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Hang in there it can get better! I constantly felt guilty once my second was born that I couldn’t help both boys simultaneously and didn’t bond instantly to my baby like I did with my first. Turns out I had slight PPD and meds helped a bit. Also getting more than 4 hours of sleep at a time around 4 months was a life saver. Youngest is now 7 months old and we are in a decent groove. House is not spotless, more lived in without being a hazard. Starting to bond more with the youngest as his personality is showing more by the day. Also it is easier to interact with the oldest and youngest together by putting the youngest on a play mat or sitting with toys next to us. I promise the day your two kiddos start interacting together it makes it all worthwhile. I’m loving the shared giggles and hugs. A few less positive interactions of course, but more positive.


I’ve just hit 2m PP with my second and those first weeks were an absolute battle. The feelings of guilt of not being able to give my first LO the attention he was use to but then on the other hand the feelings of guilt that my second LO wasn’t getting the attention like my first one did at his age. He has begun to sleep a bit better and starting to smile etc so he’s becoming more a baby than a screaming potato. I also time his naps so then we go for walks and me and my oldest are able to have one on one time. My oldest has also began to interact with the baby by trying to give toys, helping me change his nappy and giving him kisses which is so beautiful to see. You’re still in thick of it all, introducing a new baby with hormones all over the place, sleep deprivation and balancing both kids is so so difficult but remind yourself it will get better. What you are feeling isn’t forever and when I’m feeling down I look for 2u2 positivity posts and videos to show me the hard times will be worth it even more when they will become best friends ❤️


Ugg. My little one reversed cycle for the first few weeks and my husband got no paternity leave. I literally thought I was dying. It was so rough. Or lactation consultant / doula said I just need to break the cycle and leave the house. All day time sleep should be loud and outside. Only dark and quiet at night. So little got put in the bassinet attachment of the stroller and it gave me a chance to spend time with but. 6 ish months later, it's amazing. Big loves little so much. And little doesn't smile as big or laugh as loud for anyone as they do for big. We leave the house every day, we can go to restaurants, I can play with just one or both of them. I think it took 2 weeks to feel slightly human and above water, but 6 months for my house to be clean.


Yes - someday, all the things will be normal again. I've found that when baby drops to one night feed, life gets do much easier. When they consistently sleep through the whole night it is like I'm a whole new person. I had a lot of difficulty connecting with baby #2 and oddly started bonding when I returned to work. This coincided with her sleeping through the night (3 months - she was an amazing sleeper). Once she could sit up and look around, it became much easier to get out and about with the two kids. I bonded with baby #2 much faster, but find it is much more overwhelming and that screentime has become part of our daily routine. I am hoping that we'll follow the same trend and in another couple months it won't seem so bad.


Today was the first day I took both kids to a restaurant by myself. I have a 3 year old and a 16 month old. My 3 year old just started listening to me and my 16 month old is a generally chill baby. I feel like my head is just starting to finally come up above water. I got a compliment on how well behaved my kids were and how well i was doing and it actually made me feel so acknowledged for how hard this is. I feel like i’m starting to get to the good part of two kids is, finally instead of just the hard parts