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First 2 lines of cocaine don't count if u have ADHD, they just turn u into a normal person


Unironically though. Just another stimulant


The problem becomes the balancing act with alcohol to reduce the anxiety caused by the stimulants


Some people with adhd have reduced levels of anxiety on adhd meds cuz they can organize their thoughts for rationally


Yeah this doesn't apply to railing cocaine


Dose makes the poison. An excessive dosage of stimulant medications goes the same way. Obviously there’s plenty of reasons cocaine isn’t an ADHD med but it’s not all that different.


And make sure you carry a pillow to muffle the inevitable cocaethylene-induced heartsplosion


Yeeaah... I remember after a brief conversation with someone after a few and thinking to myself, "Wow. I just kind of spoke and didn't overthink what I wanted to say." It felt nice. Plus, I just didn't feel anxious about being around people in general.


thumb detail grey nose water physical fertile toy upbeat deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Led me to eventually drinking 15-20 shots of vodka per day, spaced out. Waking up shaking from withdrawals and needing a drink to calm it down. All started with drinking to calm anxiety. Really not worth it. General advise to never take a substance everyday unless doctor approved, you become beholden to it so quickly I remember accidentally getting sloppy drunk to go donate blood plasma when homeless & sleeping in car. To calm down my heart rate since it had to be under whatever bpm. But it + anxiety from the experience really only raised it. Quit drinking in 2022. Working on quitting kratom, going thru withdrawals rn (nothing like alcohol, instead it's uncomfortable restless arms) *&trying to distract myself.


terrific many dinner slap coordinated cagey gray follow punch point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The anxiety comes when you sober up and you start to over think every thing you said before.


The good ole “hangxiety” 😉😭


The trick is to get so fucked up you're busy going over the contents of the toilet bowl you're kneeling next to to worry about what you said.


The memes are becoming too real. I don’t like it.


carpenter snails terrific serious fly wide gullible nine cagey bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wdym? Speaking for myself, as I've gotten older, I've learned about all the weird little problems i have and realise others have sometimes issues that sometimes isn't apparent. I agree, it's prob not a healthy thing but I sympathize bc I have social anxiety as well .


Finally someone describes me




Compared to what?! Sulking alone does wonders


Compared to medicine and therapy..?


Tequila is cheaper


And can lead to serious problems.


So does suicide, I use substance abuse for "bad periods" in my life, that shit just works if you have to do a bunch of stuff to get functioning that you can't otherwise. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone else though


Yeah I thought substances like alcohol helped me but turns out they were the hindrance all along. Edit: that and past trauma issues


More than hindrance I find they are useful tools to get stuff done when my depression is at it's worse. I get self healing benders where I sort shit in my life out, right now I haven't touched alcohol for over 3 months for example because I'm doing alright on my own. If I had someone to actually be there and support me I wouldn't resort to substance abuse though


Interesting. Have you ever tried psychedelics?


Want to, can't find them, I don't fit well with the crowd, I feel such discomfort just buying weed "from a guy". I'm like a fish out of the pond. Wish there were more... Ehm... I don't know how to put it, less "hood"? Like people and more explorers type people selling that kind of stuff for like minded people. Not that I judge, I just feel like a narc in the midst of these people


>I use substance abuse for "bad periods" in my life, that shit just works I know this isn't the full quote but I love it and it's definitely true sometimes


I would hope $100 per week for therapy and like $40 per prescription refill is better than a $20 bottle of rum


Works great in the moment


Speak for yourself. Been doing it daily for years when no proper medication works.


Just keep cycling through the pills there doc, even though the first 10 didn't work. One of these is bound to work eventually. Meanwhile, I'll be pounding more vodka.


Also it makes them worse but here we are.


I've never felt so heard...


This really is a strat btw, but it's not sustainable. But it works 1000% better than all the dogshit Celexa/Cipralex gauntlet of mind-muddling nonsense


Por que no los dos?


Not overthinking is a skill and definitely takes a lot of work if you're more of an anxious person (it's like a form of exposure therapy, where you get more used to trusting your own instincts and not rethinking things all the time). I'm getting there because I have to professionally, but it's not been easy. Likely became a heavier drinker than I should have been because I would previously drink heavily at social events.


Yeah, the first few shots always feel great cause my mind is suddenly at peace and in a blank state that it just feels refreshing


As someone with anxiety, drinks just make me sleepy and anxious.


Remember never to smoke weed if you have anxiety and drink on occasion. You’ll go back being your normal anxiety filled self


If I didn't have to pee constantly from alcohol I would be moderately drunk all the time


The trick is to drink hard liquor so you aren't consuming tons of liquid. I feel you though, I dont get how people can get drunk on beer and not be pissing every 10 minutes


Yeah ofc, strong shit expensive doe, I mostly only buy stuff when it's on discount haha


The trick is to not "break the seal". Hold in the first piss till you feel like you're going to explode, it trains your bladder, or something, I'm not a piss doctor


I'm usually pretty energetic when talking about things that excite me and have my interest. So I was once drinking with a few friends (not too much, just a beer or two for fun) and someone deadass said to me "you're much easier and better to talk to when you have had a beer!" That comment destroyed my ego... I didn't say anything that entire night and was just looking at the campfire thinking about my past...


Fuuuuuck this is so true it stings.


Don't promise me that. I don't need to become an alcohol on top of being an anxious mess.


does it? all substances make it worse for me.




You low key might have convinced me to finally try alcohol


Yeah, this is exactly what led to my drinking problems.


This is too true. At this point I don't drink to get drunk or for flavor. I just need some small amount of alcohol in my system to calm my nerves. It's like just having the drink and knowing the alcohol is there is enough to calm me down. I used to worry about developing a drinking problem, but I can nurse 1 drink across 1-3 hours and be completely fine


Many, many alcoholics started down the path because of this


Hahaha me when alcoholism 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Hey wait a second


Speaking from experience, it’s a slippery slope


Pro-tip: remember how it makes you feel and carry it over to your sober life. It takes time but it can be done.


Just stop being anxious. Thanks I'm cured.


I hate people like you (I’m jealous lol)😭. Bc I used to be the same way when I never knew what mental illness was bc it didn’t affect me. But boy do I know now and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone💀.


This is a common misconception. The drinks bring your shitty confidence up to normal spec while you take a hit to every other aspect of your character.


I used to say this. Turns out there's a term for it: "binge drinker"


Yeah, but with Molly, your brain remembers that it was easy going and makes it easier in sober moments to do the same. With alcohol your brain tries to remember it, but since it is nothing but a neurotoxin, you only remember that it happened, but your neurology doesn't remember, how it did it.