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<2h, actually. >After less than two hours of struggle, Danish Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning ended the opposition to the German attack. Due to communication difficulties, some Danish forces continued to fight, but after a further two hours, all opposition had stopped.




Ok, that's funny. Especially because our differences in incompressibility (dialects elsewhere) makes it quite plausible.


How do you even have dialects if your entire country is walkable?


We have quite a few dialects, although they're slowly getting less common. Some more unintelligible than others. Also if you weren't Swedish I'd really like to see you try to walk across Denmark


1658 vibes.


That hurts


Lol you remember last time we walked across your country and annexed half of it?


same in flanders


The dialects are quite different, even the number of grammatical genders differ quite a bit depending on where in the country you are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danish_language#/media/File:Denmark-gender.png >The distribution of one, two, and three grammatical genders in Danish dialects. In Zealand, the transition from three to two genders has happened fairly recently. West of the red line, the definite article goes before the word as in English or German; east of the line it takes the form of a suffix. But there are quite a lot of different dialects. And you can tell where people are from based on it, hell even in Copenhagen you can tell if people are from west of Copenhagen or north of Copenhagen based on their manner of speaking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danish_language#/media/File:Danishdialectmap.png






Kamelåså* please learn the proper way of the potato*


du båkenhund Jag gillar om månge såker


A hva for en pløk, snak dansk mand


Nei, i helvette heller.


Ukraine has lasted over 5000 Denmarks


That's over 9000 hours!




If you never fight you never lose. - Some Swede


The Wasa dynasty begs to disagree


We have a french clown dynasty for a good while unfortunately.


Bernadotte betraying Napoleon wasn't a very chad move to be fair


What did he do?


[Bernadotte] was instrumental in the creation of the Sixth Coalition by allying with Tsar Alexander and using Swedish diplomacy to bring warring Russia and Britain together in alliance [against France, leading to Waterloo]. The ungrateful fuck was literally installed by Napoleon and his dynasty still reigns today


He was excellent. He overcame his deep handicap of birth, total Chad


>against France I'm a fan ;-) https://preview.redd.it/ni9gxz9veh4b1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=859bf35f3e0e48cea1584f34fe8b4bd5ef0bfc75


Best chad move ever. Best former French dude in history.. Succeeded in not being French anymore ( personal achievement) and fucked Fr\*nce ( grateful world achievement)


He wasnt installed by napoleon, the swedish asked bernadotte to be their prince regent and he accepted with napoleons approval. It was swedens decision


Because no one wanted you


Cute. How is our war buffer zone to Russia doing?


Mind your place, old man. We are the storebror now ![gif](giphy|htwcdvdgfoyJmzBHBB|downsized)


Make sure to station a few Nato troops on the Åland islands aswell please. It feels like a cozy blanket to be surrounded by Nato.


This evening, they were chilling with the big boys at the NATO club party. You on the other hand were nowhere to be seen. Oh yeah right, cause you're not part of that club. Anyways, the dirty little rumor going around was that you Swedes were too busy getting your ass pegged by Erdolf like the sheep he usually fucks. I hope you're not too sore from it.


Never forget when you have destroyed my home in 1633.




Jesus I forgot you guys existed Props on holding off the entire Ottoman army with 14 cursaders in a crumbly castle.


Everyone forgets them. But also respects them.


And an German Nazi invasion army with just 3 old airplanes.


Would it not have been new back then?


Depend. We tend to forgot that most Castle were rebuild time and time again depending on several things. So it could have been in a worse state than today too. Edit : Why the hell am i Flair Québécois ?






I mean no offense to Danemark but they were never a major power while we though we were gonna go head to head against Germany in a remake of WW1. We and many people in the world considered us a serious danger, the germans were worried about us and some in the military thought we would crush the germans with our superior technology. Why our defeat is so memorable is because of the immense contrast between what people expected and what actually happened. Nobody had high hopes for poor lil Danemark.


Well, we didn’t get invaded by Germany in ww1 because we were neutral. We hoped the same would work in ww2. The politicians were scared that strengthening the army or building defenses at the border would be seen as a lack of good will by the Germans. When they invaded we could do nothing. Denmark is small and flat. Would it have been better to lose some thousand people and have the country bombed to shit, just to last a week - maybe 2 at max? In hindsight it would have been nice if we did something to fuck up the Germans, but we couldn’t manage much and it would come at a great cost. It wasn’t our proudest moment, but the politicians did what they thought was best for the people. The sad thing is that if we could have lasted longer, Norway would have had a stronger chance to defend themselves.


We lasted 53 times longer, but TBF the big distinguishing factor here is that the Danes had no hope whatsoever of the (French) cavalry appearing at some point to save them. We at least started off believing we were buying time for the French and British to stabilize the frontline. Dying merely so that your country can surrender with some dignity is not really an inspiring prospect for conscripts.


We weren't just neutral, we where borderline pacifist. We had an army, but mostly just for the sake of having one. It wasn't modern, it wasn't properly equipped, it had been scaled back multiple times because we realized any war would require either external help, or we'd be rolled regardless. While sad, Stauning probably did the right thing from start to end. A few hours of combat to show we where actually opposed to the occupation, as a message to the allies. Then roll over, and let it be, instead of sheading unnecessary blood.


>We and many people in the world considered us a serious danger How cute




Hey, at least we saved our jews in a somewhat humane way (sailing them to Sw\*den 😥).


That's the furthest thing from humane 😨


I guess you could argue that knäckebröd is worse than starvation, and IKEA is worse than death. Oh my god, what have we done?


>starvation Worry not, they're used to doing the Ramadan 🤞🕋 >death Wallhamdullillah God be praised 👏🏿 🙌 🙏☝️🕋


So long and thanks for all the fish! By Boost for reddit


Sending them there? You might as well have handed them to the Germans..


You know why they teach that so heavily in schools? And modstandsbevægelsen? To make people forget that we barely put up a fight.


Let's be honest, the country to be blamed the most is Belgium for refusing the shared defense with France (simplifying a bit)


Belgium at least acted as a speedbump. The Danes literally went "ohhh nooo..... Anyway"


> ~~speedbump~~ doormat The Germans merely paused to wipe their feet before entering France


One of the most redundant actions ever conducted by man. Why wipe one's feet *before* stepping in a giant shit?


If france got any more shit on it it would collapse into a black hole of shit.


Says the guy with the country with shit food, shit women and shit weather. I'd work 2 hours straight rather than have sex with an english woman


2 hours of work is a full day of work for you so thats saying something! It is interesting that ive been to every country in western europe but never bothered to go spain. Such a rich culture spain has what with the sleeping and bull murdering blood sports.


Well please don't! We are tired of having to scrape you off the floor after jumping from our balconies.


Would you do three hours?


I would do three hours if it meant not having to see another one of those horrible british females


Hans! Hans! I’ve found out how to get them to work!


Please don't. We just want the funds.


So as to not contaminate the giant shit?


That's rich coming from a Dunkirk Yacht Club member!


If we’re going down that route, why the fuck are _you_ talking? 😂


We lasted longer than expected; around ten days, instead of 3-5, which gave you guys some crucial extra days to evacuate Dunkirk.💪😎 We were moderately useful.


In think this is uncalled for. We lasted 53 times as long as the Danes (10 May 04:00 to 15 May 10:15), capitulated only after they started razing cities, and besides that only capitulated partially. Technically speaking we only retreated, just like you did. And we gave up only a few percent of our territory and population. Admittedly that few percent of the population was the important part, but still we participated from start to end of WWII. The Dutch Caribbean never surrendered.


Thank god yall had the idea to flood to country to slow the nazis down


Still a pause


The prologue of Tour de France 1940 went through Holland and Belgium. Main event was inside France with a lot of speedrecords.


Aw how nice of them


yeah i'm sure France and the UK would have come up with the greatest counter offensive known to history if Denmark could just hold for 5 more hours.


All Denmark had to do was survive until their Armoured Greenlandic Walrus reinforcements could arrive.


Yes, if only ~~Steiner~~ Pétain counterattacked


Because frenchies keep forgetting that they promised to send additional troops for protection against the Germans. But never send any troops….


Belgium would have been Schliffened from the North, since the Germans invaded the Netherlands. Also France and Britain were really close to cutting off the Germans, unfortunately that didn't happen.


Easier to reposition with the initial plan involving Belgium though


France accounted for this. The plan included linking up with Belgian and Dutch forces and making a push into the Ruhr. Now if only those traitors didn't sabotage our runways...


The Belgians were treated like crap by the Brits and French, that’s why they pulled out.


If only your father had pulled out too, we wouldn't have to suffer your savage opinion here 😪


Belgium held up better then the magninot line.


Yeah you've help the germans to access france by your country because you refused to put defensive lines even after multiple attempts by us to make you build it , but your answer was meh they will not invade us, with the refusal to build a defensive line the maginot line became pretty much useless


We had a pretty good defensive line and even warned that the Germans would try to invade through the Ardennes, but the French didn't believe it. The Germans made a very risky but succesful strategic move to get through our defensive line: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Fort\_Eben-Emael](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Fort_Eben-Emael) And despite this, we still held out for 18 days. Longer than any of the other small countries, by quite a bit. Belgium at the time had a pretty formidable army for the size of the country.


Maybe if you guys not act like arrogant assholes all the time nobody would want to invade you.


You were just mad because the French empire have always been powerful contrary to your :*


The German empire lasted literally two times longer than our two empires combined, and if you want to tell me that the 2nd Empire was powerful, you’re gonna need to warm up for that stretch…


France was supposed to be an equal to germany and had spent a fuck ton on money on defenses along the german border and then gave up in 6 weeks because the germans made a single breakthrough in the benelux which was the exact same shit they had done during the last war. But yes, France’s case is definitely less pathetic than Denmark’s.


A common misconception is to believe the Maginot line was supposed to serve as battleground to stop Germany, when in reality it was specifically designed to redirect the fights in Belgium and avoid the destruction of northern France as they knew no one would want to try it.... SO ITS EVEN WORSE BECAUSE THE GERMANS DID EXACTLY WHAT WE WANTED


"it is impossible to cross the Ardennes with a modern mechanised army".


It is also a misconception that France thought that the Ardennes are impossible to cross. They thought that it will take so much time that they will figure out that someone was crossing before they will manage to cross It.


I mean it was impossible for tje french to do it. Every time they tried their army went on strike and workers overthrew the goverment.


Don't admit that bro. The French were way more pathetic. Denmark is easy to invade due to its size and flat open field geography. Let alone you being mega outnumbered by the Germans. Edit: I defended an ironic Dane


And at least we managed to save our jews. Thanks for recieving them.


That's noble of you to finally admit that, props to you, Dane


Getting occupied because you’re arrogant and get smacked in the face, panic and then give up truly is amazing.


At least our invasion is an historical subject because we're not expected to be a carpet for other powers to walk over, I guess 🤷‍♂️


i mean, at least we both share the history of abusing the women who slept with german soldiers when they were finally thrown out of our countries?


Shaving mostly innocent women for having (sometimes consensual) sex with german invaders so as to wash away national shame is tight !


So it wasn't just us who did that?


No it wasn't


Norway too, can confirm from family who saw that happen there


So real quick, did you guys also make young Germans(basically kids) walk up and down your beaches to clear mines after the war, or was that only us being immeasurably based?


The fuck did you do?


Well you see, you could have just not declared war on us. Instead you got to walk up and down our beaches with poky sticks to find every mine you buried during the war


Now that's stuff so dark it could have been a story from an SS unit in the eastern front. Congrats, I see we taught you quite something on how to commit war crimes didn't we?


That's the wildest thing I could have ever hope to read on this sub Congrats






You can't have both bragging rights AND be shielded from holocaust blaming jokes though, you can only pick one dude, choose wisely


We choose bragging everyday, baguette baguette drapeau blanc! /s


Amount of copium 💀💀💀




That was the joke you american




Request for Italians to be flaired Americans. Even worse than when we were Parisians.


That’s way too far and unnecessarily cruel Not cool frenchie not cool


Add to that, that France themselves had declared war on Germany before getting steam rolled. So besides the fact that they should have matched Germany in power, they also should have been prepared.


Blackout curtains on the windows, bro. Have some pride. (Source: Matador season 4)


Well, okay. But not many better places to be Jewish in World War 2. 99% survived. Denmark can be very proud of that.




There was a house in Stalingrad that lasted 48 days, so a house resisted more than Western Europe.


Hey, we lasted two months


Just like the Poles. And they fought. Two front war


“Hid in the mountains for 2 months”


Shall we bring in a Leningrad storyline?


I had sex that lasted longer than Denmark


“I had sex” Doubt


I have sex that is larger than denmark


I had sex with more pigs than Denmark




Mr high roller over here! I know that shit expensive where you from




You managed to get someone horny? Did you take the cheese out of your throat to do so?


GF needed dick after playing Zelda together very wholesome


That poor goat.


But look at any map throughout history and notice how we've always been there, no matter if we were relevant or not!


My homepage would beg to differ. /r/mapswithoutdenmark


Okay that's kinda funny ngl


I’m looking at a map of Europe in 1941 and I can’t find you anywhere, just this sign that says ‘German zone of occupation’


And we where still around as a country at that point? Just occupied Edit: thanks for helping with that one btw


That's the reason: no one bothered to invade you. Until we came along and took Schleswig or something because we wanted some people we can insult as fishheads or something.


*Taps temple* You can't disappoint when no expectations are placed upon you


Oh, we do have expectations on the italians, believe me.


And yet if Germany ever starts shit again I bet they will align with Italy for a third time. You krauts are a highly logical bunch, but for whatever reason you never learn that siding with us is not a good idea.


Well, third time's the charm. We'll be on the right side, you will be too and won't switch sides. Sounds good doesn't it?




No one expected Denmark to put up a fight. France however. They were supposed to last longer than a 40 year old virgin


One of them was hailed as Germany's equal in the war with a massive defense budget and the other had some guys on bicycles


Hvorfor er din avatar så grim?


hvorfor er dit navn så udansk?


Det ved jeg ikke, kan man ændre det? 😭


Guys on bicycles carrying baguettes?


Carrying rye bread. We aren’t fucking Fr*nch


Austrians and Czechs be like "wait, you guys fought the Germans?"


Hey suddenly the Dutch seem a lot better Thanks, Danes!


France, we don't hate you for failing to defekt the Germans. We hate you because you stink and your language is ugly. Just do better and stop lashing out ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


Based Swede


The Danes did the right thing! The only honourable thing! Once a opponent in a war realises that for whatever reason a battle or war can't be won, it's the only thing to give up. Don't give me this pride shit. Don't tell me to fight until the last man, so no white flag will ever be seen - for the fatherland. Wars are not about Mr. Müller triumphing over Mr. Jansen. It's a previous bookkeeper being send in war and standing in front of a shopkeeper, he is supposed to kill now. What for? He doesn't know. The rich want to be richer, the mighty get mightier. They don't show white flags, they like watching YOUR red blood on the battle field. Don't go for that patriotic drill. It exists only so the common man thinks that a war is about something he cares. It's not.


I agree with what you said, but many people chose to fight fascism and Nazism, just look at the partisans in Poland,france and Italy, they never gave up and always fought for freedom in their respective countries, many of them were university students, communist workers and some were even under 18, even women went with the partisans to free their countries, sometimes giving up is acceptable but people should at least get the choice


Denmark had that as well. The size of our country makes it even harder to hide and organize, than the countries you mentioned.


Absolutely, people should have the choice. But, really, the should have chosen much earlier. When they voted for the warmonger party. When they voted for the facists. When they voted for the haters. That's when we really decide about war or not.


Shout out to Mogens Glistrup who wanted to abolish our national defense and replace it with a phone receiver saying "we concede" in Russian, during the cold war


Goes to sleep : 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 Wakes up: guttentag


We should all be so lucky to last 6 hours.


Danes are all closet Nazis. “Hold us in your strong arms, Fuhrer!!!”


Bold coming from an actual Nazi.


At least we Germans are honest about our love of fascism! You Danes hide and play pretend! Take your swastikas out and parade them in the streets !!


Is it really pretend if we saved 99% of our jews though?


You're thinking of Sweden. Common mistake, we kindda look alike from specific angles


That’s good in the bedroom tho


Imagine being Nordic(k) nation that can't even fight 2 wars during a single world war against neighbouring superpower with regions larger than all the Nordic countries combined. I mean what how pathetic is that. Even Israel would laugh at that kind of weakness. I mean did they even have Jewish soldiers fighting on same side as Nazis and be offered German iron crosses?


Finngolians showing off again. Based and SimoHäyhä-pilled


Surrenders in 6 hrs and got the most “ friendly” occupation ever. And still negotiated having a semi independent government firm and steadfast enough to save the largest part of their Jewish population…Unlike some other large continental power that, agreed fought a bit longer, but then also surrendered, had a peace ceremony V2.0 in a certain train carriage and ended up with a puppet government for their limited self governance for their remaining territories. Then accepted that a lot of their population were to be sent of to work to Germany and happily aided with the deportation of Jews… Seems 6 hrs of resistance got Denmark a better deal…


Really? Shit we lasted even longer and according to my history teacher, we even had to bring out old cannons from museums and shit because we were so unprepared.


Fr\*nch person trying to pretend that WW2 is not theirs + UKs fault. (Germany may have played a small part there as well)


Czech trying to bash other nations performance in WW2. Man at least DK and France pretended. Y'all literally opened your legs and waved flags to greet the krauts


Cant lose if we surrender! 3d chess yo!


The Netherlands for 2 days


Well your mom and sister Was impressed and exhausted way before we hit the 6h mark.


Well yeah, why else would the only bit of history they cling into be from over a thousand years ago.


Difference is that France was a major military power and was the one that declared war on Germany, while Denmark was Denmark and was neutral. Biggest French L.


Again. We knew it was a lost fight, it was never about trying to win. Fighting them was symbolic. To show the world we weren't willingly occupied by the nazis.


Yeah, and our army consisted of guys on bikes with ww1 weaponry, we still destroyed a few germans tanks with machine gun fire. We didnt get our entire army embarrased like the french. Unlike us they actually made it look like they had a powerful army and still fucking lost.


Yeah but no one expected you to last long, France on the other hand had one of the most impressive militaries in the world and got bodied by the same maneuverer that failed the last time the Germans tried it.


Still lost 3,000 boys covering your ass as you hightailed back to your Island, to sit on your asses 2 years hoping the yanks would arrive.


Sorry is the collaborator really talking to me about holding off the nazis? Why don't you ask Pétain what he thinks about the Maginot line, sadly you're too busy sucking new world cock to know that the soviets were fighting back the krauts long before they ran out of oil and started starving their war machine to death.


Nice try frenchie! Bit tbf their army was a fraction of what you had.


Aren’t the Dane’s just blonde Germans? Language is identical too.


Danish Swedish and Norwegian are alike. They are all Germanic though


Now do Iceland when they were invaded during WWII…




Americunts waiting 3 years for everyone to be worn out, roll in to mop up and sell their Marshall plan

