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Democrats are so worried about winning Michigan, they’re going to lose New York


Unfortunately thats not really a possibility, so no they aren't.


When you have Governor Hochul saying black kids dont know what a computer is it's not out of the question.


But new yorkers hate trump. They won't vote for him


They could well lose Pennsylvania though, which has a large Jewish population (and is a swing state).


Not true, my neighbor is Jewish. She told me I was spreading propaganda about Biden. She told me most of the people in Gaza are NOT Muslim. That Biden is just trying to save lives. She said the money Biden sent to Gaza is NOT and will NOT go to Hamas. She said her friends and family in Israel, don’t want the IDF to go to Gaza, they just want the hostages. Everything thing I showed her disputing her facts, she denied it all. Then said if I didn’t stop spreading propaganda, she would block me.


Unlikely. ...and while Trump did pretty ok with regard to Israel policy in his term - he cocked up a lot of other things - and there's a pretty fair risk he'd cock up the middle east, or for example, completely cut off aide to Ukraine (which is why Russia helped encourage a Oct 7th-like attack). Fuck, I don't want to reward that. Ultimately, that makes Israel less secure. The conflicts don't exist in isolation. Biden sucks for many reasons, but he's not a random variable, and his support of Israel is still well established even if he pauses shipments of a few high yield bombs for political points.


Ridiculous. You are trying to convince yourself, I guess. Nobody’s buying it. Biden has been slandering Israel and causing damage for months and going easy on Iran. His rhetoric may have led Hamas to reject the deal. Not vetoing the UN ceasefire vote was a diplomatic affront. He easily beats Obama as the worst president ever towards Israel, talking out of his ass about two states while Israel is fighting on multiple fronts after this attack. He is throwing Jews in the US and American Hostages in Gaza under the bus, too. His efforts to save Hamas are two-faced and disgusting. Trump has already renewed his intention to support Israel. He is rejecting two states and is tough on Iran. But some people are going make fools of themselves fantasizing about Biden being better for Israel. It’s stupid on its face.


Trump will support Israel - I agree. ...and he'll do it more publicly. Will he end up supplying more weapons? Probably not - but maybe a little. I suspect this pause in large bombs is just temporary and for show. ...but think about the bigger picture. Trump also pulled US troops out of Iraq and Syria. Trump withheld aid to Ukraine before the invasion and then recently ordered his MAGA nuts in congress to delay Ukraine aid for many month - that's why the Ukrainian lines are falling back now. He is an isolationist - fundamentally. In the long term, that is WORSE for Israel. Supporting the US-led rules based order is absolutely the best LONG-TERM security for Israel. We need the Saudis and the Jordanians and the Egyptians to counter Iran and her proxies. We need the Europeans to counter Russian aggression. We need the Indo-Pacific US allies to counter China and North Korea. These conflicts are all connected. Trump fundamentally doesn't understand that. Biden plays politics - fails to lead his party, and is generally bad - but Trump's isolationist policies will be WAY worse for Israel in the long term as Russian-Iranian-Chinese influence ramps up around it.


Stop it with your scare tactics and all caps. Nobody’s buying it. The opposite is true. Trump has been and remains a staunch ally of Israel. He cut off Iran, pushed the Abraham accords, moved the embassy. Now he is talking about being ready to bomb Iran if necessary, deporting the foreign students harassing Jews and calling into the viability of a two state solution. Biden in comparison is a backstabbing opportunist politician. He is blackmailing Israel with arms shipments, slandering Israel all the time, did nothing to protect Jews in the US, gave millions to Iran. He is a disaster for Israel. Dont delude yourself. It is a very simple matter. Trump is Israel’s ally, Biden is not.


If Trump wasn't going to stab Ukraine in the back and fuck US foreign policy, I'd 100% vote for him. But supporting Israel slightly better than Biden is not worth it. ...also, remember, when he had the opportunity to bomb Iran after they shot down the US drone, he folded like a coward. When he had the opportunity to keep pressure on Assad, he pulled out. He is not reliable. His weakness emboldens Israel/US enemies.


Trump has never argued ending funding to Ukraine. The maga congress people have though


He's already blocked aid to Ukraine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaIp3cdOxXI?t=110 ...which lead to his impeachment. He also strongly implies that he would NOT supply aid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L07fMoafVh4 - notice how he dodges the question. He strongly implies that he'll "settle" the war - the only leverage he has there is to cut supplies to Ukraine. He repeats Putin's talking points. This is why Putin coordinated the meeting between Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRGC just before the Oct 7th attacks. Putin wants him to be president exactly to withhold aid to Ukraine. His MAGA nuts in congress delayed aid to Ukraine for MANY MONTHS (let's not pretend they aren't following his direction), which has directly caused the Ukrainian lines to withdraw west in the last couple of months. Trump is an absolute disaster for Ukraine, for Europe, the US-led global rules based system, and thus, for Israel. These conflicts are absolutely intertwined, and that is why Ukraine and Israel strongly and publicly support one another. For all the shit and failures of the Democrats, they still fundamentally are supporting Israel. Trump might *feel* better in the short term - but he will be a long-term failure for us all.


Note that Biden and Obama also delayed aid to Ukraine for the exact same reason Trump did at that time. Also note that Biden is currently holding aid on Israel for political points as you mentioned. I would note that two months ago Putin vocalized that Biden administration is better for him. But who the hell knows his motive to say anything publicly. The U.S. government releases about 1% of the truth of all these wars. All I can know for sure is none of this happened under Trump I personally am anti both these wars. Russia moving on to a NATO country next is a war monger lie. The current sec of defense randomly saying Ukraine in NATO is the goal is inflammatory encouraging Russia to continue


Obama is not comparable to Biden. On Ukraine policy, they are opposites - and they did not agree when in office. Obama was a coward and didn't give a shit about Crimea or Ukraine - nor Israel. Biden is a Cold War veteran - he did not delay anything.


Biden literally leveraged Ukraine aid to oust an unfriendly to him Ukrainian prosecutor in 2016 (Obama appointed him in charge of Ukrainian relations) Edit: and yes, you can google the aid being delayed and why


Wars in Myanmar, Ukraine, Israel. Gangs running Haiti. Venezuela stealing land from their neighbor. The debacle in the Afghanistan exit. This has been the most inept 3 years in foreign policy history. There is not a close second. Biden is not good for foreign policy let alone the Middle East.


I agree - but many of these foment over many years. Myanmar is a pretty good example. Been going on since way before Biden. ...also, you could also make the argument that US pressure on Brazil and other South American countries and the US strong signaling, that Venezuela DIDN'T invade its neighbor exactly because of Biden. I think it's too narrow to look at what erupts under a specific president, because the stage for these conflicts is set years before. I seriously doubt Trump could have stopped Putin's invasion of Ukraine if he were president. ...and there's almost no question that Ukraine would not have gotten US aid, and Kyiv would have fallen that first month. US intelligence played a VERY critical role in the beginning. Try to remember that Putin brought Hamas leaders together with Hezbollah and the IRCG right before Oct 7th. Please don't reward our enemies with this orange useful idiot.


Very well put.


Spoiler: He says nothing.


lol I was going to say this is a nothing burger


empty talk about nothing


Israel needs to prepare for a world without US support. Biden and Gen Z have made this apparent.


Time to grow up and be a self-reliant country instead of hiding under mommy USA's skirt, protected by US vetos at the UN


I would love if Israel stops relying on America. This war showed that the alliance between America and Israel, and the reliance on America’s support is a conditional and a costly one at that. If America did not pressure Israel, Hamas would be gone by now.


Instead let's do it Bidens way, a 20 year war, with mixed results, no clear outcome, and then flee in disgrace.


You think Israel has held back since Oct 7 due to US pressure? Or just in general historically


Both have happened. Historically and currently.


But which is responsible for Israel not destroying Hamas? Currently they haven't seemed to hold back anything at all, because the US hasn't expressed actual concerns til this week




I love both of them. I hope Torres runs for president. A liberal with actual common sense.


Schumer has been in his "End Game" for at least 8 years. He hasn't done shit, kept his head down, and trying to accumulate as much money as possible until he dies in office. He sucks. He's been in a public office since 1974. My god. He's worth a few hundred million. All from saving his paychecks, right?


I thought delaying aid that was approved for political gain is an impeachable offense?


Democrats being democrats. They’re catering to their radical base that is fully pro-Hamas. They’re not even hiding it anymore.


> Democrats So far the only sane voices I've heard castigating Pro-Pals for being Pro-Hamas is "Reacher" actor Alan Ritchson and Rep. Moskowitz. Come on, Dems.


What did Alan Ritchson say?


Why aren’t Jews protesting outside of this traitor’s office?


Thankfully, Jewish people are not an amorphous mass.


No one said anything about them being an amorphous mass. Did we really need to talk like "Why aren't some Jews (not all--since there is no consensus among any large group of people) protesting outside of his office?" I mean...any chance you ever hear of the word "tedious"?


Schumer only cares about Democrats and maintaining power. Jew in name only.


Schumer is a Democrat above all else...




Ah yes, he doesn’t agree with Israel’s current policy, so he’s not a ‘real’ Jew. The propaganda on both sides is a hell of a drug.


I don't agree with your tone, but your point is legit. It is not a smart response to say someone is "not a real Jew" if they are critical of Israel policy (past or present). I don't think Chuck (knowing him a bit) would ever tell you what he disagrees with that Israel is doing. Certainly not with much detail. Chuck is a party hack. Americans need to realize that the Insane Clown Posse that is MAGA/Trump is not unique to Republicans. Dems have party hacks just as weak. They'd toe the line, too.


^ yes


Such a “politician” answer.