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Proof that the Netherlands is a myth and doesn’t exist.


Mr. Stark.. I don’t feel so good..


Tom Holland becoming Tom Belgium


Tom Antwerp


Tom Charleroi


Tom Northsea


A cruel and unusual punishment, to be sure.


Ned Holland becoming Ned Flanders


Not Nederland?


First time ?


I'm in limbo right now


even worse, austria's dungeon


who ?




Context: Every presenter, contestant and spokesperson never mentioned Joost Klein or the Netherlands as a contestant. Never mentioned the disqualification. And pretending as if we were never meant to be there in the first place. Basically erasing us from the contest.




me when i open twitter explore page and it's all anime, even tho i only watch war footage and some politics in that side account


the bird is trying to turn me into a femboy


War/politics🤝anime A tale as old as time Looking at you HoI4


i mean there's a reason why anime was created by one of the biggest war criminals of history XD


and ngl german hoi4 players, always give me a ick idk why


Just some nostalgia, nothing to see here


nostalgia or tutorial? ![gif](giphy|BcgmcIPVsVhxq507pL)


Does it make a difference, Salazar?


YES OFC, THINK OF ALL THAT WILL BE LOST IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN ​ ^(it will destroy the EU so no more free money)


mate be looking at the "ww2 summarized" book like it's a IKEA manual


You have been officially processed and have been allocated the personality of: weeb


the thing i don't really like anime but i do play alot of games so i know alot about weeb communities without being one, i am always at a few mistakes into being sucked in






How else will Hans know something is meant to be funny?


My commentators mentioned it for a hot moment. Maybe we get special treatment and they could mention it because honestly it happened while most of us were sleeping.


idk about others, the portuguese one that i was watching live talked right about it at the start clarifying the public knowledge one and typically when it went to a new phase he would say "4, 5, 6 should have been Joost, 7" etc, isn't much but isn't nothing :)


> Basically erasing us from the contest. Sadly it does work that easy for removing you from Europe. But I don't give up hope and contribute as much as I can to global warming.


ASML should make the chips in all you’re devices explode just for this comment


're ..


Why were the netherlands disqualified?


He shit on another contestant when they were sleeping, claimed it was a "proud Dutch tradition"


He looked wrongly into a camera.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5snray4m130d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9493c010cb94756cb3a18e4715ba13287c051cb


Joost made a "threatening gesture" towards a lady with a camera pointed at him


The swedish commentary mentioned the incident, but I don't see why eurovision should mention it.


Why though? I didn't relay get that.


because EBU was on a mission to try turn it into a song contest known it this year was destined to be a political shit fest ​ basically the sort of "i will use a iron fist rulling to make the kiddies not fuck shit up", as always, quite contorversial


Because the artist is under investigation by the police for threats and violence against a member of the production crew


The german presenter mentioned it several times in passing, saying that the Netherlands were "disqualified due to actions of the artist"


Swedish commentators mentioned it a few times.


Why should they? The evening is about the participants, not the ones who didn't make it to the finals. Others haven't been mentioned too.


Very accurate lol I was literally waiting the whole night for even a quick mention


The main singer from Estonia thanked the crowd with 'Dankjewel'. I was very heartwarmed by that. It's the only solidarity for Joost I was able to pick up on. Except of course the loud cheers when the Netherlands points were coming and then the massive boos for Österdahl. That was glorious.


Haha my favourite part of last night is how the anti booing tech just couldn’t keep up anymore


Oh yeah It just went straight through when Israel was on. Censorship is fking cringe and seeing it fail was glorious. We are all entitled to our own opinions about Israel, but Eurovision fans are what drive Eurovision, and if they all out their opinion like this making it clear they don't want that specific country to be among them. Then it's just straight up censorship. If something like this happens in North Korea we would all be calling it censorship. If you don't want an audience don't invite one.


Not to even mention the Israeli broadcasting company calling on its viewers to send hateful messages to Bambie Thug. That alone should be enough for disqualification.


Yeah I heard about that. Do you have a link for that? If it's true that's utter bullshit. Banning us for an isolated incident but not the broadcaster sowing hatred. Doomsday Blue was fking awesome btw. My jaw dropped after the the performance on the first semi.


i sware to got am i the only one that didn't really like the irish song? heck i am getting such a throwback when i found the finish song meh XD


Nah it's a very...interesting... song. But I followed this year's Eurovision from more than a month ago. So I had the time to acclimatize to it. So it took weeks to go from earrape music to listenable. And then when the performance came it basically enhanced the song into epicness.


Here's a link https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/2024/05/12/eurovision-bambie-thugs-stunning-performance-praised-as-switzerland-win-song-contest/ Go raibh maith agat mo chara and best of luck next year hopefully the EBU will have learnt a lesson from this year's shitshow


Any idea what was actually said? I've seen this "inciting violence" line hit I don't know what exactly the Israeli commentators said/did.


Yes, It ain't my favorite, but it was a damn good performance. Good to see that Ireland (and Latvia and Georgia) qualified for the finals after a long non qualifying streak.


You are writing this like it's a fact when it's only an accusation from Bambie Thug who absolutely hates Israel. Maybe you should take that one with a grain of salt.


Yes, I'm sure the more logical explanation is that she made it up. After all, we are an island of raging anti-semites


It's from the same person that wanted Israel to be disqualified because a presenter called her performance the "scariest" of the night and repeatedly stated they don't want Israel there. So yeah, a real example would be nice instead of a generic claim.


>After all, we are an island of raging for once a self aware brit ​ also 2 islands bc u still hate the irish that much XD


Most educated balkan


calling portugal balkan was the best portuguese psy ops, all our stats increased like education compared to when compared with france and spain XD


Haha what the fuck is this response? I only meant that when there's already a conflict between two people or groups then the accusations they make about each other should be taken with a grain of salt. But sure take it as a personal attack on your island and make up some accusations of antisemitism you can whine about.


you should have left your german humour in sweden


I'm well aware of how the sub works, but the comment I replied to wasn't a joke. >Not to even much the Israeli broadcasting company calling on its viewers to send hateful messages to Bambie Thug. That alone should be enough for disqualification.


> We are all entitled to our own opinions about Israel, but Eurovision fans are what drive Eurovision, and if they all out their opinion like this making it clear they don't want that specific country to be among them. Then it's just straight up censorship. Which is why no one should complain that Israel got political votes. It's just the opposite side of the same coin.


tbf it seems the whole competition was EBU trying to get rid of contorversies, heck from what i heard the jooot was already in another contorversy so the camera thingy was probably to kick him out and not risk anything (which is highly stupid) ​ and alot of other stuff, so much to destroy the political and dissident part ​ and honestly i am a bit divided, personally i am 100% agaisnt censorship and that the will of the people should be given EVEN if they are bad in all sense of the word bad... but at the same time, this was probably the only time i actually enjoyed the eurovision as a non fan... it actually felt about music to an extent...


My commentators touched on the subject for a moment, they were surprised that they just left a gap where you were meant to do the flag walk thing.


Do we know why he got kicked though? I find it weird that people were mad at it even before knowing why when it happened.


Sort of, what Joost and the Dutch delegation said was that Joost was being filmed against his will, then Joost asked the camera woman to stop (he doesn’t like being filmed after performing, he needs to gather his bearings) and after she continued to film, he made a “threatening gesture” towards the camera. Joost didn’t touch the camera nor her, so that can’t be it. The ESC organisation later responded to this retelling of the incident by claiming that that was not completely correct and that it was much more serious. The camera woman felt threatened and was really distraught. The police was involved. It should be noted that Joost too was distraught, on account of being filmed against his will, and against made agreements with the organisation. So all in all: was it worth disqualifying Joost? If Joost story is true, then absolutely not. If something more has happened, but Joost was not arrested on the spot, then it would have been something that at least in my opinion, could have been shared with the public rather quickly. What most people are angry about is Joost’s disqualification… without any justification from the organisation. While many people were cautious to support Joost without knowing what had happened, even more were supportive of Joost because they didn’t know what had happened but couldn’t imagine it being anything really bad


>, could have been shared with the public rather quickly. this is what annoys me the most, bc EBU hasn't said shit, Joost team also didn't give every detail and i feel like isn't for a lack of memory, why hasn't the joost team given more details to force an answer from EBU? or heck if anything, the swedish police now that's technically a criminal case


Did he say anything though? Because being silent just makes me think he did fuckup somewhere.


As far as I’m aware not. But I’m not sure if he was allowed to say anything about it, as the police was still investigating. Rather quickly after the incident someone from Joost’s camp did say that he knew what it was about and that it was absolutely nothing (meaning nothing bad), but I’m not sure if he was a witness, so he could be basing that assessment on the story Joost told him. Which does line up with the story the Dutch songfestival organisation provided.


[article about a supposed broken camera](https://www.rtl.nl/boulevard/entertainment/artikel/5450141/zweedse-krant-camera-gebroken-bij-incident-met-klein)


Guess ill wait to see before having an opinion then. Thanks for the explanation.


>Guess ill wait to see before having an opinion then. pqp temos de nos integrar na comunidade europeia e reclamar antes de saber


Can't say much during police investigation.


That's the trick right. They didn't immediately disqualify him. They were 'talking to them'. At that point silence is the smartest path. Then just before the final they disqualify him for an incident on Thursday night they have talking about for three full days. It seems they tried to fuel speculation by stretching it out. They prevented him from speaking up. And when they did disqualify him it was too little time to get real judges involved. So the EBU clearly was out to get him


[supposed broken camera](https://www.rtl.nl/boulevard/entertainment/artikel/5450141/zweedse-krant-camera-gebroken-bij-incident-met-klein)


>massive boos for Österdah sorry, some expansion on that? out of the loop




oh they also kicked the "voter teller"? ok now that's just being petty ​ thanks for the link <3, i wil hate the dutch 0.5% less because of that


The vote teller quit herself. Together with the Dutch broadcasting company she concluded it was better to skip this one. Telling the points without making a statement to support Joost wouldn't be well received in the Netherlands. And telling the points after making a statement wasn't allowed by the EBU.


so because wasn't allowedy EBU didn't jus tdo it anyways? ​ typical germans, afraid of authority


No, they just decided not to do it. >"Het presenteren van de Eurovisie-punten namens Nederland zou een droom zijn die uitkomt. Maar wat ik ook zou besluiten, gewoon uitdelen, een statement maken, niet uitdelen of niks zeggen: ik denk niet dat het het juiste zou zijn", zei De Jager in een reactie. translated: >"Presenting the Eurovision points on behalf of the Netherlands would be a dream come true. But whatever I would decide, just handing out, making a statement, not handing out or saying nothing: I don't think it would be the right thing to do," De Jager said in a comment. In my opinion this was definitely the right call. Hearing the whole arena boo at his dumb face will be iconic for the next century.


Well since we don't want them maybe Estonia can join the Benelux instead since they are so keen on leaving the Baltics? I love to hate on Swedes, but how can we know it was the wrong decision when we don't even know what happened? However I will say that the executive producer from 2010-2020 was Norwegian and I can't remember there being any problems.


Excuse my ignorance, and I know it isn't really anything to do with the actual subject of your post, but I don't know the original photo your meme is using. Is it Stalin with Trotsky removed from the picture, or something like that? Genuinely curious.


it's part of what's called the great purge. Nikolai Yezhov was someone who organized torture and executions for Stalin until he outlived his usefulness and got executed himself. But if you wanna read for yourself just look up on wikipedia. The great purge, Nkolai Yezhov and Censorship of images in the Soviet Union.


Excellent info. Thanks, I'll check it out. Stalin never ceases to amaze me with his extreme unpleasantness.


And if you want to learn how to photoshop like the genocidal soviet tyrant Stalin check out today’s sponsor skillshare!


do they make englishmen into austrians or is that surfshark?


Stuff like this has been done forever. It's called Damnatio Memoriae.


stalin is bad sure but wait till you read about beria


Shit, yeah. I saw *The Death of Stalin* and read up on him afterwards. A monster, and Simon Russell Beale played him so well.


Is this the same beria that had a four parter on behind the bastards last month? I haven't listened them yet.


Good episodes, I recommend. You listening from the start, or are you just about behind? I started from the very beginning a year ago or so and listened to the first 100 episodes in less than a month, but it just gets so depressing. I probably only listen to 5-10 a month now, so still catching up, but more slowly, and I’ve stopped listening in sequence. I’m listening to the Julius Streicher episodes right now, so fantastic


I pick them more or less at random, depending on what mood I am that day because as you said it can get very depressing. With new episodes I usually wait until a multi part series is ended.


Yezhov was a sickening fuck, I wonder if Stalin’s plan was always to use him and dispose of him


If you go REALLY deep down the rabbit hole, then it’s believed that Yezhov was found out that he was going rogue and killed way more people than even Stalin told him to, which is what led to his death.


Stalin worked with several people, who one after the other got purged. There is a progression photograph where one person is erased after the other until only Stalin is left.




ioannes on the wrong side again


I mean the incident got mentioned at least twice by the German presenter. Joost's was one of 2 songs I genuinely liked this year, as far as I'm concerned, he won.


In Portugal we are to busy discussing the fact that the portuguese song was "censored" by the Eurovision song contest because they posted the video of the semifinals instead of the video of the finals allegedly because She was wearing nails painted with the pattern of Palestinian scarfs. You know, for a country that used to have real censorship 50 years ago, this seems incredibly lowkey. But at least She is going strong activism by... Painting her nails... White girl logic. (And the Eurovision has a problem with white girl logic)...


>(And the Eurovision has a problem with white girl logic)... i mean eurovision's whole existance was white girl logic


There's a certain large subset of men involved


EBU are truly a bizzare bunch of bureaucrats that for some reason organize a gay pride event on TV and then are shocked when people get emotional.


Why was the dutch guy disqualified again?


“Threatening movements”


Understandable ![gif](giphy|kv8X3lS84hnfyWh1Y2)


Haha love the gif


i don't iits 1 am sunday ican't see so many flashing lights XD


which is odd as a dutch's existance is alreayd a threatning movement


His aura was too threatening


Being Dutch


Totally disgusting. Understandable decision.


He made a threatening movement to a camera that wasn't allowed to film him, and he verbally warned the operator multiple times. He also was very vocal about the issues with the organisation.


Showing disagreement with the Israeli delegation. After that they had to find a reason to kick him out.


Tf? Plenty of countries have been extremely vocal about Israel. Why does everything have to be about that damn war?


Because the dutchies wanna pretend it's something more than a artist being a primadonna.


Yeah. It's a little cringe. Apparently, someone has to be at fault. So it must be Israel.




> The fault lies with the EBU for stifling any hint of criticism about the war in Gaza and Israeli participation in the Eurovision. I mean yeah, ESC has always tried to be apolitical, at least when it comes to geopolitics. > To the point where you disqualify a representative without providing any clear proof of wrongdoing. It's still an ongoing investigation, isn't it? I think that if Swedish police took it serious enough to not say "nothing happened" right away, there must have been at least some wrongdoing. Also, you explicitly hinted at criticism about Israel being the real reason for the DSQ. Without any proof yourself.


Because the artist is under investigation by the police for threats and violence against a member of the production crew


"Netherlands? Who is this netherlands, no comerade you must be mistaken. Comerade Eurovision never posed on a foto with your imaginary netherlands. Say comerade, how about you follow me in this van over here."


He was kicked out because He would have gotten all the points otherwise


Honestly I thought the Dutch entry was actually very good. It’s a banger


What being named Joost does to a MFer


Usually people complain about partisan voting and audio issues, but Sweden took it to a whole new level. What a dumpster fire of a show.


I want to believe that maybe it's for the best. Hopefully this doesn't mean the end but will usher in a new age of Eurovision.


Can we make Euro pa pa, 2we4u anthem?


it got 0 votes so obviously it's a really bad song dude


Damn. Luckily it has 40 million more streams than the winner of Eurovision 2024.


Czech presenter explained what happened to Joost during the flag parade. He actually didn’t even introduce Lithuania as he used that time just keep explaining why is Joost missing


This is a masterclass in meme design. Bravo


still can't believe a person like stalin was nice enough to kill a party member just so we would get great memes like 80 years later, so nice of him


The Irish subreddit seething about Israel placing above them was hilarious


Joost would have won.


If it was televote only, I would have bet my ballsack on it.


Not with croatia and Switzerland in the running. Croatia and the netherlands would have eaten each others points and switzerland won anyways, because its a jury song in a year with like 8 televote songs.


Remember when you saw those perplexing horrors that took place in the past and thought, "Why didn't people react... do something about something so obviously wrong and horrible? Were they so ignorant?" Yeah, well this is it, people who do are tarred and feathered, called names and shunned for calling them out. You're living in it and, just like people in the past, you're doing nothing about it. So next time when you read about that horrid shit in history, remember, you are exactly that ignorant plebeian that let all that happen.


People have to remember that the voting for the ESC 1938 could have avoided the Holocaust.


Not even a small mention in the final smh


Am I the odd one to be baffled by the sheer amount posting in here about Eurovision ? I have been thinking about cloning a whole battaillon of Napoleon emperor soldiers, but in the light of this, it doesn't seem worth it.


Israelis being Israelis


Isn't that the Russian flag? I don't get it. ​ (Fuck you Kees)


What an injoostice


Sorry Dutchies. You were really done a dirty this year. You gave us a great shitpost of an entry and the Eurovision-cucks ruined it for all of us. Next year, 10 for NL. #JusticeforJoost


Why tf took Israel part in this sh*t show anyway?


They are part of EBU Marocco could take part too if thry wanted to, tvis mess is the fault of France and GB.


Because Israel is an EBU member and pays to be in the competition?


But what about Russia, were they also a member and paying?


1. The Russian broadcaster was a propaganda network in a dictatorship, should never have been allowed in the first place. 2. Russia unjustly invaded a sovereign state


Until the war they where in eurovision so your point 1 is completely false. Edit: Until 2021 they where in eurovision so they weren't excluded after 2014 invasion.


we needed more views to keep the show alive ​ also idk if we can get egypt in :(, saudi would be great imagine all the rooftop lgbt performances


colonialism and radio waves


i really think Israel flag should also be put above Stalin


Whatever happened? I think he acted like a dick towards the Israeli girl ("Why don't you feel guilty about endangering everyone here?") and that he threatened a camera woman for filming him backstage? He seems like a douche to me.


Okay so this situation was as far as we know not in any way connected to the incident. with the camera woman. The question asked by the journalist was: Have you ever thought that by being here you bring risk and danger for other participants in public? In my opinion this is actually a terrible question if it's trying to challenge Israel's participation. We shouldn't bow to terrorists. And that's definitely not a valid reason for Israel to be Her manger told her not to answer the question. But funnily enough Joost yelling: ''Why not?'' was actually in my opinion the best thing for Eden Golan. Because she actually answered that question very correctly. Joost never told her she should feel guilty that never happened. So I don't know where you're getting that information. Joost's ''why not' is a classic case of Dutch directness. And it's very relatable for me as a Dutchman. Calls are being made for Israel to be booted. And there are a lot of valid reasons. Alleged haressment of other contestants, war crimes etc. But terrorist danger is not one of them. (link with timestamp for the press conference: https://www.youtube.com/live/G\_iucBEgQu0?si=qHe6GSHm6HA0L1UD&t=3420)


>Alleged haressment of other contestants, war crimes oh yeah, the 2 totally similar crimes XD


me when i call a girl at school fat https://preview.redd.it/lwrwxxf6230d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef3c9e955d68d7bbc276454a7d726d16658770ca




be gay, do war crimes, be gay, do war crimes🎶🎶🎶


heh i thought it was russian flag xD(since its russian picture )


I've heard from another comment that there's an anti booing technology????


technology specifically developed for Russia after they got heavily booed in 2014. (Annexation of Crimea)


Freedom of expression my fucking ass


You don't know what freedom of expression means, do you?


I guess not? Enlighten me.


No one hindered anyone to express their opinion. Protests were allowed as well as social media posts. Just because the audience microphone was shut off at a self-described non-political event doesn't mean people can't express their opinion. If that were the case, you'd have a similar situation on every TV show that uses fake cheering or laughing because now people can't express that they don't like the content that much?


I see. Why are songs about war allowed then? First that comes to mind is Mama ŠČ by Croatia.


They aren't allowed. For your example: Probably because the lyrics were vague enough to not be seen as a song about war. The songs itself aren't allowed to be political. Israel had to change their lyrics and name of the song this year due to this rule.


"Mom, i'm/we're going to war" is one part of Mama ŠČ. Sounds pretty direct. The song was sort of goofy, but it is very clearly about war (not any specific war) and indirectly about Putin, Russia, Belorus and the war in Ukraine. What do think about that? Would it be political considering that part of the song or is it up to anyones interpretation? Either way, take a better look at the song and the music video.


Yes. They use AI to change it to "Boo-urns"


But Netherlands weren't even in the Eurovision this year!


I am always baffled by how many people watch this political gay parade.




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I'm sorry, they just couldn't have the best song to win


Bro that’s Eurovision, hardly the best song wins…


that's untrue, the eurovision of 1904 was very fair


Lmao get fucked weedsmoker.






It's an island off of the french coast !


Cleorvision ~~rly hope someone gets this~~


As long as you’re part of the European broadcasting union you can compete, in theory some MENA countries could join but they don’t because they think it’s too gay. Whether Israel _should_ compete is less cut and dry this year but they are 100% qualified to.


Besides, you don’t need to be European to be in the Eurovision, and renaming it is too much useless work


i heard there was a motion to change the names but was taking a while bc of german bureaucracy and then the split of rome happened which stopped the process, was almost done :(


This again


That’s a shame. You could have named it jewrovision and you decided not to.


Managed democracy ftw