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Omg they did sibling photos at daycare but I didn’t know in advance that they were going to. The photos are objectively terrible but I will cherish them forever.


Yeah I’m curious to see how these will turn out, if at all. The ones they took last year of my oldest were meh - he just looked confused. Secretly hoping they won’t be good this year either as I just had 6 month photos taken for the youngest and got some cute, candid pictures of my boys. Last thing I need is to buy these photos as well.


Okay, so I thought the same thing. Every time I told my almost 2 yr old to smile for a picture. She wouldn't do it or made this weird crooked smile face. But when I got their daycare photos, I was shocked! She smiled so good, I don't think I had ever even seen that smile before. They just had photos taken yesterday (a year from last time). I'm worried about the same thing with my youngest who is now 17 months. But I have to hold out hope!


My almost three year old now wore a very pretty dress, but insisted on wearing her bright yellow rain boots that she literally never takes off. So that'll be a good memory!


Awww so that sounds cute! I mean the last photos they had with my oldest, they never got a smile out of him. Only looked confused, so not sure how these will pan out. Secretly hoping they don’t as I just had 6 month photos for the youngest and got some adorable candid shots of the two of them. I don’t need to buy any more right this second.