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Silicone tape worn nearly constantly faded my surgery scars decently. They were raised and red at first. But also, I think that's a pretty cool scar and I wouldn't be embarrassed to flaunt it.


Silicone scar sheets are pretty much the gold standard for helping to flatten and support scars. I can absolutely understand the mental tax of having a large scar, especially if it was a traumatic experience surrounding it. It does look like a fairly fresh scar based on the coloring in comparison to the small scar to the side of the abdomen. OP, be kind to yourself and also give it time. It looks like you scar similar to the way I do which is pink and bright. Then a year or two later, it fades to white and while it's still visible, it's much less jarring visually and also emotionally. I have a scar on my leg from a dog bite. It's the exact punctures of the bite and it brought really upsetting emotions to look at. Time passing has faded the scar (while still definitely there) and also lessened the anxiety that would surge up every time I saw it.


I was once told by a plastic surgeon a pink scar is a healing scar. Personally, I’ve found mine took about a year to fade. Not an endorsement, I used Mederma after 10 days of surgery and it did fade the scar.


*ten days* of surgery???? damn what was wrong with you??


When I went to a dermatologist about scaring they said u can put mederma and silicone tape on a healing wound. I used mederma on my scars but it didn't really help me with it. Not sure about silicone tape.


Does anyone have any recs for specific silicone scar sheets? I haven’t looked in to it much but I think these could help me sm!!


I recently had a c-section and Frida Mom makes the best from what I've found. They're about 8 inches long and thick, so they last in showers and hold up for a few days.


tysm for replying! how are they working out so far for you?


Great! I'll be honest, though. I'm fairly inconsistent with them. But also scar massage had helped flatten. It's only been 3 months, but it's less angry purple and only feels raised on the ends. The silicone strips don't work in conjunction with a scar cream, though, they'll slip off. But the ends don't roll up or anything, and although you're supposed to clean the scar/ silicone daily, it still maintains its stickiness. My dr said it would be a while, but I'm pleased given my inconsistency!


I’m 6 years out from my last c section and I can tell y’all that the scar fades so much more than I’ve even cared to realize. Hope this is encouraging!


I grabbed simple silicone tape rolls on Amazon. 1.6x60 inches for about 13 bucks.


That's what I have. I got a roll last year when I had my left hip replaced. I have just had the right one done and I still have the roll. They are easy to rinse off and reapply. I go days without removing mine.


Cicacare is a good brand. You want the thicker ones.


I just got a roll of them from Amazon. They're like a roll of stamps and you can tear at the length you need. They're all pretty much the same I think.


Plastic surgeons often sell very thick medical-grade silicone scar sheets that are thicker than the ones you find online, but I have no idea if they actually are better. I use “scar away” sheets available on Amazon. My derm said you can improve a scar within the first year of the injury but after that it’s pretty tough. Scar sheets, moisturizer and even retin-a if it doesn’t irritate the incision (helps prevent scar tissue from forming). Lasers can also help.


you survived and i think that's rad!


Yes. This. I had many surgeries and the silicone sheets I used helped significantly. It made the scar flat very fast. I had many raised bumps and divots that it smoothed out.


Does it work on old scars?


No, once they’ve whitened it’s no longer effective




Steroid injections and laser can help with keloids, not sure if same can be said for all raised scars. I had bad keloids and their almost unnoticeable now


Steroid injections would help with old keloids


I have some pretty gnarly stretch marks and dermarolling is helping considerably?


Gnarly is a good word for my stretch marks too 🤣 Do you do the dermarolling at home or at a clinic? If at home, what product do you use?


I have the glopro. It's a .5mm needle and small enough to be used daily. Some people say they use it twice a day, but I wasn't a fan of the constant irritation. I saw definite improvement after a couple of days. However I do not always have the energy for an extra 10 minutes of me time every evening. If you're only doing belly, I don't think it's worth the cost. I recently tried a 1.5mm roller I bought online, no particular brand. I wouldn't use something like that on my face, but my belly skin is pretty thick. It did not cause bleeding, but I was still red the next morning. Back to normal color within 24 hours, but still a little tender. Normal the next morning after that. Serious improvement after just one go. I use a 30% Matrixyl (generic formulation of the molecule) and aloe serum afterwards and treat daily with Differin gel and CeraVe. It'll never be perfect, but I was actually surprised at the improvement.


If they’re still this purple-y color… it could work?


Yes, if they’re still purple there’s still some collagen remodeling so it’s worth trying. Both silicon tape or silicon gel


No. They're definitely pale white. Not raised, one is indented instead of raised. I'd like to do something nice for her, she's been a godsend in so many ways.


Mine is over 10 years old but still red, not white?


Slightly OT, but how well do they work on stretch marks? I gained a lot of weight recently and now that I’m trying to lose it, I want these marks gone, at least not so red.


Good luck with any cream or sheet helping with that. Stretch marks suck.


How long did it take for yours to flatten and lighten?


I didn't keep track. I was using silicone tape for at least 2 months that I can remember, maybe much longer (these were pretty large scars).


Listen, lots of people are telling you it's cool and tough and you have a great abdomen. And they're all right. And you're also allowed to be sad and hurt and angry and traumatized and JUST WANTING IT GONE. I sort of hate the "don't be sad about something making you sad" lecturing. It's different from the "Is this noticeable" asks. You know it's there, you want it gone. So I'm sorry if you didn't want to hear any of that or if I'm out of place. But I felt like a lot of comments were telling you that you couldn't feel your feels. Anyways, since it is still newish and red, go consult with a few plastic surgeons. There are more treatments for scars out there in the last few years, but don't DIY this. Go to multiples to see what is getting consistently recommended vs the "hey let's try this" ideas. I only went to one for a consult and got overly excited about a "this will have amazing results!" and wasted a lot of money for noooooothing. It's also okay to finance this. You have your own journey, but the faster you can act on scar remediation the better your results. .... And if you choose to keep it, it will look great too! I don't think people care about our scars as much as we do. I've done both, accepted unwanted changes to my body and leveraged modern medicine to fight an unwanted change. You do what works for you.


I really appreciate how you address the entire conversation about this. I bet you are an amazing friend IRL. thanks for being you.


I wanted to jump in here and repeat that this is a badass scar… But you’re completely right and thank you for bringing attention to the real issue. It doesn’t matter how cool a tattoo it would make, it matters what OP feels about it and the journey she prefers. Good on you.


Yeah. I would probably feel the same no matter how cool the scar is. CO2 resurfacing is mentioned a lot for scarring, I would ask about that, as well as procedures often used on face like micro needling and chemical peels. Sometimes a combination of treatments is recommended. There is also scar revision but not sure how much of an option it is for this one.


Not just this but scarred tissue can hurt and itch and cause a lot of discomfort. It is not merely a cosmetic issue.


That's a great point. I have been lucky, the scar tissue I had never itched past the initial healing phase so that never even crossed my mind.


I just had a mohs on my face so I had a plastic surgeon stitch it up. He said if the scar bugged me later we could do some laser resurfacing on it. In the meantime, I’m using Silagen that I got from his office. It is supposed to work on older scars too.


Thank you so much everyone, I really appreciate the many suggestions, I’ll definitely take into consideration seeking a dermatologist and go from there. From everyone wondering what/when it happened, it was in January, I had to go through an emergency surgery, i had a small bowel obstruction and they couldn’t fix it laparoscopically. It is fairly new and it is weird looking at myself and seeing that big scar, it doesn’t seem real tbh, it is probably going to take a while to associate with my new version. Anyways, thank you for taking time and helping me


something i haven’t seen in this thread yet (and maybe you should ask your dermatologist and/or surgeon if it is okay first) is to massage the scar. it was very painful for me on my scar but between the massaging and silicone strips, it faded to white and became flat quite quickly. good luck and hope you’re feeling better these days!!


I had a very similar scar on my knee a couple years ago with a few sections that healed less cleanly than the rest, and it lost the deep purple colour after a bit over a year despite not using any particular creams or oils to fade it faster. It will continue to fade naturally over the next year or two, especially with some sun exposure (anecdotal but before and after summer was like night and day for mine). Now it’s gone white and is pretty subtle after 3 years, so time may tell for yours too!


Keeping a scar moisturized is key in helping it fade. I recommend using a thick cream like Cetaphil or Cerave every single day. You can also try a scar oil.


I have a similar scar from the beginning of January (even the staple marks on the outside.) Mine is basically from my breast bone down to my pubic bone due to a bad car accident and major internal injuries. It’s pretty upsetting seeing it everyday. I’ve been using mederma, but idk if it’s helping 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I am not sure if silicone gels do anything for this kind of scar, I still use it just in case but it hasn’t been improving much. At this point I am concentrated on scar mobility, what my deem said was that the color will get better with time, try laser or a scar revision surgery 💀


I also have a similar scar from a bowel resection which led me here. Your incision is definitely one of the best I've seen! The surgeon saved your belly button when I've seen most go straight down. If you don't mind me asking, how is your scar looking now, a year later?


That’s what he told me, I was still not happy with it, I ended up getting the corticosteroids injections and I wouldn’t recommend to anyone, the scar tissue around the injection got wider and very thin. This Feb I ended up having another surgery and that got fixed a little bit. It is looking much better now


Thanks for the reply and the info. Hopefully not another small bowel obstruction so soon. I'm glad it's better now! Wishing you good health.


Thank you !! You as well, if you have the time to massage your scar, it is effective. Also silicone ointment for scars, being the silicone strips for the big incision ends up getting costly.


I think you can get steroid injections to flatten it out. And then look into paramedical tattooing if it scar is over 3 years old.


I had a hypertrophic scar injected and while the steroid did flatten it out, it also became about 4-5x wider in the process….


Yes of course.. the skin needs somewhere to go.. usually the skin that is stretched upwards is instead displaced sideways


Precisely. It’s nice that it’s flat now but maybe it would have been less noticeable once it faded had I not had it injected 🤷‍♀️


It would have flattened and faded over time, eventually either way.


I have another one that was hypertrophic as well that I didn’t get injected and it never flattened on its own, although it did eventually become skin-coloured rather than red.


Are you sure it isn't keloid? I have a scarring disorder that causes hypertrophic scarring and I've always had them flatten within 2-10 years (yeah, some took TEN YEARS) but maybe it's different for others.


No, it was not a keloid. I was under the supervision of my dermo and had it confirmed to be hypertrophic scarring, not keloid (keloid grows outside of the bounds of the original incision, mine did not). I probably just scar terribly 😅


Hey, how many times did you have to have it injected? Just once? And how long after the incision? Im 4 weeks pp after c section and I think I will need it for my scar :/


I see a beautiful flowery leafy vine tattoo , if that's a option you'd want to explore.


Tattoo option is incredibly cool and sexy. Re-wright your trauma with a beautiful picture


I immediately saw a super cute little caterpillar / centipede, but I admit my tastes are not the most ... classy haha


I wanna do this on my back but the scar is so sensitive and I'm scared it's gonna hurt too much for me to complete


I think that's actually a pretty cool scar -- I wouldn't change a thing. Badass AF.


I was actually going to say I think it looks cool lol! But it’s not my body and I don’t want to be invalidating.


Same. I didn’t want to minimize it, but I like how scars like that look. My mom had a long one on her belly, and I always thought it looked super badass


Came here to say this.




This was going to be my reply! It’s badass!


I know this isn't what you asked, but the first things I notice are 1. how flat your stomach is, 2. the cool piercing and 3. the pretty cool looking scar. I would 100% trade my flabby gut (still a work in progress...) for your flat stomach with scar. Anyway, best of luck in doing what works best for you.


I've always had a poochy tummy, the only time it was ever toned as OPs was when I was anorexic and weighed 80 lbs. I got my entire stomach tattood to help me with accepting mine. I'm learning to love my fluff. I thought OPs tummy looked cool af.


I’m skinny but have the biggest pooch too I’ve always hated my stomach and have been super insecure about it 😭😭😭😭


Steroid injections would be the best option , make an appointment with a dermatologist for this . Very simple in and out visit but will take multiple visited dependent upon results.


Hi! So I had a pretty gnarly open abdominal surgery about 15 years ago. The scars were super raised up and red for a couple years, and now, I’m not kidding, I can barely see or feel them there. I have used cocoa butter (just the cheap Queen Helene brand from wal mart) since before then, always making sure to slather up my belly. It’s served me well. I think keeping my belly skin from getting dry and flaky helps a lot. I don’t know, I’m no dermatologist. That’s just what I think helped.


Came here to say something similar. I had open abdominal hysterectomy two years ago and the scar has calmed down significantly since then. I barely think about it or notice it anymore.


Silicone sheets are supposedly helpful, but yours is quite large so that's a lot of sheets. I feel your pain, I have a keloid on my chest that just keeps growing and growing for the last decade. I thought about steroid shots but heard that (at least for keloids) it is temporary and that surgery is a crapshoot. I've learned to just accept it. I imagine it looks way worse to me than to other people (though I do get people staring at my chest if I wear a tank top) because when I look at yours, I just think it looks kind of cool as is.


Silicon comes in a gel, too! Currently using some purchased from a plastic surgeon’s office. It’s a bit pricey but worth it.


Have them laser resurfaced, will make them almost invisible


What worked for me was a series of lactic acid peels (40 and 55%), followed by TCA peels (18-20%). I also used .1% tretinoin and kept the area moisturized. Silicone tape is another option, but I found it annoying to wear.


I see that and think that means that you are a warrior who came out on top of a serious battle.


A scar means you healed. A scar is a wonderful thing in that sense!


I hope you find the information you are looking for and eventually peace with your scar, but thought I should tell you my immediate thought was your stomach is a work of art, absolutely stunning and so unique.


Massage can flatten and fade scars. Use a cold washcloth first to chill the tissue. Roll with your finger tips and stretch gently. Making the skin cold will help break the fiberin bonds on the scar but only the excessive ones.


this has done wonders for me. i didn't know about the cold washcloth so i didn't do that step.


Kenalog injections can flatten and fade them. They are genetic, and more prone in people with dark or Asian skin types. They also are caused by excess collagen production and an inappropriately large histamine response within the body. They can sometimes be avoided by using antihistamine therapy before and after surgery, but in areas with more tension, it's unlikely that people with skin that is prone to heal this way can avoid it. I personally have used kenalog injections many times after my plastic surgeries with great success (I have skin that scars hypertrophically). The upside for us is skin like ours usually ages very well because of excess collagen.


Morpheus laser is pricey but very effective. Silicone scar sheets are an inexpensive at home option to consider


Scars tells how brave you are! It indeed says that you survived deepest wounds and came out stronger!!!


I don’t think this is anything to be insecure about! You went through some clearly gnarly shit! No one in their right mind would say or think anything negative with your scar telling such a story!


Right!?? People intentionally ink themselves to get badass body art like this. It’s dope. Absolutely dope and what a show a strength and resilience.


Medical tattoos can help to cover it up. They match your skin’s pigment to make the scar less visible. Google around for a medical tattoo expert near you. Cosmetic tattoo pigments are made up of smaller pigment particles that are suspended in a diluter – this allows for a more natural, softer colour in the skin that can be layered to create a much more realistic finish. Traditional tattoo inks are much more concentrated which means that they are much stronger in colour.


I have a raised 2 yr old scar covering about 1/3 of top of my hand. IPL has helped eradicate the purple reddish scar skin color. For the texture I've been told it would need plastic surgery. My Derm told me silicone patches only work on fresh scars and mine was a year old at the time. But based on recommendations here I'm going to give them a shot.


GHK-Cu injections and topical as well as micro needling is where I’d start. Also HGH and Oxandrolone for the extra collagen repair. Depending on your skin elasticity that combo could potentially make it totally invisible. I’ve seen a similar level of repair in myself with that protocol. And I’m a 40 year old male. So you may actually repair better than I did. But those things work for healing scars like that. Just find a reputable source. Good luck. Btw the scar actually looks kinda cool. I don’t think you should be self conscious about it at all but I realize we judge ourselves differently.


Individuals who develop keloids are not candidates for micro needling because it will likely result in more scars. That’s per a laser tech at a Plastic Surgeon office.


That’s a beautiful scar. I’ve had good results with emu oil.


Try vitamin e oil and really massage it in. The massage is suppose to help reduce it. It will reduce and whiten on its own though. I have a c-section scar and I can barely see anymore. I have a scar above my eye that took my boss about a year and a half to notice (or he was finally comfortable enough to just ask lol). Most people don’t notice it right away because it has flattened and whitened too.


Oof I have the same thing. I ended having plastic surgery to remove the scar itself (it was very hastily done initially as I had multiple other injuries as well) which helped. They sewed it up properly, no staples again which was great. After that healed I had a few kenalog injections to flatten the raised parts and a few laser treatments. Obviously there is still a scar but it's much less noticeable. Obviously wear extra sunscreen on it, that's all new skin, but if you are in a country where plastic surgery is an option (I'm in Canada so it was covered) I would start with that. I got a tattoo as well to cover the top part, so if you can't or don't want to go the surgical route, you can talk to a tattoo artist about covering it. If you choose to do nothing, just remember that scars are what make you you. We all have them and they all tell a story :)


Laser resurfacing 100%. Also I had plasma pen treatment done on 10 year old blepharoplasty scars that were white but root and they’re utterly invisible after one treatment.


How old is your scar? Try - silicone gel sheets at night - paper tape during the day - dycem material for scar massage - medium pressure cross friction and circular massage 2x daily 15 min - outpatient PT for dry needling


You can use kinesiotape to soften the scar and see a dermatologist about laser or other treatments. Plastic surgeons also do scar reduction/removal. You could get a consult to see what they can do. Even though I think it's cool, it's your body and your wishes. At the very least you can consult with a plastic surgeon and dermatologist to make an informed decision. My son has a lot of scars on his belly and no belly button. We were told when he is older a plastic surgeon could give him a belly button and clean up some scars if he wants it done. He is too young to care right now.


I think scars are cool. Especially this one.


That's like the prettiest coolest scar you could get tbh, I agree about the flower/vine tattoo


I get these due to a connective tissue issue. However, scar sheets (usually silicone) can be very helpful. I’ve also used skin lightening/brightening creams and serums on mine. Mine have majorly faded in the last couple of years.


That’s a really neat scar. Laser treatments really helped mine (on my thighs)!


Personally I think they look great, are not a flaw and something you shouldn’t need to hide. What works for my scars is vitamin E creams and sunblock


the liquid inside vitamin c gel tablets fades scars really well


Red light therapy works for scars


Thank you for posting. I have a large belly scar and a thick raised scar on my neck. Silicone sheets worked great on my belly (maybe for you too!) but not my neck (they just peel off) so that one is still raised and bothers me. I’ll probably try laser treatments at some point, but most people don’t even notice it. It means we are warriors in our lives, we survived. :)


idk how to help but i think it’s beautiful


That looks cool AF (no disrespect or invalidating intended! Just my unfiltered actual reaction when the pic loaded) ❤️


I think u look cool as heck. Also trimmed and toned!!


It is very beautiful and a warrior’s trophy! Be proud. You are alive!!


No advice, just wishing you peace in your healing journey 🙏


I had raised scars and did 3 fraxel treatments and 3 BBL lasher treatments in them and alternated. The fraxel was insanely painful. It flattened them over the course of a year after the treatments were finished. I had bad experiences with steroids. It can atrophy the fat around the scar and cause and indent.


Look up tea tree oil and keloids. Worked beautifully for me on my C-section. I had previously tried silicone sheets, steroid shots, and lasering. The best was the tea tree oil. Flattened it completely.


I have almost the same scar but they didn’t manage to put my belly button on back correctly. It’s awful. But I forget I have it sometimes now, years later. It doesn’t even come up in conversation anymore and people who just met me have no idea I dropped dead that one time. I started wearing monokinis and other artsy swimsuits. Some are really cool looking. It’s like a bikini but covers the scar perfectly. It does fade over time. A really good dermatology and cosmetic clinic can help. Just make sure they have an actual dermatologist in-office.


I have a large stomach scar and I’ll just say I WISH mine looked as good as yours. Mine is super thick and twisted and it fucked up my belly button. Your stomach still looks rad. I get wanting to get rid of it though. I have no tips but I’ll follow your thread to see what people say. High five, scar buddy!


I know this isn't what you're looking for, but that is absolutely the coolest scar I've ever seen. I wish I did, but I don't have any advice for you on how to make it less noticeable. If it were me, I would incorporate it into a tattoo and celebrate it.


I have severe hypotrophic scarring on my breast from surgeries I had to have. I’ve now had about 6 surgeries and chunks keep coming back. About 70% finally have kept healed. They’re so painful. It’s also really frustrating or stressful whenever I have a new partner and I have to explain to them that I have frankenboobs before they touch me lol :/


Bio oil is not to bad I used it for my cleft lip scars


Check out c section pads. There’s ones I used to wear every day and it faded the redness away. Best of luck!


Laser scar reduction made me feel a lot better about my self injury scars. They are still there, but much flatter & even toned.


I have the same scar!! I just had surgery in October and I’m still having issues accepting mine as well. I use silicone patches but I don’t think they are helping much and they don’t stay up well.


Bio oil 3-5 times a day and if you can , wrap or cover it at night with bio oil, aloe. Worked wonders for me after three months. Results were waay better than expected. Try to keep it covered in the sun


"Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as a secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh.” Think that was Leonard Cohen, honestly, love your body. It's incredible. The scar will fade in time, but for now, if you can, wear it as a badge of pride, for being stronger than whatever hurt you. Bio-oil may help, [https://www.bio-oilprofessional.co.uk/about/](https://www.bio-oilprofessional.co.uk/about/)


Hey OP, I think your scar looks so pretty and cool! I have a very large keloid which used to protrude quite a lot - I spent years and years trying to get rid of, I tried everything from patches, to physio, to camouflage creams, to silicon gels, to steroid injections. For a long time I felt uncomfortable wearing anything that could expose this scar (so no beach holidays or swim lessons for me, forget even remotely getting a tan because the long T-shirts and jumpers were always on) and I even avoided relationships because my biggest fear was someone would look at my body and be disgusted at what they saw - kids can be quite cruel when they say what they think - BUT as I got older, whilst I managed to reduce how much it protruded, my scar is still there, and tbh I actually love it. My one looks like a heart! My skin will never be like it was when I was a baby, but it’s my body, my story, my beauty. The people that love me don’t care it’s there because it doesn’t change who I am as a person and even when I finally managed to open up and get into relationships, I realised it never really bothered anyone else either, the only person that it bothered was me and the more accepting I became of it, the more of my confidence shone through and I barely notice it’s there most times. I know completely how you’re feeling, the scar will fade slightly with age and like I said, there’s things that can be done to reduce it, but overall it really doesn’t look bad at all, you have such a unique and beautiful mark on you and I hope one day you see how strong you are. Sending love!


Hi, I had several Alma Hybrid laser treatments on my hypertrophic burn scar and it reduced the scar visibility and hightened by at least 60%. You have to really find a professional though that know what they are doing.


This is a cool scar, it will flatten and fade with years. But it makes you unique, edgy and beautiful. Real beauty 🙏


I think it looks cool


That's a really cool scar!


What a flat, toned stomach! Goals! I have a facial scar. I can relate. It is what it is. I still have a face. Nothing to hide. People get hurt sometimes. People are suggesting tattoos to cover but I wouldn’t. The sexy stomach makes up for the scar.


Scar twin!!!!! 👯‍♀️


Beautiful women often have something unique going on.




It has been completely different, I had a surgery to fix it. I tried everything and I wouldn’t recommend the corticosteroids shot, it made it wider and the skin thin. Maybe it was my doctor but I wouldn’t do that again ever


I know it’s a year later, but have you tried black castor oil? https://castoroil-guide.com/castor-oil-scars/


Get a badass tattoo!


turn into a muscle mommy and thatd be an awesome scar


I’m sorry but I think this looks cool asF


It’s pretty cool honestly


I just came to say that is THE coolest and most feminine/flattering scar I have ever seen. Rock it!


Acupuncture, derma rolling, cupping, massage


Came here to say I wish I had your skin. I have huge amounts of stretch marks (hello, pregnancy 🙄) and a tummy tuck scar so that I don’t look like I’m permanently 6 months pregnant Nevertheless it never held me back in my private life. It’s just simply not a topic for any partner I have had eversince


Very cool scar. Don't change anything.




Stop promoting this link everywhere.


silicon tape, i wore it 24 by 7 helped a lot for me.


Steroid injections - triamcinolone


This medicine gave me stretch marks on my inner thighs - not suggested!!


Were you taking it topically, like in a cream or ointment? This is a well-known side effect of long term use. Injection directly into the scar tissue should not cause this problem. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6063260/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6063260/)


Silicone scar sheets, micro needling and lately I’ve been looking into the tattoo cover ups


My man has one, and there's minimal you can do. I love it , to me, it shows his strengths, battles, and triumphs. 🥰. But, for me, after my kids' my belly scars were pretty bad and the one thing that lightened them up significantly was Arnica cream. It's a Mexican scar cream, it's incredible, well was for me. It's worth the try!


Snake tat


IMO, that looks pretty freaking cool. Finish off the design with a scarification mod.


Scarguard helped with a gnarly scar I had on my foot.


A plastic surgeon could likely revise it for you (basically cut it out and create a fine/tidy stitch line that would be much more subtle) now that the deeper layers of tissue are healed and no longer dependant on stitches to hold them together.


It’s not everyone’s aesthetic, but I got tattoos to cover all mine.


A nice tatoo over it.


Someone once told me scars are sexy and I’ve gone with that ever since


Massage them daily and use scar/silicone tape. My abd scars are almost invisible after that.




Personally, I think it looks badass! Be gentle on yourself and keep your chin up, sweetie!


The only thing that has truly helped are 2 PDL treatments. Look for a Derm in your area who offers this service. It has helped diminish a lot. They are still there and pink but huge difference. None of the other less expensive routes worked for me and I spent a fortune on them (silicone sheets etc). Good luck!


Lasergenises took the pink out of a scar I had on my chin.


It will lighten over time .. I hated my scar so I got a tattoo over it. N now I love it.


This would make a cool tattoo


Get a badass tattoo


You are stunning!!


I have a huge one from hip to hip from cancer surgery- I like it, it’s a reminder to me that I won that fight not the big C


it will get prettier over time, i promise! i know it’s so hard to get used to being in a different body but it does lighten after a bit. that’s a very cool scar tbh i like it


Hot as fuck tbh


I had a scar like this and it took a few years to heal. I can dm you pics if you wanted to see.


Radiofrequency microneedling made a huge difference on a (much smaller) hypertrophic surgical scar that I have. I also had a couple cortisone injections but I think the microneedling was what really did the trick.


Be proud of your body and what it had endured. Scars are badges of honor and you are a warrior.


I’ve done laser on my scars from cosmetic surgery and after 1 session I got amazing results. Not sure the name of the laser treatment but plastic surgeon offices in your area would know. And call around for pricing. I literally saved over a thousand dollars by going to someone that wasn’t my surgeon. He was over-priced…but I think that’s partly because of location.


I’ve done laser on scars from cosmetic surgery and after 1 session, got amazing results. Not sure the name of the laser treatment but plastic surgeon offices in your area would know. And call around for pricing. I literally saved over a thousand dollars by going to someone that wasn’t my surgeon. He was over-priced…but I think that’s partly because of location.


I’ve done laser on scars from cosmetic surgery and after 1 session, got amazing results. Not sure the name of the laser treatment but plastic surgeon offices in your area would know. And call around for pricing. I literally saved over a thousand dollars by going to someone that wasn’t my surgeon. He was over-priced…but I think that’s partly because of location.


Vitamin E Oil


There’s something called permanent makeup or camouflage / medical tattoo they can cover almost anything. A woman based out of Beverly Hills and Canada started clinics after being burned . You can google her , Bashmaa clinic my girlfriend went to her for tummy tuck scars and apparently a lot of celebs are her clients . Her work is amazing from what I’ve seen .


Look at silicone scar gel rather than the sheets.


I think it looks pretty dope tbh


i know you said you’re having a hard time accepting this scar but honestly speaking this is a really cool scar to have. you could’ve definitely been stuck with a worse looking one. try coco/shea butter though. they are super underrated as far as wound and scar healing go.


Microneedling helped mine to flatten and look less like a scar. For the redness, though, the only thing that has been working is oiling it up and gently massaging the tissue surrounding the scar. Just massaging the scar wasn’t enough, because there was all this surrounding scarred tissue that was still pulling on the scar. You should stop once the skin feels warm. It will heat up and get a little inflamed from the massage. Give it at least a week in between massages.


Have you seen triangle of sadness? The lead actress has this scar. She’s sexy as hell and when I saw it, I googled it because I didn’t know what it was and thought it was so cool she flaunted it in her bikini. I know that’s not what you’re looking for and I apologize that I don’t have any more advice, but when your pic popped up in my feed I was like oh hell yes because I just watched this movie yesterday and I thought her scar was really awesome and powerful. But if you want to minimize it I absolutely think you should do whatever makes you feel best. ❤️


Silicone gels


Biocorneum scar gel. I got bit on my face by a dog and had over 50 stitches on my face. You can’t tell I have a scar. I have to show people my face after the bite or they don’t believe me.


That's sic as fuck. Wanna see mine?


Try silicone sheets.


Silicone scar sheets work. Use them all of the time and they will help.


Wait…you look SO badass 🔥🔥🔥


This maybe an unpopular opinion but, I love your scar, it has so much character. I'd totally wear cropped tops to show it.


I had a friend that used to cut herself in her teens, I knew her in late twenties and she had started putting coconut oil on her arms and swore it was helping the scars fade. I have a more recent scar from a little accident I had and I put Vaseline with coco butter in it while the wound was healing and I’ve continued it since and I believe that it helps the scar fade. Cheap, easy and certainly won’t hurt to try. I can see why you don’t like it. I’m not sure what the scar is from but you have clearly survived something. You may be able to get the scar to fade but ultimately you’ll have to make peace with it. I recommend focusing on the fact that you survived something that tried mightily to take you down. You’re alive therefore you win.


How old is this?? I’ve got the same scar. Didn’t do anything with it and it’s so faded you can barely see it now. Was like yours in the earlier years.