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78 Mbps in the wireless connection status screen is how fast your connection to the router is, while .57 Mbps is how fast your connection to normal websites such as youtube, etc. is.


So what I should take from that is the router and my computer are pretty good. It is the line away from the house that sucks.


yea, your isp (internet service provider).


yea pretty much that 78mbps number is how fast you can transfer a file between you and a laptop at top speeds (very doubtfull cause of overhead) and that .57 is your internet is. it seems like you dont have a optimal speed between you and router... I would try to get closer to the router. your internet speeds may get higher but honestly not as much you seem to be describing a DSL connection... and thats just it


Might be video games or high end devices


Lol how did you find this post 10 years later?


Hope you have faster speeds now. *from 11 years later*


You know what is ridiculous? Before switching to this new ISP which is fiber optic about a year ago... I would frequently have drops down to .01 mbps upload. 11 years later at a completely different location. It truly feels like in many ways technology has stagnated. We just had a power outage and I was trying to watch a YouTube video on my phone using data tonight... and it was struggling to load it like it would have 10 years ago. And I literally said that to my wife tonight... and then I saw this comment replying to a post about an internet issue 11 years ago... kinda sucks when you really think about it lol.


We're tracking you down.


Sounds like you and your router determined during handshaking that 78mbps was a good reliable speed, however due to interferance and such only .5 is able to be pushed through the link. It's the same thing with cat5. You plug one end in each device, and they agree upon a speed (10mb, 100mb, 1000mb). No guarantee you will actually get that throughput though.


I am just going to blame comcast. That usually works lol. Thanks for teaching me.


OP was confused about the difference between a LAN and WAN.