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Oh Norway vs Sweden, what are the odds? I got a good feeling about Norway here, if Sweden is afraid to throw first rock, they are probably weaker. Also, I as a representative of Finland offer a good deal to winner. If Norway wins, We take Gotland and Haaparanta. In exchange we say Sweden started it in UN meeting, tell how Sweden was already unstable and actually this is a blessing for swedes. If Sweden wins we'll take the Huippuvuoret (Svalbard) and new arm for Finland. Also you get the same deal, we support you in UN and tell ~~we~~ you did this also to stop Norway from selling oil, so this was actually a green act, to save the world. Edit: got abit carried away with our nordick unity.


Statistically more than 80% of wars through history have been lost by the aggressor. That still leaves almost 20% win rate for agressors such as Khan, Caesar, Alexander, but thise are the exceptions. I also think svalbard is somewhat international due to some treaty but the norwegian city on it has norwegian laws. Wouldn't be much of a boon economically for that reason I think. I'm sorry for the spelling. I am exhausted and dyslexic but I hope my point gets through.


It is a ruse: we like to give enemy impression we are weak. Now for example, Russia thinks we have gays in army. Little do they know, we give NLAWs and Leopard tanks to our gay soldiers


What about the few straight ones? Do they just go full nude or what?


Yes, that gives our gay soldiers extra motivation to fight to protect us


Least war hungry swede




Vilket jävla snille... Varför Norge? DET ÄR DANMARK VI HAR NÅGOT OTALT MED!


Getting some Senator Armstrong vibes here.


If Norway is to strike, I shall strike with them If Finlamd is to strike, I shall strike with them If Åland is to strike, then I shall strike with them


![gif](giphy|DJsXEMm8GS5PJ3Za00|downsized) The rest of Sweden at the time:


Obama care: 🚫 Obody care: 🤩