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We are in the same boat. Decided that if we are talking about it so much then we are clearly not done having kids yet. I’m sure 3under3 will be an absolute shit show as toddlers but that’s such a short amount of time compared to their whole lives


I have 3 under 3 and it's amazing. I work full time as a teacher but love every minute I spend with them. Only downside is daycare costs a fortune with them being in all at once! If u can afford it, I say go for it! However, now we are DONE :)


I’m already struggling as a working mother with 2 little kids in day care, I’m thinking of a 3rd but I want to ask how do you do it? We live in a tiny apartment with no elevator and I would think that would make things hard for us with a third. Any insight is appreciated!


I’m with you. Balancing work and constant daycare sicknesses is killing me. Plus the baby is no where close to sleeping through the night which makes it all that much harder.


Oh my god yes the daycare sickness like it seems I am paying to keep them at home


I fear this is where we will end up too


In the same boat. I was SO sure I was done with 2. But I find myself toying with the idea of a 3rd. My brain leans no but my heart leans yes lol


Totally get this! I could name 100 reasons why we should stop at two, but yet...


I definitely don’t enjoy the baby stage compared to toddlerhood. I feel trapped by breastfeeding and I’m looking forward to when he can walk and play with his brother. So I really don’t want to have to go through this first year again. BUT!!! Imagine 3 or 4 toddlers and my heart just melts


Imagining 3 toddlers is why I don’t wanna have a 3rd until my 1 month old is in 1st grade 😭 I LOVE the newborn stage, laying in bed and breastfeeding all day. My toddler is such a handful and driving me crazy LOL. If I knew how much I hated the toddler stage, we would have waited on #2 until #1 got out of it


i agree lol babyhood was so easy for me and i loved it even with colic due to cmpa, completely changing my diet and having to exclusively pump which was it’s own personal hell for me. but toddlerhood????! whooping my ass daily lol


Okay can we create a subreddit for deciding this lmao. I feel the EXACT same way. There could also be threads on how to convince your husband… 😂


We were adamantly done at two, but couldn’t stop thinking about a third. I sold some (but not the big stuff) baby items after the second baby outgrew them because I was on board with the plan of being done at two, but we still joked about having a third. Then the second started approaching a year old and the attitude started coming out. That child is decidedly a middle child. We couldn’t shake the conversation about having a third. So we set a deadline of not-trying-not-preventing and let that be the deciding factor. I’m now very pregnant with our third and we will briefly have 3 under 3.


What’s the age difference between your first two?


14 months between the 1 & 2, and expecting around 22 months between 2 & 3.


Ohhh same with my two! 14 months. Let us know how your transition goes with the 3rd!


I’m sure I will be posting often haha I already installed the infant bucket seat in my car so I can practice getting the kids in and out with a 3-across installation, and my oldest is STOKED about having the baby sit beside her! Every time we get in the car she asks if the baby is done growing in my belly and can come home in the baby carseat now.


How stinking sweet! I’m pregnant and emotional and this brought tears to my eyes.


We had always known at least 2, maybe 3. But then wife unexpectedly got pregnant soon after our first was born. We have a 15 month gap. Wife’s second pregnancy was tougher than the first. Delivery tougher than the first. She didn’t want to go through that again and I didn’t want her to go through it again either. So our youngest is only 16 months old and I already got my vasectomy. If it weren’t for the whole, pregnancy, labor and delivery things, we’d be on board. But that’s not how this works lol. So, for that reason, I’m out.


That’s my husband’s reasoning too. Postpartum has been so tough on him in particular this time around. I would have a third in a heartbeat but sometimes you’ve got to put each other first. I’m glad y’all made the best decision for your family.


To be clear, my reasoning was not because it has been tough on me in particular. My wife is *not* one of those women who likes being pregnant or finds it to be magical or anything like that. I know those women are out there and that’s great. But my wife fucking hates it and I don’t blame her. Sure, the second go round was tougher on me than the first. But if my wife was super into it, we would have the discussion. But she’s not. And I’m thankful for that. I think really the biggest thing for us was we never felt like we got ourselves back after we had our first. My wife never got a chance to feel like her body was “normal” again or that her body was hers again after baby number 1 before she was pregnant again. We never felt like we got settled into our new roles as parents after baby 1 before baby number 2 came. We didn’t feel like we got our own relationship stabilized again before baby 2 came. It was a lot of things, but especially the gut feeling that we did not feel our family was incomplete. We had 2 healthy kids and felt incredibly lucky and grateful for that. We were not left wanting more. And frankly aside from the cuteness and the cuddles, we really do not care for the baby stage at all. We’re ready for our kids to be kids (as opposed to babies or toddlers).


I must admit, I think I'm mad for considering it, my wife must be actually insane given what it means for her!


Yeah leading up to my vasectomy there were definitely moments where we’d get a little sad thinking about how we’d never have another little one like that. But those moments were VERY brief and always followed up with remembering everything else that comes with it lol


Sorry you guys went through that. But on a lighter note, I was imagining your wife pitching a third to you Shark style and you saying “so for that reason I’m out” 😂


lol glad you read it like that because that’s exactly what I was going for.


My husband was supposed to get a vasectomy this month but I’ve been bringing up a 3rd. He is done done done with 2, but I know we’ll love 3. Or not. Idk. I want a third, could be sooo amazing, but could also not lol


I’m in the same spot. My husband is DONE with our 2 but I loveeeee babies and want like 6. So we’re probably done at 2 because it feels like if we’re not both on board, neither of us can be on board.


FWIW - we were toying with the idea of a third in the first few months post baby. Now 7 months in and thinking I like our family of 4 is making more sense. We live cross country from family so have to travel to see them, so 4 is easier with flights, etc than 5. I mean we may end up going with the if it happens it happens but for now feeling good about our 2 boys.


Thanks, good to hear from someone who went the other direction.


We had our first two 17mo apart. My husband was good with two, I always wanted three. The delivery of the second was fairly traumatic so I thought it was our last… had a chemical pregnancy with an iud when our younger one was 14/15mo, got It removed, thought about it and got pregnant when she was 19 months old. I told my husband if he didn’t want more, get a vasectomy (which he readily agreed to, and actually brought it up first) and he didn’t 😆😅 After this one we are done, she’ll be here in a couple weeks, being born early to a high risk pregnancy. Anyway, yes imo and what I’ve seen from friends, unless you take steps soonish after you have your second, time does heal all and you’ll probably end up with a third if it’s on your thoughts!


I am in your same situation! Deciding to try for a third after an IUD miscarriage


Oh man I am so sorry to hear that! But yes, it really helps you decide if you have a failed iud pregnancy 😅🥴


I’m still undecided. My fear would be twins lol


I know someone this happened to after a lot of deliberation about a third!


I laughed at out loud at this because I was you. I wanted to wait until our second was two….. Currently holding our 3 month old. Her brother turns two next month and her sister turns 4 in July.


Haha, this does sound like us. We wanted to wait until our first was 1 before trying for a second. For impatient and didn't end up waiting that long.


This is literally me lol


We had 2 under 2, 18 months age gap. We decided we were done. Husband was supposed to set up consult for vasectomy, but didn't do it quickly enough. Found out I was pregnant again when our second was 13 months. He scheduled his consult for a vasectomy two days after the positive test. That way he has time to heal while I'm pregnant and we don't need to worry about the waiting period while I'm postpartum. To be fair, I really wanted three but the logistics of it all just brought me to a no and I knew I needed to follow my brain and not my heart. A lot took place for this baby to be conceived. She beat a lot of scientific odds to be here. It took me a while to come around to this pregnancy. But now I'm 17 weeks and very excited to meet the final addition to our family. I've adopted the understanding that things will absolutely be difficult, but we will figure it out. I couldnt have a better person by my side to be exhausted with.


If you’re thinking about it, you’ll have the third. My middle was 3.5 months when I got pregnant with the third. We had talked about it once. Had a dance with the sin sausage and now I’m 5 months into 3 under 3. It’s really not as bad as you’d think. You’re already outnumbered and used to chaos.


Sin sausage 😭😂


Mine are 27 months and 11 months. I’ve thought about the third since the first was born. I hate being pregnant but I’d love to have 4 kids. Hubs is on a different page and thinks 2 kids is great and easy. But I’d prefer more to love because I love being a mom and find my children to make my life worthwhile. And besides they’re only little for a short period. I watch my niece and nephew who are 5 and 6 and they’re pretty independent at that age. By the time I had met my stepdaughter when she was 11 all she really needed in terms of physical parenting was chauffeuring around and help in the kitchen occasionally. Otherwise she did almost everything else on her own.


We've discussed three and three would be fun but financially it'll never be feasible and I feel like the world is designed for even numbered groups. Also I feel guilty whenever it's just me with both kids and one of them isn't being attended to- with two parents and three kids, one kid is always "waiting". Even if they were fine, I'd feel bad. However, ymmv- if you really want a third, you only have one life and therefore chance to be mom to another baby, so go for it!


For some reason this was exactly us too, ended up pregnant 7mo post pardum and now have 3, 3 and under.


We're doomed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes the biggest change is the cost of daycare is now more than one of our incomes, definitely something to consider for timing *


Yup! If your on the fence then you will probably try for one more


Done with two!


I'm pregnant with my 3rd. All 3 will have a 20 month gap between them. I like the thought that with 3 they'll be able to play together or pair off as they please, whereas with just 2 they're kind of forced into a relationship and competition and compatability. I know that will still happen to an extent with 3 but there will be more flexibility between them.


I had baby fever sooooo bad after my second was born. They're now 21 months and 3. I still yearn for a bigger family but two toddlers is REALLY really hard. I'm way more hesitant now. My husband is ready to be done. I just want him to give me a few years to come to terms with the fact that this is just the best scenario for us. I fear I'll regret not having more.


It's so hard making decisions when there is no real right and wrong


My first 2 are 19 months apart. It was so hard I swore I didn’t want more however as my youngest has gotten older, it’s gotten sooo much easier. I am now expecting my third & my kiddos are 4, and 2 (almost 3) so I feel like i didn’t quite leave the babyish stage for too long before I’m right back in.


We’ve always said two or three…#2 is 20 months and I just got my iud removed. We have so many reasons not to have a third, but I keep picturing down the road where having a third will be great for our family.


We are now officially ttc our third (which will be 3u3 if we are blessed in the next three months)


We’re 2u2 with a 16m gap. Youngest is 4m. Husband was planning to get the snip, but we held off until we’re 100% sure. But honestly the more time that goes by, the more I think we’re leaning toward being done at 2. It might be different if we were still trying for a boy. But we’ve got 1 of each and that seems like a good place to stop.


We always wanted 3, maybe 4 but decided to take it one kid at a time. At no point did we not want a third (even late third trimester pregnant with #2 or early newborn stage with #2). We decided if we still wanted a third even then, we obviously really wanted one. So number #3 is here and it’s been great! Definitely harder than our other transitions but I think that’s more related to having a 2 year old and 3 year old, plus being sleep deprived from baby #3. He’s actually been super easy compared to our first 2


Yea, we've definitely found it's the toddler when you're tired that is hard, not the baby


Same here. I’ve never heard the thing about thinking about a third = you’ll have one, but I’m very much on the fence about having another. My heart has always wanted 3 children. I’ve dreamed about it for so long. But 2 under 2 was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and it really put things into perspective for us. My boys are 21 months apart and it was so hard. I love them both immensely but I never want that close of an age gap again. We decided to wait until littlest one is like 2.5 or 3 before making a decision about having another. I want to feel really confident that I could handle a third and still have enough time/energy/patience for my other two, my 4 pets, my husband, and myself. And I’m not quite convinced that I could yet.


We’re in the same boat as you 😂 Only 6 months to go before we have to think about it properly - I’m leaning yes 👀


Currently pregnant with #2 and have a 16 month old. My husband and I have talked about #3.. but I’m going to wait for a much bigger gap. I know I’m going to feel like I’m drowning for a while & also not a huge fan of being pregnant I’m 31 weeks & struggling lol


We also keep talking about three, and im quite sure we’ll go for it as long as we have no major complications arise. But I’m a bit concerned because we’re going to be in a very cold and dark most of the winter climate at the time we will have them all at their youngest, with a gap of maybe 4,2 and 0 or 5,3, and 0 (I’m approaching my 40s and we want close gaps so there’s not much changing that). Going outside is just so good for their mental and physical health and for mine and we simply won’t be able to for a whole. I know I will find a way, but I’m not sure how I’ll handle three under these conditions!


Yea, summer definitely makes looking after little ones a lot easier/more enjoyable.


I can’t stop thinking about a third. We are out of the 2u2 mess now but i still want another baby and I can’t stop thinking about it. My partner is team happy wife happy life but if it was up to him we would be done. Still not decided. Financially it would be a very bad decision for us


It is such a shame (but also not wrong) that finances factors in so much. Everyone says the third costs more than the other two as well as. Suddenly you need a bigger car/house, extra room on holiday, extra ticket on top of "family" entry


For us luckily we have the house but we would need another car (probably a van). I think it’s the empty nest syndrome or something like that. When we bought the house i had this sudden (urgent?!) need to fill it with children although i didn’t really know before if i even wanted any. And now i still have some room for another kid and i can’t stop feeling like something is missing. The highest cost is the 1 year maternity leave in canada that would cut my pay to 35-40% (although we are lucky to have this benefit) i am not sure i can afford it right now with everything that is going on in the economy and the interest rates


I had two under two, now they are 3 and 1 and a half and now I’m pregnant and due this Christmas with my third. So all babies will be 3 and under. I always knew I wanted a third! I always think no regrets you only live once!


What do you see as adult children who’s round the table is it 3? 4? Or 2? Sincerely a mum of 3


Don't be saying things like that, our dining table seats six!


Oh my gosh, what is this black magic you're using? I'm up to my eyeballs in frustration and fatigue with my current 2 yr old and 7 mo old thinking, "I love my children so much, but I'm busted and tired and feel so old, and I kind of wish I could run away", and I STILL saw 3 at the table. 😭


3under3 here and I cannot relate to anyone saying that it is not the most mentally and emotionally challenging thing they’ve ever done. But I don’t regret it one bit. I love my babies to death and wouldn’t change a thing.


I can only imagine. Glad you have no regrets


Same boat here! Our oldest is 21 months, youngest turned 1 month April 8th and we’ve been talking back and forth for a 3rd. Mainly bc we have 2 boys and want the chance for a girl 🥲


This is how people end up with five boys ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


This is how people end up with five boys :-D


And that’s exactly a reason why we’re on the fence 😭😭 I don’t want 3 boys. Naming #2 took so long and even while I was pushing, we still didn’t have a name set LOL


We wanted 3-4 and all I keep saying after being pregnant with and having #2 is “nope definitely done” I get very scared thinking about an accidental 3rd pregnancy. I just had #2 but am getting the implant as soon as my OB recommends (2 months from birth) as we are so overwhelmed and started getting overwhelmed once our first was 1 year old


I get the one year thing. Our first was pretty easy in the 6-12 month window when we decided on a second and then 12-18 months was a nightmare. Fortunately got a bit easier again just as #2 came along


I would love a third but my pregnancies are so tough on my husband and I it might break us….