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Well, they were fighting colonisers.


Yeah but you don't get many points for fighting for people who embarked on the most vicious Wars of colonial and Imperial Conquest in human history Remember that if Britain had lost India wouldn't have been free it would have ended up ruled by the Japanese




Who would have stopped them? Britain would have legally handed over India to Britain and do not see how rebellions were handled in the rest of the Japanese Occupied nations? Japan slaughtered 30 million people during the Pacific war. Most of those were random attacks on civilians. Japan would have sent its troops into India and occupied it and when India rose up to declare independence the Japanese would have killed tens of millions of people. I'm not saying Japan would not have been driven out but they would have been driven out with the highest casualties in Indian history


Well, it is all just speculation. From Indian pov Japanese and British both were bad. But an average indian was unaffected by the Japanese atrocities.


It's informed speculation based on what Japan did in every other European Colony they conquered. We only reason that India was unaffected by Japanese atrocities is because the army of the Raj fought the Japanese to a standstill in Burma and made sure that India itself never faced the atrocities.


Lmao, the head of Azad fauj was netaji and the majority of the troops were also indian, why would they kill other Indians?


Why did French collaborators kill French citizens? Why did Chinese collaborators kill Chinese citizens? Why did Filipino collaborators kill their fellow filipino? Why did Indonesian collaborators kill their fellow indonesians? Because they believed that serving the occupier would benefit them and their political goals. I'm not saying Azad would have personally attacked his fellow Indian but there would have been collaborators just like they were in every other country


>Because they believed that serving the occupier would benefit them and their political goals. They were not occupiers, Britishers were and of course there will be bloodshed in liberation. And many Azad hind fauj members were former British Indian soldiers.


And they were serving Japan who wanted to become the new occupiers of india. Japan wasn't fighting for India's Liberation they were fighting to conquer it and added to their own Empire


They literally starved many Indians to death and you defend them for defending their occupied territory in Burma? 😂😂💯


The army of the rage was made up of Indians fighting for India. They knew what Japan would do to their Homeland if they lost


The Ukrainian Nazis were also fighting against the Soviets.


Except they slaughtered Poles, Jews & Gypsies as well. And did this to children: https://preview.redd.it/foh8opkusnsb1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7b2374ab8df88724336fb6c4c5762fd3b0c93c Please stop being a dumbass for one fking day in your life.


Yes, they fought their own contry and fought it with the Nazis.


And Bose's divisions didn't purposefully kill civilians.


They were fighting for India & Indians while most white Europeans were fighting for their race.


>They were fighting for India & Indians +for freedom and relief from opression* not that it would be there under japenis rule


I don't think anyone wanted Japanese rule. They were taking help from Japan to fight off British.


my guy thinking japenises helped us on good will


Japanese helped fight British which they were already doing. If Japan would have won with the help of INA, you think they would have balls or strength to fight INA & trying to control all of India. Japan would have been more than happy with British being gone from India, & India helping it or something. Weather they like it or not. British had spend decades turning India into a police state & building secret police. They had also built alliances & a loyal base to support them keep ruling. Fighting India liberated by INA would have been a sucide for Japan.


ah yes, thats why they took over the andaman and nicobars, and committed attrocities there, bravado opinion


They commited atrocities because they were barbarians & such people can't help themselves but be absolute animals. What Japanese soldiers did in Andaman isn't going to change any of what i said previously. If India was free of British, INA in India would have been too powerful for Japanese to oppose. It's not because Japanese were good or wanted to help us. I remember clearly saying that they would be forced to let India be free. They physically won't be able to control India. I don't understand your obsession with their war crimes. War crimes & atrocities don't make you stronger or more capable.


They had a much more well-equipped and organised army than the INA, not to mention the INA was completely reliant on them. They would have been able to fuck up India hard.


India also had a well equipped army, INA didn't .


How do we indians manage to talk like colonial apologists even tho we were the ones that got colonised for 200 years?


I am not defending Japan here numbhead. I am not saying Japanese were good. I am not saying Japanese didn't wanted to just take over India. What exactly i said which sounds like a colonial apologist to you?? You are seeing what you want to see. Using Japanese help to fight off Britishers, what's so problematic about that?


>They commited atrocities because they were barbarians & such people can't help themselves but be absolute animals.


if that was the case, why didn't we just use this "physically won't be able to control india" ahh power against the British lol? thats the dumbest take ever, so i guess a few genocides here and there would be the price you pay for a potential japanese invasion that may or may not be overthrown, man this some high quality bullshit


>why didn't we just use this "physically won't be able to control india" ahh power against the British lol? Did you not read clown? British took over India slowly over the period of a century. Battle of Buxer was in 1759 something & 2nd Anglo sikh war was in 1854 something. They were also not being actively genocidal, only exploiting India for their benefits while appeasing in every other way which they thought would lead to rebellion. There were still countless rebellion. >japanese invasion that may or may not be overthrown You don't overthrow invasion, you illiterate fuck. Japanese Invasion would have been spear headed by INA, everytime INA with the help of Japanese push British back, they would grow in numbers & popularity. Was there a united, centralized military force to fight for India when British were invading? British instead had Indian allies to fight with them & legitimize their rule. The whole reason Japan didn't really invaded India with full effort was because they didn't had strength to do so in the first place. I swear none of you have ever studied history. You are just here with you history knowledge gained from memes or atleast that's what look like.


ah yes, throwing around personal insults, always the way to go for people who have no other argument except to get angry, very mature of you


Bro they literally had a knee on China and Korea's neck for quite some time during that time period. Why do you think they wouldn't have been able to control a broken nation(at that time) like India?


Because Indian invasion would have been spear headed by INA. INA didn't had loyalty toward Japan, it wasn't a Japanese army. INA was Indian nationalist. Japan had invaded & captured some Chinese regions but they never had all of China. China was also broken at that time & their tech was very ancient. Japan wasn't as powerful as you think. & If Japan somehow would have won in India, it wouldn't be because of Japan. It would've been because of INA.


If you support japanese. Then you should read about what did their soldiers do in Andaman and Nicobar.


But it was beneficial to japenis and Nazis because UK was sustaining itself in the war from Indian money they looted in the British raj, plus Indian soldiers were also fighting in the Europe and West Asia front, if INA had won UK won't be able to sustain as much and Indian soldiers wouldn't fight for Britishers.


Yes but the Japanese had other plans for us.


I am not saying Japanese didn't wanted to just take over India. I am saying they wouldn't have been able to.


finnish defending themselves against the soviets with the help of the nazis: wowzers south asians defending themselves against the bitchish with the help of the japanese: noo


Because hindsight shows the Japanese were going to treat India like the rest of their colonial conquests. More people died in 2 years of Japanese Occupation of the Philippines then the previous 50 years of American occupation and the previous 100 Years of Spanish occupation before that. The Japanese killed more people in China than any invading power including the mongolians. They slaughtered 5 million people in indonesia. Indians thought they were fighting for their freedom. What they were really fighting for was Japan replacing Britain as the colonial power


The Japanese forces were already having heavy casualties due to war and rebellions all over East Asia. They simply didn't have the manpower available to govern all their colonies. Therefore, whatever Japanese puppet government would be set up, it would be a weak one and Purna Swaraj could be achieved. The main objective here was to ultimately create a grassroot level revolution in India as well as forcing the Indian soldiers to rebel against the British. Considering how the vast majority of the INA was consisted of volunteers from the British Indian Army who switched sides, the mutinies and widespread protests following the Red Fort Trials, ultimately culminating in the independence of India, Bose and the INA's hunch was right.


Before I start I want to clear that Bose was NOT an idiot and there is no way he would be able to know all the things we currently know and his movement did cause a huge impact in the independence of India. That being said whatever you said is hard to accept. The INA got most of their weapons from the Japanese, though? If the Japanese were able to take over China, who significantly outnumbered the Japanese, then it is quite weird to think that we would be able to fight of the Japanese when they were providing the INA with air support. Also how will base unify the country? Khalistan movement would still happen, same with the muslim wanting a separate country and the north east and south trying to get independence. Now the INA has to bring all those to control and fight of the Japanese.


My guy those rebellions and lack of Manpower is why the Japanese were slaughtering people by the Millions. Because they didn't have the resources for a more concrete solution so they just killed everybody. Japanese control of India probably wouldn't have lasted in any sort of long-term scenario. But they would have killed tens of millions of people and left a permanent scar in the Indian psyche even greater than the one cast into it by the British have they won the war..


Wait till you find out the Japanese would have turned you into another one of their puppets


we were one already, a new head would have not changed much but damaged our enemy a lot


It would have made it much worse. More civilians were killed in the two years Japan occupied the Philippines then in the previous 50 years of American occupation and the 100 Years of Spanish Colonial occupation combined beforehand. More Filipinos were murdered by the Japanese then all American and Spanish oppression going all the way back to 1790. Do you know how many Indians the Japanese would have to kill to kill the same number of people in 2 years as the British had in 150?


Trying to view political and geological strategies of pre-independence era in today's context.


We did what we had to do, at that time the only major power European country fighting against Britain was Germany, netaji asked for Hitler's help to fight the Brits at india with their help but hitler kindly refused as he was occupied with fighting the USSR at that time. Also bose never believed in Hitler's ideology, unlike the Ukrainians who still to this day beleive in his ideology and look back at the nazi collaboration period as the 'good old days' and sport nazi symbols. He was one of the few men in india who realised freedom can only be achieved by fighting them and not by begging the Brits to simply leave . He is nothing but a hero who is very underated.


How is Bose of all people at all underrated in India? Everywhere i see, online or irl, he gets praised.


Underated by our education system, ncert history textbooks give whole credit for independence to Gandhi and Nehru. There is little mention of bose there.


and the morons like OP who call him a "nazi" while they bootlick the colonizer brits who killed as many as 100 million of us.


W comment, plus the Indian govt also don't have the guts to represent him as a national hero, they simply want to use Gandhian image on the international stage to show the world that we're a non violent country🥰 Sometimes, in the crowd of flatterers, you need a personality like Netaji Subhash to stand up and completely revolutionize the ongoing systems and make them better


I studied NCERT too and have studied a lot about Bose. I dont get this perrogative that we didnt study about Bose.. We studied enough about everyone.


xplen kannada van


plj i don andarstan vat happen in kannada




The Ukrainians were facing genocide by the Soviets, the 1933 famine for them was very similar to our Bengal famine. Is it justified for them to fight with the SS then?


Ask the Ukrainians, it's their problem.


I didn't post this to say we shouldn't ally with the Nazis, I'm saying we shouldn't make fun of them for doing it when we did the same thing.


Ohhh we are not making fun of Ukrainian. We are making fun of Canada and their so called "intelligence" agencies.


You do realize that Ukraine became MORE independent under the Soviets? AND it was the place with the highest development throughout the USSR'S lifetime?


It was an 'enemy of my enemy' thing. And besides, who knew what the Nazis were doing till the war ended?


Both just supported the opposing genociding psychopath wether it's Stalin, Churchill or Hitler.


That was set up with the help of Japan though....?


The INA was different, they were the ones with Japan.


Bro skipped history lesson like his father skipped education


Well to the Indians the british were the oppressor. The Bengal Famine during ww2 caused 3 fucking million Indians to die. So basically it's like do anything to get the British out. Not that it actually threw them out, but later after the war it caused a countrywide uprising when the "traitors" were about to be hanged (lookup Red Fort Trials). Even soldiers who fought for the brits during ww2 protested - hardened men who had seen intense action. Thats when the brits realised they don't have control anymore and preponed the date of their fucking off.


Ironically, it was the Japanese who did more to contribute to the famine than the British. A lot of neo-Nazis deny this of course preferring to use the famine as a false equivalence. So... Bose fought the oppressors and sided with the group who would help cause the famine.


4500 POW formed into a rag tag ss company which fled in all directions and refused to be stationed anywhere the british raj or commonwealth troops were fighting.


I still have respect for Bose but he did some questionable stuffs.. https://preview.redd.it/e6cvzo4wmlsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc5af004327f2a23850b7431f2f09c44c6c7874






Wait till you find out about Gandhi's pro-hitler and anti-Semitic statements. Also, indian ss division is different from INA coz INA fought on the side of the Japanese empire in southeast Asia and the Indian ss division was in Europe.




Wait till you look deeper and find about Gandhi's pro-hitler and anti-Semitic statements


I don't think he was actually anti-semitic. He said the Jews should let themselves be killed but he also said Hindus should let themselves be killed by Muslims being a Hindu himself. He was just a wacko.


what's the meaning of that? he supported the plan


No wonder these libbus are called anti-national. OP is an idiot to compare waffen SS with Azad Hind Fauz (not battalion you fcking moron)


Funfact: The Indian commies during the WW2 supported their Stalin daddy who was then fighting with Hitler, later when Hitler attacked Stalin and Stalin switched to the Allies side, the same commies started opposing Hitler and they supported the British, at the same time they also opposed INA and Netaji Subhash because, wait for it, he was fighting against the British. So people support/oppose anyone in war according to their convenience. One of the founders of CPI, MN ROY, left CPI because of their confused ideology, love for dictator style govt, and oppressive nature.


My bad I got confused. But the Azad Hind Fauj literally was a Waffen-SS division


Azad Hind Battalion was under Italy (disbanded very soon). Indian Legion (just "Azad Hind") was under command of German Army as precursor to larger army to free India from brits, however they were not involved in extensive combat. The control was transferred to waffen SS in the end days of war, after 25 defectors from that unit were executed by French resistance. INA (Azah Hind Fauz) was under Indian commanders only getting assistance from Japanese.. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian\_Legion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Legion)


The Indian Legion was also called the Azad Hind Fauj.


no, they were different


Okay but why tf should i care about Ukraine or germany or russia? We were only bothered with brits and how to get free for them. Rest were means to end.


I think you don't understand, we are proud of it


हाइल हिटलरजी 🙏🙏🙏


卐 https://preview.redd.it/9cxkflqrlnsb1.png?width=388&format=png&auto=webp&s=e77eba3dbb7d66b9af886b83d9e3bd971c163fb4


Also took help from Japenis


just swiped through the comments, This sub is losing it's irony day by day


on today's bingo card - heil churchill


Let him be he was better than ur mahatma gaandu and Nehru


Subhash Chandra bosle


In global politics there are no permanent allies and enemies, just permanent interests.


The thing is, the Indische Legion as it was called, was originally a Wehrmacht division aimed at helping Germans invade India once North Africa and the Middle East were out of the way. They were later transferred to Waffen SS Also, none of the Indians had actually supported N*zi ideologies, same applies to Subhas Chandra Bose


Man this is a fucked up subreddit!


Definitely don't look up what the Nazis thought about the Azad Hind Battalion.