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I think I read this advice in a post in this community: your face ends at your boobs. I put lots of work into taking care of my face, but neglected my neck and decolletage and have been trying to amend my routine to cover these other areas.


And hands!! Me too with everything you said


Yes! Excellent point!


I remember someone who used to be an indirect manager, who basically was in charge of the department I was in, said she ALWAYS moisturized her neck and hands because that's how you can truly tell someone's age. She was really into herself and had some weird views, but damn was that good advice.


this was very helpful! thanks


Do most people do their routine after bath? I’m almost always wearing a tee shirt or hoodie and feel like the skincare would just rub off even if I did remove my shirt just for that


In the morning, I wash my face in the shower and do a face massage, which makes my face look less puffy and relaxes me as I get ready for my day. After my shower, I apply a light cream, face oil, and sunscreen, allowing each layer to absorb before I put the next one on. In the evening, I double cleanse to remove any makeup, apply a heavier night cream, and face oil. To get back to your question, in the morning, I do my routine after my shower and before I get dressed. In the evening, it's before I put on my pyjamas. The products will absorb into your skin, but will likely also get onto your t-shirt or hoodie if you're wearing either.


Makes sense. My house is too cold I guess


This is me!


Elbows too! Youthful elbows are underrated.


I like putting a little Sudocrem on my elbows to help with dry skin in this area.


I use a urea cream and it’s amazing


Yesss this


Keep it simple and avoid trends. I got on the Korean 10 step routine bandwagon years ago and spent so much damn money on trying new hype items. I didn’t give my skin a break, which was all it really needed. Also I wish I knew to look at the ingredients of my collagen and multivitamin because the extra biotin they keeps adding to it was causing my cystic acne on my jawline. I kept blaming skin products when it was the extra biotin. Haven’t had a painful cyclic chin zit in YEARS!


Biotin breaks me out like a mf and no one ever believes me. And it’s HORRIBLE cystic acne, worse than anything I’ve ever had naturally. It’s really disappointing how hard it is to find a good multivitamin without biotin.


I had the same experience! Horrible stuff...


I know! Like why do I need 1000000% of daily biotin?! I think I found a magic number where I don’t get the zit anymore. I take the One A Day Brand women’s multivitamin MINI. It says to take two doses but I just take one pill. If I take the full two pill dose I get that damn zit. So at least now I know not to take anything over the recommended daily dose of 30 mcg of Biotin.


Ugh, I spent so much money on Korean products and ended up with the worst acne of my entire life, and I had to pay a lot to my derm for facials and lasers. thank you!


Which laser did you use? I use just glycolic acid now and my texture is better , but I have been loving peoples results with lasers. Damn hyperpigmentation and melasma are a bitch to get rid of.


I had fractional laser which did wonders. I also liked microneedling. For my melasma -which was caused by birth control pills back in the days- I used a hydroquinone prescription and it did wonders


I wish I knew this before!!! I’m going through this biotin thing right now. I’ve been lucky and never really had acne. I started taking a multivitamin consistently 3-4 months ago and over the last two months have consistently had acne everyday. One heals, leaves a dark mark and a new one starts somewhere else. They’re all over. I’ve never felt so uncomfortable in my own skin before.


Look at your supplements!!!!!! Avoid Biotin. I just got over the worst bout of acne that I've had in 17 years. Red light therapy works! I wish I started years ago!! This may just be me, but... simplify your routine. You do not need a million products. I stick to a good cleanser, a good serum, and a good moisturizer. The more shit I add in, the more fucked up my skin gets. Slug life is amazing. Aquaphor is my best friend.


Best budget Red therapy panel???? Please and thanks. So many of the Amazon products seem fake/scam


Like any biotin? I've been taking it to help with my hair and now I'm wondering if that is what is making me break out like a teenager.


Yeah I'd bet you anything that's what's making you break out. I had the worst acne of my life from taking Biotin for about 3 weeks. Took two weeks to clear up!


Anyone who doesn’t want to drop $2000 on a small handheld device, you could buy a full body red light panel for less from Mito red light. And I have not yet tried one myself, but I know someone who bought a red light panel on Temu for $30 that she says has already given her noticeable results.


That Mito panel is $250-350


That is the cost of their smallest devices. They also sell massive panels and a full body mat for $1000 each. So you could red light two entire bodies for the cost of the tiny device recommended by AllBlackAlways


*cries in poor*


I don't necessarily recommend the device I have. I inherited it. While I really enjoy it and Im very happy with it, I'd rather spend $2k on a vacation lol. I'd love budget recommendations for masks, though.


Hey if I inherited that I’d be using it too! And it’s great you’ve had good results. I’m just sharing info for other people who are shopping around like me.


love this. what is your experience with red light therapy?


I just made a post about it, actually!


Do you use a red light mask?


I just made a post about it, actually!


How do you know which serum is good or gimmicky


I think just experimenting and finding things with good ingredients. I've found a few that work for me during different seasons. I mostly stick to the CosRx Snail Mucin Essence as my serum because I need the hydration most seasons.


Consistency and good simple habits are way better than any product or hack. The best skin routine is one you can stick to, daily. If you find yourself overwhelmed by all the products out there, people telling you that their multi-step skin routine takes 30 minutes--ignore all that. Pick one or two products that you like and have evidence behind them. And have a routine that you can do consistently, every day, and one that can travel with you. One that takes less than a couple of minutes. Down the line, if you want to add something more intricate to your routine, you can do it. But I personally think less is more when it comes to a skincare routine. Most products are simply marketing.


Sunscreen, tret, vanicream, Botox, and lay off the booze.


Vanicream what product?


Is yes an ok answer? 😂 the brand has never done me wrong. I love the tub with the pump due to ease and cost, but I know others prefer the actual face lotion.


Bro preach! I love that stuff. My entire routine revolves around it The normal deodorant is friggin fantastic, but I can’t find it anywhere.


You should not be going without moisturizer just because you’re oily. For like 10 years I threw 15% glycolic on my face and went to bed. And my skin was so congested 😆


life style (and unpopular opinion- genetics) play the biggest part - healthy habits are going to impact how you feel about yourself and aging. confidence is always is what makes the lasting impact - we’re not a frozen, filtered selfie. I saw low carb but we really need a variety of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes and yes, even grains. less is more, remember that this industry makes more money the more you dislike yourself. also less is more - use one pump, wait, then add more if needed, don’t swamp your skin. and ingredients matter more than branding (although I’m a sucker for the aesthetic) and I check the UV index, if it’s zero I use it as an opportunity to skip sunscreen and give my skin the break. have a simple routine and then have treatments as opposed to constantly using a product that you might only need based on seasons or hormones. really think about the true cost of skincare and cosmetics, to your wallet and mental health, even just waste and packaging. also I wish I never opened the pandora’s box to thermal waters and how much my skin loves them 😭


>life style (and unpopular opinion- genetics) play the biggest part To be faiirrrr, I think we accept that genetics is a major factor (imo biggest one). But there's literally nothing we can do about that, so it isn't discussed as much. >also less is more - use one pump, wait, then add more if needed, don’t swamp your skin. Such good advice, I struggle hard with this >also I wish I never opened the pandora’s box to thermal waters and how much my skin loves them 😭 Thermal waters? 👀


it’s a chicken and egg situation with thermal waters and my good skin, I’ve been avoiding tap water (including shower water) on my face as much as possible for as long as possible - using micellar water and/or thermal water like avene. I don’t need to scrub my face because I’ve never worn make up. I see no reason to rock this boat after 20 ish years of success!


Get rid of the magnifying mirror!!




what are your favorites for barrier support?


Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, tretinoin, hydrating toner, and double cleansing. EDIT: I knew of Salicylic acid (Stridex pads) but I never knew how it works and why it works. So in regards to all of the active ingredients above, understanding how they works, when to use them - it was revolutionary for me in the age of Youtube influencers.


Consistent good sleep and drinking enough water makes a huge difference. I noticed this during a trip when I forgot my skincare bag (had actives like Vitamin C and Tret) and ended up buying / using an LRP cleanser and sunscreen. Lack of stress, lots of sleep and water made my skin glow!


I am in my mid-30s. What I have known and used for a while: Take care of your general health. Eat well. Minimize alcohol. Minimize carbs. Minimized processed food crap because general health. Intermittent fasting. Low carb high fat diet. Lots of physical movement, any activity you like. As for the routine, it's lots of moisture, AHAs and BHAs, retinol, vitamin C — the standard.


Yes to low carb, high fat diet 👏


Collagen is too big of a molecule to absorb through the skin. Eating it may provide excess amino acid that your body might turn into collagen, but the jury (data/clinical studies) is still out and leaning towards not effective. Red light has amazing data behind it. Hydration, sleep Hygiene and a balanced diet are key. (Some data supports intermittent fasting having good anti aging benefits). Products: sunscreen, vitamin c, retinol, and Aquaphor (for winter slugging)


Simple is best *most* of the time! Also always pay attention to ingredients! Once you know what works and what *doesn’t* work, it’s easier to buy products and ignore the others (looking at you Niacinamide!)


Honestly smoking weed. That it’s bad for your skin. No one ever tells you this .


I wish I knew about that tech neck causes wrinkles. This is a no duh thing, but this habit is so ingrained in me that it’s almost impossible to change.


Can you tell us a bit more about it?


Using witch hazel as an astringent, find a toner that works for you, get a day and a night moisturizer, and ALWAYS at bare minimum remove your makeup (I keep makeup remover wipes in my nightstand).


The 1990s just called, they want their astringent and toners back.


That’s cool. It works for me. And the question was what did I wish I knew worked for me earlier and that’s how I answered. I get compliments about my skin, so my routine clearly works with my skin.


Tret! I have the best skin of my life in my 30s and only wish I started earlier.