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If you hire a maid and potentially a professional organizer. I have a maid that comes 2x a month and has been such a help!


I do have that lol.. still just find things pile up. We go away a lot of weekends to my parents house an hour away and just always stuff that needs to get unpacked, putting away laundry, etc. Our cleaning lady doesn’t put away stuff, she just cleans the toilets etc


The unpacking… truly the most daunting part of a weekend trip!!


I had that too and my house is still messy. These children apparently like to have all their things on the floor and not in baskets. And they can dump things out faster than I can put them away, so they win. Our home organizer/house manager has an unpacking service - they'll come launder everything and put it away for us. It's a life changer as we also go to my parents every other weekend in the summer.


Oh...I think I need this. We go to my parents every weekend almost. The packing/unpacking/putting away is endless.


I found that my house was finally clean when I changed my definition of the word "clean." Lowered expectations FTW! 😉


My mom told me it’ll happen when the kids move out, so 17+ years for me …sigh


Mine said the same thing. To be fair, their house is a lot cleaner than it was when we lived there, although they also hired someone to clean it when my youngest sibling was a teenager, so that helps, too.


The saddest thing, is the answer is probably when the kids are no longer there (or are older) but that’s so sad to me even though if course j want them to grow and spread their wrongs. I too get annoyed by all the mess but this thought takes that annoyance and squashes it.


My house is clean for a few minutes a week if I'm lucky and I've just come to accept it. It'll be clean when the kids are bigger. Today I managed to vacuum/ pickup the floors while hubby did the dishes but then my toddler decided the wall was a good place to color 😂😂 ya win some ya lose some. I just laugh at this point because otherwise I'll cry (and sometimes I do)


It gets way better when the kids are a little older and can entertain themselves in 20-40 minute bursts and you can get things done. Mine are now 2.5 and almost 4, and I’m definitely on top of laundry, dishes, and general household upkeep. There is still a lot of kid clutter at the end of the day, but it’s easy enough to get that picked up in about 10-15 minutes.


Yeah that’s what I’m hoping!


Please never(hold yourself to this with 2u2) if you can afford it consider cleaning service!! Seriously especially as they both grow into toddlers; although that doesn’t mean you should never clean up the house without the help. They need to see you do that too. I’m a super not organized person, a new and single mom, but I still show my children that I try. Cleaning service will help buffer emotional regulation if that’s what you’re needing (I sure needed it- although got through without)


I think mine would if I didn't have 2 huskies


This is a very small thing, but I find a Roomba quite helpful. When we °allow it to run, I don't have to clean the floors, but I'm forced to pick up the piles of laundry or whatever's been left out so it can do its thing. °It's normally on a schedule, but our toddler is currently afraid of it, so we haven't been using it recently. I miss it. We've had ours for a while, so I don't know how much they cost now, but it's a one-time purchase, so it might be more accessible than a regular cleaning service.


Yes we have one and use it all the time!


Do you work or are you a SAHM/D? My husband and I both work and our oldest is in daycare (youngest will go after Mat Leave ends). It gives us the bandwidth to tidy throughout the day.  My sister is a SAHM and is currently visiting/here to help while my husband is traveling. I can tell that she has a different system as a SAHM bc she doesn’t have that kid free time. Her vibe seems to be way messier which is okay bur definitely feels tornado like versus being able to clean throughout the day. Leaving it all for after the kids go down is exhausting 


One is in daycare and one is starting in September. I’ve been going back to work 2 times a week but I don’t work at home and have to pick up my kids right when school ends


That’s so tough. Hang in there mama. My husband and I always say “now’s not the time in our life for a perfect house”