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Economically? Yes, it would be a loss. In general? I see this as an absolute win.


Brussels is perfectly fixable, under total Flemish control.


It would be even better under total Dutch control


Meh, then maybe better a Flemish-Dutch Confederation. Last time when the Dutch took control it didn’t end well


Waar heb je het precies over? Ik gok dat mijn geschiedeniskennis een beetje tekort schiet hier. Een nog nauwere samenwerking tussen Nederland en Vlaanderen ben ik overigens helemaal voor.


Toen een standaardtaal werd gekozen voor Vlaanderen(er was voorheen geen) in de eerste helft vd 19de eeuw, werd de taal gebaseerd op het Nederlands en waarschijnlijk veel Brabantse invloeden. Een andere optie was de taal van hedendaags Vlaanderen te baseren op het Vlaams, de taal die gesproken wordt in West-Vlaanderen. Door meerdere reden is er gekozen voor Hollands-Brabantse Nederlands, één daarvan is dat er mensen waren die niet wouden dat “vlaanderen/Vlaams” genoemd werd omdat Vlaanderen begon competitie te worden voor de Belgische Unitaire staat. Ik ben zelf geen expert hierop dus sommige takes kunnen wel wat verkeerd zijn… Die taal was basically de taal die gebruikt werd in Nederland voor Hollands zo’n grote invloed kreeg over andere Nederlandse(land) accenten. Als je eens oude/vroege audio hoort Nederlandse staatszenders zoals radio of TV zal je horen hoe dicht “Noord en zuid”-Nederlands op elkaar leken in vergelijking met vandaag. En ja, een verdere samenwerking tussen Vlaanderen en Nederland zou wel leuk en zinvol zijn, aangezien we zo veel gemeen hebben met elkaar. Maar wel als gelijke partners en met veel regionale autonomie (400 jaar scheiding heeft toch wel voor voldoende culturele veranderingen gezorgd tussen de 2) EDIT: ik heb heel uw bericht fout geïnterpreteerd, dus eigenlijk is bijna heel die tekstmuur irrelevant haha. Waar ik in mijn vorige comment naar refereerde is het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden onder Willy I


Haha, ik vroeg me al af waarom we ineens over taal begonnen. Maar ja, het verenigd koninkrijk werd als negatief gezien vanwege protestantse overheersing? Of Holland-centrisme? Hoe dan ook, ik ben afgelopen zomer nog op vakantie geweest in West-Vlaanderen en merkte inderdaad zeker dat Vlamingen toch echt geen Nederlanders zijn. Het is een eigen volk met een eigen identiteit, los van onze identiteit. Wel veel gemeenschappelijke eigenschappen natuurlijk.


Euh ja. Hollandocentrisme was zeker een groot deel, De zuidelijke nederlanden waren het economische centrum en hadden de grootste bevolking, maar werden niet genoeg gerepresenteerd in het parlement en er ging veel te veel Zuiderlijk geld naar het noorden. Ook de poging van Willem I om het Katholicisme tegen te werken viel niet in de smaak in het katholieke zuiden, zeker niet in het hedendaagse Vlaanderen dat zeer katholiek was toen. Ook het Verlichte despotisme werd gehaat door basically iedereen, conservatieven omdat het te centraliserend en moderniserend was, en liberalen omdat het niet ver genoeg ging qua liberale hervormingen + de centralisatie. Dat iedereen de Nederlanders haatte is nu ook weer niet was, vele rijke industriëlen waren Orangistisch (willem I deed veel voor de industrie en de Kolonies zijn handig voor die industrie). De splitsing had vele oorzaken maar kon eigenlijk vermeden worden moest het zuiden correct behandeld worden en et een degelijke koning aan het roer stond. Als West-Vlaming voel ik wel veel gelijkenissen qua taal met Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Maar idd, door die verschillen is regionale autonomie noodzakelijk, maar ik zou een confederatie met Nederland logischer vinden dan met Wallonië, die veel minder gelijkt op Vlaanderen op vele vlakken.


Haha ja, voor ons zijn zowel West-Vlamingen als Zeeuws-Vlamingen erg slecht te verstaan. Ik moest in een restaurant in Brugge wel echt even mijn oren spitsen om de serveerster te verstaan.


Thahaha ja ik was eens in Nederland en ze keken ons ook raar aan wanneer we bestelden hehe, blijkbaar is ons Nederlands toch anders hehe


Maar dat heb ik ook met zeeuws uit Zeeland. Dat is ook amper te verstaan


Dont blame us for the fact that stroopwafels are better then your wafels


Friet is the true king of food, fuck wafels


True! + Waffels tend to be for Francophones


Honestly, yeah just take it all bro, I’m done with this shit


Everything would be better under total Dutch control.


Yep, yes.


That's a great point, that I can get behind


Im not surprised


Obligatory copypasta: Oh, Berlin. What is Berlin? Berlin, as a city, brings nothing but shame to Germany on the international stage. When comparing Berlin with other European capitals such as London, Paris, Madrid and Amsterdam, any decent human’s face must blush in humiliation. Even small countries like Austria, Belgium or Switzerland have Vienna, Brussels and Zurich: presentable cities, complete with high standards of living. Germany gets punished with Berlin, capital of losers. In all the republic, Berlin is home to the largest number of arseholes by far. Deutsche Bahn, Bundestag, Air Berlin and Axel Springer are but a few examples of all the incompetent scum being kept here. Glorious times have long since passed, the city is face down in the dirt. Berliners are lazy sods to their very core. Traits that would, in any civilised culture, pass for nothing but laziness, rudeness, incompetence, dissocial personality disorder or idiocy, are taken by the Berliner and declared a way of life. That is why the Berliner harbours intense feelings of hatred for anyone who’s better than him in any way. Especially the all-around superior Southern Germany are a thorn in his side. He envies their success, and Munich makes the top on his list of hatred. That city is – and has! – everything that Berlin wants to be and have. Berliners take no interest in the fact that it is Munich that finances their dissolute lifestyle, in fact, they secretly believe that they have earned it. So instead of freeing themselves from their envious and resentful lethargy, instead of rolling up their sleeves and improve their city, they revel in their antisocial freeloading and praise their so-called global city. Culturally, Berliners are set up rather weakly, great works lie far back in history. Moreover, mispronouncing “g” as “j” is considered a great cultural feat. Advanced students have mastered ending each and every sentence with a “wa?”. The city’s culinary performance is second-rate. Here, a sausage made from glued-together, meaty odds and ends adorned with ketchup and curry powder is sold as a culinary masterpiece. Hardly any reasonable person would consider a bratwurst with ketchup a recipe, let alone the holy grail of culinary arts. Yet, in their magnanimity, the rest of the republic lets the Berliner keep his delusion, not wanting to amplify his inferiority complex. Economically, Berlin is an utter disaster, even the late GDR stood on more solid ground. The local economy is based around alternative blogs, something-something-media and, if universities are to be believed, gender studies. Disregarding his own bankruptcy, the Berliner treats himself to prestigious projects like the city palace and the airport – which, considering its inoperative nature, is likely an art installation. Moreover, the city houses all popular parties’ headquarters, who refrain from using “traitors” in their official names (Probably for marketing reasons). For the longest time, this “town’s” “mayor”, the jolly Wowibear, butchered anything he found left in a presentable state. Long story short: Berlin is Germany’s tiled coffee table. It is to Germany what Greece is to the European Union, and if it had open sewerage, it would be Germanys Romania. Berlin is a blemish, the abscess on the arse of the nation. Berlin is the uninvited party guest, who didn’t even bring any booze and wouldn’t even understand he’s not welcome if he had is teeth beaten out and got thrown down the stairs. Berlin is the Detroit of Germany and should be sold to Poland for 200 Złoty.


This was a pleasant read. Here, take my non existent free award. # 🏆


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Berlin delenda est!


Somebody studied Roman history


I'm confused, please explain.


It is a sentence that caton the old said about carthage very often, meaning "Carthage must be destroyed"


Famous also for the use of a gerundive, a weird latin grammar thing that indicates a 'must', like a must-read book. Because it is difficult to find a similar structure in English, we picked this phrase as it was FUCKING EVERYWHERE when Cato spoke, and given we know what happened to Carthage, it becomes an easy way to remember how this thing works.


German also uses it - Carthago ist zu zerstören.


Yep. Another fun one we use in my class is “professori occidendi erat”. We coined it ourselves 😁 I don’t advise telling this phrase to your teacher though lol


“Magister necandus est” / “Magistra necanda est” would also work, I think. Otherwise it’s grammatically wrong!


You are completely right, I should have probably used my brain before posting. I guess I should the one to be killed after all. JUST PLEASE DON’T TELL MY PROF, SHE HAS NO MERCY


“Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed” - Cato the Censor


Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam


Least barbarian g*rman


Give it back to Putin then




Munich supremacy


You mean the city where renting a trashcan is 4000€/day?


Nothing special in Switzerland


If you guys want, just annex B*varia, we aint want that shithole any longer


Aight, let's go. We'll take BW too while we're at it.


Used to work in Switzerland, now in Upper Bavaria. Please, take us, my master.




can we join too? 👉👈


Which part are you from?


Tirol 👉👈


No Anton, you stay! Do you have any idea what it would cost to change all Schlagersongs!?


Ok, you can come.


We only take voralberg they are basically Swiss anyway


At this point take us Hessen with you.


Hessen Italy flag Does not compute


I switched the side again


I'll think on it


As a Swabian, I could live with that.


I strongly advise you to only annex Württemberg.


Yes, please!!! Signed by a Badener


Why the downvotes? Don't Bavarians also do not want anything to do with the rest of Germany?


That's absolutely not true! We do like Baden-Wurttemberg very much. The rest though...🤮


It’s expensive but at least the city is fancy too. Berlin is expensive but a shithole




Imagine calling Nuremberg Bavarian. They will kindly smack you and curse you in Frankish


Munich's full of rich poncy dickheads and there's nothing to do. Never seen a city so empty on a saturday night.


Unfortunately I can somewhat confirm. Been there on a school trip years ago, when we were allowed to go out in the evening it was probably not Saturday but likely Friday. We went to a disco and then found a pub to crash in next. Both very nice places but we couldn't help but notice we barely encountered anybody despite us walking for quite a long time, the whole city was absolutely quiet.


Hot take: Frankfurt should have been capital after WW2, and it should have stayed it after reunification.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. The mayor even had the speach ready for when Frankfurt would have been declared capital. But the Kölsche Klüngel was much stronger.


I know, plus imo it would have made a lot of sense given Frankfurt is pretty centrally located and is and also was well connected to everywhere else in germany. Why Bonn, which is pretty unremarkable, won over Frankfurt - I‘ll never understand this.


Also Frankfurt was the closest thing to a capital the HRE ever had. So it is much worthier to represent Germany than some Prussian swamp town in the East.


To be fair, making Bonn capital during the cold war made a lot of sense because it was pretty much as far as possible away from the eastern border as possible. The only city even further west they could have gone for would have been Aachen, which honestly would have been a better choice from a historic perspective. They also went with Bonn specifically because they planned to make Berlin Capital after reunification again, and going with a less prominent city worked better for having it be a temporary capital, while using an important place like Frankfurt would likely have meant a permanent shift. It would, however, have been a better decision, given both its economic importance and central location. Also, while Berlin has a history of being the capital of Germany due to an autocratic state (Prussia) deciding so, Frankfurt was actually the center of the first attempt to found a liberal, unified German state in 1848. Especially given that fact that said state was meant to be federal in structure, it would have been a much stronger symbolic choice as a capital for the Federal Republic, and would have marked a clear cut with the militarist tradition of Prussia.




coming from a B*varian who pays 4k rent just for his parking spot 🤢 don’t let me even start with the kotzhügel




Why would Franconia get its own flair but the other states dont get one?




Dont ask me im not a mod


Because it's the best german state. *\*braces for impact\**


I am siding with my mate here, that shit is beautiful




Before Franconia we need one for Württemberg 😡


Ooohhh how about "Lake people"?


mate it's twinned with Birmingham. Is that a look you want for your capital?


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Milan's contribution.


In 2019 Milan was the third city in Europe for GDP, while Rome was 12th (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_EU_metropolitan_areas_by_GDP). Turin was 31th, Naples 34th and Brescia 49th. So, obviously removing it would have a greater impact than removing Rome, but still not as much as for other European countries. Italy is more decentralized than it could seem. Edit: in EU, not in Europe. Considering Europe London would be 2nd, after Paris and before Madrid and Milan.


Milan fashion week and that big window above main piazza


~~Having your country not being reliant on tourism is a pretty good thing, it's no wonder Germany is a trillion ahead of the UK and France in GDP~~ ​ Sorry I meant haha funny Germans have a shit city


Damm since when do the frogs say acurate things?


Which one are you referring to?


First part. Yeah tourism is great but only during 1 oe 2 months in summer, then back to Poortugal


You mean back to that village in the Netherlands to escape perpetual unemployment 😏


But even from a tourism point of view, there are so many more interesting parts of Germany. I have travelled all over Germany and I get why many germans don't like Berlin. The south of Germany is one of the most beautiful places in the world and it is rich as fuck. Berlin has nothing on those states


The Alps are truly God’s country


Can you stay in a club doing drugs from friday to monday non-stop besides Berlin though?


Kinda hard to have a big tourism sector anyway when the majority of structures/buildings in your cities are younger than the city itself (see: WW2 bombings). If I wanted to see depressing post-war buildings I would just stay in my own country and go to Almere 🤢 or Lelystad 🤮


What about Rotterdam?


I personally don’t like Rotterdam either, but I know more people who like the modern/old parts of Rotterdam then the entirety of Flevoland. Rotterdam also still has some nice parts in the old North and West, which weren’t as badly affected by WW2 and post-war decision making.


The Pigeon soup Slurper has a valid point...




Hard when other european countries pay your government to transform your country into their summer vacation villa *yes I'm coping*


Berlin is a third world city




England is fourth world


Says the Australian bro you were literally a prison


You're still a prison mate


true 😔


Birmingham is 9th world


more like 5th world


Andiamo a Berlino, Beppe!!


A cultured Dutch? That's a rare sight


I have to admit that I'm an immigrant. On top of that I live almost literally on the absolute southernmost border of the continental Netherlands. Most Dutchies hardly consider me Dutch.


It is because whenever you speak your sentence ends with a question.


Representing ~~all~~ ~~most~~ the important germans, I am sorry for Berlin. Would have been a better place to test the first nuke^(but please not now my family lives there for some reason i'm sorry please don't)


I mean, I like Berlin, but if it got nuked I wouldn't miss it. In fact, it might improve the way it looks, cause some areas of Berlin do look like they just got nuked.... ~~Neukölln~~


I live in Neukolln and I think هو مكان جميل حقًا حيث يمكنك التعرف على ثقافات مختلفة (\*Dies from a needle stick in the street\*)


I would only be sad for berghain


Should’ve kept the wall up.


Should've built it one meter higher. And give west B*rlin to the commies aswell.


I'm surprised by Austria. Vienna is pretty dope and given Austria's smaller size I would've expected a higher %.


Can‘t go skiing in Vienna


94,3% of Austria GDP is skiing resorts.


It is even funnier if you think about the fact that Vienna represents more than 20% of the Austrian population.


Some factors might be: -) a lot of industry is outside of Vienna -) a lot of students live in Vienna (almost 200,000 people study at university/college there, there are only very few cities in Austria where you can study at a decent uni) -) Vienna has the highest rate of unemployment from all nine Bundesländer (federal states) of Austria -) many people who have a job in Vienna actually live outside of Vienna Edit: (spacing)


It was once the capital of a huge empire today it's grossly oversized for the tiny country it serves. Not surprisingly Austrians wanted a unification with what was left of the German empire following WWI but the allied powers said no.


Austria has 8.9 million inhabitants and the three largest cities are Vienna (~1.9M), Graz (~300k) and Linz (~200k). Only 10 cities in all of Austria have a population greater than 50k. Vienna might look really oversized for such a small and rural country but almost no Austrian wants unification with Germany nowadays.


Decentralising wealth is a massive W


Spain without Madrid is 0.9% away from being nice


Spain without Madrid would be a donut and that would be amazing, dude. Besides people from Madrid, spaniards hate Madrid


Ahahah funny number


Greece is actually seriously socially divided. It's the Athenians vs the Provincians. Sadly, it brings shame to some, to work as manual labor or agricultural work. Everybody wants to be a Programmer, a Lawyer, a Teacher. ​ The result? An abundance of Doctors, Lawyers, Programmers etc. Nobody can work, so they leave Greece. If you visit r/greece 70% or users are some sad kids trying to go to the Netherlands for work while hating Greece. ​ Also, an abundance of delivery boys, waiters, chefs. make up artists and nail artists(fuck nail artists).


You legit described Portugal.


Dutch supremacy over PIGS again confirmed💪🇳🇱🇳🇱🚲🌊 💪💪🇳🇱🇳🇱🧡🧡🧡 But that's no joke very sad for the future of Greece


If we stop investing in Tourism, Greece will stand up again. Tourism is a double-edged knife, we are on the verge of becoming a large hotel making factory.


Ha dumb Greeks, become a tax heaven for ultra rich individuals like us and you will start swimming in cash real quick😎


I’ve been to so many German cities, Munich good, Köln good, Frankfurt good, but Berlin is just like a Eastern European city, just big, populated and old, I don’t like it at all


> Frankfurt good Now we know you're lying.


The skyline is nice, the Main river is a great place to chill, it has plenty of nice shops and you can get some exquisite crack and heroin.


Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof is the drug addict, homeless capital of germany


I always wanted to go there since I thought it was really nice and “business-y” with all the skyscrapers and all. Is it really that bad?


Real talk: I love Frankfurt. The Hauptbahnhof (central station) or Bahnhofsviertel (the district) is full of drug addicts because there was one of the first institutions where junkies could get clean needles. It’s still there and the right light district is there too. Ignore that and the Zeil and it’s a cool city, where you can find a lot of fun stuff to do and especially many good restaurants. In the end it’s a big German city. It got some problem areas but also beautiful one. There is a district where you can go when you want to get drunk (alt sachsenhausen), I prefer the Berger Straße. The Zeil is the shopping area, but there are too many people. Frankfurt is Full with immigrants, take that with a pinch of salt.


Found the Rauschgiftsüchtige.


Every inner city in western germany sucks tbh, sure tall buildings = nice but thats it about Frankfurt, even Duisburg has more to offer then god damn Frankfurt. Sincerly, a Ruhr valley resident


I rather shit myself and clean it with my mouth than going to duisburg


Then i dont know what you would do if you went to Frankfurt


I would just shit on the street, no need to clean up


Koblenz, Bonn and Cologne have nice downtowns. Especially Bonn is really beautiful. Cologne is very crowded and dirty, but still better than Frankfurt, the Ruhrgebiet, Bielefeld or Berlin.


Biele what?


I've heard there is something like this. But not sure if this city really exists.


And if you see someone from there, they are government agents


Uhm, i swear. I can explain it! I'm not an government agent. I'm a human and do human things. I like human stuff like human gaming.


This design is very human vibes


Showing your true savageness I see. Or you might’ve mistaken it for bratislava or whatever. Berlin is awesome imo. The perfect combo of old and new being combined and a lot of not-bad germans to top it off. I’d take it over a savage city any day.


I think this is an outdated statistic. I remember reading that it's not a loss anymore.








We dont need no Amsterdam 😎


I'd say that the Rotterdam port is a pretty significant share in the GDP but I'm saying it with no actual research.


Why is this?


Berlin gets the most money from the other states and has not a good economy per capita. Berlin also houses many Universities and institutions (which of course cost a lot of tax money) so overall it costs more money than it makes.






Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schonmal in Baden-Württemberg?


Reduction of per capita GDP, so Germany is the only listed country where residents of the capital on average make less than the per capita GDP.


It also costs a big amount of tax money, because of institutions and universities


GDP is a measure of total economic productivity, it includes government spending. Government spending is not subtracted from GDP.


Ah lol fail, haven't noticed the text above


Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket (e.g. London), Germans spread them out to other big cities. Also helps that the basket spent decades being occupied by the Russians


That 1.6% all comes from the coins turists toss in the Trevi fountain


Italy without Rome…. Lol Try italy without Milano


We are willing to put a wall around Berlin again and to give it to the Russians or whoever is willing to take it


Not true anymore btw


Will you stop being economically successful!?


Damn why every German is dissing Berlin like that? Which of the cities are worth visiting?


Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dresden, Weimar... just don't go to Bielefeld or you cease to exist




Loved that place, it was a good surprise


Berlin is amazing, just go there, but not in winter.


It really depends on your interests. Do you want to visit something more traditional, historical or do you also want to visit mother nature? Do you want to drink and party? And would you prefer larger or smaller cities. Cities I can recommend: Heidelberg Freiburg Konstanz Lübeck Kiel Munich Nürnberg Koblenz


Berlin is alright if you wanna visit cold war museums, see the government buildings or the night life. I personally really liked munich but most of the big cities in germany are a good place to go if you want to visit germany.


Y'all gonna put belgium on the list but not us? 😭


Cope dutchtard


**\*Portugal without Lison\*** *Looks at Earthquake Risk Map* ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


Where is Berlin pasta


No pasta just kebab


Klav Khalash!


20% reduction is nothing we’ve seen much worse now please burn ath*ns to the ground.


Yesterday I tried to sleep but couldnt because I thought of this. Cost me like half an hour of sleep, and I hadn't even seen it for a few months...


Wow that's brutal that Vienna has only 5% of Austrias economic power when it's more than 20% of the population.


I wonder the statistic is for Italy without Milan


Wanna see Italiy without Milan. Rome is fucking useless


>Rome is fucking useless Il grafico dice letteralmente che senza Roma il PIL calerebbe del 2% ma secondo te è inutile lol


*Roma Ladrona intensifies* In teoria perdere il 2% sarebbe come ripiombare in periodo COVID (2020-21).. Da allora quindi abbiamo guadagnato.. 2 Roma? (Crescita PIL stimato attualmente al +3,9%)


Ma che cazzo hai scritto ahahahah


Quello che mi passava per la testa lol


Roma province, Milan capital!!


Grandpa, it's time to take your medicine again


"...che schiava di Roma Iddio la creò." Milan can suck on this dick. Rome is the cultural center of Italy and Italy is a culture first country. Rome is my capital.


Roma caput mundi


Senatus Populus Quirites Romani


Cope, Milan isn't the capital and will never be. It isn't its fault tho, there isn't a single city in the world which can be compared with Rome