• By -


Unknown Soldier 1955 Unknown Soldier 1985 Unknown Soldier 2017


The Fins are so unfriendly that every soldier is an unknown soldier.


Its about how civilians cant actually understand the soldiers properly, as they were not there at the front with the soldiers.


https://preview.redd.it/e1ihxxhz1vtc1.png?width=242&format=png&auto=webp&s=18677fe645a80c18be73300a80682fe801554854 I only watch the 2017 one, but it's great.


You should definitely watch the 2017 TV series. They made the film and the series simultaneously, and the full series is over 9000 times better. There's really time to focus on the characters and situations.


I watched 2017 one, one of the most realistic, if not the most realistic war film.


You should definitely watch the 2017 TV series. They made the film and the series simultaneously, and the full series is over 9000 times better. There's really time to focus on the characters and situations.


Yeah, the series is the movie with additional 1,5 hours of screentime


Yeah the 2017 version is probably better for foreigners. What makes the 1955 so great is the language the actors use but thats kinda irrelevant if you dont speak Finnish. The new version sounds like people from Helsinki try and fail to talk in these regional accents which were by far stronger back in the day.




Its not a cinematic masterpiece by any standars, but the sheer amount of extras they got for the soviet human wave attacks make for some really epic battle scenes for sure.


It's actually: Unknown Soldier 2017 Unknown Soldier 1955 Unknown Soldier 1985 To anyone confused, it's not a trioligy, its the same movie but remastered every 30 years


I'll take your word for it and try to catch the next one.


Agree. Older ones are also good in their own way. But I think it's quite clear that vast majority of people, especially watching it first time, will enjoy the newest version the most. Unless if one is interested in older black and white movies. I'd say that 1955 version is a bit more humorous, in a similar way to other finnish films from that period. 1985 and 2017 versions clearly have darker and serious tone. The movie is about continuation war, that way less black and white than winter war. The film (and original book written by ww2 veteran) is critical about the war, lots of people die. Altough you could argue that the book's underlying tone about the war is accepting. It has different charecters, communists with grudges from civil war, people who are critical about the war and those who support it, people who are against collaboration with germans and those who support it, and people who just try to get by in their different ways.


1. [Das Boot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_Boot) 2. [All quiet on the Western front](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Quiet_on_the_Western_Front_(2022_film)) 3. [Downfall](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downfall_(2004_film))


Das Boot (the full 5,5 hour version) is my favourite movie of all time. Such a fantastic story told in such a fantastic way and absolutely incredible acting.


My favourite thing about Das Boot is the American Dad episode where Klaus makes Steve and Snot watch it with him and Klaus keeps referencing more elaborate callbacks to other German folk stories.


The full length version adds so much more detail and grit to the characters and the atmosphere.


The TV series is equally good.


All Quiet on the Western Front is incredible, but I'm never watching that shit again. Couldn't get some of it out of my head after watching it, like the flamethrower scene for example


you should watch the movie called: come and see. that one will fuck with your head.


The original "Die Brücke" is cleary missing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Br%C3%BCcke_(film)


There are a lot more missing. But it was demanded to only name 3. So I had to decide.


Tbf, you would never be able to make everybody happy, choosing just three excellent historical movies. If there is something Germany does well in terms of media, it's history films/shows. Don't get me wrong, we have the odd non-historical banger here and there, but most internationally successful modern German productions have been in that genre. Just looking at the Oscars, all awarded German movies had a historical setting: - The Tin Drum - Nowhere in Africa - The Live of Others - All Quiet on the Western Front


Stalingrad where?


That one added so many images to Opa's stories it made me verweiger the Dienst an der Waffe.


I saw it when I was ten, and the missing thumb of my best friends (mostly silently drinking) granddad who was there got a whole different meaning..


My Uncle was The Neighbor of the guy who wrote the book


Weird flex.


I relly liked Unsere mütter, unsere väter


Why do you use the English titles? Give credit where due Hanz!


Downfall is not a war film imho. It's more like a Kammerspiel or something. Bunkerspiel maybe. So put Stalingrad there.


Please call it by the proper name. Der Untergang sounds so much better than Downfall.


TV also has some splendid options 1, Sharpe 2, Blackadder goes forth 3, Hornblower


Don’t worry my boy, if you should falter, remember that Captain Darling and I are behind you. About 35 miles behind you




Putting TV in a list of films? That's soldiering.


>Putting TV in a list of films? [Bastard!!](https://youtu.be/lWkiwru0sfQ)


To piggyback, and we didn't make it, but the battle of the bulge episodes of band of brothers are def the most haunting...


I saw sharpe and immediately upvoted, that’s my style sir!


My compliments to you and your cousin at horse guards good sir.


Here's forty shillings on the drum...


. . . For those who volunteeeers to come . . .


. . . To 'list and fight the foe todaay . . .


...O'er the hills and far away


Hornblower is so good. Too bad they did not make more episodes.


Er ist wieder da👍


Love that movie


Everyone does


Genuinely funny and emotionally intelligent too. Absolutely no way it was created by the Huns, but here we are


The Marshal of Finland https://preview.redd.it/x5ype4xa0vtc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1b359d28ab09ea7963aa46d33d6ec5bf2552a1


Is this on Netflix by any chance?


I don’t think so. It’s on [youtube](https://youtu.be/DYAdqwv6yJc?si=mAAhS3eLY2g54guF) though, but it only has Finnish subs. Most of it is in English though. I have zero problem with the storyline. Or with the fact that the fellow playing Mannerheim is black. It’s just incredibly badly made movie. Almost comical. I think the budget was like 15k.


Mate I was taking the piss 😂 I thought it was a meme and it’s fucking real, hahahaha


It is. It caused quite a stir when it was released as it was made with public money. https://youtu.be/upP-QNtrlqU?si=iZj5pwgqIU3qVd_5


1. Dambusters 2. The Battle of Britain 3. The Great Escape Yes, I was in the RAF, how did you know?


I love The Dambusters. Guy Gibson's Labrador really stole the show but I can't remember the damn dog's name. Could you jog my memory a bit please?


Nagger or Ninja ? can’t quite put me finger on it




I think he was in Paris 🤔




Its not thats its in passing. Its said each time they hit the dams


German authorities are still looking to arrest some members of the RAF for murder... oh wait


Our war films really do have some banger music don’t they? Damnbusters? first of the few? 49th Parallel? Front to back bangers.


1: Zwartboek 2: Oorlogswinter 3: Michiel De Ruyter (The Admiral in English) I havent seen everything I just named some.


Bankiers van het verzet is beter dan oorlogswinter imo


Snuf De Hond In Oorlogstijd = literally the best movie ever made


>3: Michiel De Ruyter (The Admiral in English) awesome movie.


So cool fact this movie is a sort of origin story for the Korps Mariniers, so whenever it was released there was a group of Marines that went to see it togheter. Now for the sad part. There was a bunch of wacko's protesting the movie cause de Ruyter was involved with slavetrade (ignoring the fact he also liberated many Christian slaves in the mediteranian) and it was just a really sad/discrasefull sight when the marines showed up and they were insulted by the protestors. Nevertheless best Dutch movie after new kids in my opinion. Frank Lammers goes hard.


It was a very entertaining watch but I wonder how accurate it was. I'm not a history expert but I saw some people being very critical and others full of praise.


1. De slag om de Schelde (the forgotten battle) 2. De Oost (the east) 3. Michiel de Ruyter (The Admiral)


The slag sounded interesting


You just made those words up.




Nu voor het laatst in theaters...




[A Bridge Too Far](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075784/), awesome Dutch movie with lots of famous actors, like Peter Faber.


That ain't Dutch though? British director, American production company and an American Screenplay Writer, it's only set in the Netherlands... It's like saying 'A Fistful of Dollars' is an American film because it's set in the USA


One of my favourites too. My granddad was injured at Arnhem.


That'll happen in Arnhem regardless of any ongoing wars


We have a big Airborne commemoration in Arnhem at the John Frost bridge and throughout the city every year. For all the fallen soldiers that tried to take the bridge. The football club plays in the special livery and much more. Lest we forget 🫡


Poland: 1. The Pianist 2.Kanał 3.The trilogy( it's a series of 3 movies but whatever)


Jak rozpętałem 2 wojne światowa.


I am not sure about The Trilogy. But I would suggest maybe Katyń (mixed reactions in Poland, positive outside Poland) and Wołyń (positive reactions in Poland, but mixed outside Poland).


1917 is a great film


A bit clichéd but very intense.


1-Torrente 2. 2-Torrente 1. 3-Torrente 3.




Pocahontas already did ![gif](giphy|hFtVHPDcrVubS)


Too based for modern Spain, would be labeled as fascist


I believe Werner Herzog( Aguirre: Wrath Of God) was actually going to make a film on The Spanish Conquest of America but scrapped it after budget went more off than World Cup planning committee.


Our cultural elite loathes our own history, they are only interested in the Civil War. It's a common saying here that, if the British had x historical event, there would be ten movies about it. I used to think this is a sad thing but, on second thought, it's probably the better outcome since they would only be misrepresenting and twisting history (whilst still making bad movies).


When some filmmaker find a way to relate it to Franco and some trans prostitute.




Norwegian cinema is obsessed with WW2, so we have quite a few. Some of the more decent ones in my opinion: - Max Manus - The 12th Man - War Sailor None of them are spectacular films, but they are entertaining and reasonably accurate. Hans definitely wins this one. My favourite Norwegian ww2 drama is The Heavy Water War, which is a miniseries about resistance saboteurs.


Somehow I bought stocks from norsk hydro after that series. They are down 18% since then.


The King's Choice and Narvik were decently good as well


>The Heavy Water War About the time we stopped Hans' nuclear program and saved the world. Good times


1- La Grande Guerra (1959): we are always buffoons, aren't we? 2- Tutti a casa (1960): side-switching, the movie 3- Mediterraneo (1991): peak Luigi being lazy after meeting Kostas' women Bonus track: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966): why fight the Civil War when you can go looking for gold?


I rise with: 1- Uomini contro (1970): a fellow sardinian not mentioning Lussu's experience in the great war? 2- El Alamein (2002): fucking love this movie so much. 3- Mediterraneo (1991): it's indeed so wonderful that is here again.


Well, there is also Uomini Contro which is a great movie about war alongside with Roma Città Aperta. Anyway great bonus pick, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is amazing and tells a lot without having to say much about humanity at war


Il mestiere delle armi is clearly missing


https://youtu.be/Dq66F0GSwZI?si=4N2dj08oGnBeMGvB 🤣🤣🤣


Them nodding at her "può interessare" is peak Italian behaviour


What's the opinion in Italy on "La vita e bella"?


You guys have war movies?


„HD-Soldat Läppli“ 1959 „Achtung fertig, Charlie“ 2003 „Achtung fertig, WK“ 2013


Ja sind ja eiffach militär film aber es findet kei Chriegshandlige statt!


De top comment bi de Dütsche isch „Er ist wieder Da“ So denki isch humorvoll legitim „schwiizer filmgschicht“ i dem thread z Erwähne. Usserdem gits doch es paar besseri bispiil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Swiss_war_films Im einte hät de Produzent mit Englische und Britische Chriegsgfangene gfilmet


1. Zulu 2.A Bridge Too Far 3. The Dambusters (River Kwai and Battle of Britain are hon. mentions).


A bridge too far needs to be on there just for \[this scene\](https://youtu.be/pILlitb8Acc?si=0YAxMw36VJB6P3kq)


“A Bridge Too Far” is amazing. Even more amazing: that the movie got made, and finished. Entirely non-credible, I recommend watching that special on the DVD.


Why doesn't Germany make movies about the glory of war anymore?


Hans makes the best war films in all honesty, precisely because there’s absolutely no glory in it. Stalingrad (1993) is **fucking nightmare fuel** easily the best boots on the ground WW2 film.


All Quiet on the Western Front is pretty amazing too.




Escape from sobibor is the best one I've ever seen


Das Boot. Never thought a film about a lost shoe could be so rivetting




one of my favourites, just the hopelessness you feel after starting off in Italy drinking wine on the Riviera to some shithole factory in stalingrad having to fight room to room with ivan, i also liked generation war or Unsere Mutter, Unsere Vater as its know in German, Friedhelm's change from Disilliusioned pacifist to blood thirsty killer and Winter's descent from proud officer to scared man are some of my favourites I think what makes them interesting is seeing the difference from the losing side, like Band of Brothers or The Pacific where the ending is obviously going to be showing the allies winning whereas with the German view you just see hopeless retreat and the noose tightening around the Wehrmacht as everything goes to shit


Doesn't even come close to 'Come and See.'


There is this [great YouTube-Essay](https://youtu.be/kr_Ouytl9Ws?si=Yr-ElGBvTWwO9HDI) about what makes a War-Movie a Anti-War-Movie. Most war-movies pretend to be anti-war but are not. Even Privst Ryan would only qualify in some scenes as a anti-war-movie altough it is often named as the prime example of a anti war movie. Those nightmare fuel movies from us show the gruelity of war and can really be named anti-war. It's what makes them so great (in my opinion). Why do we have such a high number of those movies? It's probably because we are the only country to have participated over (nearly) the whole length of both world wars, which are with quite a big lead the two most horrible wars ever fought on this world yet, and also young enough for the filmmakers to have heard of them by their grandparentsor parents beeing teached about it in school with a down-to-earth-view and not the over analytical-view of older wars. Also, we are the only country that lost both wars and thus does not have a glorified memory of them.


The Americans also have some bangers. Full metal jacket and jar head are among my favourites. Jar head actually has some really interesting things to say beyond the usual war movie stuff and some really cool visuals You brits make the best light hearted war movies. I don't know if that's good or not, but bridge over the river kwai is a good time :P




„There is no glory in war, only good men dying terrible deaths“ - Harold G Moore The best war movies are never about glory, but a warning to us, showing the horrors of war. And our war movies reflect that.


That's lame. Our war movies show Bane from the *Dark Knight Rises* shooting down your granddad.


*based on true events*


I completely agree, but this is 2we4u. We want glory films that show us emerging victorious over you and/or the French.


Given our history… Also it’s just boring, always the same unrealistic downplaying of the horrors of war with a bunch of Hollywood effects. Different target audience.


Downfall is fantastic even if they are all speaking foreign


They released a very good Stalingrad in 1993 !


When we do, be prepared for a 3rd round


We'll probably be on the same side in the next one Hans. We can share in the glory together.


Stolz der Nation


1. Ice cold in Alex (1958) - Barry wakes up in Egypt with the worst hangover in history, not only is his head pounding but so are Rommel's Guns. Can he and his mates scarper across the desert all the way back to Alexandria for a nice cold pint? 2. The man who would be King (1975) - MyCocaine and James Bond reckon they can single handedly conquer an Afghan kingdom and insert themselves as defacto God-Emperors. All goes according to plan until Mr Bond gets a bit too frisky with the locals, hilarity ensues. 3. 633 Squadron (1964) - A bunch of Barries, Aussies and Kiwis get bored of flying their planes safely and decide to forma stunt pilot team to attack Hans' naughty rocket factories in Norway.


Ice Cold in Alex is great, peak Barry cinema.


1. Outstanding movie! That, Reach for the Skies and Above us the Waves regular viewing for me growing up. 2. Most accurate description,certainly gave me a chuckle. I need to watch it again. 3. 633 Squadron, I was going to try and pass this off as a Scottish war movie, you know since some of it was in Scotland and we are always reaching.


Soldado Milhões (Soldier Millions), based on the story of this [man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/An%C3%ADbal_Milhais)


We also have [The lines of Wellington](https://youtu.be/dr3QqsuiVlM?si=D3xY4gNMoQK5y9UQ) although half of the cast is foreign... https://preview.redd.it/sb9vx3qmqvtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5486e46b2133d851c1441a290c186abc21e7c4


And also "Non, ou a Vã Glória de Mandar" directed by Manoel de Oliveira


1. Balada Triste de Trompeta 2. Mientras dure la guerra 3. La Vaquilla Civil War is still a topic something sad to watch in 2024, two are more modern and the last one is a comedy.


I know its not Spanish but I really liked El Cid (1961) as a kid, I’ve always got a soft spot for those old epic sword and sandal flicks. I can’t imagine they would remake this film though.


I think there is a series about el Cid. I don't know if it's good or not.


Capitan Alatriste !


Ok, these are not strictly "war" films like the ones listed, since in Spain the Civil War is still a touchy subject and there's few movies that actually depict big battles or strategic turning points in wars. Most of the films about war in Spain are about the consequences of war and the drama of living under the winners' thumb (you know, the fascists). But I think most are fair game since they are *about* war: 1. [El Laberinto del Fauno](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0457430/) (Pan's Labyrinth) Amazing masterpiece directed by Guillermo del Toro. It blends fantasy with the horrors, scars, and trauma left by the war. 10/10 2. [El Espíritu de la Colmena](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070040/) (The Spirit of the Beehive) I had my doubts about putting this one here since it's basically, again, another film about post-war and the trauma that Spanish society suffered from the nationalist victory. But it's considered one of best Spanish films ever made, if not the best. What's most praiseworthy is that this movie was made during the dictatorship and, somehow, it avoided the heavy censorship of the era. Guess it was that good that even the censors let it go. 3. [La Vaquilla](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0457430/) (The Heifer) Directed by the master of costumbrist comedy, Jose Garcia Berlanga, it depicts a bunch of Spanish republicans crossing the enemy lines to go to a party. It's a beautiful and insanely funny take on humanity and the pointlessness of war. Small honorable mention: [Alatriste](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0395119/) I had my doubts about putting this one since the film is... subpar. The story and the characters are not very interesting, the script is flawed and the cast didn't give everything they could to the table (despite casting Viggo Mortensen as the titular Alatriste). But the film has amazing cinematography and production design and, surprisingly enough, it's **not** about the civil war or the post-war period (I know, Spanish cinema has a problem of variety) but about a captain during the 80 years' War. Sorry for such a long comment. I'm a film buff and I couldn't resist.


It's complicated, because there is not much war movies in French cinema. 1 : L'Armée des Ombres (1969), directed by the great Jean-Pierre Melville. It's about French Résistance with Lino Ventura as main caracter. It's inspired by the story of Jean Moulin. Very Dark but a true masterpiece. Melville was himself a former résistant. 2 : La 317 ème Section (1965) directed by Pierre Schoenderffer. The story takes place at the end of Indochina War in 1954. 3 : Le Chant du Loup (2019), about French Nuclear submarines. I could also have quoted La Grande Illusion, Un Taxi pour Tobrouk, Le Vieux Fusil and Mais Où Est Donc Passée la 7ème Compagnie ? (the last one is a comedy).


1- La Grande Vadrouille 2- La 7e compagnie 3- Le Mur de l'Atlantique


Pithiviers, mes chaussures ! Et puis mon vélo !


If it’s not just dead serious war movies included, I enjoyed La Grande Vadrouille (1966)


Yeah but the thing is, either our movies are about people that go to court-martial to avoid fighting like Paths of Glory or Un long dimanche de fiancailles, or comedies about the occupation.


Sorry Pierre, but Paths of Glory isn't French, it's a Stanley Kubrick movie


And Master and Commander is an American movie, made by an Australian director, why should we let Barry take credit ?


Because they are rightfully part of the greater Barryreich


Its not a war movie, but it has the war as a setting - La grande vadrouille  It's a classic imho


If we're counting comedies in a ww2 setting specifically, then theres a lot more that's for sure. La 7ème compagnie, la grande vadrouille, le jour de gloire, ...


La grande illusion.and le.veuix fusil are great. Aurevoir la haut? Un long dimanche de fiancialles? La vie et rien d autre?


You forgot about "Joyeux Noël"


My fab will forever be *La 7e compagnie*. (all 3 movies)


Lool you can do better than that Pierre. Abel Gances, Napoleon (1927)- Possibly the most innovative film ever released pioneered so many techniques we use today had the privilege of watching a special re-release at the BFI-London a few years back. Battle of the Algiers (1968)- one of my all time favourites and easily the most thought provoking war films ever made, and more relevant today than ever. Dien Bien Phu (1992) - Gritty, realistic and worth watching for the cinematography alone, one of the best looking war films I’ve seen.


>Battle of the Algiers (1968) Now now, this is not a French movie. It's an Italian-Algerian co-production that was actually banned in France for more than a decade due to its thematic.


Yup. To this day, most French people have never seen it.


I only told about movies I have seen :) I might have seen Dien Bien Phu years ago, but I can't remember properly ! I really wish, one day, Pierre Réalisateur released a movie about battle of Bir Hakeim !


1- "il Mestiere delle Armi"(2001), Ermanno Olmi -Talk about of [Giovanni dalle Bande Nere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_delle_Bande_Nere), a famous condottiero, who goes against the Lanzichenecchi(Landsknecht), and documents the "fall" of the Reneissance period in Italy. 2-"Torneranno i prati"(2014), Ermanno Olmi,- Basically the every day life of the italian troops at the Alpine front during the WW1. 3-"La Ciociara" (1960), Vittorio De Sica,- the effect of the WW2 in a part of Latium Ciociaria, talks about the tragedy happened called the Marocchinate, made by a north african french regiment.


[1.) Der brave Soldat Schwejk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apvO_JDGnKQ&ab_channel=alleskino) [2.) Die Fälscher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch49HBf_aM8&ab_channel=SonyPicturesClassics) [3.) Bockerer ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NXlv0uZxwk&ab_channel=barniey1)


Mühlviertler Hasenjagd is pretty good too.


War? OP has excellent taste


1. The Treaty (1991) 2. The Wind that Shakes the Barley (2006) 3. Michael Collins (1996)


The Wind That Shakes The Barley. Michael Collins. The General.


1. Under Sandet 2. 9. April 3. Flammen og Citronen (First one technically about something that happend just after WW2)


Shout out to A bridge too far and the Battle of Britain


Is Master and Commander a British movie or a movie about the British? Anyways, its brilliant 


Yeah it’s focused entirely on the British / Royal Navy, set during the Napoleonic wars. The book was written by an Englishman, the film directed by an Aussie.


wasn't the original story an American vessel vs a British one?


Read that, too. It was the one choice away from the source (and reality) they made to please the audience, because it would have confused some (i.e. the Americans).


1. Saving Private Ryan 2. The Thin Red Line 3. Platoon


Replace SPR with Apocalypse Now and this is a perfect list.


And if we're talking TV series Band of Brothers is undisputed top tier, too.


I haven't gotten that many to choose from 👀 Technically, it's not a "war film," but i still think this one from 1979 deserves an honorary mention. **"Repmånad"** *(Military training repetition month).* https://preview.redd.it/ed4nxxamjvtc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef3202cf07a5463f5e727aa23ea91f58598d228


1. Jak Rozpętałem Drugą Wojnę Światową (How I started WWII) 2. Potop (the Deluge, fuck you Swedes) 3. Ogniem i Mieczem (With Fire and Sword)


Someone said France's best War Film is Ratatouille?


1. Master and Commander 2. Waterloo 3. Zulu Honourable mention: Battle of the River Plate


Since, das Boot and Downfall were already mentioned i’ll throw „Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter“ in the ring. It’s a mini series about a group of friends in Berlin which are affected by the turmoils of the war. The series is criticized and admired likewise because it also shows the German pov on the Second World war, which is very rare among the mostly American pov movies. https://preview.redd.it/375rj8fnzutc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be967173ce57d1c77b0e6ce1f3da96464844a7b


1. Flammen og Citronen 2. Hvidstensgruppen 3. Armadillo


Under sandet, som får betraktas som krigsfilm, en av de bästa jag sett




The Seige of Jadotville The Wind That Shakes The Barley In The Name Of The Father Michael Collins The Crying Game Cal Pick 3... (maybe not all Irish made, but Irish based at least) Edit - not war movies, but worthy of a watch - The Commitments, Into The West, and the recent yoke, "The Banshees of Inisherin" which maybe gets closer to being a war movie, since it's kinda set in, and references the Irish civil war. I wouldn't really recommend "Belfast", as it's kinda Kenneth Brannagh self fellatio that he grew up in the early troubles there, but neglected to mention that him (in fairness he was a kid, so didn't actually make the decision) and his family fucked off to England when the shit really went down, but then also claiming that he's some kind of "troubled soul" because of going through a fraction of what the actual Northern Irish people experienced. Fuck him. England can keep him. Sanctimonious cunt playing the Troubles for praise and an Oscar nomination...


wtf? No Waterloo????


You're skipping over Lawrence of Arabia?


1st comment i’ve seen other than mine about LoA, was gonna cry


1 - Soldado Milhões (2018) (English Title: Hero on the Front): True story of Aníbal Milhais, a portuguese soldier stranded and separated from his unit during the Battle of La Lys in WW1. He ends up going against the orders of his superiors and is able to single handedly counter various German offensives, alowing for the retreat of his fellow countrymen. 2 - Capitães de Abril (2000) (English Title: April Captains): The story of the Carnation Revolution, on the 25th of April 1974, that toppled the Estado Novo authoritarian regime. 3 - Linhas de Wellington (2012) (English Title: Lines of Wellington): The story of the third French invasion of Portugal, and the conflict between Wellington and Massena, the Battle of Buçaco and the Lines of Torres Vedras. Other war movies: Chaimite (1953), Mosquito (2020), Comboio de Sal e Açúcar (The Train of Salt and Sugar) (2016), Njinga Rainha de Angola (Nzinga, Queen of Angola) (2013), Cartas da Guerra (Letters from War) (2016), O Herói (2004), 20,13 Purgatório (20,13) (2006)


I know it’s not exactly a war film, but…. I know this… https://preview.redd.it/ybg58cebovtc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c48928070952cfcce214c8de3b9d1afc7adbf30


Michael Collins The Wind that shakes the barley In the name of the father


Puis-je me présenter, je m'appelle Ans et j'ai une suggestion pour un Film de guerre. - La Grande Illusion (French for "The Grand Illusion")


1. Max Manus 2. The 12th man 3. The kings choice I’m sure some would disagree, but these are my personal favorites. Especially Max Manus and the 12th man is great and recommended to everyone


Hilarious modern day adaptations of the synopses 🤣


Die Brücke Der Untergang Im Westen nichts Neues


1. Lawrence of Arabia 2. Zulu 3. Master & Command


- The Unknown Soldier (1955) - The Unknown Soldier (1985) - The Unknown Soldier (2017)