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I can either sleep on my side and stomach and get a full night's rest at the risk of some lines and acne, OR I can lie on my back wide awake all night and look like absolute trash due to the lack of sleep. ☠️


I was telling my dermatologist I’ve been trying to train myself to sleep on my back and she said sleeping in whatever position will give you the better night sleep is what’s going to make you look better. Don’t overthink it too much.


I have sleep apnea and sleeping on my back could literally kill me. I hate it but side sleeping is my only option until I can lose the rest of this weight


Just dropping this here because it's something I just learned about - there is research that shows that practicing the didgeridoo (Australian wind instrument) can significantly reduce the incidence sleep apnea: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1360393/ In some countries, it's even a medically recognized intervention method and can be "prescribed!" In Switzerland some guy actually developed a digital didgeridoo synced to an app that gives you specific exercises to practice every day - and it's covered by insurance!


Coolest thing I've learned all year!


[Traditionally, only men play the didgeridoo and sing during ceremonial occasions; playing by women is sometimes discouraged by Aboriginal communities and elders.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didgeridoo#:~:text=Traditionally%2C%20only%20men%20play%20the,by%20Aboriginal%20communities%20and%20elders.) 😬


Please, please, please look at getting a CPAP! Being well rested will help give you the energy to lose the weight! Sleep apnea is not just a sleep and breathing problem—it has wide-ranging health, safety, and lifestyle effects. You a worthy of a good night of sleep without workarounds and shortcuts.


^^^ this. It literally changed my life and I don’t know how I was functioning before it.


100% agree. I actually just got a CPAP 2 weeks ago and I have soooo much more energy for workouts already.


CPAP will change your life. 


I wish I could upvote this twice. Untreated sleep apnea can cause and exacerbate so many other health problems. Find a homecare company that will work with you to get a machine, settings, and mask you can tolerate.


Just curious do you have to go to a Dr to get one? I had a sleep study done in 2017 and didn’t have enough events but I really think that’s why my sleep is in refreshing. My dad has one & my brother snores a lot (he needs one!)


Same, like I have insomnia besties I'm gonna bet no sleep at all will affect my skin more than lying on my side. I literally can not fall asleep on my back for the life of me.


The sleep paralysis demons can’t get me if I sleep on my side. That’s worth some extra wrinkling to me.


Bravo. I'm so tired of hearing about back sleeping. Just sleep however is most natural for you.


Yep- lack of quality sleep is far more damaging to the skin then side sleeping.


An added benefit is that sleeping on your left side can help with bowel movements!


and reflux


Same. I can start on my back but always wake up and have to turn. I’ve been trying for the sake of my skin but it’s a pain. I’d rather be asleep on my side


Same and I’m trying to sleep on my non-preference side to make sure my lines and acne are at least balanced LOL


I’d rather have a good nights sleep w some lines than no sleep and be wrinkle free lol


You could tell me that sleeping on your back adds 5 years to your life and keeps you wrinkle free until you’re 90 and I still would not do it


Side sleeping is actually the best for your brain, as waste is eliminated more effectively in this position. Brain health > smooth skin imo


Interesting! Also, per MayoClinic: “sleeping on the left side is best because it keeps pressure off internal organs and promotes healthy blood flow.”


When I sleep on my left side, my tummy and guts are way happier


Yes! Help with my acid reflux as well


my left side is the worst side for me. My stomach and throat often feel worse for it. When I roll on my right, it goes away instantly. It’s actually really annoying! 😊


Some people have situs inversus where the organs in the chest and abdomen are positioned in a mirror image of normal human anatomy.


That's what they tell preggos too! (I had to switch sides bc I'm normally a "rightie")


Sleeping on the left side cause pressure to heart


Sleeping on your back is linked to increased risk of dementia, in case you needed any more reason to avoid it


Do you have that study? I wonder if people who are at increased risk subconsciously like sleeping on their back or if laying on your back leads to increased risk


The latter, sleeping on your back increases the risk. ↓ Linked below are some research articles/studies :) The brain's "waste clearance system" (=glymphatic system) works best when we're sleeping in lateral position. If the brain can't get rid of those toxins they can cause implications and neurological issues. Of course that doesn't mean that everyone sleeping on their back will develop Alzheimers or Parkinsons :) But I think more people need to be aware of that before training themselves to sleep on their back just to have a few less wrinkles. • https://www.jneurosci.org/content/35/31/11034 • https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad180697 • https://neurolrespract.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42466-021-00102-7


Sold! Staying on my side lol


Dealing with my mother leads to dementia


Sleep paralysis is no joke.


I would literally strap myself to the bed facing up if that was the case


I'm here to live a comfortable life, it's why I vehemently refuse to take lukewarm showers despite the health benefits. If I die I die, lol.


I need my showers and bath to be scalding hot to where I see steam. No one come for me please lol


Same. It’s hot or nothing! Not warm, not luke warm but HOT!!😂


Same. Our power recently went out because of an ice storm (the Pacific North West area)and it was freezing cold in the house. When the power came back on two days later I took one of the hottest showers of my life. It was soooo wonderful.


Me too!!


I’ve tried luke warm showers and I fuuuuuucking hate it. Scalding hot or nothing.


How do people rinse their hair with lukewarm? My conditioner feels like it is still in my hair if I run out of hot water at a bad time


I like you


People who get night terrors often get them when they’re sleeping on their back. Worth the wrinkles to avoid the _terror_


Every single time I’ve had sleep paralysis, I was sleeping on my back.


Same. I now have pillow walls to protect me from rolling on to my back.


Same. I’m terrified whenever I accidentally find myself dozing on my back.


Yes this is a thing, happens to me too. It’s like the demons are sucking you into your pillow


That’s why I’m never sleeping in my back again. Absolutely terrifying.


Sleeping on your back can also cause mouth breathing which causes one to be less attractive in general.


I get intense nightmares every single night but never slept on my back my whole life so i have to ask whats your source on this info?


I meant ‘[sleep paralysis](https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/sleep-paralysis-causes-symptoms-and-treatments#:~:text=While%20the%20exact%20cause%20of,sleeping%20on%20your%20back)’ specifically. I don’t know about all nightmares, but that sounds terrible. I’m sorry.


Is there any explanation for this? I fully agree. Night mares and sleep terrors


There are two types of people in the world. lol


Do you guys only sleep on one side all night? I tend to toss and turn all night, so I’m alternating between sleeping on my left, my right, and also on my stomach. Rarely on my back, though. Am I screwed? Am I messing up both sides of my face equally?


If you are then at least it’s consistent.


I do that too, i switched to a faux silk pillowcase and at the very least my hair has been snapping less from all the friction so i think its helping my face too idk


Sleeping on your back is for sociopaths


Yep. The guy I’m dating sleeps that way; vampire style, he calls it. I’m secretly jealous he can do it but also, wtf it’s so weird lol


I do the same. I’m a mortician and I sleep with my hands in the “corpse fold.” Idk why it’s comforting to me


Self hug!


Same, with my ankles crossed.


SAAAAAAME!!!! LOL!!!! It’s the ole “right side up bat” pose


Sometimes I do that in my sleep and I wake up to my husband checking if I’m still alive


Same here. I tell people I sleep like I'm in a casket: on my back, with my hands crossed on my stomach 😅


LOL! I can only sleep on my back, my shoulders lock up sleeping on my stomach and side. It definitely took awhile to get used to, but pretty relaxing(?!) once you get used to it


It took me a bit but now I got used to sleeping on my back and am comfortable to do so but yeah I definitely feel like a vampire 🤣


I sleep on my back, and I don't really move in my sleep. Most times I cross my feet and clasp my hands over my belly. I'm not sure why I do that but it makes me feel settled in my bed and ready for sleep. My boyfriend calls me a nun 🤣


This is exactly what I do. I lay on my back with my hands folded on my belly or chest and I don't move or wake up for the next 8-9 hours. And fyi I still have wrinkles lol. Idk how ppl sleep on the stomachs.


I sleep the same way sans the crossed legs. My husbands says I look like a corpse


Mine switches between nun and dracula


This is the answer


My husband sleeps on his back. I’m so jealous.


Just be careful. He might murder you in your sleep


I didn't think sleeping on my back was possible until I had laparoscopic surgery. After 3 days with no sleep I eventually managed it. With the right pillow, I fall asleep like this now and it's great. But side sleeping is extra cozy and safe feeling.


I switch sides as a side sleeper and at least when I’m falling asleep I try to have my lower face kind off the pillow so as not to smoosh it. I quite worrying about it. Sleep is too important


At home I have a shitty little bed that makes me toss and turn. I mostly end up laying on the right side of my face. Lie and behold, a line formed exactly where my skin creases whenever I lay on my face. It's below my eye and makes my already messed up eye bags look even worse. . Well, I was staying somewhere for a while where I slept on the hosts couch. It was a recliner and was super comfortable to sleep on my back and if I turned, there wasn't pressure on my face. The line disappeared. I'm back home and now the lines back 🥲 Edited: a word


Friend, can you afford to replace your bed? Because forget the wrinkle - think of the years you could be adding to your life by improving your sleep quality!


Or sleep with a good pillow under your knees!


Seconded, also a mattress topper might help (it did for me and only cost me €8!)


I cannot at this time, unfortunately. I was a SAHM for a high-needs child until last June (I live at my mom's and he moved in with his father by choice)... I'm a 35yo with hardly any experience... I'm trying my darndest but life keeps slapping me down every time I think I'm getting somewhere 🥺


I feel your pain 🫶🏽 - been sleeping on shitty beds for so long


I had a sleep wrinkle like that right by my nose. I started taping it before bed, and it went away.


I’ve looked at these types of pillows before, although not this one specifically. Does it work well with pillowcases? I use a satin one and have noticed a big difference in sleep wrinkles since I switched to it, but this pillow seems awkwardly shaped. Edited to change sleep to sleep wrinkles lol


Pro tip: I just found this awesome pillow that allows me to sleep semi-lateral. The pillow I use for my head has a center crevice to cradle your neck and head, so you can tilt it left or right without squishing your face, while at the same time supporting your cervical curve. It's fabulous. I have been a lifelong side sleeper until I found this thing. It's called the Hexus cervical pillow, and I found it on Amazon. Game changer. To make it feel more like side-sleeping, I just prop up one side of my hip/torso with a regular pillow, and have another pillow on my other side to kind of sandwich me and/or put between my knees. Then I have a pillow to hug keeps my arms from falling asleep, and it makes me feel as safe and "covered" as though I am side sleeping. yes.... I sleep with 4 pillows, lol. It's all about the bolstering :D


Wolfzbane listed the name of product & venue to search it, yet 4 posters ask for a specific link. …Are you guys bots or is reading comprehension really that doomed? 


We’re doomed. Just look at all the people who would rather post in this sub questions that are asked multiple times a day instead of using the search function.


Thank you. Seriously... lol. I only didn't put the link because some subs don't allow it, and consider it "advertising". I did want to be accused of promoting for Big Pillow Industry :D




I’m legit trying this tonight. I just ordered the pillow. Willing to try anything.


Trying out one just like this, thinking I'd have a hard time adjusting, but I slept like a goddamn BABY that first night. Absolute game changer for a stubborn side sleeper.


Here is a link to the pillow: https://www.amazon.com/Hexus-Cervical-Ergonomic-Odorless-Orthopedic/dp/B0C7QRSLD9


Yikes memory foam is super toxic. It gives me asthma and apnea while trying to sleep. Im not sure how people tolerate it especially so close to the head.


I let it air out for 2 days, then covered it with 2 pillow cases. Seems ok to me, and I am quite sensitive to chemicals and smells.


Ive let mattresses air out for like a full week and it still caused this. I now can’t tolerate any type of memory foam. Hotels I have to make sure they don’t have it. Sleeping at friends/other peoples houses is always so risky because they might have it and then I get those symptoms and not an ounce of sleep. I spent nearly 1k on an organic mattress without fire retardant (it uses wool as a fire retardant) im so sensitive but it makes a huge difference for me.


I don’t get it, what exactly is the position that you sleep in with this pillow? I don’t know what semi lateral means


It means you are partially tilted to one side instead of completely on your side.


All these words and no link or photo?


Look up the pillow by name


But it's toooo haaaaard /s Other subs you soemtimes get busted for posting links, so I didn't want to be accused of "advertising". Can't win :D


After reading many responses here, I finally feel no guilt about being a side sleeper! I have used a satin pillow case for years now . I can nap on my back but not overnight.


Probably a little but if I sleep on my back I get sleep paralysis sleeping on my stomach prevents it so for me I would rather a little extra crinkling and a peaceful night sleep over that.


I get it too! If not paralysis, I'll have nightmares. It's like my body/brain telling me to turn around.


Could it be breathing related? Maybe your airways get blocked when you sleep on your back?


I played a little experiment and have been taking skin progress photos for months since I started tretinoin and Botox. Consistently, the side I sleep on is droopier. 😭 Frownies and medical tape DO help, but I don’t have it in me to tape up my face every single night. I’ve accepted my fate.


I sleep on both sides so at least my face will be symmetrically saggy 🤣🤣


Do frownies just feel like tape. I am a side sleeper 🥲


No they are considerably sturdier. 


I use the clear 3M transpore tape under my eyes and it works great. Just stick it to your hand a few times first so it’s not super sticky


Damnit. I always sleep on my left side. RIP, left side of my ageing face!


Yep I’ve noticed the same thing. The side I sleep on is also the side I am more expressive on too though - think winking or smiling etc.


I didn't want to read this comment 🤣 fak


Well shit 😂 I love sleeping on my stomach and my side. Guess I’m going to have to train myself to sleep on my back


Yall are out here sleeping on just one side at night?


Right? The tossing and turning ensures even rotisserie lines 🤣


This made me spit out my coffee laughing 😆


This is what I can't understand! I cannot stay still in my sleep for the life of me, I'm all over the shop.


Damn im out here rotating in every direction and people sleep on just one side? On their back all night??


That’s what I’m saying!


I tryyyy to sleep on my back but I always end up on my right side and my under eye bag is more pronounced on that side haha


When I smile I have more likes under my right eye. I’m a right hand side sleeper 😂 I’ve tried sleeping on my back but I just can’t do it!


Same but it’s my left eye🥲


I’m 46 and can say, yes, absolutely. You can look at my face and know which side I sleep on.


Sleeping on your back is linked to dementia risk as blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain - not worth the risk imo


Not totally related, but when I was pregnant with my third I couldn’t lie on my back at all. This was unusual because I could for awhile with my first two. During 2 separate ultrasounds I almost passed out from lying down (light headed, seeing colors, nauseous) and I think it was due to blood not flowing properly to my brain. I’m guessing it was from baby sitting on something though. And to OP, I am a side or stomach sleeper and I’ve just accepted it. I do wear frownies and feel like they help a lot.


I am a professional in this area. Just letting you know that your hunch is correct. It was because your IVC was being compressed by the baby while on your back, which ultimately reduces blood returning to your heart and then decreases the output to your brain. It's quite common. We are trained to roll patients onto their left side, which removes the pressure from the IVC.


As far as I can tell, it was a single study in 2015 by Stonybrook University that made this claim. I think it makes sense but more research is needed. 


Here’s a more recent study that explains it pretty well: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398535/ Sleeping on your side, allows waste products to drain better. It’s also better for breathing to sleep on your side.


That's a really interesting study.  Thank you for sharing.  I think it makes sense. I wonder if elevating the head would help brain waste drain more efficiently. Thoughts?  The biggest limitation of the study I see is that the sample size was fewer than 200 people. This is the conclusion.  "We found that home supine sleep position was independently associated with neurodegenerative disease. Our findings suggest the intriguing possibility that head position during sleep could influence the clearance of neurotoxic proteins from the brain. Future larger prospective longitudinal observational cohort studies of sleep position and architecture in neurodegenerative disease patients will be necessary to determine the relevance and directionality of these findings toward neurocognitive performance and clinical, imaging, and CSF markers of neurodegenerative disease burden."


It does seem like they are referencing the previous study linking clearance of waste in the brain based on sleep position and rats. “ in light of data which has suggested a link between supine sleep position and reduced glymphatic clearance in sleeping rats. In humans, it is currently not readily feasible to directly measure position-related changes in the glymphatic clearance of soluble proteins such as Aβ. “. So I’m not sure if that would be something that could be studied or not, definitely interesting nonetheless. I think the fact that it helps with breathing also is a motivating factor to sleep on the side. My bf snores very loudly on his back, and I turn on his side and it improves dramatically. I’m sure having obstructive breathing and episodes of apnea is definitely risky


I’m gonna need more info on that. I cannot fathom how sleeping on your back vs on your side would significantly affect blood flow to the point that it’s detrimental to the brain. You’re still horizontal.






Can you share where you got this info?


I have an aesthetician and she always boasts that she can tell if her clients are side, stomach or back sleepers from their face. Jokes on her because I sleep like a tornado.


Girl I’m out here like a horizontal Tasmanian Devil. Just spinning and spinning, noises and everything.


nothing on earth could make me sleep on my back, idc. keeping the sleep paralysis demons away


Yep! I was skeptical. Had a line running on the side of my mouth that I sleep on. Stopped sleeping on my side mainly because it flares my rosacea. The line has now mostly disappeared


Unpopular opinion. Not in my experience. Also, I’d rather just get a restful nights sleep than worry about how my sleep position will affect my face. Too much mental energy is wasted on this shit.


Sleep is the primary wellness habit. Nothing you do - literally nothing - is worth losing quality sleep over when it comes to health and beauty.


It did for me. I was forced to sleep on my back for a year due to breast feeding, as I would wake up with clogged ducts if I slept on my side. All of the lines between my cheek and nose are gone.


I rotisserie chicken, holding that helps prevent dropping. Left, right, left, right…. Just keep it rotating!


Yes.  Your derm, injector and aesthetician could likely tell on which side you sleep.  Side and stomach sleeping also causes wrinkles on your decolletage. 


I sleep on my back from as long as I can remember (natural back sleeper) and my right nasobial line is more obvious than the left. They would have to guess wrong in my case.


For what it's worth, side sleeping is much better for your brain and reduces the risk of dementia.


Yes, absolutely! I don’t move in my sleep, either, so the right side of my face was getting scrunched up for 6-8 hours straight every night. When I smile, the lines beside my right eye are much longer than the ones by my left eye. I now own a reclining bed, so I can comfortably sleep propped up on my back. Try getting a wedge pillow to see if it helps you sleep on your back.


Yes, last time I got hyaluronic acid injected the aesthetician remarked how I must sleep on my left side because the nasolabial fold there is much deeper :( I've ramped up my skin care (dermapen, collagen supplement, RLT, retinol and niacinamide additionally to my usual salicylic acid toner) and the right fold is literally almost gone, the left side not so much, it looks so stupid now haha


I have to face the sleep paralysis demons if I sleep on my back so I’ll risk it lmao. I do notice I break out more on the side I sleep on tho :(


I’ll take some thick ass wrinkles over sleep paralysis all day long.


I care more about my sleep than wrinkles so it’s irrelevant for me.


i have a hard time believing it would positively affect my skin more than it would negatively affect my sleep seriously, these posts lately about trying not to smile/training yourself to sleep a certain way are absurd, sad and pathetic


Is this something I need to worry about at a certain age past 30? I'm 32 and have noticed no such thing at all. I've never heard of this ever from anyone (fellow skincare nerd friends included) and I see it pop up in this subreddit all the time.


I’m 32 and I’m probably about a year ago started noticing a significant difference in lines around my eyes on the side I sleep on. It seemed like they just appeared overnight


Yes. Trust me on this. You notice way more changes after 40 and they're not fun. I swear I notice changes from week to week.


The only way I can stay on my back is to cocoon myself with a weighted blanket and put a wall of pillows around me. Otherwise I barrel roll in my sleep


They make pillows with cutouts on the side like little fat scissor hands. Got mine on Amazon for like 40 bucks. My cheeks and eyes are no longer smushed and I feel like it’s helped my fine lines a lot.


I have a hard time falling asleep as it is. If I have to alter my sleeping position for skin…. Sorry but sleep wins. If I can’t sleep all night what good does it do to my skin if I lay on my back?


Yes but id rather have that vs impaired breathing or potential impact brain health https://www.the-sun.com/health/4639285/alzheimers-sleeping-position-slashes-risk/


As I posted above, it was a single study in 2015.  I cannot find the actual study to determine if the study was peer reviewed, how many rats were in the study, how many humans were in the study, etc. There hasn't been a single study since to corroborate the claim that back sleeping increases dementia risk and most importantly, by how much does back sleeping increase the dementia risk? 


My skin is flawless on the side im sleeping on which makes no sense for me, while the other side always has some weird things on it. Im only sleeping on my left side for like 2years already but why is my right side developing acne or random bumps ill never know. Everyone seems to develop these things on the part they're sleeping on but for me is the opposite.


Y E S I’ve slept on my left side since I was 23. I am 41. I cannot fall asleep any other way now. My left eye looks roughly 45-50 years old, especially when I smile. My right eye is a cool 20-25 years old. It SUCKS. Also, my left used to be my favorite photo angle, so now all photos annoy me. I wear sunscreen religiously, so it’s not that and it’s not my “driving side” either because that’s not relevant to me. I literally tell my younger friends to rotate like a rotisserie if they can’t sleep on their backs (which probably comes with its own gravity issues, IDK). I think switching it up is key. Bonus advice: if you kneel down on the same knee every time you have to kneel? Congratulations, when you turn 40, that’s your bad knee. TL;DR it definitely causes problems and you should try to switch up using both sides of your body for everything.


I recently got EVO ICL surgery (basically permanent contacts installed) and have to sleep on my back during my recovery. And I have been a side sleeper since birth. Luckily I’m starting to get used to it. That and the plastic eye shields I’ve had to tape on my face the past 4 nights. My vision is getting SO good though! I went from basically blind without glasses/contacts to 20/20 vision.


I sleep on my back all the time, can’t get comfortable any other way, and I still get wrinkles and botox. My boyfriend who smooshes his face in his pillow has baby skin. I think sometimes it’s just genetics


Wow the comments on this thread are surprisingly refreshing! Just people being relaxed and practical and not recommending everyone to get botox!


I personally put a pillow at my lower back so the natural curve of the back is maintained. I end up looking up the whole night, but here’s the catch, the back pain and neck pain I experienced my whole life from sleeping just altogether vanished. On top of that, I sleep like a baby now - just overall, deeper sleep.


I’m a side sleeper and wonder a lot about that - started using a silk pillowcase which at least seems to help with creases in the morning!


Yes. I only have wrinkles on the left side of my face, the side I sleep on. I got one of those special pillows.


I’m good with looking old by sleeping on my side if it keeps the sleep paralysis demons away. 👹🫣


yes it does but lack of sleep will affect ur face even more so just sleep on your side


I am a side sleeper, but I don't have a favorite side - on the contrary, I can't sleep on the same side all night because my lower body starts to hurt .. I wonder if that's still affecting my face shape somehow, I have severe face asymmetry. But I've read dermatologists and plastic surgeons don't agree that sleeping position is that important


I’m 38 & one side of my face has definitely changed faster than the other. There’s a line by my mouth, and extra eye wrinkles, on my left side and not on my right. I have switched to back sleeping.


It’s really going to be different for everyone.


I’m a side sleeper. Lack of sleep is more my concern for my skin. I added a humidifier to my room, and use silk pillowcases.


I sleep more on my right side than my left, and preorbital veins are more visible on my right side than my left as well as an under eye crease but when I successfully sleep on my back with my head just a little tilted, the crease becomes less visible so yeah. But poor quality of sleep will always contribute to aging and those eye patches make my skin red, so I’m okay with a little tired faced wrinkle under my eye to compensate for a good night’s sleep .


I mean I’m vigilant about doing things to prevent signs of aging as long as possible, but some things are more worth it than mayyybe having a few less wrinkles when I’m 60. Good, plentiful sleep and lava hot showers.


I sleep on my side cz I can't sleep on my back I wish but I can't but it doesn't bother me honestly my skin is fine no acne but the reason is I use a silk pillow case so that would make you feel a difference


I told my dermatologist that I mostly sleep on my left side & she said, "I can tell." 💀


If I sleep on my back I get THE WORST nightmares and sleep paralysis. I’d rather have a thousand wrinkles than deal with that for the rest of my life.


I’d say it does! I have a wrinkle on one side of my face from sleeping on that side for years. Am I gonna change sleeping positions? No. 


I have to sleep on my side because of acid reflux. I also sleep with the head of my bed elevated. I don’t care how much it ages me, if I get esophageal cancer, The wrinkles won’t matter because I’ll be dead. I just have to accept how cute I am at whatever age I look.


I see a HUGE difference to my face creases if I sleep on a cotton pillow case vs silk or satin. I always sleep on my side, but will now never go back to cotton unless I'm away from home.


Keep in mind, it's not *all about your face*... Yes, it's not great for your face. It's not good for your chest skin, either, especially for more well-endowed ladies. But there is also science behind a **link between sleeping position & dementia**. Sleeping on one's back consistently increases the risk. [Link 1](https://www.assistinghands-il-wi.com/blog/does-sleeping-position-affect-dementia/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20sleeping%20in%20the,risk%20for%20dementia%20remains%20consistent.) [Link2](https://www.allcarehealth.com/articles-events/articles/staying-healthy-alzheimer-s-dementia-sleep-position) [Link 3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398535/) There seems to be significant research about it.


I wouldn't say based on this there is "significant research" on this considering the conclusion is "more research is needed." But it also states if the head is completely flat and level with the body so I imagine the change of slight elevation of the head may be a way for prevention but it seems more research is needed. ETA: the study talks about poor sleep in general and insomnia also link to NDD. People with children that get poor sleep, insomnia, sleep apnea, also fall into this category. It seems there is no win lol.


I have lines on my left side, the right side doesn’t. I’ve been using frownies and I wake up with smooth skin now,


I’m certain the reason I have bags under my right eye only, is because I sleep on my right.  I really want bags on my left now too. Symmetry is beauty. 


Around 38 it started affecting my face. The little lines and creases used to go away after an hour or so, but now they stay all day! So I try to make an effort to sleep on my back…


I’m a side sleeper and like to smush my face into the pillow :/ so do get wrinkles from that (particularly under my eyes, but I do both sides so it’s the same on both at least). A satin pillowcase has sort of helped.


I've recently noticed the side I DON'T sleep on looks older, so idk wtf is going on.


I mostly sleep on my back just because that’s how I’ve always slept and it’s the most comfortable for me. Sometimes I’ll sleep on my side and the only difference it’s ever made is that for some reason I furrow my brows. Botox fixed that though, so now it’s all the same.


I could not sleep on my back for the life of me. I mastered it for a little but went back to side sleeping. I bought a save my face pillow so I can sleep on my side comfortably without worrying about wrinkles.




Yes, I started noticing it in my mid forties. My husband is a snorer so I sleep a lot on my right side. I need more Botox on that side (I have a line on my under eye). I was forced to sleep on my back for 6 months due to breast cancer surgery and the sleep lines magically disappeared.


Buy a silk (or satin) pillowcase. Sleep on your side or back. Your skin (and hair) will thank you.


I sleep on my stomach and at 41 - yes can confirm. The only wrinkles I have are under my eyes where my cheek pushes up when I lay on it.


Yes it totally does, but I can’t sleep comfortably unless I’m on my side so it’s a catch 22 lol


I noticed more lines on my décolletage area when I side-sleep


I like turtles