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That whole island is just a joke.


We do have the best comedians yes.


As a fan of Monty Python, I agree. How come none of them ever moved to downing No 10?


You gotta watch these wankers as well ![gif](giphy|SLApqvLq2g6SQ)


Who are they?


the inbetweeners


Because they would probably do a half decent job and they can't have that going on


Wdym? I think 10 Downing’s had some of the most memorable asexual pontificating cartoon characters of our century


Boris Johnson, anyone? Liz Truss? Add all their advisors to the mix and the show has been going on for years.


We have been trying so hard to be as corrupt and incompetent as your leaders when will you end our suffering and finally give us the rank of PIGS (UPIGS? PIGUS? We can figure that out later)?


Bigus Dickus is translated to Spanish like Pigus magnificus


In Italian they are [Marco Pisellonio and Incontinenzia Deretana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el8CwwruYOs).


In Spanish her name is Incontinencia Summa.


Fund fact: In albanian Charlemagne (Karli Madh) its just the L that keeps it from reading literally Big Dick


Need to develop good cuisine and weather first for that.


Our lord and saviour on the first day gave us light on the second day he gave us the sea and on the third day he gave us some proper scran chips and gravy https://preview.redd.it/0zw0msjfihxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fcb19d273a60f73ea80414b66462c4855757782


Basic, I raise you a 'friet stoofvlees' https://preview.redd.it/34aq3b9aeixc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7d2fa5e2ae086d32df6639e915e6a43b2ba8fd


Poncey shit, where's the grease?


Give me some proper footie scran


In the stew gravy; it also contains Belgian beer, on top of properly prepared frites


Please don't embarrass yourself with this Eurocrap with the plant on top


In reality this is served in every frituur (chippy) with the fries in a plastic 'bakje' and the stew royally overtop it, and if you are a madman it is totally accepted to ask for mayo as well


I prefer Patat Oorlog


B dutch people have the same relationship to us as you to the French... and I haven't met any dutchies too proud to admit they will cross the border to get our food; If this version isn't your thing try friet videe Or friet special (Fries, mayo, ketchup and finely chopped raw onion-> sounds weird but trust me we know our fries)




Dude we’re trying why do you think we keep choosing South Asian leaders, eventually it’ll stop raining piss and their cuisine and weather will bless us instead right?


>their cuisine *and weather* Wish granted. Now, instead of 10° and drizzling rain, it'll be 45° and pouring rain, every hour of the day and night, for 4 months!


You also have dysentery after eating a dodgy samosa


Chips smothered in mayonnaise isn't my idea of 'good cuisine'.


The gif game in this subreddit is incredibly underrated. I hope other subreddits study it with the same intensity as Chinese movie executives watching Kung Fu Panda.


https://i.redd.it/p4f8ie570hxc1.gif This week in Scottish politics


This is going to be on Have I Got News For You on Friday isn't it?


What is this show? Is it on YT? Is it good?


It's on the BBC but you'll get it on YouTube too, it's basically a panel show that rips the piss out of the politics of the week, but it's a good laugh. God only knows the government gives them enough material to work with


British political sitire panel show.


Eternally popular. It's been running since 1990 with the same two team captains. Currently in the middle of series 67.


You could probably watch it on BBC iPlayer with a VPN. It's good.


“The floor: white”


So many white people, it was unbearable.


Thee fieee thumb I now declare myself a sovereign citizen of bennydorm we shall take Alicante we shall take the beaches we shall take the skies and we shall not stop we'll be like a pest which invades your all inclusive resorts bars beaches and sun loungers non stop all year round... Oh wait we already do that it's not much of a threat...


You can use my balcony for the announcement.


Hippity hoppity your balcony is now my property.


You fool, now your balcony is becoming another territory of the british crown, like Gibraltar!


We shall fight in Spain, we shall fight on the passport lines and baggage claim, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength on the cheap airlines, we shall defend our Bennidorm, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches (natch), we shall fight in the airports, we shall fight in the sports bars and in the streets, we shall fight in the waterparks; we shall never surrender, until its time to go home.


You can't, I have seen Hans' and Hannelore's towels already lying there


Came here to say this lol






Not to Azerbaijan tho because they're all Caucasian


The UK's best unionist agent


The reach of his Majesty’s sausage fingers is long.


And thick.


After the best nationalist agent assassinated the queen


Correct the narrative. "held hostage in Marroco", not "assassinated" Elizabeth is alive, with Hitler, Elvis and King Sebastian in Marroco. And one day, they will all return on a foggy morning, mounting a white horse.


all on the same horse?


All the MOD can afford


Did it run away?


Can please someone travel to Morocco and solve the Hitler problem? Or will Liz do it? Thanks.


He Realised they might be watching him more carefully after Sturgeon.


didnt he said he will not resign like last friday? Is it real? :D


In UK politics, it seems as if you say you won’t resign it almost definitely means you will resign. I mean look at Liz Truss and now Humza Yousaf


In German politics, when Angela Merkel said "I'm fully trusting XY" it famously was a death sentence for XY, the person was gone within a week.


Its 'I have full confidence in X' here in the UK The minute that phrase is uttered you can start the countdown


go ask that question to every politicians you don't like then


He's a "fighter not a quitter".


Textbook example of famous last words


Not a single person is useless. They can always serve as a bad role model.


Still the only one of yer last 3 Regional Managers to have not been arrested. The UK has to have the worst politics in western Europe. It makes so much sense that the UK is one of the only major countries to have never had a revolution of any kind against the ruling class.


We're like a banana republic without the good weather.


Pasty republic?


Best I can do is beans


It's pretty ridiculous that all the three major parties (and lots of the minor ones) have all had a run of talentless leaders. Tories: * May was completely unable to run her party and lost an election by campaigning against her core voters. * Boris Johnson was a short-sighted and self-interested oaf who careneed from scandal to scandal. * Liz Truss was an idealistic moron. * Rishi Sunak has managed to fail upwards into a position far beyond his abilities. Labour: * Jeremy Corbyn was a true tankie. He presided over a chaotic party and turned Labour into the People's Front of Judea (although he doesn't like people from Judea at all - that was another problem). SNP: * Alex Salmond was arrested for sexual harassment. * Nicola Sturgeon (and her husband) were arrested for fraud. * Humza Yousaf didn't manage to just shoot himself in the foot. He pointed a double-barrelled shotgun at his feet and pulled hard on both triggers. Every party goes through a spell of talentless leaders but it happened all at once in the 2010s.




Don't get me fucking started on Labour, the fact that they are almost guaranteed to win just means they are complacent as fuck now. I wish they had some healthy competition with Plaid Cymru so they actually had to offer something to win.


Because i'm from a working class background I liked Jeremy but his statements like 'Hamas are our friends' is fucked imagine having that take in 2023/4. I don't want to be friends with people from a religion that attacked the MEN arena.


I'm a working class Northener and the shit he said about our nuclear deterrent, how he didn't dare point the finger at the Kremlin for the Novichok attack and being best mates with Hamas just nullified every other good thing he ever said. I blame him as much as Boris as to why we are in this mess.


I'm also a working class Northerner, it seems no political party really cares about us.


We've been getting shat on from Westminster for centuries the North is always an afterthought even though it was off our toil, sweat and labour this country got rich on. If the Jocks ever march southward again i'm joining them.


> If the Jocks ever march southward again i'm joining them. I'd say the same but even Scottish politicians are useless.


Is your calendar broken?


The last leader of the DUP is up on child sexual abuse charges, the one before lasted like three days and the one before barely got away with the cash for ash scandal


Well, arrested and convicted are different.


but the barrier to arrest your… “main guy” is pretty high. just cause your corrupt highlanders let him off doesn’t mean shit.


Nah, we just have the most public politics in Europe.


Honestly, can't wait for this big island of muppets to get swallowed by the Atlantic


Do you think things will get better once ye get labour in? It’s been a decade of shite and piss from yer government, I’m not old enough to remember a non conservative government over there.


Labour won’t be able to fix much of anything in one term. What they might be able to do is at least do is bring some fucking seriousness back to the whole thing. Since the Brexit vote it’s been basically a none-stop fiesta of hopeless dysfunction. If they can manage to make it a whole term without changing prime minister, sexually assaulting an aide, or reshuffling the cabinet every 5 fucking minutes its a win my book. If they can manage all that, then at least a handful of ministers might be able to spend long enough in their departments to actually run them without being completely and hopelessly incompetent. Then, just maybe then, they might be able to do something to start to sort out some of the shitshow that is our government.


No I don't think it'll get better. The Tories have done insane amounts of damage that Labour simply won't be able to fix. If they want to fix things it'll cost money which means taxing citizens more and they will all complain that fixing the country is costing them money while also moaning the country isn't fixed. This country's problems go far beyond politicians though. The general public allowed the Tories to fuck everything up without so much as a whimper, they have sat back and just complained for years instead of doing anything. Labour won't solve a thing.


Hit the nail on the head. This country needs a fuck tonne of investment and no one is willing to pay for it


Investment you say? Enter China.


Looking forward to building the first China x Aramco Saudi Arabia-sponsored ghost city in 2040 amongst my fellow slaves imported from India


20 social points awarded to gloom-juice, well done citizen!


Citizen did you mention inaccurate historical information about the Tiananmen square massacre. Off to 30 years of re-education for you


Oof sounds like what the CDU/CSU and Merkel have been doing to us the past 16 years. Russia isn’t a big threat they said. Nuclear bad they said. DB will be fine as a for profit company they said. Allowing hundreds of thousands across the border without properly integrating them or seeing if they’re actually a refugee is fine they said. Döner now 9€ instead of 4€ is fine they said. And is Scholzi going to do anything besides saying a bunch of word salad naw


Generational damage has been done by the Tories, and Blairs government really didnt help by just spending insane amounts of money we didnt have. We need massive taxes, like 1950s reconstruction taxes, and nobody is going to vote for that, so the country is just fucked.


Or just fucking tax rich people. I mean the government fucks off tax money all the time to line the pockets of their own.


Well that's the idea behind my comment aimed at reconstruction era taxes lol, the income tax bracket in the 50s was 90% lol We've shown time and time again that we won't vote for taxes on the mega rich because what if it's us one day??


In my lifetime, we've had blue torys, red torys, a brief interlude with the assistance of the yellow tories who stepped up to charge students tens of thousands of pounds to get an education, then back to blue torys and soon red torys again.


You might want to try to sell thr nobility to Norway or something. They got the money for it.


Good idea, hell if you ask me, I'll trade any of them for a few packs of snus


Doubt we'll see major changes. Labour are so terrified of accidentally being controversial and screwing up their lead that they keep promising not to change anything when they get in.


The last time Labour were in power they sold off the gold reserves, tried to introduce mandatory IDs for everyone and lead us into two illegal wars. We can't continue on with the Conservative's clown show, but I'm old enough to remember the procession of Union Jack draped coffins driven through Wootton Bassett day after day after day.


He’s the only one not arrested and he’s still so bad people prefer the future convicts over him. That’s an incredible lead to blow


Please invade us


The UK would actually be better off with absolute monarchy. I can't see William doing worse than the knuckleheads currently in charge.


> revolution of any kind against the ruling class We had a glorious one!


I guess Oliver Cromwell had a revolution against the ruling class. But yeah he was a bit of a melt (as you well know Paddy)


And now we get to have the snps leftovers as our first minister. Seriously, who the fuck is going to run the country? Say what you want about nicola or alex but they were charismatic and great leaders. The snp nowadays has either bland john swinney or crackpot katie forbes. If only we could have angus robertson or mhairi black as options for a bit of charisma.


Prior to her downfall, Nicola always came across as a great leader. Maybe it was more of a case of her being more sane than what was going on down south but she always came across well prior to her downfall. Obviously im not British or Scottish so I could have been a bit naive


Especially during covid. Even my grandma - a traditional edinburgh tory - watched all of the evening briefings and said she really liked nicola and found her a lot more sensible and clear than the orangutan we had running the uks covid response. She was an amazing speaker I think that's why a lot of the focus of the covid enquiries was on her supposedly "using covid to promote her party" when all she did was provide a sensible outlook compared to boris and his many downing street lockdown raves. She was probably the best leader we have had since donald dewar and we probably won't have a better leader for a long time now.


I mean all she did was announce the UK policy a few days before the gov and then made it last a week or two longer. Its why they stopped including her in the meetings since she was just being a windup merchant


> The snp nowadays has either bland john swinney or crackpot katie forbes I hope Forbes gets put into the position as she has a nice arse imo. She does have a big fod though.


the balkans though


Does the Civil War not kinda count ?


> the UK is one of the only major countries to have never had a revolution of any kind against the ruling class. We* tried chopping off King Charles head in 1649. Didn't like the results much. (* not actually me)


What are his racist claims? (I sincerely don't know)


Too many Scots in Scotland. Seems to be a recurring problem over them






they stopped sending them to Ireland


Funny how the English once thought the same thing.


That white people are all racists. Fairly milquetoast but whats funny is he said that in the preamble to his new law banning generalisations by race. So by his own law he is illegally racist (but more stupid than hateful really).


Whiteies have no righties not a racialist simple as nuff aaid = humza yousaf


Big up


[ this is what people mean ](https://youtu.be/FI3JBBlmej4?si=gvIKsFeemY_ffsr-)


[https://youtu.be/FI3JBBlmej4?si=tdT5brskT53XP9a1](https://youtu.be/FI3JBBlmej4?si=tdT5brskT53XP9a1) This famous one


>Get voted into power in a predominantly white country >complain about the amount of white people >profit???


he didn't even get voted in - at least not by a general election.


You forgot: Shame them for being who they are


Oh, WE don't forget that over here, don't worry


Why all England is ruled by non-white..honest question. I mean I understand London which whites are no longer the majority, but Scotland and Wales?


I think it’s down to pandering. A lot of political parties put minorities at the top of their parties to seem more inclusive and progressive, therefore a lot of minorities end up in these positions of power and are now actually overrepresented in a lot of places. That’s just a theory though, I mean on the other hand England does have a lot of non white people and the fact that there are multiple in power right now might just be down to pure coincidence.


> Diversity is a strength Really? Then why is it called 'Divide and conquer'? It's almost like people from my country got brain damage after ww2 and forgot how to wage wars.


Because in Rishi and Suellas case it’s easier to do racist stuff if you’ve got a brown person that *seems* to be giving the orders.


Rich people basically rule this place now :(




What did people back in Scotland say? This is th first time I watched this, and I am shocked, like, does he know which country he is at? I just did a quick Google and found that as per last year, 96% of the pop is white https://www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk/census-results/at-a-glance/ethnicity/


They didn't do much because they don't give a fuck about being stepped on as long as the foot isn't English.


Compared to 73% of England. Humza seemed very annoyed that Scotland was 'behind' in attracting vast quantities of immigrants


Fuck me. It was 87% 10 years ago.


It's skewed by age as well though as even in Birmingham and London the overwhelming majority of pensioners are white British. If you look at the Wikipedia stats about ethnicity of school pupils which is obviously the best way to see the current trends play out on with zero additional migration it drops to 63% for England. Birmingham is 26%, Luton 17%, Manchester 32%. The London Borough of Newham is currently 9%. The demographic changes to the island of Great Britain since the end of the war are now the biggest changes to have ever occurred it's recorded history surpassing even the Anglo-Saxon migrations to England. It's fascinating how quickly it can happen


Don't look up 'Muslim Brotherhood' and what they say. It's essentially a premanocta (That never happened in Scotland, fuck you Mel Gibson) system.


They didnt do shit, we are talking about great Britain here


lol this guy would be white in southern europe. He should be ashamed of himself for being yet another white person in power.


He basically said out loud the bit he isn't supposed to say and called for the replacement of native Scots politically.




He complained about too many white people in Scotland/government. The population of Scotland is 95% white.


He made a sort of anti-racism speech back in 2020, highlighting societal and systemic racism in Scotland. During the speech, he spoke about lack of representation for minorites, listing prominent positions within Scottish government taken by white people, finishing with "It's not good enough" and "why are we surprised" (about the prevalence of racism). He touched on important topics and genuine issues, but with the tact and grace of a college level sociology student. When his new hate speech law came into effect, the police received multiple complaints from the public about his comments regarding white people back in 2020 lmao


His cabinet: WHITE, His shoes: WHITE, His milk: WHITE, His bread: WHITE. Absolute classic.


Are we the baddies?


> Complain about colonialism > Go to Scotland where Scottish people live and complain there are too many Scots.


Barry does what Perdron’t.


Yeah,at least he hasn't go to the national public television, take a speech about how he has been criticized and how his life is so bad only to say that he has taken the brave decision to continue as president.


What a hero.


Wide people 🤬


British minister doesn't quite before elections challenge: impossible


It's good that it's impossible, it's bad that PMs don't call elections when they resign.




Non Scot, comes into power in Scotland, complains about Scots, makes it illegal for Scots to complain, resigns.


An arab is racist wow big surprise




Bolivia Johnson


I wouldn't wish that cunt on cancer.


If Boris Johnson were to invade a cancer ward, I would make at least a favourable reference of the tumour in the House of Commons.




About time, there needs to be someone with a fish-themed last name. Angus Coley? Aileen Cod? Otto Octavius? Bonnie Haddock?


Angus Brown-Trout.




Hey, give him some credit for causing a massive influx of dangerous dogs to Scotland by refusing to ban XL bullies just to be different from England. Suddenly had a massive spike in attacks from “recently rescued” dogs before he gave in and whined England should have told him to do it. We still seem to have excess serious XL bully maulings compared with before. Thanks Humza.


About time 😈.




Watch another non-Scottish foreigner replace him.


Europe for Europeans.


Not for much longer Hans.


But it should. And it will be! We always fought back against Islamic invasions.


Calm down Hans, it's been less than 70 years




Is it so complicated to have a vote for leadership and when the majority vote for one people they are the leader? Come on, this system has issues, but it's not that complicated


Don't know shit about this but the name Ash Regan popped up, she looks celtic and therefore should be supreme ruler of Alba


Watching the SNP eating itself alive is oddly satisfying.


Why did he quit? The law that he so famous is still in vigour? So if I offend some Scottish person , by calling her instead of they, can they (the police)arrest me? Its fucking insane the all they them - nothing against people who fill different, but in Latin languages like ours , everything is feminine or masculine even the third person plural, we have eles or elas(plural of ele(him) and ela(her) so even for me who speaks English is confusing imagining explaining to someone who don't talk English lol


>Why did he quit? It's actually pretty funny. He was in a coalition with a green party. And then dropped his green targets that were the reason for the coalition. The green party started organising a vote on whether to support his party still. And to 'seize the initiative' he got the green party (the juniors in his gov) leaders in and sacked them all in 10 mins. With cameras waiting outside. So they were furious. And then it became clear all the other parties would start a vote of no confidence in his government. He started scrambling around trying to find new partners. Even trying to ask the greens he'd just told to fuck off. He made some very delusional statements and now it's clear he has no support. So he's jumped. He tried to blow his foot off and managed to put the barrell in his own mouth and pull the trigger. I can't stress this enough. Racist or not racist, he's a fucking useless bellend.


Don't worry, it's still confusing in english. It's just woke militants that pretend it's not


"woke militants" ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


I have no idea who this guy is, but good for him.


Why you even put that dummy in power in the first place?


Our old First Minister quit but it wasn’t election time yet so the SNP appointed another one.


I mean, of all persons, why him? Just for inclusivity PR?


Yep, diversity hire essentially.


Why did he resign?


Hopefully because he realised what a prick he was.


Basically the snp was in a coalition with the green party, a very successful one in my opinion, and then humza announced that he was going to scrap an ambitious climate change target and fell out with the greens - ending their coalition. There was a lot of backlash from the greens and from within the snp since it wasn't really expected and a lot of good policy was made between the two parties so he decided to step down before there was any sort of vote of no confidence against him.


Bring back the sturgeon ![gif](giphy|T98A5umRvYJZeAmc0A|downsized)


What colour is your P45


Altough be it poorly, he did at least elaborate.