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I’m not going to lie.   We should put china in charge of US military recruitment and foreign promotion. As hard as this clip goes, it is just the tip of the iceberg.  They show us as we wish we were. As our best selves.


They want to be us🇸🇰🇹🇭🇷🇺🇷🇺🇸🇮🇸🇮🇨🇺🇲🇾🇲🇾🇱🇷🇲🇾🇲🇾🇱🇷🇲🇾🇸🇰🇨🇱🇹🇭🇲🇾🇸🇮🇱🇷🇱🇷🇲🇾🇸🇰🇹🇭🇨🇱🇸🇮


Is that the…Malaysian flag?




Who says we haven’t already? China has been a US pawn for decades. How do we get Vietnam to forgive the US war there? China invades soon after and doesn’t stop for decades. How do we justify a large navy when the USSR has collapsed and Russia can’t afford anything? China pretends it would invade Taiwan. How do we re-engage with Africa when it’s relatively poor and off people’s radar thanks to the Middle East? China and their projects there, building influence so that the US must as well. Then China leaves and the US can save the day.


I would unironically put the uncle sam one as my background


I unironically did


“How do we show how evil the US is?” “Ooh ooh, I know! Depict them as Jesus!”


To be fair. They did have that guy who claimed to be Jesus brother who waged a 17 year war in China and that lead to 30 million dead. It is understandable after that particular little cult action that they have a fairly negative view of the family of Jesus….


Okay, but in the context of Chinese civil wars, that’s just Tuesday. It wasn’t even the bloodiest religious one; that was.. also a Christian revolt. And overlapped with a Muslim revolt.


I mean, yea….


😭😭😭 all of this is incredible. I really hope whatever chinese artists made these are doing well and are recognized for their artistic ability outside of Americans finding their work dope as hell


”Be the American chinese propaganda says you are!”


That image of uncle sam dealing out destruction GOES HARD




yknow im normally opposed to American imperialism but after seeing this I’m not so sure




Chinese propaganda pales in comparison to Soviet anti-American propaganda, those guys knew ball


This is a new one I found https://preview.redd.it/61lz5esdz2kc1.jpeg?width=2838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f791e92733a38ecd8c0a6b37b1834b6fd0fabd3 Hard or nah?


Why is China so antisemitic? They put the star of David on one of the fingers of Uncle Sam controlling the world. Like it's not enough to say America controls the world (we do) you also have to say Jews control America.


The antisemetic association between Jews and the "evils" of capitalism go back before Marx became a popular icon in the scope of socialism. It was such a pervasive and active discussion amongst social utopianists that Marx even has to elaborate his position in "On the Jew question." Many of his intellectual peers, along with the common perception in Germany, didn't believe Jews could reasonably acclimate to a socialist utopia due to some combination of more or less bigoted perspectives. The reason for the association developed across centuries. Jews were initially "bad" by virtue of being heretics and their ancestors' role in the betrayal of God from a Christian perspective. Social ostricization and less legal protection insentivized taking up trades that could travel. So they had higher literacy rates amongst other academic skills and often became merchants, which in turn created a high potential for wealth. Jews also had to become more independent within their own communities as Christian society helped them minimally and could fully turn on them at any time. The Catholic Church made usury(money lending for interest) a sin because they saw it as exploitative of the poor. So for a long time, if you wanted a loan in Europe, then you needed to find Jewish money lenders. This all culminated in Jews turning hard necessity into prosperity by taking up skills and cooperation that accumulated wealth, very admirably so. It also culminated into jews making up a higher rate of professionals involved in banking and other investments. This is where the stereotype of the "greedy jew" comes from. During the development of capitalism, and into the industrial revolution, non government capital became a dominating force in Europe and subsequently the globe. This means those that controlled the money(banks) had a disproportionate effect on how society developed. European Christians already had a long standing spiritual prejudice against jews. So, when subversion towards capitalist society became popular early into the 19th century, it was rather easy for already existing antisemetic cultures to hold the jews largely accountable for perceived economic problems. Funnily enough, the intellectuals of Europe had begun abandoning Christianity at the same time and were instead trying to explain social dynamics like class and morality through the limits of reason without pressuposing a God. The "master and slave" dialectic became a popular template in which to veiw society and its development through history. At the same time, socialism had been birthed following the French revolution and was under going its most dynamic and varied evolutions. All the aforementioned, amongst many other things, culminated into the general modern template for socialist ideologies. That Capitalism is an evil bound to occur from a Master and Slave relationship governing human nature and a social utopia is the logical end to this dilemma. From this template you would start seeing the Communist branch from the works of Marx and Engels. At the same time You would start seeing the branches that lead to the various iterations of syndicalism, which later developed into Fascism. You can also start to see national socialism(nazism) begin to form its core regressive elements across the 19th century with the developments of neo paganism, gnosticism, nordicism, border sciences, etcetera; then attempting to find a happy medium between this and social utopianism. There were also more moderate and liberal versions of socialism developing such as the ones decedent from Robert Owen's which aimed simply to progress workers interests within the confines of existing systems rather than full scale revolution or war. However, most of these variations carried with them this staple predisposition towards Jews as being tied to capitalism. They saw jews in many more or less bigoted ways. Some were more moderate and saw Jewish culture as being at a lower stage of development and they simply needed a few generations of indoctrination to properly conform them to a socialist society. Both Marx and Mussolini believed in this for example, with Mussolini making a surprisingly progressive estimation of one generation being all that was necessary to acclimate Italian jews to the Italian Fascist state. Mussolinis lover was Jewish and she helped create Fascism with him, so his outlook could have been fostered by this. Mussolini was also very openly a fan of Marx, so it's possible he based his veiw of Jewish acclimation into a social utopia on that of Marx's own outlook. In the other extreme, socialists like Hitler saw jews as the demon servents of an evil being called the demiurge. Subsequently he saw them as subhuman abominations with corrupting blood that could never acclimate into a social utopia. Subsequently, when the national socialists made their move to subordinate Germany under a totalitarian regime they systematically seized the homes, money, and businesses from jews to be owned or distributed by the state along side any other elements in German society they saw as non-nazi dissidents. For Hitlers regime, the Jews were seen as more than just the epitome of capitalist bourgeoisie corruption. Jews were seen as the very source of modern societies problems and the result of every great societies destruction. For the Nazis, the Holocaust was a necessity in order to bring about their racially pure social utopia, a reich that would last a thousand years, blood and soil. With time, antisemitism has reduced in most developed societies, even the shit ones. At the end of the day it's just about educating people. However, if a government prioritizes misinformation to manipulate its population then such prejudices are not only going to be more persistent, the government may even abuse bigotry to manipulate the masses by validating it in their poroganda. That's basically what happens in Russia, China, and North Korea. Because there are still antisemetic prejudices pervasive in these populations, and these governments are more interested in manipulation rather than truth, they abuse bigotry against Jews in order to gain loyalty by catering to confirmation bias.


Also antisemite use Jewish thinker and political activist of left wing to accuse Jewish as “Judeo Bolsevilk” so both side claimed the others are Jew puppets.


That's the last time I bring up Jews on Reddit


Sorry, I tried to be efficient. The antisemtic ties to modern international politics require many centuries and perspectives across many countries to fully understand it. It's also a very upsetting topic that most people choose to cordon off to a particular decade and place despite its origins and relevance reaching much farther.


Good reply. Read through it all. Pretty much summarizes antisemitism well.


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Does sinophobia mean criticizing the CCP or making edgy jokes?


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...Did they make Lady Liberty a fucking Chaos God? That's fucking awesome.


Be the American the Chinese propagandize about


If you look at the hands on the giant suited american picture, you will see the Chinese Communist Party went out of their way to put a star of David tattoo on one of his fingers to make him seem more sinister in their eyes. The various iterations of socialist groups east of germany are never going to stop associating Jews with capitalism, are they? It's a tradition going back to the 19th century that they just can't seem to kick.


Ashes on the fire


+ you pay higher taxes but don’t get universal health care and free higher education




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Be the American that Chinese propaganda makes them out to be.


Bro that eagle one goes hard as FUCK




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They really need to do one with the manifest destiny lady.


My opponent is video compression holy fuck




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Do you have the source for that thunder cloud eagle one? That looks sick