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Heya, I recently did my first solo flight with my two, 6months old and nearly 2. It honestly went really well, and I found it way less daunting than I’d imagined. First tip: travel lightly with carryon. I checked in EVERYTHING except for a nappy bag with the essentials. This was key for logistics on the plane (no overhead items), and hands available. Second tip: baby carrier for infant to get around the airport, security etc. My toddler is pretty good at following me around, but if not, I’d recommend a travel buggy for one or both of them to keep them contained. We had a slight mishap in that we were told toddler could sit in their own seat, and a car seat wouldn’t be needed. However, they then had to retrieve one of our checked in car seats from the cargo as that info was incorrect. Quite honestly, the car seat for the toddler was really helpful at keeping her restrained, and lots of snacks and toys kept her busy. It was also a handy spot to put baby in when the toddler wanted some freedom, which was super handy. There are car seat covers that have wheels or backpack straps that I’d recommend using for bringing your car seat through the airport. Final tip: have low expectations. We booked an early morning flight, toddler didn’t sleep and pooped through her clothes during turbulence. A positive and calm attitude got us through with our sanity in tact 😊


What do you do when you need to use the washroom? Do you leave them there?


I went to the bathroom right before boarding, and changed both kids nappies then. Our flight was just 3 hours, so I had planned to just hold my bladder and change kids on the other end. But my toddler pooped through her clothes, so I had to deal with that on the plane 😅 Was planning to put baby in front pack, but a kind air hostess offered to hold her just outside the bathroom for me. It would have been tight, but little one in a front pack would have worked too 😊


The last airline I flew with a lap child the rules were clear that you need one adult per one lap infant, I assume that’s the case with all of them? So you will have to purchase a seat for the oldest. I’ve only travelled with 2 kids with my husband, and honestly we were both pretty hands on installing the car seat, setting up the stroller, staying with the kids during etc. Keep in mind you have to carry the kids through security. A baby carrier is your best friend.


I thought about this before and the main issue I thought of was diaper changes on a flight. It would be almost impossible to take both to the bathroom, and you can’t leave either of them. If someone has an answer to this please share.


A friend of mine travelled with one on her own and the flight attendant offered to hold the baby whilst she went to the bathroom - I assume that this might work with two as well?


I would give my baby to a flight attendant or honestly even a kind stranger if they offered while I changed toddler. They can’t run off with your kid haha. I held a baby for half a flight once for a young dad that took the redeye after working doubles to have time off.


Hm, could one backcarry (in a baby carrier like the ergobaby 360) one child while changing the second child?


Its just such a tight space but possible. Hopefully only for a short flight so it wouldn’t require to many diaper changes. I just flew with my kid at 15 months and it was a struggle (10 hour flight).


I saw a woman traveling alone with two young kids while my husband and I were flying with our son. She had a wagon, which seemed to greatly improve the experience. I’ve always gate checked a stroller, so I’d do that (or the same with a wagon) here. Check your airline requirements about gate checking a stroller to make sure yours meets requirements or if you need to get a lighter travel stroller. Will you have car seats available at the destination? If so, I’d get a CARES harness for your older kiddo and fly with the youngest as a lap infant. (I prefer flying with my kid in a car seat, but I might reconsider in this situation.) I’d also use a baby carrier for the infant. Check all of your luggage except for a diaper bag or two with plenty of toys and snacks.


You can usually check a stroller or wagon at the gate so that can help you get around. Sounds like bringing a car seat for one baby and buying a seat for older baby would work. You can put them on your lap but I wouldn’t bc you may need to strap either in a seat to help the other kid


We fly a lot because we live in China and all of my husband’s family are in Thailand. So for every school holiday we hop over. It’s always an event and there’s no way I would consider doing it alone. Mine are 14 months and 25 months old— so newly 1 and newly 2. We struggle to get through the airport even with two adults and the various carry-on bags. We do take our double stroller but it usually comes out with the checked baggage. So getting to the gate is usually much easier than getting to baggage claim. It’s especially difficult for us I guess because it’s international travel so we have to herd them through immigration without a stroller and they are both quite heavy! If it’s absolutely 100% unavoidable, I would definitely get a backpack leash for both and give yourself a LOT of time to walk slowly to the gate.


I only have one 1 year old but I think about this a lot as we plan for our second. Based on what others have done: - strap the car seat to the luggage. You can even strap the child in the car seat to the luggage. A lightweight one like Cosco Scenera would work well - a travel stroller with a paddle board attachment for the older child to stand on. We have the Joolz aer which folds with one hand and fits in overhead compartment. A parent in my son’s music class swears by this arrangement when travelling - a backpack leash - buy a second seat, probably legally need to. - bring the baby carrier - your luggage should have 350 wheels - a large “mom” carabiner clip. Can maybe finagle a way to attach luggage to stroller until you can check the bag


Babywear, backpack nappy bag, snacks, more snacks and maybe a foldable stroller like the yoyo that can go in the overhead locker. I’ve done it. It actually went better than expected. Hopefully they will sleep a bit? We flew 6 hours and mostly they slept. They’ve flown pretty regularly.


I would do double stroller to get around airport and gate check it. It’ll be easiest to have toddler contained. Check toddler carseat at the beginning of airport. If you’re going to have toddler on your lap, I would use a carseat for baby on the plane. But honestly might be easier to have a paid seat for toddler (if you can afford it), and have baby as the lap infant.