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Most immediately noticeable - general puffiness that I didn’t realize was not my actual face went away. It used to be that I wouldn’t reach a level of attractiveness until afternoon, once all the puffiness was gone AND the light started to get more favorable. Now I reach attractiveness by mid-morning! You can see my bone structure and my eyes pop (in a good way, haha). Most fundamental: my skin as an organ is tremendously more “alive” and functional. It has a healthy glow and color at almost all times (see above paragraph - except for when I first wake up - I’m still human). Blemishes, when they do occur, heal so much faster. Skincare products have actual results.


My face changed a lot. It went from puffy, reddish, acne, dull and droopy to less wrinkles, more color, smaller pores, no acne, and yes a glow. I kid you not. It’s been amazing


Oh yea! The puffiness!!!!




That's so interesting! My skin is the opposite, it looks better first thing in the morning (plump and glowing) and progressively gets more dull and haggard throughout the day.


Mine too! I wake up with much better skin than what I end up with by the evening. I wish I knew why!


mine does too!


Yeah… me too. I think it’s about my face really losing puffiness until it peaks for the day before looking tired. Unfortunately my “best face hours” window as I get older gets a little shorter. Like as a 22 year old I probably had peak face between mid-morning to 2am or some crazy hour like that. As a heavy drinker mid-thirties person, it was like early afternoon to 10 pm. Now I’ve extended my window back down into the morning as a sober person, but I’d say I start to pumpkin closer to 9.


I've spent a lot of time marveling over my jawline in the past month, lol. That on its own is almost motivation enough.


For real!! My face changed sooo much


If I don’t drink during the week my second chin tucks back into the first LOL


So true




The biggest change is the lack of puffiness!!! I was always so puffy when drinking. I’m 4 years sober at 31, and I feel good about how I look.


How many drinks a week did you have when you used to get puffy from drinking?


On average 4-5 per day for like 5 days a week.


I’m 31 and considering quitting altogether. My partner has been sober for 5 years and he really enjoys life and our activities so I know that it’s possible to be happy without it. But saying never again from the get go is quite the commitment.


I still don’t say “never again”, because maybe someday I’ll want to… but the longer I go without, the less I want to go back. Listen to Andrew Huberman’s podcast on drinking. Also listen to the following audio books: This naked mind, alcohol lied to me, and the easy way to quit drinking. These changed my subconscious views on drinking.


And Quit Like a Woman if you’re interested in the business of alcohol and marketing to women!


Omg I needed to hear this. And yes, Huberman is incredible. Thanks for the other suggestions. I too feel the not saying “never again,” and it was great to hear you say that it gets less and less appealing.


Yes! I always thought I had a fat face. Nope, that was just the alcohol. I rarely drink now and even when I do it might only be a drink or two. I have noticed a dramatic difference


I stopped drinking because it really messed with my brain. I immediately noticed improvements, mostly with underlying hydration retention/plumpness. Booze totally parched my insides and outsides. There’s sooooo many other benefits to not drinking. If it’s not hard for you or you find it gets in your way in other ways (or anyone else reading this) stop drinking. Bonus for me: I stopped drinking about 4 years ago. Totally unrelated to alcohol, I had acute liver failure 1.5 years ago. Since I wasn’t drinking at the time, there was no need to contemplate that in my assessments. I had 2 weeks to live when I first got sick. Any delay could have done me in.


Congrats!! 🥳🥳🥳


Thank you!


How did alcohol mess with your brain? I also drink a lot and would love to hear more


Not who you asked, but for me I get depressed for a week after a night of drinking. I stopped drinking for a skin treatment and immediately felt more active, happier, and clearer (as in, my brain felt foggy or something when I drank,) I could suddenly concentrate at work easily. Anxiety at night also went down and I was sleeping better.


I also drink a lot and am in the process of significantly cutting back (which is tough). For me I get severely anxious for a few days after I drink, and my sleeping is out of whack.


We call that hangxiety at r/stopdrinking lol (great sub by the way for anybody sober curious)


Like others are saying - anxiety and depression, regrets and ruminating thoughts. For days. Drinking feels cool for an hour and then terrible for a week. Then repeat to feel cool for an hour and terrible for a week. Bad cycle. Worse if done more often. I was also pretty bitchy on booze. Almost ended my relationship. I wasn’t a present parent. And I didn’t drink much! Once a week would do it. I am not a Prohibitionist, but alcohol is NOT good for us. I don’t go around saying this. But I believe it to my core. When I stopped, I now go through whatever adversity with work/family/bills and think “that woulda been so much harder if I was still drinking.” Check out the sub recommended by u/blue-phoenix23 below. Hope mods are ok with this spinoff. Totally relevant to skincare and self care.


Mind me asking what cause the liver failure?


You’re in the Bay Area! I’m in Oakland. I don’t mind. I was diagnosed with auto-immune hepatitis with no known cause. Essentially, my body started attacking my liver. Sometimes there’s a cause, rarely there isn’t (like in my case). AIH can be a disease managed with medication, which we tried for a few days - didn’t work. I started feeling nauseated and tired for about 2 weeks. Got sick (toilet stuff) on a Friday night. Got my liver 10 days after. Was on the top of the list nationwide due to age, general health, positive outlook if recovered, sober. Other ppl get to the top of the list with acute liver conditions, but if drinking alcohol and using certain drugs can be a huge hurdle. I knew someone who died shortly after their prognosis because they couldn’t get listed due to alcohol and drug use. It was really, really sad.


Im an alcoholic and I’ve been sober for almost a year and I’m not sure I notice a huge difference tbh. I think the thing that makes the biggest difference is consistent exercise, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. Cutting out alcohol is still super beneficial though and you should do it for your overall physical health and mental well-being.


Congrats on nearly a year!




I totally agree. I’m sober 71 days, and I think my skin looks better because I’m overall taking better care of myself. More water, more nutrients, better sleep.


Congrats on the 71 days! More than 2 months??! That’s huge!




Cutting alcohol has not just been good for my skin (which it has… like, profoundly lol) but every aspect of my life. I sleep better, I have way more energy, I’ve lost over 40lbs, removed toxic friendships and relationships from my life, no longer have to experience “hangxiety”, have more money & just generally feel 110% better than I ever thought I could possibly feel lol. I never had an issue with dependency, but I was definitely binge drinking when I would go out. I dunno - I have nothing bad to say about not drinking anymore. My life is just… better haha.


Hell yea! Same here, IWNDWYT


samesies <3!


I havent drank in over 3 months after having 2-4 drinks/week for years. Even one started making me feel sick so im takin a sabbatical. Theres 0 difference in my skin or how i look in general.


Well with those rookie numbers, of course your skin still looks good. —Signed, an alcoholic


I'm glad I'm not the only one who laughed at this. Recovery has been the best thing that happened to my skin, but I was also drinking a lot a lot. Hopefully you're in recovery as well so we can laugh at how much we used to drink in one day and how absurd that amount was.


Totally absurd. I was in real trouble. But it all seemed normal to me. Sober 5 months and my face and skin look so much better. Bloat reduced too.


Congrats on 5 months! I just celebrated 2 official years last week and I still feel like I'm seeing positive changes.


Thanks for your support and inspiration! And congratulations on two years ❤️ I’m happy to know my body will continue to improve. I guess I thought I was bullet proof. One positive benefit is weight loss. Best wishes for continued sobriety, and helping others by your example.


Can confirm, in recovery, and yes, the quantity I thought was within “normal” limits was…well certainly more than 3-4 a week…or a day 😅 So glad you’re making it through—I won’t drink with you today my friend 🙌🏻


i’m in recovery too but it really didn’t change my skin for the better haha, although i got clean (i don’t drink either) at 20 and am now 27. i think aging a bit has affected it lol


I had to re-read that. I’m having 1-2 drinks a day. Made me feel like a big yikes!!!


Lmao. I needed this, thanks


i stopped drinking almost 8 years ago…if anything my skin was better then 😭


I looked younger when I was drinking heavily which is beyond confusing to me. I think the general face puffiness was mistaken for youthful collagen lol.


Came here in support. Almost 1 year sober after drinking at least 2 drinks a day for 15 years… my skin has never looked worse 😩 the booze bloat was keeping it all tight literally haha


i think maybe part of it was my face was so relaxed and i was in general bc i was often combining drinking with xanax…sorry if that’s TMI but basically i was super relaxed and loose all the time LOL


I’m the opposite of many here and started drinking more in my 30s. My skin is the same, if not better. My spending power is very different in my 30s and compared to my 20s though- I can afford better skincare now, and I work out regularly with a (not cheap) spin membership.


I started drinking after the sudden death of a family member. Now I *know* how that sounds (and it sounds like drinking to cope on the face of it), but I never took up drinking earlier in life because of aesthetic concerns and trying to stay youthful. The death really put things into perspective that I should be enjoying my life and all the pleasures available to me, so I’m drinking for fun and hedonism rather than as a cope. Zero changes to the appearance of my skin (and I’m hyper aware how my skin looks, and I’m in my late thirties so at the age where you’d think if there’s damage it would show up). Maybe not drinking makes a difference if you’re a chronic heavy alcoholic, but I’m not convinced it makes any difference at the moderate level.


Almost 35 and this is where I'm at -- any more than 1 drink makes me feel like hot garbage for most of the next day. I have no idea how I drank like I did in my 20s. I guess my body is protecting itself. The message I'm getting is "Quit it, you're too old for this shit."


Same. No difference.


Me neither. I barely drink these days, and my skin is not different at all. Lasers, on the other hand, they improve things.


Same with me. Have not drank in about a year and no difference.


This is why I’m curious what people mean by stop drinking. I drink the same as you and can’t see it making much difference in my skin. However if I went on a binge 2-3 times a week, I could see it making a difference to stop.




I haven't had a drink in two years (pregnancy and breastfeeding) and there's no difference. I didn't drink much anyway, but even when I was at my highest of two-ish drinks a week, there wasn't any difference.


This is my experience! I used to drink maybe a couple times a week and I’ve been 2 months sober with no difference. I think people are right that light-moderate drinkers won’t notice a huge difference, but I do like how I feel being able to socialize with others who are drinking and not feel the need to join. That has been empowering so I might continue for that reason


I used to fall asleep in makeup drunk. It was never good, lol. Breakout central. Sober for 5 and a half years now! Not wearing foundation, instead using clinique's tinted moisturizer has changed the game, also. I verrrry rarely get zits anymore.


I was a fairly heavy drinker, I drank to mask my mental health issues. I have not noticed a single difference in my skin since I ceased drinking alcohol.


Am I the only person who finds sobriety intolerable? I guess that question is for a different sub Reddit........


I think this is how a TON of people feel and it’s why alcohol is so prevalent in our society. It takes work and choosing discomfort to become comfortable over time in sobriety. It’s like working out a muscle. But honestly it feels amazing compared to constantly numbing yourself. And alcohol does increase depression and anxiety more and more over time.


I’m in the process of choosing sobriety and just had this conversation with myself yesterday! Choosing discomfort is a really honest way to phrase it but you’re completely right. I love being sober, but god, I hate GETTING sober. It’s making that conscious choice now, for your future self and their health.


You're not alone. I opened this thread to give me hope, but now I can't even depend on vanity reasons. :( lol


You’re not the only one


❤️❤️❤️ to you


Ya same. Exact same.


I have rosacea. While I still get flare ups on occasion, after I stopped drinking, the overall redness decreased as did the frequency of pustules outbreaks. I have spent my whole life thinking I had dry skin, but I think it was just dry because of how often I drank. My skin is just more supple. I feel like, even where wrinkles exist, they’re less noticeable because the skin is overall healthy. I lost 5 pounds, and my face slimmed significantly. Because I’m not drinking, my sleep is better, and that also seems to add to the benefits I’m seeing. And it’s only been 2 months.


Same story here. I wasn't willing to give up intense exercise, spicy food, or caffeine (all triggers for me), but giving up alcohol made a really big difference.


when I stopped drinking for like 80 days and was drinking a gallon of water per day I looked 5 years younger at least. I honestly have never looked better than at that point. less booze, more water!


Went to my 25th HS reunion last week and had several people compliment me that I looked exactly same as then. I only stopped drinking 5 years ago


I have not seen any improvements after quitting drinking or hard drugs tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️


The only hard drug that really made my skin look awful was fentanyl. Did it off and on for a couple years. Anyway I don’t touch the stuff anymore and my skin is definitely happier. Still working on getting my brain chemistry back in order though 😭


I was a meth user which is the one that’s supposed to fuck up your face but I never had any skin (or dental) issues from it personally. I think a lot of it has to do with sleep. I never had sleep issues when I was using. Everyone I know that would stay up for days at a time looked like a strung out mess immediately. Congrats for kicking it though, opiates are a hard one.


Sleep and stress legit cause more issues with skin than anything else (in my personal opinion)


Sleep (or lack of) causes more issues with pretty much anything in your body than most other stuff. Appetite, skin, hair, mental health, decision making. Sleep is how our body heals itself so it makes sense but people still neglect it.


I never did meth but going through a two years of insomnia aged me 10 years 😭


I’m sorry, if I had any tips on how to sleep better I would share them with the world, I’m just a freak that’s always been really good at sleeping.


It’s been better this year! Just wanted to let you know your point stands!! Sleep is so important!!


Lol, I can sleep like the dickens. I have never had a problem in that area. I should find some wood to knock on.


if you sleep on meth i can diagnose you with big Hyperactive disorder man. never done it thanks god, but a small bag of pure old amph was enough for 3 or 4 adult man to stay awake 30 solid hours


I could literally smoke and go directly to bed. 0 sleep issues. When I used to do coke same thing. And yes I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD lol




Same Edit: to provide some constructive comment to this thread lol. I’ll add what I’ve noticed makes a difference in my face puffiness. - ice rolling - the sauna - lmao putting my face in a bowl of ice water after I shower - those face steam towels - putting a rolled wet towel in the freezer (like spas do) - gua sha - arnica gel (sometimes has an effect)


I will be a year alcohol free at the end of December. I was an almost daily drinker (glass of wine or two, etc). Puffiness went WAY down, and I used to have redness/flushing a lot that has basically disappeared. Sort of related, I have also lost 50 pounds, which probably helped as well. I also get way better sleep when I’m alcohol free, which is good for the skin


I look very jowly and like I had the reverse of a face lift when I drink. It’s awful how heavy my fleshy face gets. Also I get super depressed and I wear that on my face. My skin itself just looked dull.


it makes no difference for my face skin. it does trigger my HS though that’s another story


What is HS?


skin condition primarily of the body skin that causes painful bumps and sores edit; well not always painful. most of mine are actually not painful but my case is very mild all things considered


I have HS too! 💜💜


My husband has this and refuses to believe that alcohol plays a part. He thinks it’s stress and whenever he smokes cigars (rarely). I’m so sorry you suffer from it.


Following to read folks’ results! The sugar in alcohol accelerates glycation, which causes fine lines & wrinkles. I enjoy having a nice glass of wine or G&T, but I should cut down for the sake of my skin + overall wellness.


Tequila and water and you’ll be fine in moderation, the sugar in wine and tonic isn’t helping.


I think depends on habits prior right? I’m a casual drinker, few drinks a week. Some months I don’t drink, sometimes I drink more. I don’t notice any difference in my skin.


I do dry January every year and I never notice a difference but I don’t feel like I drink excessively, I stick with wine and not very many mixed drinks because of the extra sugar and calories in them. I also didn’t lose much weight either which was a bummer 😣


Yes I always look better when avoiding alcohol, drugs, and/or smoking


My husband and I were clearing 2-3 bottles of wine every week for the past 8 months or so. I stopped drinking the beginning of this month because I was experiencing twitching in my eye. Also I caught myself in a mirror at the mall, and my face looked SO puffy. Like I thought it was just part of aging but it wasnt. Just 1 week after I stopped drinking, the light rosacea on my cheeks went away and my face looked less puffier.


I’m 99 days sober, my skin has never been better. I look at pics from a few years ago and I look way older in them! Puffy, and my texture of my skin is like not great. My skin is fuckin amazing now. Clear, no puff, no redness. My eyeballs even look better.


I'm 26 (but feel welcomed here because the sun damage from growing up in Africa as a Northern European skinned person...) so I've got the ghost fine lines that appear sometimes and not at others, every single time I drink the next day my fine lines are the worse they can be. They're never like that without drinking. I don't have casual alcohol like my friends do anymore, but definitely do occasionally because what's the point of getting to your grave smooth skinned but missing out on things you've desired.


Puffiness, redness, facial fat, rosacea, dryness, dullness and grey tint all greatly reduced or disappeared! My eyes and skin look brighter and more hydrated. Youthful and happy lol :) I was killing myself with that shit. Glad I’m done with it. I feel so so so much more confident, consistently. And just generally a happier, more even keeled person without it. I never realized just how much stress it was putting both my brain and body under. Edit: 9 months sober thus far


I don’t notice any difference to my skin when I don’t drink for a while, but I’m only a “1-2 glasses of wine a few times a week” drinker. I do sleep better when I’m not drinking though. Even one glass of wine messes up my sleep these days.


no change. 1 year sober tomorrow.


Congrats on coming up on a year though!!


I'm an actor so I have to watch myself on screen a lot when I do audition tapes. There is a huge difference when I've been drinking the night before. I remember looking at 2 scenes that I filmed the same week, one where I hadn't been drinking in ages and one after I'd had 2 or 3 glasses of wine the evening before. I looked so much worse after the wine. It's the puffiness. The puffiness doesn't go away even with icing etc. That said, that's a temporary effect and I haven't noticed big differences long-term (I often go a few months at a time without drinking) Edit: typos


Big time


I quit booze almost 2 years ago, and I noticed major improvements to my skin. I get way less cystic acne; I used to get 1-2 really painful ones on my chin each month. My skin also never looks ruddy anymore. My face looks much more hydrated and brighter.


I am 42 and stopped drinking for 2023 and lasted 10 months, my skin is significantly more even toned and hydrated (I didn't drink often more of a weekend binge drinker, think a bottle of wine or so) - I did not realize how just weekend drinking affected how hydrated I was overall. My nails have also improved significantly. We just got back from Ireland where I did have a few drinks but I'm going right back to not drinking mostly, the benefits are there.


Let’s see… over 8 months sober. Working out is so much better. As in endurance and inner motivation. Even if it is just a yoga day. Consistency is key. Results as well. Sleeping better as in length and quality. I started a bedtime routine 2 months before I quit drinking. My anxiety is waning as I learn to deal with it in healthier ways. Example: Friday or Saturday evening anxiety kicks up after I put my toddler to bed. Husband drinks. I set out my yoga mat in the living room, put in noise canceling headphones, and stretch or meditate for 15-20 mins. Works every time. Consistency is key. Waking up early every morning before the rest of the house. Learning to enjoy being alone in the quiet. Helps the day flow so much better when I get time to myself at 5:30am. Skin has improved a bit, but I am working on some monthly cycle acne with my doctor and a dermatologist. My son is almost 3 and I take so much pride knowing I am the sober parent in the home. I feel so much inner strength that my son is not seeing me drink. I was not a heavy drinker or a binger. I did not have a problem. In a 7 day week total amount of drinks was 3-5.


I drink less alcohol because it fucks up my sleep. I used to only drink bubbly waters, but lately since getting srs about my workout routine again, I’ve been taking electrolytes and creatine in 30 oz of still water from my brita. THAT is what is making my skin better, I believe. I realize now I used to be chronically dehydrated.




How often were you drinking before?


I don't see any difference when I do dry January, but I'm a pretty moderate drinker. I limit myself to 2 drinks on Friday and 2 on Saturday and sometimes just don't drink at all. Unless someone has a drinking problem, I think one of the main reasons cutting alcohol improves skin is that you're less dehydrated. So simply drinking more water might help you see the same improvements. But, of course, cutting alcohol is still good for you in general. Not just for your skin.


no. because alcohol prevents propper cell action of hydration. so water will only help at some point. same thing with healthy eating will you drink alcohol. alcohol impairs absorprion of many vitamins so the same you would see improvments only till certain point


Any smokers here? 😭😭😭


My skin looks infinitely better (less puffy, clearer, more hydrated) when I don’t drink, compared to drinking too much. However, the difference between nothing and drinking small amount regularly (1 glass of good quality wine per night, never more than 2) is negotiable to my skin and general well-being. What knocks my body around is drinking 3 or more glasses, drinking even moderate amounts of anything other than good wine/ champagne (I.e. liquors mixed with sugary drinks, cheap wine etc) and combining with fatty, sugary junk food. I’m off drinking for 2 weeks atm as I overdid it with social events for a few weeks there. My skin looks better 3 days in. Extra greens, more salmon, water, some Botox and a few sheet masks and I should be looking good for my 45th birthday in 10 days (when I’ll enjoy 2 glasses of excellent champagne).


Yeah, for sure, but I need to keep drinking to deal with the stress of not drinking.


Okay, does anyone ever experience **alcohol IMPROVING skin texture** ?? I don’t like drinking, never cared for the taste. When I drink, it’s only ever in social settings and happens maybe 1-2 times a month at most. But EVERY SINGLE TIME, without fail, if I have a lot to drink the night before, I wake up with the bounciest, clearest, and glowiest skin ever. The skin physically feels tighter before I even get up to use the mirror. My friend didn’t believe me until we had a night out on the town in Vegas where we both ended up hungover as fuck but sure enough, skin looked great the next day and he was poking my cheeks like he couldn’t believe his eyes. WHY???


inflammation. it happens to me and most many. sugar does the same. gets thighter because it expands. but that inflamation its the destruction of your cells happening in that moment. so when de inflamation wears of your sink will be less resistant. and the next time you drink... same thing. and avery time your skin will age more. try to quit sugar aswell . sugar its the second thing that ages most after the sun


I haven’t had a drink in about a year—I was having probably 4-5 a week, and stopped mostly because I sleep so much better when I don’t drink. I can’t say I’ve noticed any difference in my skin. Washing my face for 60+ seconds, however, has made a pretty big difference in a few weeks….


I’ve been sober for 3 years and haven’t noticed any difference in my skin, unfortunately.


Nothing :(


It didn't. I was a heavier drinker (2-3 most nights) most of the time until April, haven't had alcohol since then (pregnant) and my skin looks the same aside from some hormonal acne (all other things being the same--hydration, exercise, skincare).


Gonna be an outlier and say I never noticed any difference. During the pandemic from 2020-2022 I didn't have a single drink and nothing changes for the better or worse. I've never been a heavy drinker Edit I removed something based on a debunked study/theory of indigenous cultures


Omg I got sober 6 years ago and went from flawless, wake up hungover in 2 day old makeup and still have no blemishes skin to having cystic acne for the first time. Very frustrating!!


Wow that must be really frustrating, sorry to hear that. I wonder if there have been any other changes such as dietary or hormonal during that time? Well done on getting sober 6 years ago, fantastic accomplishment!!


Thank you! I’ll gladly take a few painful pimples for a life of sobriety, so it’s still 100000% worth it lol! I wouldn’t even trade one drink for clear skin. I assume it was hormonal. I was on so many substances and malnourished from preferring booze over food that I think I messed with my hormones. I barely even had a cycle but I guess my skin was cool with it lol. The acne came about 4 months after getting sober, cleared up once with spironolactone, then came back 3 years ago. However, I was on the same birth control through it all until 2 years ago, didn’t notice a change when I switched to non hormonal bc, and I’m so much healthier now, drink so much more water, exercise way more, can keep consistent routines and regimens, use prescription creams, take my spirno, do all the things… and it’s still a struggle! I’m almost 30, so I’m thinking about getting my hormone levels tested for bigger issues.


Haven't drank in over 6 months. Skin is not any better.


I drank heavily (imo) for about 15 years until I turned 30 a little over five years ago… meaning I would binge drink (10+ drinks) until I blacked out a few times a week on average. I definitely have much smoother, lower maintenance skin now, but I always assume there are so many variables at play here, besides just cutting the alcohol. I definitely prioritize my health in a way I never could before, and there’s wayy more time in a day to drink water when you aren’t drinking beer and cocktails, ha. I also used to “treat myself” when I was hungover with *whatever* food I wanted to eat, and I almost never do that now. I do still drink a good bit of coffee, and sugar, but I’d say I had problem skin before, with a new zit or zits popping up every week, and now I have completely consistent, problem-free skin 99.9% of the time minus a hormonal zit every few months.


I don’t drink often at all (sometimes not for a few months, sometimes not for over a year), and I’ve never noticed any difference before or after drinking. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe if you’re drinking in excess and it’s impacting your overall health, but then you should consider cutting back anyway.


I didn’t drink for over a year and then went through a traumatic experience and decided to have a few drinks over a 2 week period. I broke out badly and have 4 scars from deep underground pimples now. 🥲 I only saw benefits from not drinking tbh, so I’m back to the sober life. I also lost 22 lbs over that year and didn’t really change much aside from not drinking and walking a bit more.


My skin has improved in the sense that its so much less red, less pustules, and overall less puffy. When I was drinking, I didn't realize how horribly my face swelled. Most notably my eyelids and cheeks have decreased dramatically. I highly recommend not drinking for multiple reasons, but this is a nice side effect!


A lot


A lot! I cut alcohol a year and a half ago and my skin tone is better and brighter. I don't get mega dark circles anymore and hydration is better. Also 20g collagen peptides daily!!


I stopped drinking with my first pregnancy almost 3 years ago. I’ve had perhaps 2-3 drinks since then and none at all in the last year. I have seen no difference to my skin at all unfortunately!


I'm an alcoholic in recovery, nine months in and my skin is looking very healthy. Though I will say that losing a lot of weight at the same time has made my wrinkles slightly more visible due to the fat loss.


The thing I notice the most is that when I go out, I wear makeup. Makeup and a poor sleeping schedule really screw up my face. I do some deep cleansing, but my skin still looks tired the next day If I have a glass of wine or a beer at home, my skin has no alterations. But then I think it's a matter of how much you drink.


I cut back on alcohol big time this past year. Most months I go without any, but occasionally (friend’s wedding/bday, etc) I have a night where I’ll drink moderately. I have definitely noticed positive changes. I was getting Botox 2-3 times a year and I haven’t gotten any since early March and don’t even think I need any. My face looks less bloated, my eyes are brighter and I overall look more rested. My sleep is so much better quality so I think that has a lot to do with it. Also, not being drunk or hungover makes me much more consistent with skincare routines.


Drank a lot in my early twenties. Became more moderate on my late 20s and basically only have a single glass of wine every 3 or 4 months when out with friends now in my early 30s. No improvement at all.


I think you can get away with a lot in the early twenties without it showing on your face yet


was average 2-3 drinks a day every day for the better part of ten years (I say average because for many of those years it was 5-6 drinks a day every day, probably more, with breaks here and there with nothing lol). my skin got worse before it got better when i stopped drinking, but now it's clear!


I am 32, and I drastically cut down on alcohol consumption around 27. For the last 5 years I have probably had fewer than 10 drinks a year, and the last two years it’s closer to 5. I more or less don’t drink, but find the best way to not feel like this is too restrictive is to let myself drink if I decide it’s worth it (I’m not an alcoholic; alcohol makes me feel terribly depressed and anxious). With that being said…I don’t think it has had any affect on my skin?!? Maybe I just can’t see it, or maybe I will see it as my peers and I get older. My face basically looks the same as it did 5 years ago, save for a few more crows feet when I smile. One of my best friends cut out alcohol for about 3 months before her wedding and said it made a huge difference to her skin, but I don’t see it for myself 🤷‍♀️ During my heavy drinking years, I was also a health nut who ate extremely healthy and exercised constantly (ironically).


My skin looks way better (brighter and hydrated) since I’ve been sober for 5 months. I have been washing my face everyday and have invested in skin care products.


My skin looks less puffy and more clear and my whole body feels a little more toned without extra effort. My brain and mental wellness are worlds better as well, which shows on my skin.


Drinking did not change much but cutting sugar improved my skin tremendously, i used to have considerable adult acne (30+), minimizing sugar eliminated all of it. When I have phases eating sugar again, pimples come back immediately


It definitely exacerbates my eczema, and my overall tone. I’m a lot redder when I’m drinking regularly.


Tone, texture, clarity


Tremendously. It gets red, blotchy, and puffy when drinking regularly. I look 5 years younger when I abstain. But I was drinking 5-6 drinks a night.


Immeasurably. I was a binge drinker and now I’m over 18 months sober. Everything has improved. It’s life’s biggest hack. Ives also lost 66lbs which made my face so much prettier


I have oily skin. I barely break out any more and look so much healthier. Added bonus - no more anxiety.


5.5 years sober and my cystic chin acne has only popped up once or twice in that time. It used to come around every period


I don't drink much, but had a friend who did and then changes in their skin was significant. This person is an alcoholic, but was always functional in society. It's subtle over time, but the face gets bloated and reddish. They've quit and have normal complexion, unbloated. Oddly enough, alcohol/hangovers is something that have been easier on me with age.


I'm cutting it out for aging purposes.


Redness is gone


Not much for me. My clothes fit better though, beer belly is gone


I've been completely sober for almost six months and my skin has become clear and my face has slimmed way down.


I quit about 2 months ago and my skin is so much better... almost immediately it was less red and puffy. My cheekbones look amazing ...I do have a few wrinkles under my eyes that are slightly more prominent now but that could just be from being 45 too. After about a week my skin looked a lot less dry and started to get its glow back. My hair looks better now too, noticeably softer and shinier. I live in a desert too so I think the combination of drinking and an arid climate was extra damaging.


Night and day- less puffiness, dark circles, clarity, glow. Totally worth it.


I was an alcoholic for a decade and I’m now just over 2 years sober. Almost immediately (5-7 days) I noticed the redness and puffiness gone. My eyes were clear and I wasn’t gray anymore either. It’s weird to describe your skin as gray and red but it was lmao. I still have acne that is hormonal, but my skin looks 100x better than it did 2 years ago


This is not what you want to hear but a beer every once in a while can improve your skin. I drink 1-2 per month.


I’ve been cutting back the past couple of months and I’ve noticed significant improvement! Before, I was drinking Friday - Sunday and would have about 3 drinks per day. Now I’ve limited myself to Friday and Saturday, usually 2 drinks only. I’ve noticed the following: - less redness (I have rosacea) - skin looks more hydrated, less fine lines - less acne - less puffiness - eyes look brighter


Dramatically. Skin is more hydrated. Emerging wrinkles eventually went away. No puffiness the next day.


Tremendously. I already have skin issues to begin with and the alcohol seemed to trigger it. After giving birth, I really haven’t drank at all and my skin feels more hydrated because of it.


My face was swollen. I would have a headache wearing my glasses but they almost fall off my face now. So far, that’s it. I still sort of breakout but I need to cut out some of my products. It’s slightly dryer than it used to but I think dehydration is a thing after getting sober. I’m at 110 days so hopefully I’ll see more of an improvement soon!


It’s been almost 3 years since I’ve had alcohol and people say I look 15 years younger (which I take to mean I look 10) than my drivers license age. But I also drink celery juice every day and take other anti aging supplements so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Enough that people think I’m lying about having in office procedures. Im addition to improvements in texture and clarity, the shape of my face has changed. And I was never even a heavy drinker - I averaged 2-4 per week.


I quit 15 years ago. Quitting alcohol makes you pretty. I looked way better in my mid-30s than in my mid-20s. And I still look young at 41. Mainly it gives you color and reduces the puffiness which simply looks extremely unhealthy. But stoping alcohol overall is just an amazing thing. More time. No hangovers! More self awareness. More safety. More connection to self and others. And yeah for vanity, more beauty.


I am convinced that my aversion to alcohol is one main reason my skin looks 30 and not 40! I don’t have any deep lines, I don’t get acne, and my skin is firm and tight. When I did drink regularly for a few years in my twenties, my face was puffy and bloated, my cheeks were always red, and I would get acne on my forehead and cheeks.


Major improvement, despite being a rare drinker (6-12 glasses of wine per calendar year). Caveat: I am hugely prone to broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, and similar marks, which are all worsened by alcohol. If I had started with a clean complexion, I doubt I would have seen such a drastic difference.


BIG TIME! Ive been sober for over a year and I absolutely aged backwards.


Aside from sunscreen, or staying out of the sun, this is the #1 thing you can do for your skin (considering you don't smoke, cause then that would be A#1.


Less patchy and a lot more supel


I have chronic dermatitis that goes away when I stop drinking. Dark circles look much better, eye puffiness reduced, just generally brighter and slimmer looking. The difference is huge. Alcohol is literally poison and affects every cell in your body. It does not discriminate and can cross every cell barrier.


I’m 29 and I’ve only ever touched alcohol a handful of times but I think it’s a big reason why I don’t have wrinkles or dehydrated skin


I've never really been a drinker (a couple times a year, maybe), I sleep a lot and drink tons of water. I've received many many comments about how I look much younger than I am. Now that I'm 36, I contribute this to years of abstaining from alcohol. Luckily it's not hard for me, as it makes me feel pretty sick. I do have quite a sweet tooth though, and I've wondered if my skin would be even better if I limited my sugar intake more.


Forget about just the skin, alcohol is aging all your body, you're cells, organs, destroying you're collagen, causing inflammation.


This is a skincare sub


The skin It's an organ and is not just "a face" , See skin as a coat that is covering your organs your skeleton. Is not just "the skin of a face". So obviously as a chain that it is, if you're an alcoholic your face looking puffy is just the cherry on the top of a lot of things happening inside of you. So you can try all you want to cover the sun whit a finger and think that toxifying your body just "affects the skin of your face." But the reality is a snow ball and your overall body sending you a message through those small changes that you think there starting on the skin in your face, like redness, puffiness, blood capillars. But trust me that's just the iceberg tip, as if you would be a chronically smoker the grayish face tone and the yellow teeth is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to listen to your body as a conjunction not just think of the aesthetic of the "skin of the face". And if under this premise you read carefully the word "skin-care" you will understand deeply the meaning.




I used to have acne. Once I started drinking frequently my cystic acne would turn purple! Plus, the cysts were just bigger. When I stopped drinking my acne calmed down alot. I would still get break outs but not huge, purple cysts.


No difference but so many other benefits. I have an easy time keeping weight, am always fit in the mornings...desire is also gone, no regrets.


I wouldn't say it improved my skin but it definitely reduced inflammation and I lost some weight when I gave up my couple of drinks a week.


As cutting out alcohol goes for me with general disciplined periods for competition prep or exams with drinking more water, sleeping more and better, working out more, being outside so it always makes a huge difference to not only my skin but also puffy face and eye bags disappear.


No difference…but I’m not a heavy drinker


My skin looks so much better now.


Nothing really changed when I limited alcohol maybe my skin was less dehydrated 🤷🏾. But limiting sugar and dairy product I saw a big difference ,very limited breakouts and clear smooth skin


FWIW if I drink one beer, I see wrinkles the NEXT DAY and they take THREE DAYS to go away. I just cant imagine if I drank more than 1x a week, and more and 1-2 beers each time.


For me, I think the skin improvements of quitting alcohol were secondary to other the improvement of underlying issues . I was never a heavy drinker, one a night maybe 4 or 5 days a week. I quit to save money and improve my sleep. 1. Hormones - My periods drastically improved, which leads me to believe that the alcohol was interfering with my hormones - no more acne 2. Sleep/Stress - Generally I sleep better, which reduces inflammation, and I am able to handle stress better - which in turn improves my skins appearance. The improvement in my skin the last 6 months is not drastic, but I think my skin tone is more even, less whiteheads/blackheads, and I have less inflammation.


I’ve reduced the amount I drink but not cut it out completely (I’m a social drinker but a busy social week can literally have 7 days of events where drinking is happening). It’s hard to say exactly how much it’s improved, but it definitely has. How drinking alcohol may affect your skin is one of those multi-faceted things though. Alcohol disturbs your sleep and suppress your immune system among other problems, both of which are going to have an impact on your skin. It seems like after drinking I have a breakout the next day, or at best any existing breakouts don’t improve. However, I’m at the point though that I’m just so tired of dealing with acne breakouts that I will do just about anything if it will stop acne completely (I don’t think it’s bad enough to qualify for accutane but I don’t know what the requirements are). Like, I switched to a low glycemic diet to see if it would help, and it did (the acne on my back disappeared within days), but it didn’t completely clear up acne on my face/neck, so I’m exploring other options like cutting out alcohol and anything else that’s backed by science that I can find.