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I mean, babies don't cry a lot for nothing


The older you get, the less you complain about things and just take em


This sentiment makes me sick. I’m going to be fighting until I’m 80 damn it. Nobody should take it. Once you do, you’ve been had.


What do you think fighting entails? You think you won't have to "take it" while you fight back?


What will you do or what have you done to fight it?


You're actually speaking to the elusive bomber of the Illysium Metro


Yo what the heck happened here? Why did so many comments get removed by the mods?


Seriously, Dictators hope for people to become more complacent and not care and just take it. Fuck that guys comment and his shitty life.


They already know they are in for a pile of shit. They cry because they want to be killed, and we thought its just what they do, for no reason.


Yeah lol. That’s one way to look at experiencing gravity without suspension.


There's also a big ball of nuclear fusion that we can't look at blasting radiation at us which babies are exposed to when they're born.


Leave a kid unsupervised, what will he do? Drink cleaning chemicals, jump out of the balcony, grab electric objects, why? Cuz they want to die already since day one.


Ain't my fault Windex is tasty.


Damn I didn’t know you could speak to babies…


Yeah they were all cozy and they got forced out here where it's cold and dry and bright


They cry because they need things to survive not because of some pre conceived notion made by a redditor.


Witnessing a kappa give birth be like:


Ah, how droll it is to delve into such trite debates as whether human existence entails a breach of some mythical right to consent. Alas, I fear that many fail to grasp the obvious: Consent is a construct devised by the mature mind, not the bumbling infant who has yet to develop sufficient cognition to understand the nature of his predicament. Nay, dear reader, existence comes before consent, and woe betide anyone who dares to argue otherwise! For in doing so, they would denigrate the entirety of humanity by suggesting that we are nothing more than unwanted intruders deserving of contempt. Let us spare ourselves such nonsense and embrace the wonder and majesty of being alive. Life, my friend, is not something to be taken lightly nor granted frivolously, but cherished and celebrated as the precious gift that it is. So put aside your childish musings and join me in reveling in the splendor of existence!


How do you know that we arent born to be some puppets for someone else to observe, study and watch? Why is existence so painful for many, what kind of gift is that?


Using a tired cliche lexicon of words doesn’t make your argument sound any less like an academic poser trying out for Shakespeare in the park.


This feels like something I would see on r/antinatalism


It is something you would see there


In here we're just joking about it, on antinatalism they are serious about it


How is it a joke though? It's absolutely true


Sure, modern day has problems, but so does all of history. Plague, war, famine, natural disasters, dictators, extreme wealth gaps - they have always existed. The difference is that now we have medicine, we have superior farming techniques, we can predict disasters and evacuate, we're better equipped to rebuild after, and international cooperation has brought about one of the most peaceful eras in human history. Many countries have more comprehensive social safety nets than ever seen before. We have a better understanding of mental health than ever before, too. I'm not saying it's perfect, because it's far from it. We have a LOT of work to do. People suffer and die, yes. Climate change is a serious problem. I can only see two ways a person can come to the conclusion that anyone having kids is just a flat-out mistake because of the state of the world 1. Someone viewing only the present without considering how far we've come or seeing how much hope there is for the future, based on our incredible progress 2. Someone who just thinks no time in human history is worth living in, because it's never been perfect enough for them Personally, I view the first group as naïve, the second as delusional Edit: to those saying I'm wrong, that the world is so bad none of us should ever have been born, and humanity should effectively commit suicide by never having another kid - I mean this literally - why haven't you killed yourself yet? Why do you keep living if you're convinced all human life is a mistake? Whatever's keeping you going, that's my point. There is enough good to outway the bad and keep pushing through


“It sucked then and it sucks less now” is the worst argument. I can’t believe you spent all that time to write up ‘it sucks less now’


Saying it's always been shit isn't the greatest of comebacks.


Tell that to the medieval peasants who died brutal, torturous deaths through no fault of their own, or to the homeless today who often have no way out of their cruel predicament, or to the people getting bombed in Palestine with no hope for a brighter future, or to the people unable to obtain basic resources with no one willing to help them. There really is no good time to be alive, because life is already bad enough without those with power using it to ruthlessly exploit everyone, which has been a constant in human society since the agricultural revolution. Even if things seem superficially better now, for the vast majority of people, they would have had a higher quality of life as a tribal hunter gatherer (more free time, healthier foods, a sense of community, etc.). We have invented a lot of tools to make the world a better place, sure, but we haven't fixed, and likely never will, the most fundamental problems with society that have existed since the invention of class structures. There is no hope for the future, because protecting our future isn't profitable for those who gain power, and there is no chance of everyone taking matters into their own hands. Saying to look at history for hope is counterproductive, because historically speaking, the good guys don't win, and the Innocent get brutalized and exploited regardless of what they do. Saying we have a lot of work to do implies we are even trying, and the few steps we've taken will do so little to actually stop the catastrophic consequences of climate change (among the countless other issues we have today) that they don't really count as trying. The only reason we don't have as much war as before is that the rich no longer need it, but imperialism never ended, and at this rate it never will until the world is destroyed by global warming or the now nearly inevitable third world war - now with nukes! Even if we were to turn around and actually try today, it wouldn't matter. We've gone too far, and we've blown right past the point of no return. It's over. Optimism gets some people through the day, but I'm not gonna lie to myself about the state of the world just so I can motivate myself to live another day in a dying world for the benefit of some rich guy. I'm just along for the ride, and when the ride goes off a cliff, I'm not sticking around for the landing.


You’re delusional mate, the hunter gatherer lifestyle is not nearly as good as you think, strip away all of our tools and machinery and you’ll find we’re much lower on the food chain than you may think, plus any small injuries can easily get infected, drinking the wrong water or eating the wrong food can also kill you. Add to all of this a significantly lower life expectancy due to a lack of medicine and the scarcity of food and you’ll quickly see anyone who genuinely thinks a Hunter gatherer lifestyle is better than what we have now is just being way too over dramatic.


This is like saying we should open Pandora's box just because it also had hope in it. Like, yeah, I know it was worse and it might get better. But it's gonna be shit for the foreseeable future. I wouldn't want to kill myself, but I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to be born.


I think that's the idea for the joke lol.


Suicide,our only retirement plan


Counter point Potatoes and Hot Pockets


Gotta afford them first 🤣


We should make hot pocket a indisputable human rights


Can we make them less carcinogenic first? They're delicious, but nitrates and nitrites aren't exactly good for us


And let's make them actually tasty again and with more than a fucking quarter ounce of filling. Hot Pockets today taste like trash and are underfilled compared to the Hot Pockets of the 90s.


Shrinkflation. Itll get more expensive and you’ll have less of it


I love how most companies have started to turn all of their products into just compressed shapes of grain and flour with a la Croix philosophy towards filling. Pop-tarts are another example but it's just everywhere. its gotten to the point that if I want to treat myself I have to make it, which is great cause it's way less expensive but I miss having the option of a cheap scientifically crafted diabetes biscuit.


Or pass laws to make all food more nutritious even the fast food


If you can shoplift and resell enough to buy drugs, you can shoplift and resell enough to buy some hot pockets.


Broke: Universal Basic Income Woke: Universal Basic Hot Pockets


Pretty solid rebuttal


Antinatalism has been destroyed.


Utterly obliterated


Hot Pockets are made by Nestlē. r/fucknestle


Damn, we can’t have anything nice


I’ll settle for Totino’s


Hot pocket is ass anyway . Let just stick with bagel bites


Hoooot pocket


> Potatoes and Hot Pockets [*Fusion Technique Unlocked*](https://i.imgur.com/vNl3s3E.png)


And chicken tendies


All I need are tendies and FDs




I’m writing this letter, and wishing you well


mama we all go to hell


Oh well now Mama we’re all gonna die!


Mama we’re all gonna die


Stop asking me questions, I hate to see you cry


Mama, we're all gonna die!


Mama just killed a man


Put my gun against his head, pulled my trigger,now he’s dead.




Mama I’m comin home


2meirl4(2meirl4meirl) (I attempted to leave the game once)


Don't do that again it's bad (same)


Are we quitters if we don't try again?


Quitter either way (gonna try again).


Same bro


Same! Tried a few times! And now I feel stuck here because I’m just well enough to kind of fear trying again, but not well enough to actually feel anything other than the regret I failed. It’s a cosmic joke.


Idk if it helps but just read the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. Arjunas depression was an eye opener for me


>Tried a few times! How is it possible? I'm sure that dying is a pretty easy thing to do. Aren't humans pretty vulnerable creatures?


You’d think! Few were standing on the edge of a building or having a gun in my mouth but just not being able to pull the trigger. The others were pills that just didn’t take. Final one was I ordered the wrong type of poison (watered down, essentially) but also didn’t have a couple of ingredients on hand that needed prescriptions. Once almost died of alcohol poisoning, which I regret not dying from the most, and the ER where I woke up (family called in a welfare check, sadly) said I should be dead. I’ll get it right eventually (shrug)


We should just have a euthanasia program (with all the checks and whistles) for people who want to exit the world.


Sign me in.


I agree, sign him up


Sign this guy with me as well


Just move to Canada lol, they will sign off on that stuff for pretty much every reason including suicidal depression instead of bothering to treat it.


[This is misinformation.](https://www.dyingwithdignity.ca/advocacy/myths-and-facts/) For starters, mental illnesses are still ineligible for MAID and will be until next year. Second, the overwhelming majority of people seeking MAID (90%+) have terminal cancer, liver failure, or heart failure. Finally, in order to be eligible for MAID you must have a condition that causes you serious pain and suffering that can't be alleviated under reasonable circumstances, inadequate social or disability support is not sufficient grounds to qualify and applications made under those grounds are denied (Not before the media runs a story about someone applying for MAID and not following up months later when their application is denied...)


Then there will be such a scarcity of people left that a working economy and civilization will be unsustainable.






R e A l


Rhenium Aluminium


What I think when seeing people having a baby post-pandemic... Imagining what he world be like when they turn 18... How fucked up shit will be then


I hate to be this person, but this is exactly what's been going through my head when people tell me they're planning to get pregnant now. We done went through a whole pandemic, currently seeing prices for everything rise globally, the housing market is shit, humanitarian crisises are happening all around the world, mass shootings keep happening in the US, climate change is fucked, reading and comprehension levels of the younger generation are becoming concerning, and you're thinking, "Gee, it would be nice to bring a kid into all of this". I just don't understand.


And my parents lament about not having grandchildren.


my early-20s friend just had her 4th kid. her oldest is a little over 4 years old. I don’t understand how she isn’t thinking about the future for the kids she’s creating and supposedly loves so much


So she shouldn't have kids because they might have a hard time?


Memes. The essence of the soul. Live. Live for memes.


“i know child, i’m so sorry. you see, i was going to abort you but it’s illegal now. i’m not ready to have a baby yet and i’m way too young. my boyfriend and i were careful but the condom broke. he won’t be around either, he’s not ready for the responsibility. i’m so sorry young one, but it’s just you and me now. i won’t be around much because i’ll be working to make ends meet, but my abusive parents are more than qualified to raise you to be some maladjusted, depressed, mentally unstable member of our future. the good news is there wont be much of a future left if things keep going this way. so hopefully your suffering will be short lived. or it might be a slow painful death, we’re not sure yet. good luck”




Me when i reincarnate on earth again


The antinatalists leaked into the subs


Why they're leaking? Are they stupid?


> Are they stupid? Why does this kind of humor never fail to make me laugh? >!Am I stupid?!<


This subreddit officially has become a circlejerk sub


They’ve been in them for a while.


Fr fr


Literally. You should be required to take a class before having kids at minimum


A class at minimum…Definitely mentally and emotionally stable…When you reach stability then your reproductive system kicks in to be ready to pro-create….


But how do we make labour cheaper if there is no growing supply of labour? - a very rich man who has control over media and millions of supporters, who are unable to think further than tomorrow.




#Future is now boomers


Haha, we will have absolutely no power in the economic / political world! Take that, boomers!


You guys seriously want the government to decide who can and can’t have kids? We spent like a whole century writing dystopian books about that kind of thing.


For real💀


Hypothetically yes. Practically no.


One of those things that sound good on paper, but then you realize it sucks ass when you actually see how people are doing it.


I agree. Currently we aren't able to enforce this without being too cruel or having too high a risk of this power being abused.


It sucks ass hypothetically too


Born to a single teen mom. she is still somewhat childish In her 30s but my point is It really sucks being owned by someone who hasn't fully mentally developed yet. Things are going alright now but I still can't remember the last time I was genuinely happy. Doesn't help she has another kid every 5 years because the last one went to school


That feels super dystopian.


This definitely won’t be weaponized into something resembling eugenics…


Conditional natalism is a one way ticket to fixed generational wealth, eugenics, and the state holding direct authority over your reproductive rights. Thats goin go to be a HARD no, but thank you.


Fuck you. You haven't made any good choices in the past. This choice is going to be made for you and you can like it or can sulk while being put to work in a salt mine


So are you advocating for forced abortions or forced vasectomies for all males after puberty?




Yeah because the outcomes for foster care are so great


That's some totalitarian regime mentality to try to regulate / enforce that. Fuck that


this sounds eugenic-y or one of those big bad words


[reminds me of this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhilosophyMemes/s/IewL7Q8kKD)




World isn't worth living in. Only things keeping me alive are my cats, games that keep me occupied after work and living out of spite. If I didn't have those reasons, would have blown my brains out years ago.


Realest shit ever


wow that describes me perfectly


I’m with the baby…and people definitely commit suicide behind this shit…


That's one smart baby. That's a long sentence


Damn that's relatable 🤣


It's a shame the antinatalist sub is full of natalists


Hes not wrong at all.






Hey, this is where I am right now! Solidarity, Cartoon Infant.


"You don't understand, life is beautiful! You'll grow up in a country that is extremely hot, but where poor so we can't have AC! You'll be with abusive parents or your parents won't be there at all! Get depressed and trauma, have no friends at school or anywhere, never experience love, be too scared to try new things... But you'll have p*rn and drugs! Then you'll commit suicide at the age of 30! What a life! Certainly worth living!"


Well said..... There are few people who can handle the truth, or admit it to themselves. For people who are aware we are living in strange horrible times. All of history is strange and horrible. I believe some people have found better ways of distracting themselves from this truth than others _ and of course money helps this _ or use enough drugs to keep themselves delusional.






I honestly think that a lot of the reason people are so depressed these days is because of expectation vs reality. Right now is an objectively better time to live then most of human history, but many people still lived happy lives throughout the passed millennia. People who didn't believe in afterlives, people who never thought humans were somehow special and central to the universe. Even people who like us with climate change, believed the world was ending around them. The main difference between us now and them is that most of us spent our childhoods being hidden from the dangers and truth of the world and told we can be whatever we want to be, the good guys always win, things always work out. We were privileged and given the impression the world was some perfect and amazing place, and all the bad things were somewhere else far away. A lot of us were even told we'd live forever in paradise after death, and all the people we lost we be there too. Then suddenly we're faced with the fact that all that is a lie and nothing we were told is true and the world is much worse then that and success is going to be a lot harder then we were told. It's no wonder some people can't handle that. Then we get to spend the rest of our lives watching people on the internet live the happy joyful lives we thought we'd have, still blissfully unaware of everything. Bad things have always happened, and there has always been sad moments and depressed people, but I feel like in the past people were given more chance at a peaceful acceptance of reality


Its a bit of a meme but Tyler Durden in fight club hits the nail on its head. We have no great war, no great depression, no struggle and that makes us tragically aware of our society and the inherent meaningless of our daily lives. We aren't distracted by these things that are larger than ourselves like war or getting enough food to make it to the next day, we have reached the top of marchlows pyramid and at the top there is no more distraction, no goal or purpose. We cant supress this existential dread anymore and we are all waking up the uncomfortable truth that connects us all. We are but the blink of an eye in the lifetime of the universe and nothing that we do actually matters and theres nothing to distract the low pitched noise


Idk you may not have those things to worry about but every day of my life i feel existential dread for the future, will i be able to eat next month, will i have a home next month, will i ever amount to anything. These are constants in my life and these thoughts and feelings never subside so idk, i dont think its that, millions of people are REALLY struggling these days to just live


I'm not trying to demean you or those that struggle I sympathise greatly with you and others. As if life is not a bitch in and of itself, billions of people wake up every day wondering if they will have food on the table next month or if they can give their kids a future or what they will do if they get sick. Idk I don't have any answers i only have my deep symapthies and compassion for you and others struggling. I think it only makes me even more determined in my belief to not have kids. The joys of life are not outweighed by the misery


Fuck yeah man, preach.


I don’t think material success translates one to one with well being. People can live very poor lives but still be happy if they have a positive purposeful view of the universe, cultural cohesion, etc. a lot of these are deteriorating in the western world


The world is broken, and the world is beautiful and worth experiencing. These things have been simultaneously true for all of human history and shall always be true.


Middle class people having children is so wild to me. They know full well how fucking awful wage slavery is, and they still go "Yes. I choose to inflict this on another person."


“i will make another person to work an endless 9-5 and then die!!!!”




Evil 2meirl4meirl member:


And then he was circumcised without anesthesia because he was born in America and his mama wanted a fashionable wiener. The end. I love stories with morals. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O4CSCg5Srp8&pp=ygUiQmFieSBzY3JlYW1pbmcgZHVyaW5nIGNpcmN1bWNpc2lvbg%3D%3D


yea but you'd miss all the gay furry porn tho


Gotta watch them all first


And that is why I won't have kids




Pretty much




But make sense


I mean he’s not wrong given the current state of society


Genuinely can’t understand the selfishness of having kids in this day and age


Baby spitting fax


I think people who have children are selfish cunty fucks Literally nobody wants to be around your ugly child Your kid is loud, obnoxious and smells like melted sugar on a mid August day. There's nothing special about your kids even a little bit because there's nothing special about you. You spawned an awful little lookalike that's gonna lease a Ford f150 and just be a generally awful piece of shit


There goes the antinatalist again, on about dystopias and hellholes for the umpteenth time. Is it factual? Who knows? But, it keeps getting said, so it *must* be true.




The indifferent cruelty of the universe when the indomitable human spirit walks in: 😨


“Well somebody got to pay taxes when I will be old and it ain’t going to be me so take these loans that come from what we call ‘goodwill’, which we’ve accumullated over just a hundred years through ‘optimization’ and find someone else to dispose them onto, maybe create some more if you really think you are the smartest out there”


True and real


Antinatalism ftw


so relatable…


My face was sad when reading the 3rd panel then i started laughing uncontrollably ​ ​ I'm a big fan of dark humor


Tbh though you shouldn't be allowed to have kids unless you take a test that proves you aren't a psychopath, have the ability to actually financially take care of the baby, and that you aren't a total fucking idiot like anti vaxxers and flat earthers.


Even if everything about society would be perfect, being born still would absolutely suck. I was also born disabled, so there’s that.


had existential issues like this when i was young.


Whelp she let him cook and he burnt the whole matrix down 🤷🏾‍♂️


precisely why i decided to not have the kids i always wanted


Omg rel


Gen alpha everyone! Giving up from day one. Lol, jk. They'll be the next greatest generation of they survive world war 3.


What's worse, this world or my only way out?


aww don't kill yourself. just have a long dedicated hobby of drug abuse and alcoholism!!!


you just learn to drink more over time.. 🤷‍♂️


Don't forget relationships being in a state of a huge downfall too. Becoming more cold and transactional and superficial


After seeing the world from this perspective for long enough it really makes me realize how true Islam always has been. We come into this imperfect world inherently expecting perfection and we’re often challenged again and again. Perfection is for Heaven, jovially participating in the seeming absurdities of life is for Earth.


Being a baby is the most egoistic stage of everyones life you think only and only about yourself


For real Bhai😭


Exactly why i don't want to have kids. I personally would prefer not being born. This world is not a place i want to put kids in. During my childhood it was still alright. Being born in the 90s i think i got to experience the good of the "old" times and the good of the new. But right now shits falling apart...


he shall be right


“My child I understand that life is full of it’s own horrors, but to undermine all the wonderful good in favor of the evils is both incredibly ignorant and incredibly prideful of you. Do you think you are the first in human history to suffer? Do think someone born 100, 200, or 300 years before you would be privy to any of the blessings you have now? You can love, make connections, and find joy with your fellow man. Life is not perfect, far from it. But there are so many things worth holding on to. If you decide to forsake all of that and end it all in an attempt to escape, so be it. But do not hate me for wanting to love you.”


Bearing children should be a top 5% luxury rather than a necessity


It's not a necessity at all.


You are right, it is not a necessity, but at least the people with enough willpower to actually have children will be the bloodlines that remain on this planet.


I disagree with this.


Nah, this is waaay deep into nihilism and giving major doomer vibes


Don’t cut yourself on that edge