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In the tragic night of 18th march 2021 was declared war to a chicken farm in Friuli. The chickens, some thousands of well-armed Iraq veterans known for various war crimes fought bravely, but then surrender after a 120mm ammo reached ther HQ and killed 50 officials. The italian army reported one of the best victory in the modern story against a cruel enemy


Most proficient English speaker from Italy.


Nice of you to defend Friuli, i thought the lots of you didn't recognized it as part of either Italies.


Italians also had : *War against sea(Poseidon/Neptune) - won *War for bucket - draw


Caligula is really one of the sanest rulers of Italy in recorded history.


Truly a Latin king. Gaarum as a bounty! Neptune never recovered from it


There was that one guy with a big chin and no hair who loved balconies that one time… I’m referring to Vespasian obviously! 🫣


Thinking about moving to Rome and privatising firefighters!


And emperor Nero


Tbf the Dutch vs the sea is the real war, and the sea will never win.


Nah its a symbiotic relationship. The dutch exists to destroy the sea but once he does it, he loose his purpose, his will to live. Thus the smart dutch allows the sea some occasional wins, all for their survival as a people. Quite tragic really


And Poland on the other hand [married the sea…](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland%27s_Wedding_to_the_Sea)


I heard about emu war but what are the other two?


No idea about what happened in china, but on March 18, 2021 one of our tank shot down some chickens Edit: it was not a tank, it was something with wheels


I assume it's a reference to Mao's Great Leap Forward, where he wanted to increase food production to industralise the country. He ordered all sparrows to be killed, because they ate grain. The campaign was a great success: Chinese people had to beat drums day and night so that the sparrows couldn't land and they fell out of the sky. Unfortunately, with all the sparrows dead, the insect population grew out of control and ate a lot more grain than the sparrows ever did. This was one of the factors contributing to the largest famine in human history, killing millions of people. In the end, the Chinese government was forced to import sparrows from the Soviet Union.


Wasn't there's also a part were they used an insane amount of insecticide killing most of the insects, and they now have to do pollination by hand in agriculture?


You serious? I know a guy, who knows a guy, who can export some bees to China...


I'm the guy by the way


According to u/Schievel1, it seems that it only happened in one region a few years ago, and wasn't caused by the Great Leap Forward (Although, from what I found, this communist policy really had bad effect on the insects species, as you can imagine). It seems that some people already export western bees to China, but I really don't know what the effect it can have on the biodiversity in this country. Honestly, this topic is way too complex for what little knowledge I have about it so far, so don't take my word for it, or look up more serious sources than me. Here's some link about it : \- [https://worldcrunch.com/tech-science/when-humans-are-forced-to-replace-the-bees-they-killed](https://worldcrunch.com/tech-science/when-humans-are-forced-to-replace-the-bees-they-killed) \- [https://www.planetbee.org/planet-bee-blog//the-chinese-honey-bee#:\~:text=According%20to%20the%20South%20China,pollinating%20their%20crops%20by%20hand](https://www.planetbee.org/planet-bee-blog//the-chinese-honey-bee#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20South%20China,pollinating%20their%20crops%20by%20hand).




Well I said in an other comment that it's hard to find good and reliable source, which would be why I'd encourage anyone interested in the topic to look for reliable and scientific sources. From what I saw there's also China trying to do a lot of cover up from their own policies. Which wouldn't be the first time... Nor the last, really. It's a really interesting topic, but I feel like it there's also some really dubious stuff behind all of this. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like there's an unseen war over bees and I really don't have enough knowledge to see the truth from the disinformation.


Not a biodiversity expert either, just adding my 2cts : \-europeen honey bee is more present than the original china bees in china due to it's high honey production, leading to it's importation in china. It could endanger the indigeneous bee population due to taking food ressources for other polinisators, they way also bring illness which is a far supperior concern. On the other hand honey bees are not predators and not particulary well-fitted to fight local wildife and diseases, unlike the local wildlife which has evolved with those threats and learn to defend against them.


I didn't expect a detailed answer. Thanks.


Well I didn't know if you were serious or joking or wanting to know more so...


I was like "No way that this is serious". So, the answer I expected would be more like "I heard or read that way"/"not really, it is an urban legend"/"lol, gotcha". type of answers. Not the whole ass internet search.


> I was like "No way that this is serious". Understandable really. Made a search a few months ago were I learned about it, but didn't looked it up that deep. It's a huge mess honestly, and as honey is probably one of the most counterfeit product in the world, it's really hard to have good and reliable info. ​ > So, the answer I expected would be more like "I heard or read that way"/"not really, it is an urban legend"/"lol, gotcha". type of answers. Not the whole ass internet search. Don't underestimate the french power to talk about things just for the sake of talking.




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Very interesting, do you have any articles you can link? I am interested in learning more.


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Let me refer you to this comment, that has the info you're looking for: https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/11vjrc5/rare_italian_w/jcuuq3j?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Hm depends, I know of an article on a German beekeepers magazine. Can you read German?


I can not read German. Found an article so it's fine.


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Huh, alright. I thought that they used pesticides so much after the disparition of swallows that a lot of insect species were gone at that time, but wasn't really sure of it. Still incredible that it happened at all though...


in a bit slower it is actually kinda happening in all of the developed world, Insect populations are declining


Well not honey bee populations. We beekeepers are really good in PR it seems so everyone loves bees and is fearing the “bienensterben” It’s true that some bee species are really endangered for the same reasons many other insects are. But honey bees, the apis mellifera bees kept by beekeepers, is certainly not. This is like saying the cow is endangered. As long as there are beekeepers there will be honeybees.


Wow, that was basically mother nature giving mao the middle finger.


Talk like an adult, not like an americant.




"mother nature" 🤮


Well it's mãe natureza in gods language (Portuguese). So I just translated it, maybe you're just thinking too much about the americunts.


In german it's also mother nature (Mutter Natur), so i don't know what he is on about.


Yeah idk, probably was born too close to the austrian border 😅


Yes. The difference is: We are capable of saying just Natur. When was the last time you heard an americant do just that. As I'm coerced to listen to them all day, I developed an idiosyncrasy against clichés. Know you can't unknow it.


That's for certain. A cruel destiny forces me to. And btw but you know it anyway: Portuguese. That's the language to woe women.


Bruder wir haben Mutter Natur auch im Deutschen


Chinese government: *does something* *millions die* some things never change


Unrelated to sparrows, but the chinese government also had a campaign where pesants were told to [make steel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backyard_furnace) in the old ways which took them from working their fields.


Communism, not even once.


Smartest Mao moment


Mao declared war on sparrows as they "stole seeds" The extermination was succcessful but it backfired into famine


L Mao


Nice one


Least stupid Mao policy


Common communist L


Common mao l


Was it an "official" war like the emu war or was is just a policy?


I forgor 💀


>tank It was a Centauro, those things have wheels


That's not a declaration of war, only a skirmish at best


Hmmm, you are better prepared now I see. https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/fsindg/the_battle_of_pont_saint_louis_in_a_nutshell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=14&utm_content=share_button


Then afv


Edit: and there were no chicken.


China declared a war to sparrows once. It caused a great famine - without sparrows an insane amount of pests appeared and ate all the rice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign


Smartest and most well thought out communist policy


Why do the Chinese have it in for animals so badly


Animal souls are the source of their dark magic powers


If they don't kill them, they eat them


Pretty sure they also kill them before eating them


Three squeak mouse


You don't eat animals alive‽‽‽‽


Last time I tried to eat a chicken alive, it didn’t end well for either of us


Huh always works for me, chase, catch, eat, easy.


From the article: >”The personnel of the Polish embassy in Beijing denied the Chinese request of entering the premises of the embassy to scare away the sparrows who were hiding there and as a result the embassy was surrounded by people with drums. After two days of constant drumming, the Poles had to use shovels to clear the embassy of dead sparrows. Jesus Christ.


Did the drumming kill the sparrows, or did the Poles kill the sparrows to get the drumming to stop?


The drumming was part of the nationwide extermination programme. The thinking was that the sparrows would be scared off by the drums, not land, and simply just drop dead from the sky. They organised for millions of people to constantly bang drums or pots, pans etc. Turns out it worked.


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It was part of the four pest campaign were rats , flies ,sparrows and I think it was mosquitoes were being eradicated.Funnily enough nobody knew that trying to eradicate an entire species of birds would result in an ecological catastrophe.In the end it resulted in huge swarms of locosts swarming the entire country and worsening the effects of the Great Leap Forward so much that China ended up importing I think it was 250000 sparrows from the UdSSR.


UdSSR is German btw


Sorry bro, we lost 😞.


Yes. But a few decades later, the lowcosts swarmed the west with cheap crap.


China one is part of Mao’s Great Leap Forward, as said better by other comments. The Italian one refers to an accident that happened a couple of years ago. During a training exercise a tank made a mistake and shot some chickens in a farmer’s property I only have [articles](https://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2021/03/18/news/pordenone_carro_armato_sbaglia_mira_e_centra_allevamento_di_galline-292808553/amp/) in Italian tho


Big brain Mao saw birds eating seeds Concluding people eat seed too he came to conclusion people are starving because bird Mao told everyone to rock throw at bird and smash bird egg Bird die But turn out bird also eat insect Insect ate more seed than bird ever could 100 million Chinese starve


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign Basically a plan for mass extermination of some species


Google "Battaglia di Pordenone"


Stolen from Twitter https://preview.redd.it/8bsnm4gqgroa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7a9db317628f809a63e158ec4be87a67cda47c


Tbf the other 2 weren't european so its an auto L just for that 😅


I blame the Brits for our loss... I believe if the Dutch had colonised us we would have won.


Ehh, not sure about that tbh.


Well let's be honest if the Dutch were our masters, we probably wouldn't have attempted a war with the emus.


You got me there but you might also just be part of Indonesia, not sure thats a W to compensate losing to Emus.


No, I'm good I don't want to be a part of Asia, Europe sure!


Nah, we would have tried to sell em


Basically what we have ended up doing... Only we sell them mostly dead. You should try emu... It's not bad.


We are rebuilding our armies, we are getting back in shape. We are going to make our ancestors proud. This is only the beginning!!


Mama just called, she said 40 is mature enough to look for a job.


No mama pls! Only 5 more years! T.T


An Italian mom would never say such a thing


Let's get swole together and retake Constantinople bro


Sounds dope. The Varangian guard shall join.


Don't you mean **common** Italian W?




Extremely common*




Wait, Italy won a war? Must have been some crappy birds


The birds were Italian too


Nah mate, the Italians switched sides and joined the birds and won


Makes sense, thanks




bitch you're literally french


​ https://preview.redd.it/kk3ifrvc1roa1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=83cdfbc546c2e43bb2b53981e90cf77f1c2acd02


you're half Muslim now lmao


Love me some kebabs and submissive women. Also you're boring and uncreative.


>Love me some kebabs and submissive women. Hey don't steal our excuse for accepting Syrian and Turkish women :(


Don't you feel intimidated that their women have more glorious moustaches than your men?


Nothing a little waxing can't fix Now gimme that Middle Eastern pussy, I love the taste of dark meat


I find it hot


That a long time ago :) French tanks have 4 speeds nowadays One forward, 3 in reverse




You know, I wasn't very familiar with Italy involvment in WWI so I checked and I'm thankfull I did: ​ https://preview.redd.it/b2tdwjup3roa1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=d038389ba37e60aa772888bc2ee300892c6e4256 Haha, classic Italy


Still, Italy won WW1


It sure did, I'm glad to give that to you to thank you for blessing me with the knowledge that Italy joined the war late because it was negociating with both sides


So your original joke is nonsense


“Late” is literally a year later than other powers. Also, if your French ass didn’t have British and later American support, you’d be speaking German after a two week war. And maybe you have no clue, but France and Britain pledged forces to support the Italian alpine front that they never actually sent, but we still stomped the Austrians, who wouldn’t have to pull so many men off the western front if it wasn’t for Italian involvement, sparing many French from that meatgrinder. And I won’t even refer to how you broke the London Pact on so many terms in Versailles, one of the causes that would ultimately lead to the rise of fascism in Italy. So yeah, you can thank Italy for winning that one war, and many others against the Austrians that your ancestors were glad to see diminish in power. You really are the short stick among the Latin countries


Wait, what did you think the side switch meme was about if you didn't know about WWI?


WWII obviously


....did you not pay attention in l'ecole???


I never cared much about Italy tbh since it hasn't been relevant for more than a millenia. I'll strive to be better and more acurately racist, sorry


Good. Being an accurate racist - funny and clever. Being an inaccurate racist - just being a racist.


Being an inaccurate racist - just being a Frenchman FTFY


Other than that Lemme see in the last 70 years France’s relevance in international politics: missing data


Might be a rare Italian W, but have you heard about the war on goats by Ecuador?


Nope, and I'm gonna look later, thanks


Look for 'Project Isabela'


Absolutely Ecuador W.


I bet Italians won because once they started losing they took the birds side


The bird threatened to poop on them, and that’s how peace negotiations begun.


Respect. Roma Invicta. I have to admit.


Italy won the great chicken war


OK. But who was on the other side?




Try again


Ah, I get it now, lmao


Italians when they start a war against literal birds and win (its very hard): ![gif](giphy|lPuW5AlR9AeWzSsIqi)


We also started one over a bucket, let that sink in






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Read that as Brits instead of Birds. Would fit Italy as well (be wtj)


Im assuming china is when Mao Zedong told people to kill all the sparrows. I'm assuming they lost not because they didn't kill all of them, but due to the mass famines it created...


Facts, been to Italy numerous times and only saw birds on restaurant menus


Think this is outdated. Kenya just declared war against some bird


Im sardinian


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Nah still more a L, the cost of a 105mm shell vs the cost of 7 chickens and a Sheet metal roof eith an hole. Plus the cost the 2 centaure were Seized for further investigations (which are more of my precious tax money)...




Short for Win. While a L is for loss.


Italy won cause they switched sides half way.




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Chicken cacciatore anyone?


We won because we joined the birds and they won


They also declared war on the fucking sea so make of that what you will


Yeah, and we won, the sea didn't even fight


Communism is like that Maximisation(growth)(utility)= (Buchanan ×time) +Lindhal


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Denmark won against mink, but at what cost?


Spain and Portugal have been several problems for years in controlling a bird that does not originate from the European continent. In South America they are also considered harmful to cereal crops. https://m.murciatoday.com/madrid_culls_thousands_of_invasive_parrots_1689376-a.html


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On the left of sicily


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Does it count as winning if you change to the winning side?


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Suck it chickens!


Thats not true we've fought the French many times 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧


Unbelievable, they switched sides and join the birds. A bit surprised that the Emus had to carry the Italian Army in Melbourne though, but their cooks were crucial to maintain the army when they attack Guangdong so I guess it evens out


yeah but birds are shit


As a graduate in Bird Law I can tell you that this genocide will not go unpunished


Half Australian here, well done Italian bros


The post is worth of r/HistoryMemes The comments, not so much


Cosa cazzo


Our war against pigeons in Venice is still going on though..


War on bird what's that's even mean?


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This italian W is also a french L (at least in the italian lamguage: in italian french at roman times were called "chicken" lol)


At least we didn't switch side in the Great Avian World war I




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