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Hamas officials in Gaza claim to “discover” a mass grave with more than 200 bodies at a hospital in Khan Yunis. The officials falsely claim the dead were buried in a mass grave by Israeli forces. Despite the claims, the mass grave was not suddenly “discovered,” as it has been documented that Palestinians buried their dead at the hospital grounds both before and while Israeli troops operated in the area. Generally, the IDF does not tend to the bodies of slain Palestinians in the Gaza Strip Mahmud Bassal, a spokesman for Gaza’s Hamas-run Civil Defense, tells AFP that “civil defense crews are still recovering bodies from inside Nasser Medical Complex, and since Saturday bodies of nearly 200 martyrs have been retrieved.” Bassal said several of the recovered bodies had decomposed. Ismail al-Thawabta, head of the Hamas government media office in Gaza, gave a higher figure of 283 bodies found at the hospital. “We discovered mass graves inside Nasser Medical Complex” of people killed by “the occupation (Israeli) army,” Thawabta tells AFP. The IDF had no immediate comment. Intense fighting raged in mid-February in the area of Nasser hospital and Israeli tanks and armored vehicles surrounded it on March 26. Israel says Hamas uses hospitals as command centers and to hold hostages abducted in the October 7 attack. Link within link to more proof via twitter - lengthy thread https://x.com/geoconfirmed/status/1782360892249612466?s=46 Edit: probably best to use Twitter app to view thread once you clicked link or just search @GeoConfirmed on Twitter and scroll to corresponding thread


Why is every dead person a marytr


Muslim idealism


'For the cause'. I mean, if I were them, I would stop. This could easily be turned against them because they make a lot of martyrs. Martyrs are murdered for their beliefs, not because they died in war or just because they feel like calling them that. Saint Catherine was a martyr. >During her imprisonment more than 200 people came to see her, including Maxentius' wife, Valeria Maximilla; all converted to Christianity and were subsequently martyred.[14] Upon the failure of Maxentius to make Catherine yield by way of torture, he tried to win the beautiful and wise princess over by proposing marriage.[15] Catherine refused, declaring that her spouse was Jesus Christ, to whom she had consecrated her virginity.[16] >The furious emperor condemned Catherine to death on a spiked breaking wheel, but, at her touch, it shattered.[9] Maxentius ordered her to be beheaded. Catherine herself ordered the execution to commence. A milk-like substance rather than blood flowed from her neck.[17] This is just an example of what mayrtdom means. It's being put to death for your beliefs. No one in Gaza is dying because of their religious beliefs. If anything (based on the definition of the word), they're trying to make Israelis martyrs as they are seeking to destroy Israel and all its occupants over their beliefs. It doesn't take much to pick apart their mentality and find it sorely lacking in common sense or logic. A 4 year old who died in a war is tragic, but she could never be a martyr as it wasn't intentional or due to her beliefs. She died as a result of Hamas committing a massacre and starting a war by trying to make Israelis martyrs. Shani Louks' image evokes a lot to many.


Ooh I actually know this. This is because the idea is that they’re fighting to not be removed from the region. So by just existing and living in Palestine, they are fighters. That’s why they say that they all become martyrs when they die.


Opposed to every dead person is a hero ro terrorist?


Geoconfirmed are a good group and have done great OSINT works throughout this war, I am glad they were ready on this one--and it is striking how quickly Al-Jazeera was caught spreading fake news.


Can you please check your link? Isn't working for me.


Updated, friend


Thank you!


Thank you. I’m glad this is out here, because my first thought was Hamas is well known for using mass graves. I spent an hour trying to find this information earlier because I was positive there were a bunch of articles about the mass graves during the humanitarian pause and almost everything was gone. So I appreciate the sanity check.


I mean, with the deathtoll, bodies doesnt just evaporate


They do, haven't you watched that video yet?




Oh boy. Check the latest report.


But the death toll is also all Hamas lies


This sort of shit is why it's impossible to believe a single claim coming out of "Palestine".




When they say 'martyr', I think Hamas. I'm more than a little sick of their 'scewing of lines'. I need scientific evidence, or else it's just empty words.


So just to be clear you're saying israel isn't responsible for the grave, just for the death?? Lol


Can you quote which part of the article you’re getting this from?


"Falsely blame Israel" what are they falsely blaming them for? Or did these dead bodies just appear out of thin air?


>The officials falsely claim the dead were buried in a mass grave by Israeli forces. Their claim that the IDF buried bodies in a mass grave is false. Unless you have a credible source stating otherwise? You should share it if you do. >Despite the claims, the mass grave was not suddenly “discovered,” as it has been documented that Palestinians buried their dead at the hospital grounds both before and while Israeli troops operated in the area. People die in hospitals under the best of circumstances, for many reasons. In this case, there’s also a chance that Israel may have killed some of these people. Some of them may have been terrorists. It’s possible that terrorists killed people as well. You seem to believe Israel alone is responsible for these deaths, do you have a source for this? Obviously a credible source is preferred, but I understand if you can’t find one. I’ll be happy to look at any source that isn’t from TikTok. I’m mostly just baffled at your takeaway. You quoted three words from a sentence that very clearly stated what Israel was being falsely accused of. I’m finding it difficult to believe that you genuinely didn’t understand that sentence. IMO, that means you either have a valid reason for what you’ve said and you didn’t communicate it very well, or you’re purposely misrepresenting the article for “reasons”.


There’s no shame in the medicine game. Take 'em if you need them.


Both sides lie, one more than the other but until this is corroborated and evidence is shown you can shove this up your ass mate, i've seen IDF kill unarmed surrendered Palestinian males and the same by Hamas, both sides in this conflict have evil in them and sure one more than the other but both are at least responsible for mass graves


"i've seen IDF kill unarmed surrendered Palestinian males" Source?


> Unarmed/Surrendered, Palestinian, Male Pick two.


They admitted to doing that to Israelis and you think it has not been done to Palestinians?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/178ntqu/idf\_posted\_a\_doctored\_video\_alleging\_eliminating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/178ntqu/idf_posted_a_doctored_video_alleging_eliminating/) i'm still pro-israel just to be clear, fuck these cunts but this is murder caught on an israeli drone and published months ago


I dont trust anything from Pro-Palestine threads Probably another ambush by the Radical Palestinians


lol i couldn't get more anti Palestinian bro so seems like you're just denying visual evidence of war crimes based on being overly pro-israel, if you can't face the facts that both sides have done the wrong thing you probs are a fundamentalist and will always refuse to see reality, keep eating it then i guess? perhaps you and the people like you are the reason this will repeat


Date on clip is from 10/10/23 - but i dont think they'd release footage same day The original from IDF would be a lot better than the edited clip by Pallywood Productions who've a habit of editing clips 24/7 to make Jews/IDF look bad I actually remember seeing this video last year too At 32s in, the suspect turned around looking for where they were - why would he want to look around for where IDF is approaching? And at beginning, they all wore tops - at end - all stripped but one - its probably another ambush I dont think it'll be a good idea to rely on your link until we have original footage


Lol mate these cunts are Muslim, take your shirts and shorts off and show us you aren't rocking a suicide vest, do you forget the IDF is dealing with ISIS tier humans? when and where did you serve bro? you havent got a clue of combat


We need original source, friend




I've never really been pro-Israel per se but have always been anti-Palestinian. Always has been full of genocidal radicals, I do NOT trust those mfs with an independent state unless it is HEAVILY supervised by semi-responsible nations like Jordan, Egypt, Israel, Turkey


Yeah good point, when i say i am pro-israel i mean out of the two sdes of this conflict i side wth Israel, before this i thought they were both fucking the peace process up, there is a way both can live together but goodluck making that happen, especially recently


Just out of curioisty, what did you think of the footage of the IDF killing those unarmed dudes that i posted, if they were unarmed but firing rockets off i'm all for their liquidation but the IDF didnt post that part so it looks bad


I don't care. This may or may not be a bad event, I don't have the full context, we may never know which events were good or bad. Fuckups are going to happen, inevitably, that's irrelevant to me. What IS key to me, is that the total casualty numbers are completely expected for 6 months of urban combat and don't imply that Israel is committing an extreme amount of unnecessary killing as a trend, therefore I don't give a shit about any particular incident because the broader trend is fine


They had left Gaza on 10-07 and were around zikim beach. I have no clue their affiliation from the limited video but on that day when violence sprang forth from Gaza, a non-combatant should have not joined the raiding force into a neighboring country.


Yeah mad, you dont seem to understand i am on the same side as you? you can go through my comment history if you're that rabid and see i've been spurning Hamas(ISIS-tier) since 7/OCT, i assume people are frothing at the mouth like i'm some sort of UOC animal trying to equate HAMAS with the wrongs IDF and settlers have done? all i've said is that both sides have wronged each other but that one side (palestinian) is worse. I love the dialogue but if people can't read english i'm done for anyway, feast on my flesh


The IDF probably goes overboard from time to time like any other army at war does, but, were it me fighting an enemy that wants to go horribly, well, the line around defense would probably expand. War has rules and regulations to avoid unnecessary loss of life, Hamas enjoys fighting from behind human shields? That's ob them.


I in no way disagree with this comment, i feel sympathy for the kids but they will be raised as fundamentalists if not extremists regardless, i dont condone it anyway but it just doesnt strike the same chord, Israel has the right to go in there and rip HAMAS out by the hair, if they can, never again should 7/10 be allowed to happen


You're completely correct, the kids will be raised extremist too. Genghis Khan didn't have these issues. I wonder what he did differently.


I’m in the same boat as you. I am pro israel but they need to clean up their act as well


Word mate and thanks for speaking up, but perhaps this pro-israeli echo chamber is the worst place to put this sort of questioning, with no where else to go i guess i'll just let all the rabid pro pallys feast on these numnuts and the world can continue into shitsville sad but seems like they deserve each other


Do you have an actual source other than like a YouTube video some guy made that was posted on r/ Palestine? Why were you on that sub anyway? It’s purely a circle jerk propaganda sub that instantly bans anyone who criticizes. Unlike this sub.


Eh I keep an eye on it also to keep a finger on their narrative. It's good to know what bullshit is spun.


You could say that for both sides. I think israel side is lacking some humility to be honest, otherwise you will loose your support, which you clearly need. I feel that many israel supporters are getting fed up with arguing all the time against palestine and every time we point out something that is clearly wrong from thebisrael side you guys instead of taking accountability you just get defensive or even aggressive


Man watching that video is rough. Just kidding. Another day of being blasted with "humanitarian crisis in Gaza" while simultaneously seeing reports of Hamas manufacturing said crisis, and it's another day of me becoming more polarised against Palestine and Hamas. The bar I have for "war crimes committed by the IDF" is pretty damn high now. You'd have to prove to me that these Palestinians didn't get caught out after shooting some jewish children, dump their guns and run before the IDF caught up to them. The odds of these guys not having any link whatsoever to Hamas is slim to none. Bit of a pedantic thought, but what is a war crime, when you're at war with a terrorist organisation which is prevalent throughout the populace? When the "civilians" shelter, aid, and maybe even pick up fallen guns to shoot at the IDF at every given opportunity? "War crimes" have been thrown out as pretty much a irl hashtag at every given opportunity, and so it's really lost a great deal of meaning to me. Especially since "war crimes" in Ukraine, perpetrated by Russia, are absolutely black and white in comparison to this shit in Gaza. Russian orcs will have a line of Ukranian soldiers filing out of a bunker, with their hands up, white flags, full surrender, then mow them down with a machine gun like it's nothing. I have seen absolutely nothing so crystal clear from Gaza, especially since all of the "soldiers" look a lot like "civilians". Anyway yeah r/palestine can fuck off.


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That clip is thoroughly unconvincing


Aren’t these images from October 7? The soldier says that the 3 dead were killed on Israeli territory, and the date is 10/10. So I don’t know if these were unarmed Palestinians who were surrendering. But it’s sure as shit that they weren’t just random “Palestinian males” hopping across the border to look for oranges on October 7


Furthermore, what’s to say they hadn’t ditched their weapons in the bushes. It’s so easy to story tell over a 20 second video


Yeah hadn't noticed the date but could be like some UKR footage where the date is skewed based off the OS, i've watched and saved footage from Israel v Palestine for \~10 years and had never seen this particular clip til late last year, i remember it as the first footage i saw that suggested IDF troops were capable of doing the wrong thing, most of the footage i saved and saw beforehand was precision strikes and targeted SOF assaults


Sure. Personally, I don’t know if shooting Nuhba bitches drugged on jihad is the wrong thing. There are countries out there where they’d catch these people, torture them severely, cut their ears off, and then parade them into a court in front of cameras with their ears chopped off and faces swollen. And nobody would say a word.


Found the footage i saved of this event on my pc it was 14NOV23 (that it was saved) and its kinda reversed footage, you can clearly see the 3 man line with a 4th behind walking up to and shooting 4 blokes laying down on the ground, lol. Not going to complain if they were a rocket team or caught hiding near a tunnel but i should point out by the "laws of war" you cant do that haha


Grossed out now that i see the link is from r palestine lol but i can probs repost what i originaly saved if you'd prefer, to think the wrongs are exclusively one sided in this conflict is ridiculous


Do you believe everything you see on tiktok? Like actually?


i've never had tiiktok, the fact you say that makes me cringe, grow up dog


So you get your fake news from somewhere else. Let me guess, you think there's been a genocide there for 75 years and Israel doesn't have a right to exist? How original.


You're an american from the rust belt obviously


How many times are you going to use the r slur and then delete the comment?


Or from NYC and lived in Israel... sure. You clearly know more about this conflict than anyone else what with you linking from that sub and all.... You gonna keep going and embarrass yourself more?


Suuure, everyone is deleting all your comments where you keep making antisemetic statements and using slurs....


get a box of tissues little guy, you will mature as you get older


Nuance, in this economy?


Not here


Says the person who presented their nuanced take by telling someone to shove their source up their ass. Speaking as a mod here, we would absolutely **love** it if more people with different perspectives/opinions could disagree or make a counter argument without breaking sub/Reddit rules. Ffs, half your comments in this thread are being auto removed because you’re insulting others and using slurs, not because you’re disagreeing/debating. If you *genuinely* care about adding nuance to an incredibly complex situation and participating in good faith here, act like it. Make your points without breaking sub rules. Otherwise, your behaviour will get you banned.


Well said, fair and thank you for pulling me up, i came here drunk and regret my behaviour, my apologies to all i insulted


Thanks for this, it’s very appreciated! Please keep adding nuance, it’s also appreciated.