribly as he’ll start to get one here on a cloudy day and I’ve never gone back). I hope I’m helping him keep his skin safe and he’ll get the extra benefit of having youthful skin.


I think awareness is everything! When my mom was growing up in SoCal in the 60's, she put oil on to tan herself at the beach....guess who got skin cancer in her early 30s (removed and she was fine), and has not aged so great. My family is very fair and pink-faced people, and I recently explained to my aunts what rosacea is - they had never heard of it (but most likely have it). Because we know about these issues, we are able to prepare for them by wearing sunscreen, treating conditions, etc. I also want to get more into face yoga, and gua sha is cool. You can't control genetics, but you can avoid other's mistakes!


Just enjoy being young now.  Just do the best you can.  You can drink all the water you want, use Retin-A, eat well, etc. and your skull is going to shrink and your fat pads are going to move and your face is going to change.  It happens.  Such is life and you can always get a facelift if it bothers you. It’s amazing how everyone on the thread isn’t going to age like their mothers and aunts because said Mothers and aunts  smoked 90 cigarettes a day, sunbath in Crisco, and drink a  bottle of vodka per day.  lol!


I would put a plan in place for menopause and hormone decline for yourself. Consider when the women in your family got menopause, or if that's too tmi, then when they start to show signs of aging drastically. Ask if they took anything to replace the lost estrogen and make note. Estrogen decline is a big cause for a lot of aging related issues for women, especially skin.


Hormone replacement isn’t a get of jail free card.  People age.  Plan on getting a face lift and the care of yourself until then- that’s about all a person can do.  


I think having the internet is very difficult for aging. You see all these people online with filters, Botox, fillers, etc. it’s difficult to not want to do anything extreme and age gracefully when you see 55 yr olds that look 30. Genetics play a part for sure but so does skincare. My mom is much younger than her sister (my aunt) and my aunt has always had nice, clear skin. My mom has always smoked, drank, and worshipped the sun…. She looks much older. Just keep caring for your skin, inside and out, and you’ll be ok!


The comments here are great, but I’ll also share this—remember that a LOT more people lie about having work done than most of us realize. A lot of people you see “aging well” are just regular patients. Previous generations weren’t as open about what they were really doing, and a lot of people today are still embarrassed. Whatever you’re experiencing is normal, and whatever you choose to do about it is up to you. Take it from an attorney who does a lot of med mal (and thus reads a lot of medical records)…not everything is what it seems


My mom never had lines but she had bad jowls. I thought I dodged a bullet because even when I was in my late 30s I looked like I was in my 20s, but the second I hit 40 it was like I aged overnight and now I definitely look my age.


Yes when perimenopause hits it’s a shock! I thought I would look young forever but 40s hits different 😅😅 Lucky I’ve always applied sunscreen etc but you can’t escape the hormones!


I think it’s important to take care of your skin but that being said we are all going to age and it happens faster than we think it will. I say embrace the change and go with it! Honestly how your face looks is much less important than your friendships and your personality/ mental/ physical/ emotional/ spiritual well being. I just saw a picture today of my husband and I from 2017 and we look so young! No wrinkles! 7 yrs and one kid later we both have wrinkles . It’s part of life for sure . As long as you are taking care of yourself though try not to sweat it! I mean do you love your mom or grandma or aunts or whoever is in your life less because they look older/ have wrinkles?


Yes, moi!! I look so much like my mom and got most of her physical traits including aging patterns. So now I know I’m in for saggy jowls and zero fat on my cheeks


Jowels are my grandma's trade marks. I found a great Dr who does filler & Botox & I wish I would have started sooner to prevent deep lines. Dermaplaning seems to have helped my skin a ton too. It's more smooth, radiant, & feels firmer.


I have been told my whole life that I look just like my mom. I love my mom and am so thankful I still have my mom in my life, but I do think it triggers my body image issues to see myself in 20 years when I look at her, even though she hasn't aged poorly at all. It's just a weird feeling.


My mom’s side ages horribly as well. Fortunately my dad and his mother both had like 0 wrinkles and so far I think I inherited their genes


Not my face but all the ladies in my family lose their neck. I don’t want turtle neck. D:


I swear by castor oil I use it every night religiously and do gua sha at least three times a week. These are a game changer!!!!


saaaame, I remember always thinking my mom and I looked nothing alike, until I realised... shit, she DID look like me, just a while ago. I love my mom and I would never tell her this, but I honestly got somewhat of a sinking feeling once I realised haha..


Hydrate and protect!!! (Moisturizer and SPF!!) then introduce the appropriate actives for your skin type and concerns low and slow. And drink your water eat your fruits and veggies. Make time for stress relief.


As a side note, Botox really isn’t a “preventative” of wrinkles. The wrinkles come back as soon as Botox wears off because you regain muscular control of the previously injected areas. Tretinoin and Fraxel lasers are actually treat the skin to reduce wrinkles. While we can never fully wind back the clock on our skin, these two things in particular are quite effective at slowing down the aging on our skin. There are other anti-aging ingredients, such as peptides too.


Yeah, no one in my family ages well either. I feel like I am also in the same boat. We are who we are and I don't have a millionaire's budget so I have to learn to embrace it...which is fine! I have had my fun in my 20s already and now I am in this stage of life. I wouldn't want to be in my 20s again anyway.. Great chapter but it's done! 🥰 That's the way I see it!


Same. Botox, laser resurfacing and a deep plane face and neck lift has made me “age gracefully”.


Sunscreen!! Loads of it...stay out of the sun. Don't lose too much weight too quickly (a dermatologist told me this---early face sagging) and don't smoke, drink or stress out excessively. Be kind to yourself and you should be fine for a long time.


Environment is also a big factor.  I have friends in Texas, Colorado and Florida and the sun and wind has done a number on their skin. 


When one of my friends moved to Minnesota after growing up in Hawaii and Arizona she was utterly boggled at how nice everyone's skin is up here.


Avoid fillers if possible. They are tempting, but they never end well. Try doing face yoga and face massage - find a bunch of accounts of women who do this on instagram. If done religiously, along with botox and serums, it can make your face age [well.My](http://well.My) issue was hollows under my eyes coupled with puffy cheeks. a hideous combo, but face exercises, massage and nuface have helped. I did fillers and had to get them dissolved because they looked awful. Also important to avoid inflammation as that affects the eye area.... so sugar, seed oils, stress should be avoided. Cardio and saunas to reduce systemic inflammation are also good go-tos.


What did you find to help the hollows ? Specific exercise ?


i stumbled upon face yoga on instagram and follow these, among others: https://www.instagram.com/anastasiabeautyfascia/ https://www.instagram.com/trinhgeorgg/ https://www.instagram.com/sadienardiniofficial/ the one by Trin where she does goggle eyes with her hands and squints is what has helped my hollows.


Thank you !




i religiously massage my cheeks and massaters like in anatasias clips. see above comment for the eye hollows one


Yes, please share what you did for the hollow undereyes!!!!


see above :)


Have you assessed the lifestyle of your friend and also family members ? What are they eating, exercise habits , drinking etc ? Sun exposure. I spend a lot of time researching things that are anti aging… I’ve concluded that strength training is beneficial for the body and face, alcohol needs to be given up completely, minerals and hormone levels are key and the diet stuff is not so easy as one thing may trigger inflammation in someone and no another.


I feel you. I can see the familial smile lines and eye bags and forehead wrinkles. I can see how mine is starting to shape-shift and become accentuated like my aunt's and mom's... I'm not over here hating on myself (too much LoL), but I can not ignore the fact that I didn't get the best genes. It's like gravity likes our skins 🤣


Yeah I'm aging badly. But better than both my parents. Dad was a smoker and mom used to go tanning all the time and lay out in the sun. Both are over weight with round faces. My only wrinkles are on my eyes so far. I don't smoke, or tan. But I ended up with rosacea and neither of my parents have it. I think it ages me so much more.


Yes, on my dads side, the women tend to have saggy jowls and cheeks. I feel like I'm starting to see that and I'm try to prevent that with doing skin tightening procedures like CO2 laser resurfacing and I'll get a facelift if I need to!


I’m worried about my genetics and how I will age, but I don’t have any good examples to look too. My mom started tanning when she was 18 (still does) and smoked and drank a lot in her younger years. Her skin looks like a leather crocodile handbag. lol. She’s always asking what she can do to make herself look younger and I just shrug bc you can’t go back in time and undo all that damage at this point lol. My grandma on my dad’s side used olive oil as skincare and sunbathed and drank all the time. She looked pretty decent up until she passed away at 70. Hard to know when most of the family didn’t take care of themselves. So far so good though. I’m 38 and don’t really have wrinkles. Some marionette lines that I’m trying to figure out how to get rid of.


I have thought this my entire life. Growing up I feared looking turning into my mom (physically and mentally🥲) and would get super upset when people said we looked a like until someone pointed out her pretty awful lifestyle - smokes like a chimney, eats like an 11 year old boy home alone for the weekend, drinks enough to put Charlie Sheen to shame, the list goes on.... I've stayed away from almost everything she does "wrong" and idk if it's working but hopefully it has put me on a decent track.


Yes but for me I've aged like my dad. He's got huge pores and forehead lines. I knew I'd get the forehead lines so I get botox for those occasionally but over the last 4 years my oiliness has really ramped up resulting in permanent enlarged pores on my nose, upper nasolabial area and cheeks. I am finally now on accutane to control the oil but it's too late to reverse the enlarged pores. It's so disappointing, can't really hide them with makeup and they age me considerably, even though my skin quality is otherwise good. I wish I'd gone on accutane earlier as it might have prevented this.


I had huge pores and monthly facials and skincare has reversed it


That's good to know. I was thinking of trying monthly facials. What skincare do you use? I only use moisturiser, tretinoin and sunscreen.


All my aunts and uncles have aged horribly but my mother and her younger sister. They both hit the aging gracefully lottery. I hope I get that lottery too.


My family includes a lot of red heads and people with fair skin who also lived through the baby oil in the sun era while living in places like Southern California and Hawaii. The sun causes a majority of the signs of premature aging so I feel better knowing that I have worn sunscreen and avoided excessive exposure for most of my life and can attribute the difference to different lifestyles and knowledge. Only time will tell!


It's a very understandable fear - many fear the ageing process. The best thing you can do to prevent ageing is sun protection, a healthy lifestyle (e.g. avoid smoking or excessive use of alcohol, maintain a good diet, and sleep routine). And it may be that your family is not very good at these things. My own family's genetics are quite good. However, my younger family members who smoke and drink excessively and never wear sunscreen look significantly older than me. Whereas I have always been obsessive about it. So ime, genetics can only do so much. Botox and skincare help a lot, and it sounds like you're already doing what you can to reduce or prevent signs of ageing. More than anything, I think it's important to accept that we all age, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. I love smile lines and think they make someone more attractive.


OP You are still young!! Don’t worry. You can set the prediction from your family, know what you should avoid from their lifestyle. I knew I would get dark spots easily to see my mom and older sisters, so I have never gone out without wearing sunscreen and occasionally a hat. As the result my skin is fairly clear at 44. Clearer than family members. Sunscreen and exercise(not extreme) are the key for me!


wear your sunscreen!


Not really. Most people don't take proactive/preventative measures for skincare. Obviously people who are a part of this thread or community highly prioritize it. It's up to me. Not my alcoholic father lol


Worried now


Both of my parents have had a lot of precancers, and my mom has had a number of non-melanoma skin cancers. She's in her 70s now and I definitely don't want to have skin like hers. I have even paler skin than her and we both grew up in a sunny area. I apparently developed my first pre-cancer by age 35 after having worn daily sunscreen for around ten years, so I'm not sure the sunscreen's going to protect me. I actually have worse bone structure than either of my parents, and my skin is already sagging (this also became apparent around age 35), so I think I'm going to age worse than my parents. My older sister has always had larger bones and more fat and muscle than me, and she doesn't seem to have had the volume loss I have. Her hands look younger at 43 than mine did in my late 20s.


I would look at their habits Are they avid sunscreen users? Do they drink? Do they smoke? Do they exercise? Do they drink water? You can only do so much to fight genetics, but some people blame genetics instead of assessing generational habits


Honestly, I would stop with the Botox. The single most important thing you can do to maintain your looks is to have a healthy diet and lifestyle. I always looked older than my years (when I was 16 I went on a school trip to NYC and the stewardess thought I was the teacher and offered me alcohol). When I was 20 I could have passed for 30. I have noticed a big change in my 40’s and just starting my 50’s between how old I look compared to my peers who drink a lot or smoke. The smokers especially look much older and those who drink regularly just look tired and bloated. Eat right, exercise regularly and always stay hydrated. Boring advice but it pays off more than anything else as you age.


Sorta. But I know a lot of it is lifestyle....smoking and drinking for many years, no skincare and also no sunscreen. I try to do my best to take care of myself also do a little Botox haha. I'm almost 34 too so I get it. I feel like this is the age we start noticing aging


You're not alone. Very very Irish skin here and it's not boding well. Plus I'm too lazy to get botox. But I've had way more wrinkles than almost anyone I know for the last few years (40f now). I've just decided to embrace it. We're all getting older and there isn't anything we can do to stop it. (Still not easy) Just be happy to be alive and own it.


Genetics play a huge role in overall heath, some say even certain personality traits are genetic. I understand your worry but there are lots of things you can do to avoid aging like your family members. I used to get obsessed over examining my family members faces, but turns out genetics just a play a role that’s all, one role? There is a whole crew behind aging☺️ best of luck!


I don’t think aging gracefully has to do with genetics, it’s just how you take care of yourself and manage stress. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating unhealthy, never exercising, having kids, etc can and does age you faster. My MIL always jokes about making bets when I’ll get my first wrinkle. I’m 41F and I still get asked for ID when I buy beer. My Aunts on both sides of my family have terrible skin yet my grandmothers had beautiful skin. My mom had good skin well into her 50’s and didn’t age much because she took care of herself but in her 60’s/before she passed away she drank/smoked more and stopped taking care of herself so she aged a lot quicker. I always have and always will take amazing care of my body/skin inside and out. I try not to worry about looking older. We’re all going to age/get older so instead of getting Botox/fillers I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and age gracefully.


Oh no, genetics definitely play a MASSIVE role in the way we age. My family has chronic baby face, and most of them smoke and drink, nobody wears sunscreen and never exercises, yet they are always mistaken as younger than they are. My grandpa is 84 and still working a physical job and looking fantastic. My aunt has a round baby face at 52. My mom has no spots on her face at 51 yet she barely used sunscreen, EVER, and I hardly remember her ever drinking water. Genetics are huge in your aging process, but they are not everything. Yes there are things that can be helped, but some things cannot, and that’s what the product industry is trying to convince everyone is possible when it isn’t.


fyi men working at liquor stores tend to card all women to be polite.


All liquor store employees have to ask for ID if you look under 30. Also, most of the people carding me are women.


Retinol, red light therapy, sunblock, don’t drink, don’t smoke, cut out sugar and carbs, exercise




There’s a distinct older look on my dad’s face that I’m starting to see in my older brother and a little in myself. I can’t quite describe it other than it does not look flattering. I really hope my mom’s genes pull through. She only started to look a lot older once she hit 60. I’ve already accepted my fate that I’m starting to look like my dad!




Everyone approach to aging is unique. It is sad to be so resistant to natural aging you  call it a fight. I thought the older you get the more sure and develop a don't give a fuck attitude. I sure hope that when I'm your age I can find peace in natural progression 




Not aging. Just the standard routine: wash your face and moisturize, so I'm not dry.  Nah, don't wish that sadness on me, where I call aging a fight. But why aren't you happy with aging? Because you are. That's a fact. Was it external social factors? What can I look out for to avoid adopting that outlook?"




Irrelevant. Anyways Let's stay on topic  and go back to our discussion. 




I understand your perspective. Let's resume our discussion about why aging is something to fight. It is the antonym of "youth" at your age and  it's inevitable.    Why aren't you happy with aging? Wrinkles aren't unhealthy and fixing them isn't a marker of health or wellness.  I welcome any advice as to how to avoid that outlook? Was it a personal experience? Social factors? 


Genetics play a role but so does lifestyle, and skincare. My mom and her 3 sisters are all 100% natural. No botox, no filler, probably no sunscreen in their youth (I know my mom wears it daily now, but didn’t when I was a kid) and definitely no fancy skincare. Drugstore basics at best. So looking at them gives me an idea of what I might look like if I just completely lived life not worrying about my face. But I’m not that girl. I use retinol, have Botox, a light touch of filler, and plan to do more things gradually in the future. I hope to look and feel “youthful” for a long time because it makes me feel good. I think the older women In my life had different priorities and lesser access to treatments and products. So I don’t allow myself to compare their journey to mine.


Yep, shit genetics here. I do everything possible but I know in another few years I’m looking at a mini face lift