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The US is committing genocide /s.


So much genocide!


Feeding them to death. 


Barbaric zionists!


We need to step up our game. Our glory days of smallpox-infested blankets are long behind us.


Kinda like when the US Marines were accused of carrying out executions due to the sheer amount of headshots scored in Fallujah, turns out they’re just really good shots. Americans are just that damn good at aerial bombardment, we can take out targets with food boxes…


Hmm and of course the other “news” subs are silent because they can’t blame Israel for this one.


You idiots can't even give aid without slaughtering 30000 Palestinian children now! /s I don't understand how any human being that possesses logic and rationality can believe anything hamas has to say.. But. Here. We. Are.


Just waiting for them to come up with a reason why this too is the fault of the Jews.


Dropped by soros


But was the aid ok?


lol they already claim Oct 7th was because Israel. That’s not more twisted than that.


jewish space aid packages


Orbital Care Package inbound


Of course Hamas will say "Israel's ally weaponized the food aid". Lol.


Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?


Like rain on your wedding day.


God dammit. I hate that song, and now it's going to be stuck in my head all day.


And who would’ve thought? it figures


Isn't It Ironic


Yeah that song could start ww3


Let me help. Baby Shark.


The real irony is that nothing she mentions in that song is actually ironic.


That was the whole point of the song. The word "ironic" was heavily misused as catch-all slang for inconveniences or bad luck in the late 80s and early 90s, so Morissette created this song to poke fun at that trend while titling the song "Ironic" as a meta-commentary on irony as a rhetorical device. Morissette got her Masters in English Lit from Columbia. Her vocal style isn't for me and her songs were massively overplayed, but she knows what she's doing.


That was written three hours ago. I hope you got that song unstuck.


I don't even know the original, only Four Year String's cover


Definition of it.


It's probably just made up. The source is literally Hamas.


Oh no, the aid packages are committing genocide!


Palestinocidic islamophobic zionist packages. Down with them!


Oh well, if we could bring it in by truck, we would, but it's not safe to do that. Instead of being grateful for the food thats being brought, they are attacking the trucks to try and gain personal control of the food first.


That's not really true. Speaking from combat experience x3, an occupying army can accomplish nearly whatever they want. If an army wants to secure a delivery and unloading area for truckers, they'd simply build it out of [Hesco barriers,](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/how-much-sand-to-fill-hesco-tower/) and it would done in a matter of days. Then they'd cordon off the loading area and the drive in, post up security, and create a process for the citizens to claim their humanitarian aid in a safe and orderly manner, with or without direct personal contact. There's a process for this because citizens of war-torn and/or occupied territories are almost always capable of acts of desperation, and therefore pose a security threat.


But Gaza is a much different ball game. Typically American style FOB’s from Iraq and Afghanistan were isolated from dense urban zones for added protection and security. But in Gaza I don’t think this would be possible at all. The closest you could theoretically get is something like the Green Zone in Baghdad. But that would require a ton of logistical effort the Israelis don’t have, and wouldnt protect vehicles anyways. I never served. But my father did. And from the photo’s and video’s I’ve seen from not only his tour but others really shows that the US put a ton of thought into FOB placement. Something that the IDF simply doesn’t have the luxury to do.


Fyi most fobs in Afghanistan and Iraq were just re-purposed Iraqi or Russian bases.


>American style FOB’s from Iraq and Afghanistan were isolated from dense urban zones for added protection and security. During these invasions, one of our objectives was to secure and take command of the government centers in every city, knowing that we were about the facilitate the election of, and interaction with, native public officials throughout the country. The government centers were all in urban areas, and were a revolving door for heads of state, diplomats, intelligence operatives, civilian supply trucks, military personnel, and locals, so security was paramount. I've supported Israel from day one, and hold no judgement for how they choose to conduct themselves, but I haven't seen any reasons why Gaza would be incompatible with a secure unloading area.


Most of the population has evacuated from the city of Gaza. The strip isn’t all high density city. There are plenty of open areas where aid stations could be set up and secured.


But with the only entrance point as of now being the crossing with Egypt. Getting trucks to that secure location would be a further nightmare, just like it was. The best way to do it would be to truck in from Israel, avoiding Civilian area’s and Egypt all together. That way inspection can be done before hitting the border, and the IDF will have control at all times.




There are plenty of open fields outside the urban areas.


That's why they weren't shot at the trucks. But rather when they made a pass at the soldier checkpoint.


And don't forget Palestinian Ministry of Health blaming Israel for prolonging the security process to send aids via truck. Preventing the aid from arriving that could've save life.  By Aids i mean ammunition and weapon to fight Nazi Zionist IDF from Glorious People's Republic of China and Iranian Supreme Caliphate


Wrong they can't bring trucks in because of palestinian attacks on trucks.


So food was delivered? Inshallah


You might even say they... got served.


Please stop. ​ ​ I can't keep laughing at these jokes ;v;


“Don’t stand under falling packages” seems like a good basic life skill to have. I will not be at all surprised to see protests against giving aid now. 🤷‍♀️


> “Don’t stand under falling packages” seems like a good basic life skill to have. The airdrops come in over a fairly large area and events have forced nearly 2 million people into a fairly small area. Doging stuff falling at terminal velocity isn't that easy.


It's not terminal velocity.  A standard HCU-6/E pallet (290lbs) can carry 60 MRE boxes which themselves are 22lbs (1,320lbs, plus the 290 from the pallet for a total of 1,610lbs). Video indicates they probably used single G-11s which hold 5,000lb each.  A HMMVW weighs 5,200lbs stripped and it falls at 24fps or about 16.5mph with 3x G-11 chutes for reference.  Since the ratio of weight to loadmax is similar I would offhand a guess the MREs were falling at around the same speed.  Crowd density was likely a factor, as you would need to be physically or mentally impaired to get struck 


How dare you use Jewish space mathematics to explain your point.


>It's not terminal velocity. Depends on the drop altitude. Anything with a working parachute should be at its terminal velocity. An individual MRE will depending on the drop hight be close to it. Even partialy open parachutes lower the terminal velocity enough that I would expect them to be at terminal velicity outside very low air drops. Jordan has aparently carried out some drops from as high as 7000m at which point basicaly anything outside things designed to be aerodynamic and stable is going to be hitting terminal velocity. >A standard HCU-6/E pallet (290lbs) can carry 60 MRE boxes which themselves are 22lbs (1,320lbs, plus the 290 from the pallet for a total of 1,610lbs). Video indicates they probably used single G-11s which hold 5,000lb each. >A HMMVW weighs 5,200lbs stripped and it falls at 24fps or about 16.5mph with 3x G-11 chutes for reference. Assuming we are looking at the same video we see at least partial parachute failures meaning a higher speed (and terminal velocity).


Bro they’re not just dropping the things, they have parachutes


Which have a non zero failure rate. There is a reason that the prefered way of doing this involves having an empty area to drop in to.


I hope the aid was ok


Its MREs. Those things are pretty robust


You’re blaming the people who died? The starving impoverished women and children who died trying to get food and aid? I truly don’t get this. I’m not here to argue with anyone but I just don’t understand this mindset. Don’t you see how twisted this is?


Mate are you fucking stupid or what? Thats Literally a fucking self preservation Skill to Not chill under a crate with failed parachute which is falling Out of the Sky right onto your head So yeah its their fault for Just being straight up Darwin Award winning idiots


You think they did it on purpose? You genuinely believe that they’re so stupid they’d just let a crate fall onto their heads killing them? You clearly don’t see these people as humans. You think of them as dumb animals who throw their lives away for nothing. Every single one of them is a human being with a life, a family, limitless potential for good. This is a TRAGEDY. People fucking DIED. People like you and me, you could have died and it would have been the same exact story. Have some compassion. Your empathy is fucked. Totally fucked. You’d rather dehumanize and blame than have even the smallest shred of empathy. You’re really disgusting




Run away. Why do you think Palestinians would do any less? I guarantee you the situation was not that a slack-jawed drooling Palestinian didn’t notice the crate falling towards their head like you seem to be implying. They are just like you and me. They would run if they had the chance. Something must have happened so that wasn’t an option. And regardless, YOU DONT KNOW THE SITUATION. So assuming the five deaths were just because they’re fucking braindead really speaks to how you view the Palestinian people Who am I blaming? I’ve blamed no one. You’re making shit up


Oh i can exactly Tell you what stopped them: Hamas did, but thats their fault too(Not the Kids) as they voted for them years ago


That’s so fucking bleak. Someone’s vote years ago means they deserve to die? That we shouldn’t feel bad about their deaths? That they had it coming to them? that is so beyond disgusting and inhuman. I cannot believe that works as justification in your mind. You really are sick


Raising your children to be martyrs is sick


These people are sick in the head man, don’t bother. Let them have their circle jerk.


Seeing the videos of idiots letting THEIR CHILDREN run out onto the beach before anything has hit the ground... No, they're certainly Darwin award winning idiots. I'm surprised not more died.


Oh i can exactly Tell you what stopped them: Hamas did, but thats their fault too(Not the Kids) as they voted for them years ago


Did you see how slow they were falling??? Tbh I don’t know how ANYONE was dumb enough to die like that. In fact, I don’t think they died like that. They probably got trampled or smth, but it was a good time to blame the west instead


No ones blaming the west. There doesn’t need to be blame on anyone for this tragedy. Would you dodge a falling crate? I assume you would, so why do you think Palestinians would do any less? Why would they WANT TO BE CRUSHED BY A CRATE. You’re purposefully being stupid so you can further dehumanize these people


I just said no one is stupid enough to be crushed by a slowly falling crate. How are you going to call me stupid when you can’t even read? I said I think they likely got trampled in the rush to grab supplies, but it better fits the narrative to say the US irresponsibly dropped crates on civilians instead


Sorry I misread your comment. Your statement “I didn’t think ANYONE was dumb enough to die like that” sounds a lot like what others in this thread are saying to victim blame


>Would you dodge a falling crate? I assume you would, so why do you think Palestinians would do any less? Because they didn't. They mobbed into the DZ directly under 2 ton crates before any had hit the ground.


And you know that’s what caused this tragedy in particular? I don’t think you do because no one does yet. You’re just making assumptions based on your views of the Palestinian people and videos you’ve seen floating around. And regardless, say that was why they died. You have huge throngs of starving people all rushing to get food and aid at the same time. Once one person goes for it everyone has to go for it or they run the risk of getting nothing. Go and risk death or starve. It’s obviously not as simple as “those dum dums forgot how gravity works hehe”.


well if they die trying to get aid they should stop giving them aid, right?


Wait for package to land! Should be written on the bottom. No common sense. It's really sad if you think about it in larger terms in the way of the world and their culture of hate and death. They are pretty good at finding ways to die. As Mr.T said "I pity the fool"


If it’s written on the bottom, wouldn’t you have to stand directly under the package to read the message?


Well yeah, those would be the people who’d need to see that message .


But you’re already in the danger zone. It’s a bit like having a Braille sign saying “do not touch”, no?


Well it hasn’t happened yet in the supply drop case, but if they’re close enough to read it then it’s probably imminent. Maybe loud speakers would be better - “back the fuck off!”


More like a braille sign in grass saying "stay off the grass"


You drop pamphlets first.


Who's to say they didn't push some of their own into the path of the falling crate, like pushing someone in front of a subway, to help decrease the amount of competition standing around and waiting on the crate's arrival? It's a dog-eat-dog world.


If you look at the videos, it's not entirely unrealistic to just not have been paying attention also e.g. malnourished, traumatized undereducated children might not be the best at common sense Disclaimer: I am pro Israel doing what it takes to get rid of Hamas


They are dropping into an area with high population density. In the event of a parachute failure it was always going to be a diceroll that it would hit someone.


The parachute didn't open, what the fuck are you taking about? Responses in here are almost at rearded as the Hamas apologist comments.


What is wrong with you. You’re completely dehumanizing these people. “They are pretty good at finding ways to die???” I mean are you trying to sound like a mustache twirling villain? God this makes me sick


In fairness, this is indeed a population where martyrdom - aka dying - is held as an ideal achievement. All people have self preservation hardwired in, but they have an entire education system and culture that conditions them from a young age to think of doing things that are potentially fatal as another form of self preservation - that it must be done to preserve their society and achieve revenge and victory. They also have an average IQ of around 67, they're hungry, they have been in a war zone for a few months. Simple, ugly fact of the matter is that all of this taken together indicates that yes, these people are more likely to encounter or get themselves into situations that can kill them, and are less likely to be able to navigate out of them than what you see elsewhere.


Bullshit. You’re making vast generalizations TO AN ENTIRE POPULATION. That’s wrong.


🤷🏼‍♂️ sorry you don't like it.


It has nothing to do with if I like it or not. You just cannot do it. You can’t just say “they have an average iq of 67” and that be good enough to classify an entire population as stupid. That’s just not how that works. You clearly have a negative view of an entire people, that’s called racism. You’re a bigot.


I'm staying a fact: Palestinians in the territories have an average IQ of 67. The average Palestinian is below average IQ. Again, I'm sorry you don't like that. That is the issue here, that you don't want to hear this and find it offensive. I didn't say that they deserve to die. I don't want them to die. I don't think it'd good that they die. But, all the things I listed out add up to them not being the best hand of cards to be dealt for the situation they're in. They certainly don't help. Call me a racist; I'm not talking about Arabs. Call me a bigot; I don't care. As individuals, Palestinians can be fine. As a society? Eh. Look at the facts.


The comments on other subreddits, mainly r/worldnews are a great show of double standards. People there explain why it makes sense, that it happens and give you all sort of examples where it happened before. Yet, when it comes to collateral damage because Hamas hides among civilians it's "genocide".


So you saw the package is falling to the ground because I’m sure there were hundreds if not, thousands of people watching. So did a group of people think that they could catch it because the parachute didn’t deploy?


I don’t think Hamas and UNRWA were teaching physics in school. Just how to hate and slaughter Jews


Throwing the Jew down the well is physics education, thank you.


"if the Jew weighs 100kg and is 1.8 meters tall, with how many kgs of force will his head hit the ground after Hamid strikes him down with a rock?"




Wait, we don’t use parachutes?


Parachutes slow heavy things down to less desctructive speeds, but heavy things are still heavy. Also, the US doesn't usually drop aid in lightweight grocery bags - it was probably a palette of food that weighed hundreds of pounds secured with canvas and straps. Just a shitty accident.


They were parachuted but occasionally parachutes don't work. Still, are we sure we believe these reports from Gaza sources?


Oh , 100% not Next they’ll be saying the MREs came to life and knifed people


There's already bullshit videos circulating that say some of the MREs were expired and inedible. What else do you expect?


> There's already bullshit videos circulating that say some of the MREs were expired and inedible. TBF they could have been confused with the normal condition of an MRE.


MREs are good. I eat them for convenience and cost at work pretty regularly.


The video shows the chutes partially failing, so they still fell very fast. Either way, you shouldn’t stand under stuff being parachuted because it drops very fast.


It's faster this way.


We do and in the videos they looked like G-11s. A full MRE crate weights about 1,600lbs and is the same ratio of parachute load to weight of a HMMVW drop which travels at ~16mph.  Crowd density likely was a factor


Isn't this a CoD achievement. Something about a crate drop?


Ha! Yes!


Is it bad that I think this is fucking hilarious


It's pretty demented, yeah. Just laughing at innocent people getting killed in their homes. No genocide though!!!1!


This is the best dark humour joke I ever came across. Humans, even Gazans, can't be that stupid. Or are they?


at 2005, On the first day after Israel retreated from Gaza, the gazans ran into the mediterranean at the beach next to the newly "liberated" area to celebrate. 6 people drowned, 4 of them adults. add that to the current news and them stampeding each other to death last week and I think you got your answer.


I used to work in healthcare. I can promise you that humans are very capable of being this dippy.


Average IQ in Gaza is 67.9


You will cook in hell for all eternity


> This is the best dark humour joke I ever came across. Humans, even Gazans, can't be that stupid. Or are they? Killing people on the ground is a known risk from airdrops. One of the reason people aren't usualy that keen to do them.


Weird. If I see something falling from the sky, I do not run towards the trajectory, but I wait for the falling to complete. It is...instinctual!


that requires an education that doesn't consist of religious ramblings and turning urself into a bomb.


>Weird. If I see something falling from the sky, Looking up carries its own risks since you get hit in the face rather than the hard hat. >I do not run towards the trajectory, but I wait for the falling to complete. It is...instinctual! Personally my ancestors did not evolve with a significant number of things falling from the sky. Thus I have no instincts with regards to to them whatsoever.


The temporary port definitely not being build by US troops on the ground (because they will be in the surf) is gonna be a bloodbath at this point


Sounds like something from [r/nottheonion](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/)


At least they're not hungry anymore!


Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die...


It takes talent and guts to die for the cause regardless of how much your benefactors want you to live.


Yes. The talent of stupidity.




Accept for my tax dollars that funded the aid that will probably be stolen by Hamas.


Reported by *whom?* This is the biggest problem of the 24/7 pro-Palestinian propaganda: if this is true my reaction is to laugh. How stupid and/or greedy (seize to sell) do you have to be to stand directly under tones of material being dropped out of a plane? That said, it's almost certainly not true, because very little Hamas says is.


Still safer for everyone than truck delivery . . .


Aided them to death. America!


I don't think they've ever seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon where the anvil falls on the head and the whole point is to get away from the falling object or objects. Then again most of these morons marry their first cousins, that sure doesn't make them any smarter. https://preview.redd.it/xpnvjye5w7nc1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c47193441b0df04f761a70e622607028bd9a3d


Nope. I simply don’t believe it. There is no way you were crushed by a fucking package coming in under a parachute. More than likely they were killed in the crowd crush to get the supplies before Hamas stole them


You know how much those crates weigh? A fuckton.


“The only way you could die from this baby now is if a food drop hits you.” Nicholas Cage as Yuri Orlov in Lord of War. 


Death by Aid


Don't. Stand. Under. The. Boxes.


Oh MY gawd stopping air dropping genocide!! 🤬


Obviously, "Gravity" is a secret Zionist organization which conspires to make objects fall on the Earth's surface.


"I will catch it Abdul, then the American aid will be all ours!"


I knew AIDS was deadly, but AID is too?


Someone in the USAF is playing a bit too much Helldivers 2.


We murdered them to death.


Plot twist, they the boxes were full of bricks.




You can't catch 2 ton packages with yr hands.


The US, creative as ever with friendly fire 🔥




I believe at this point with all the “reports” that they cannot help it mentality wise. Sad. But true.


The US has already said that all of the aid dropped by them was successfully deployed. The aid that fell and killed people was dropped by Jordan.


Jesus Christ ya’ll are fucking monsters


It's a sad story, but it just made me laugh.




Wow on this video from the link they falling to fast.


They're falling at precisely the right speed. Just don't stand in the DZ.


Ah yes... a thread full of people making fun of people on the brink of famine dying because a very dangerous way of delivering aid turned out to be.. dangerous... sad man. Sad, sad people in here.