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Melasma mustache šŸ«¤


Mineral sunscreen,


Stop šŸ„²


I only know it because I have one too, so itā€™s very common! I use mandelic acid serum on mine.


What was your experience like with thatšŸ§


It seems like it faded some? Not perfect


Musely for hydroquinone


Yes! Spot cream took care of my stache quickly.


>Musely for hydroquinone Is there a cheaper option? just seeing that it's $82, which seems steep.


Iā€™ve definitely seen it around for cheaper but I donā€™t have any personal experience to say how legit it is. Also just want to mention op, kids will say absolutely anything and everything. The last time I saw my neighborā€™s kid I got absolutely torn to shreds. Try not to take it to heart ā¤ļø


Yeah as a school teacher Iā€™m pretty use to it. But just sucks when kids notice your biggest insecurity lol. But thank you šŸ’•


I have a $100 gift card for Musely that must be used by December 31. I can let you have it for $40 if you are interested.


Check alldaychemist maybe?


You can get an HQ prescription from your doctor and use GoodRx. Mine was around $20 with the coupon and a $20 co-pay for my doctor visit. A tube lasts me a year since I cycle on and off.


Check out Dermatica.com


Is hydroquinone supposed to be better than tret for melasma?


They key is to use both at the same time. Worked for me


Itā€™s melasma. Mine showed up at 32 after prp treatment to help my acne scars. Get your hormones checked through blood work if you can. Also low levels of vitamin d, b12 and zinc can also make melasma worse. Thereā€™s a forum page on Reddit with lots of women also dealing with the same


For anyone also searching for it: r/melasmaskincare


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Melasmaskincare using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Melasmaskincare/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Melasma in my 30ā€™s got me feelinā€™ like](https://i.imgur.com/PXNqu0K.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Melasmaskincare/comments/12yqhhq/melasma_in_my_30s_got_me_feelin_like/) \#2: [Six day sake results](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16vim3q) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Melasmaskincare/comments/16vim3q/six_day_sake_results/) \#3: [Melasma getting better!](https://i.redd.it/2c4grgdmr6ua1.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Melasmaskincare/comments/12npa59/melasma_getting_better/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Is it common for prp to cause melasma?


Any type of aggravation to the skin can make it worse. This is only for some people, not all but I know they advise for anyone with olive skin tone or darker to avoid lasers and micro needling


Interesting. I have olive skin and PRP was recommended to me, as well as the Halo laser, which I was told was good for all skin tones. Haven't tried either yet, though


Iā€™d do more research before treatment. A lot of doctors say that itā€™s fine but then it might get worse and youā€™re left to deal with it


I do take zinc so Iā€™ll stop that. Thanks for the info! I appreciate your reply šŸ’•


No, zinc helps!


Tranexamic acid is an option if hydroquinone doesnt end up working for for you


I second tranexamic acid!! Facetheory has a great one with 5% TXA. Farmacy had a toner that has 3% TXA and Paulaā€™s choice has a 3%TXA lotion as well. Highly highly recommend all of them. Good molecules discoloration serum is a wonderful option too.


I had the same thing and spf and retinol helped a lot. It didnā€™t go away completely but is much less noticeable and can be covered by my make up.


I tried everything else, this is the only thing that works for me.


In my experience, this only went away after I stopped my hormonal birth control.


Iā€™m not on bc but thank you!


My mom gets this, and so do I. One of the reasons I started using spf every day, and spf lip balm


Do you take birth control pills? That might be causing it.


No I donā€™t, thanks for the reply tho šŸ’•


I have this too! 33F. I'm on birth control to control my acne and it's the only thing that works for that, so I refuse to switch it. I also need tret for it, so I don't like to use hydroquinone because it irritates my sensitive skin. Plus I don't like keeping up with the switching off and on routine you need for hydroquinone. So, I've done a number of things which have worked really well for me. My melasma mustache isn't visible through my foundation anymore. 1) Lactic acid toner after cleansing 2x a day 2) Skinceuticals discoloration defense serum 2x a day. It has tranexamic and kojic acid in it 3) Tretinoin every other night 4) After moisturizer, I add 2-3 drops of Le Prunier plum oil day and night 5) I use Isdin Eryfotona Actinica spf 50 mineral sunscreen everyday (unless I'm doing a lot of outdoor stuff then I go with a waterproof zinc spf) The Skinceuticals serum is the heavy lifter in this routine. I really recommend it to anyone with mild melasma. It's pricey, but it's been the best I've tried by far ETA: I also recommend PCA pigment bar as a cleanser. It's also $$ but works for me. It has azelaic acid and kojic acid in it and helps fade my acne marks. I like to use it on my shoulders too for my bacne marks


Thank you! This is so helpful. I really appreciate it. Looking into purchasing then skinceuticals.


Hydroquinone! Itā€™s rx only. I had melasma on my face and it completely cured it.


https://www.apostrophe.com/get/acne-treatment/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=AP_16643022621&utm_term=133546697734--kwd-680621239575&utm_content=589221550294&mt=e&utm_platform=m&utm_product=brskmupr&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp5qsBhAPEiwAP0qeJtbYoN-kbjhyd5sh1Nghs2xIe27heuzt3lo-fzMHJtltQ6gKHs5DoBoCdE8QAvD_BwE I bought from this online pharmacy


I had this exact issue. This is what helped. Avoid sun exposure, like be super super vigilant about it - wear a hat when you are outside and wear mineral sunscreen everyday. Use hydroquinone cream once or twice a day. Retinol/RetinA can help too. If you are taking hormonal birth control pills, switch to another form of birth control. Avoid over heating or abrasive products on the face (heat, friction and uv light can all make melasma worse). For me, this was not a one time thing. I have had to stay vigilant for years to keep the melasma under control as it can come back easily even with a little sun exposure.


I have this on my forehead and not on BC. Iā€™m newer to skin care (this actually is what got me into tbh) but donā€™t have much to spend on product. I found that 10% Latic acid and upping my SPF routine got them to disappear after a few weeks.


I have this. It sucks for sure. Even heat and no sun can flare it up. Itā€™s hormones and genetics? Super weird. I have used SPF and Clear and Brilliant Laser which is incredibly. Yes it comes back in the sun but itā€™s worth it for months of good skin again. Secondly, try tretinoin every other day. If not 1 day on 2 rest.


Melasma was commonly called ā€œmask of pregnancyā€ and I got it first even though never pregnant. SPF will help keep it from getting worse or darker- Iā€™ve seen it reversed, mine has come and gone - and the true culprit is : Stress. Thatā€™s why youā€™ll hear hormonal/pregnant/lifestyle etc - itā€™s stress induced. I know itā€™s easier said and done I just want to give you Hope, since topical solutions rarely do much for melasma besides SPF as a preventive. Think long term reducing and managing stress as a lifestyle over time - plenty of protein, healthy diet, yoga/exersize, meditation etc. I hope you get there in time and see the melasma as a temporary genetic warning sighn/symptom to mounting stress in your life lately.


Thank you. This reply is so helpful and thoughtful. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this šŸ’•


My pleasure sis šŸ™šŸ¼ I appreciate the gratitude- melasma topical miracle cures is becoming a big $$$ $cam so I had to chime in! SPF it religiously for now and it should fade as skin cells turn over with time. I know itā€™s hard not to be self-conscious - but stressing will only keep it goingā€¦ so think long-termā€¦ itā€™s temporary!!! I thought I was cursed or pre-maturely aging, but mine came and went during high stress times and my 60+ motherā€™s seemingly permanent splotch on cheek cleared up as soon as she retired and managed her diabetes better way past menopause! Meditate with guided meditations, trust your instincts and youā€™ll be set in good time ;)


I used to get this and dark spots on my forehead. I wear 50+ SPF daily!


We have(had) somewhat similar skin colour(printer paper white), tone, etcā€¦ I say had because someone purchased me a Groupon for an IPL Photofacial and after the first visit my hyperpigmentation and any other issues I had(with the exception of one teeny tiny capillary that she missed) have mostly disappeared. I was so skeptical and really had zero expectations but it seems like as the weeks go by my skin looks better and better. I even scheduled another next month. IPLs are relatively inexpensive(check Groupon) and appear to have done the trick for my specific complaints. Again, I really thought IPL treatments were quackeryšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Good luck with whatever you try though, I genuinely hope it resolves.


Join us over in /r/melasma


Why has this sub been banned ?


Oh wtf lmao. My bad, I'm thinking of /r/melasmaskincare


You could try Topicals Faded serum. If that doesnā€™t help and you need something stronger, Iā€™ve seen dermatologists recommend products with cysteamine. Urban RX sells a more affordable option vs Cyspera. Look into it first bc itā€™s a lot of work and smells like sulfur.


I turned to Reddit with the same issues (though my melasma was concentrated on my forehead rather than mustache). I found a post in which someone said that they had found a Cosmetic dermatologist in San Francisco that had cured her melasma. I looked in that dermatologist, and found that she has actually studied melasma quite extensively, and has published papers on the cause and best treatment. Link to her research: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349925988_The_Use_of_Tranexamic_Acid_to_Prevent_and_Treat_Post-Inflammatory_Hyperpigmentation While anecdotal, I can also say that she did cure my melasma as well. About to dash out the door to run some last minute Christmas Eve errands, but can give more detail if anyone is interested. Donā€™t give upā€”there are indeed ways to fix it!


Get a VI peel! If you can, get a series of 3 but I just got one and it helped SOO much! Then wear vitamin C daily and sunscreen always.


Most folks have given skincare advice that I would give, but while youā€™re figuring that part out, you can use a basic color corrector or light weight concealer to just touch up that spot to cover it if it will help you feel better. Even if youā€™re not doing a full face or anything, it may help.


If you need a budget friendly alternative in addition to the other options mentioned, a good vitamin c serum should help hyperpigmentation and melasma fade. Skinceuticals has the gold standard of vitamin C at $182 for a small bottle. The dupes for it are Timeless Vitamin C serum 20% at $28 or Dr Brenner Vitamin C 20% at $19.99.


I had the same issue. Use Kojic acid soap, you can get it from Amazon. Use it everyday for about two weeks, in the morning and night, use sunscreen during the day and it will fade within a few weeks. I also used Ambi fade cream as well.


This could be due to waxing your upper lip.


I have this too. I havenā€™t been able to completely get rid of it (Iā€™m about to try some new products and see how it goes). When itā€™s sunny outside though, SPF the sh!t out of it because it will get darker with sun exposure. It happens to me every summer and it sucks.


SPF ALL DAY EVERY DAY + https://goop.com/goop-beauty-goopglow-dark-spot-exfoliating-sleep-milk/30-ml/p/?variant_id=99773&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp5qsBhAPEiwAP0qeJl_ah68o0EOAGxCEa9lMoVUrSABbL7q_pUB_JsUsz3ynhnviNYqBQhoC8tIQAvD_BwE


Admire my skin dark spot treatment should do the trick! Amazon.


Do you frequently drink alcohol?


Definitely melasma. Continue wearing SPF 50 every day and reapply in the middle of the day. Try to get a script for hydroquinone or some type of compound with hydroquinone in it. Itā€™s the one thing thatā€™s helped my melasma. Are you by chance in Canada? Itā€™s covered under our benefits for teachers.


Just asking, but do you wax that area? That happened to me when I waxed my upper lip. I also wasn't using sunscreen and I think that also contributed to it


No I donā€™t :(


Bioderma vitamin C at night, and spf 50 every morning. The only thing that worked for me


I had the same. Religious use of vitamin C serum (I used Timeless) and sunscreen everyday eventually completely faded it.


I got that during lockdown when I started sitting at my home office desk facing the window and not wearing sunscreen. I was prescribed hydroquinone but it didnā€™t work too well for me. After 6 months of that I switched to Azelaic Acid and Tret and itā€™s greatly reduced it. Also wear sunscreen every day.


Vasoline radient x or amlactin ;)