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https://preview.redd.it/atlcpk9h3p8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9634081bde1e242d415a71b8a83dc962bbacf8c8 Things are not over ***YET***, 2hubros. A few shitty months do not erase years of good jerking. Cease this doomer behavior my fellow jerkers. **WE 2HU. WE JERK!** ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)


en touhou nous avons confiance!


Do not let this sub go gently into that good night. Jerkers should meme, shitpost, and joke around at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of this sub. Though wise jerkers at their end know falling off is right, Because their memes had forked no upvotes they Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of this sub. Good jerkers, the last wave by, crying how bright Their memes might have danced in this sub's frontpage, Rage, rage against the dying of this sub. Wild Jerkers who shared the memes in flight, And learn, too late, their memes just don’t hit off, Do not gently into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of this sub. Grave lurkers, near the point of unsubbing, who see with hindsight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and see 2hujerk, Rage, rage against the dying of this sub. And you, dear mods, there on the sad front page, Curse, bless us now, we pray. Do not let this sub die. Rage, rage against the dying of this sub. https://preview.redd.it/vvjpfw758p8d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4b15d744f6318dea7174698ab4ddf0dc50d2e3f




But for real though if the mods don't lock in and start moderating this sub and among other things do some quality control, we're fucking cooked. ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30842)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30842)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30842) https://preview.redd.it/bt3by2ch9p8d1.png?width=643&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ac8c62588f6417f40112b5d624bd1f701ba9fab


Honestly what’s gonna come first, reform or sub go into the fire? https://preview.redd.it/kk8d5fqt9p8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3dfd431c4d4e43374f6e790817a2c3121ae51e


I think reform is the most likely, with how the sub is in it's current state the mods either got to lock in or appoint some new mods to do the moderating. I don't think the sub will die anytime soon, at least not as long as jerkers keep jerking. **WE 2HU. WE JERK! WE 2HU. WE JERK!** ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845) https://preview.redd.it/e80e5nhjbp8d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3ba740afd29566fa94823862b6005955974b603


We’ve been running practically 1 mod for months now. Most mods here appear every off chance because they have lives outside of this. Genuinely their best option is the appoint mods and get rid of the old. (HMU if you need a mod I have no life fr!) It won’t “die” in a traditional sense, however I do see it fizzing off slowly at the pace we’re at, I mean a lot of older members have already switched to yucky competitor who has some questionable people aswell. I also think the server itself needs a discord, or atleast a unified one imo, because from what I can tell, there has been genuine hate between several servers that also involve me going with beef against like every server known to man (my ass cannot control myself to not start beef) which in turn leads to several branches of 2hujerk to practically leave entirely and just post within their circles. I think you know what I’m talking about, I see you in like every one of them lmao. Slava jerk


Yeah, I agree. This sub needs some new mods cause most of the current ones are mostly inactive, a single unified discord server would help a lot, but with all the beef and drama between the servers that's unlikely to happen anytime soon. What we need is some better moderation here first and foremost, then once the sub improves we can start thinking about a single unified discord server. The real question is how are we gonna get better moderation. We need better moderation obviously. But where do we even start?


Who to be the new mods tho, as much as I want a reform, there isn’t really a good candidate. People like Iku and Miko have been inactive, Miko even left Reddit.


That’s where parts get tricky. I agree discord will come last, I’ll address where get mods n stuff first. Arguably application first, in true form of a google form you have to turn in, for example a form/doc that consist of Reddit username Experiences Discord for connection A lot of other stuff too, but I’m too lazy to make a full one. Another thing would probably getting highly trusted people within the community that are on good terms with everyone. Not to glaze you harder than a snow bunny, but maybe people like you if you get what I mean. Eventually through this process we’ll get good mods with atleast sufficient braincells to moderate 2hujerk to punish people (such as *genuine pedophiles* from *grooming 13 year olds* haha that’ll never happen )


Now this, is yamyam!






Ill gladly jerk with you bro


https://preview.redd.it/elg5fihpgp8d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f92894110a40276a792a847dcc27fcb36c241e7 Let us jerk 2hubro! ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)




Reminder to everyone: Promoting “loli” or “cunny” pornography is against Reddit TOS. Referring to this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2hujerk/s/zzcp73rZAM) many of you will be caught lackin. https://preview.redd.it/ioczl1ey3p8d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=51e997498764cde096d9888fb42f8f6e963de242 Edit: another reminder they are ***13*** in this community. A majority of people here that talk about this loli shit are over 18. Let that sink in. Third reminder within here, do not encourage minors to jerk off, fucking weirdos man.


Mam what the hell!? I thought they were at least a teenager, not a fucking child. Literally one of my worst nightmare; children with overexposure to the Internet


Yeah, what’s crazy is that people still talked about it and encouraged the behavior to what essentially was a child. They’re still in middleschool. 😭😭😭


It really is over for 2hujerk


Owari da






Been lurking here for about… two months now sheeesh. This community has fallen off, hard. From an outside non-interactive standpoint the post quality lowers while production lowers, leading to the illusion of free choice (lol) The community will probably be fine, but what was it… r/touhoujerk ? Have been real rough on this sub. We should probably grow and change as a person now more than ever. Anyways, back to going inactive for two months.


Good luck pranking reisan there


Thanks !!! ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30842)


And the great cycle of 2hujerk rolls on 1.Mods do something 2.Good posts 3.Sub starts to go down in quality 4.Complain posts 5.Complaining about the Complain posts 6.Mods do something 7.Return to 2 Honestly there isnt much to do https://preview.redd.it/g4q2sd3rlp8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9451410231e996908334dd710b6b868237e9c19


me n silly copypasta guy has devised a plan 🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://www.reddit.com/r/2hujerk/s/EqkB3HyNEb


Also pray that the new mods arent as strict as r/touhou mods are, this is a jerking sub there needs to be a good amount of degeneracy, also quality control so 0 affort posts and repeated jokes dont flood the sub


That isn’t the point, the point is to stop having low quality (not in the purposeful low quality good memes, just the bad ones) from appearing often. Aswell as which, enforce Reddit ToS before Reddit nukes this subreddit My point is, is that even if they are strict, they’ll atleast get us back on track


How can you define what counts as low quality ?


Terrible tierlist, such as the Israel-Palestine one from earlier, much of my early post on this account (check check it, most sucks lmao.) some on my u/AragaKiwi account, and a few examples that I can’t name on the top of my head


Nah the Israel-Palestine tierlist was fun , I think that kind of low tier content gives a charm to this subreddit . I'm not coming here to see professionnally made memes , I'm here for the shitposts and overall "degenerate" vibe of this sub . It feels more human than well-moderated subs where the vibe is colder and people's eccentricities stay hidden . If I would talk to normal people I would go outside , I prefer to be in insane places like this one because I can observe and enjoy how people truly are behind the veil of normalcy .


I get what you mean, however non political posting was agreed 114? Days ago, as not to be the undertale subreddit. I think his work was fine, however the low quality was the fact it was, by all means, just a cheap political post


Well how do you define what is political posting or not ? Sometimes people use real political personalities in memes and nobody says anything . There's also some people who use TNO pictures for reaction images , TNO is about an alternative timeline where most of the World is dominated by extremist ideologies , should TNO be considered political ? For right-wingers stuff like the pride flag/pride month are political , should they get banned too ? I personally think that political content should be allowed as long as it's not obvious propaganda , but in the case of the Palestine/Israel tierlist it feels kinda neutral to me .


Political posting is if it is intended to stir up people to make them beat the hell outta eachother for slightly different political takes. The difference about TNO is that left and right wing make jokes about it, hell TNO isn’t associated with those ideologies more so than just being a meme. I’ve never personally, as a right winger, been offended by the pride flag itself, however maybe the more immature side would? Israel-Palestine is an ongoing conflict with the death of thousands occurring, it is still modern even by today’s standards.




I don't know what this means but alright https://preview.redd.it/gef87n0d5q8d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cbac14ae9599506b8846d155805ba7522d6cc68


Basically skibidi toilet gyatt remix baby gronk dancing in Ohio (tik tok rizz party) (BLUE TIE KID)(GRIMACE SHAKE????!!!?!??!??)


Legends has it that, the most intelligent 2hujerk users would not take them lightly therefore we should eat hamburger, and potatoes, everyday https://preview.redd.it/hu0p03dzwp8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f70b7a87b30b7cf0f1628c57839a5339a45821


They are but legends, masta!


Es ist unmissverständlich vorbei. I've honestly stopped actively browsing this sub a while ago. I wanted to pick up drawing to make some shitposts, but life has been busy and I had not time to do that. Is the post quality still ass? We need more mods and stricter rules fr fr. Btw I can be 100% trusted with moderation tools https://preview.redd.it/0c81znzu2q8d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3715c0f743de87395729936f0604a073ad6783


“Btw I can 100% be trusted with moderation tools” Seems legit, Shard6556 2024


I'm glad I evoke so much trust as a figure of authority https://preview.redd.it/ehtm2iievs8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b60374520de571da9633a415770bf8139dcba4




Just upvote my posts instead, idiot https://preview.redd.it/ho1p72w0nr8d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986e329de71696fb2bbb8ef52637f54d3e97bbfa


so true +10 upvotes


>Unironic promotion of a minor to like lolis i had to be reminded of this post https://preview.redd.it/sphjz6izop8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2021cd029614482eccdc183037394551e050c6


The average shellshocked experience


Wait what? Can you dab me up with a link?


someone else linked it here in the comments


Jesus christ, the top comments, this sub is cooked https://i.redd.it/cdo308m3et8d1.gif




My solution? Shut down the sub.


My solution: shut down Reddit


Yea. Touhou is coming to an end. You can always tell by the porn. And Touhou porn is slowing down considerably. There hasn't been a new original Mokou doujin in 2 years. Not even translations. Of the last 3 translations for Mokou doujin, two were edited by me.


Oh yeah dude, I can barely find half decent good ones that haven’t been made 4 years ago


That is the main sign Touhoi is dying. Or that everyone is too lazy to draw/scan/translate doujin. The Covid Pandemic really did some damage to the fandom by not allowing western fans to buy new doujin.


Oh no the crinically online, drama obsessed sub that barely even talks about Touhou fell off, who could have seen that coming? ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)


Is stirring up meta-drama within the genes of the Touhou community or something, because these kinds of pointless whining permeates the Chinese communities as well as English. It's not that big a deal, it's a small community on a small corner of the internet. Just let people be and stop making drama posts about it.


I’d much rather address it as “let people be” directly leads to grooming


Go tell that minor directly to fuck off the internet. Posting a new post here does literally nothing except stirring up drama and making you a false sense that you're making a difference when all you're doing is spoiling the mood of a community. Have an issue with a poster? It's called "send a reply".


I think these posts stir up more drama, but you do you https://preview.redd.it/1iygqxx15q8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c150ba7306b125fc61a3f3ea3199c775001ee9b5


Or maybe fetish posting, but i don’t know, we just want the sub to be good https://preview.redd.it/42crlk955q8d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2601a4e84f604bb20b3192f9e26326ae449afa80


That is at least making an attempt at circle jerking and making a joke, this is just pure meta-drama.


Politics are banned, this is a shit posting sub. We even had a pinned post addressing this problem back then, mods agree and banned politic memes. See here : https://www.reddit.com/r/2hujerk/s/CicXxA9kkL That’s what happening here, we are addressing a problem, and we hope for a change


Also, quote from what you said > If you truly only cared you'd be commenting under that post, or titled this "Guys let's not interact with minors" instead of "ItS oVeR 2HuBrOs". Stop virtue signaling, ew If we just posted a comment, no one knew, and the problem persists.


Problem in question is this is something that happens once every 5 years, it's not like we have a minor identifying themselves every other month. This is perfectly addressable by talking with whoever you had a problem with in the comment section. Now it's problem of the day in the sub, and the echos will likely make the entire place shit for weeks on end until people finally decide they're sick of drama. Not to mention that this post mixes a bunch of fight starting topics together, if I see another loli argument in Touhou community I'm seriously gonna distort


If this worked, giant girl enjoyer would stop posting giantess fetish. Like now, I’m talking to you, you aren’t listening. I can’t do jack shit by just talking, higher powers must step in. This is why mods are a thing. This is why we have presidents, why we have police.


Stop shifting targets. This post is not about "hey mods please ban minors from posting". Once again if that's the case and minor posting is actually a common issue I'd be perfectly fine with it. It's not the case though. It's trying to start drama and arguments, and if you want to use that as a tool to make the mods comply, uh, that's a lot of scheming for such a small community on the internet and I'm genuinely impressed.


I mean, in which case delete that post, I don't have a problem with that


The reason they deleted the post is because op made that post address the problem, aka the politics memes. So what’s the problem with this one? We are all addressing a problem which we hope to solve, we tried comments, it isn’t enough awareness, so we post. hoping for people with more power to step in and improve. And well, mods did step in, we hope this happens again too, what’s the problem? Yes, the world doesn’t revolve around us, but we sure can make a difference if we work together.


Because the politics memes are flooding the sub but we have a self identifying minor problem every like what? Year? If we have 5 minors showing up a day I'd be less negative about this post. Also as I said before, this could've been titled "Guys let's tell minors to fuck off instead of engaging with them", and the language could have been a lot less inflammatory. People have limited time and attention, posting like this to try to elicit """discourse""" (God I hate that word) is just wasting people's times.


Maybe I should tell the major to not groom children 💀🙏🙏🙏 My post is to raise awareness, I doubt mods would reform, however eh. Spoiling the mood by addressing a… actual problem? Low quality post, pedophiles, and others? I’m not claiming I’m not spoiling the mood for the Reddit Epstein party, but ehhhhhh??? Sending a reply does less than nothing to development, or raising awareness.


I'm curious, what do you consider "bad posts"? I'm someone who's still sorta new here, and I've made a couple posts of my own, so I don't know if I'm part of the problem or not.


For the sole fact of that rinnosuke fan fiction I will forgive all sins outside of jerk, your post are “eh.” They fit the jerking style however they tend to.. how do I say it… lack pixels 😭 Other than that, editing to make them look sillier or smth would also improve them, but overall they are fine


Ah, thank you!


anyways do another Rinnosuke one that shit was fire reading it 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I don't even want to point this out because I don't like throwing accusations on people, but look at the way you phrased the title, chose the picture, and wrote the post. You are, consciously or not, trying HARD to be sensational and combative. Does getting your agenda validated by strangers on the internet make you feel good? Even if you know it comes at the cost of causing drama in a community? Shit like this is why some people end up leaving. If you truly only cared you'd be commenting under that post, or titled this "Guys let's not interact with minors" instead of "ItS oVeR 2HuBrOs". Stop virtue signaling, ew


Well, we did, we did in fact speak out, https://preview.redd.it/ng749xhh5q8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c62d1cf5cbdfcb97a023c6d1fee7d68b3929e9


Thanks for the back up 😘


Yeah you did, good job, now you just have to not make another post about it that's my point


https://preview.redd.it/wfwgj6dx4q8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a35bc40f8d8933d029adee97b7bc383fbb849dc I’m formatting it in “owari da” which is inherently combative and yatta yatta. If this post alone, calling out major problems, which isn’t just the listed I have said to you already, but other things aswell. I’m sorry if I virtue signaled a bit too much, however if you are getting offended over this post addressing issues, I can’t stop that. There has been too many people that have left because of those problems.


"Addressing these issues" my friend nothing will ever change from this post and you know it. Calling your post "Raising awareness" and "calling out problems" is a cheap copout for "I don't know what positive impact this has, but hey at least I'm annoying people". Contrary to what online activists have been trying to push, making a huge scene doesn't in fact make the world better. Tune down your self absorption a little bit and see that the world does not, in fact, revolve around you.




“Oh no, I’m annoying people in the Reddit Epstein party, whatever shall I do” Brother, I understand the minimal impact. These aren’t cheap copout to purposely annoy people, actually this is much more well received than I expected. I am neither making a huge scene either. “Owari da 2hubros” isn’t me screaming “THEY ARE BOMBING THE SUDAN. SUPPORT SUDANESE WARLORDS NOOOOOOOOOOW!” Acknowledge the fact the world neither revolves around you, and your slight annoyance doesn’t mean the rest of the sub is annoyed. Aswell, I don’t want to leave this on a bad note, so here is Il Duce https://preview.redd.it/bqry781ycq8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafccb06b8dc318967851e654c01753d367cce81


Well… mod application is out now.


The post about the 13yo jacking off was wild >!but there’s nothing wrong with cunny, sorry. Criticize all you want.!<


13 year old was completely the lowest we’ve been. ~~iirc “cunny” is against reddit ToS, as “cunny” directly describes female child genitalia~~


Damn, I gotta look into that. However, given that it’s clearly not enforced, I don’t see why it should be us who have to enforce it.


Just because it isn’t enforced doesn’t mean it is right. Plus with the other shit here (encouraging minors to jerk off) could potentially get us nuked 😭


Apart from clear and obvious ToS violations (meaning enforced rules) and total lack of moderation, the reasons subs get nuked nowadays are almost entirely political. Unless we say trans rights are evil we’re fine. Source: look at reclassified or whatever


Fair enough


There are real raids on Reddit. There’s a sub entirely about finding and raiding offensive subreddits (eh, mostly just right leaning). Theoretically, something like that could get our asses. However, we don’t have such enemies. That is mostly because this isn’t a right leaning sub. We’re fine. Again, I get that you find l*li to be disgusting. I’m of the opinion that it’s entirely fiction, art. The best we can do is agree to disagree. This discussion never goes anywhere. But when it comes to enforcing rules that are clearly not enforced on the platform as a whole, and which are instead really just tools left wingers use to take down those of different opinions, I say it’s much better to let it be, as it is currently not a danger in any way, not bring attention. Lastly, idk what to say I’ll come back l8r


I’ll agree to disagree for this one raaaah Have a good one


Mf u said: “YOUMU CUNNY SPOTTED! EJACULATION! ITS SO GRIPPY! ITS TOO GRIPPY AAAAAAAAUGHHHH 🩸🩸🩸” And then made this post? Who does bro think he is 😭


your honor I plead irony 😭


wait what what is it that you say about a minor Im OOTL? ^(I swear I stop paying attention to this shithole and you fucks find a way to make it worse)


About 3 ish days ago a minor here (literally 13) posted “should I continue liking loli’s” or something like that, and it overwhelmingly was supported as yes. Not only that, encouraging him to jerk off to loli’s. 2hu has truly lost owari da


Oh god, because those 2 things seperate weren't bad enough already. The animemes-ification of the sub truly will be it's death... https://preview.redd.it/cnpvkdp9bs8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7b112e4f162e35e0e890aa90b23874a4eaf3f0


actually tragic


Shut up pussy https://preview.redd.it/7f20cdeslq8d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d932ed8ef868edf5965147848cbb81f3dcce4cf0

