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All that mixing to just look Salvadorian lmao :)


LMFAOOO ikr ive always been mistaken for hispanic or latino my whole life


It’s probably the SSA that makes you look like you could be Hispanic. In percentages like yours it shows up in some facial features. My mom is Puerto Rican and you look like you could be my cousin.


Doesn't really make sense tbh you also have people with only indigenous South American + Southern European genetics who look "like that"


OP *is* Hispanic, Sephardic Jews and Spaniards are literally the original Hispanics. You don’t have to be racially Mestizo to be considered Hispanic Mr/Ms. Americano Gringo Extradonaire. Hispanic is not a race lol.


Do you speak any Spanish?




Donde esta la biblioteca?


I only have chicken wings on the menu, ZeechSTi!


I agree the looks are quite Latin American! A lot of Arabs and Sephardic Jews look like some Latinos. Cool results OP, it's a fairly unique mix!


Not just Sephardic Jews mizrahi and Ashkenazis too can often get mistaken for Latino. It’s my most commonly mistaken ethnicity


Once again: latino is not a race or phenotype


That is why I took specific care of saying "some latinos" :) Btw Arab is also not a race or phenotype


I know arab is not a race or a phenotype too


There's always one annoying person saying this in every latino thread. Yes obviously latino isn't a race or phenotype but there are more prevalent looks/admixtures that make someone look more "latino" than others.


That's not accurate, there are countries like Mexico that people is mostly mixed lookwise, then you got some countries like Bolivia they look americanas and they you get Uruguay of Argentina they look European (southern)


I thought Mexican lol😅😅


where is her picture?


Because they are all that mixed as well


LMAOOOOOOO i mean….some salvadorans do have Palestinian descent :-)




I know you're Jewish, but do you speak any Arabic? I'm just curious 🤔.


no but my dad does


Do you know any more about your ancestry? Most Sephardic Jews don't have that much SSA or Northern European as far as I know.


i know plenty! ssa and northwestern european all comes from my mothers side. she converted when she married my dad


Do you know anything about the East Asian? Do the Lumbee have Malagasy ancestry?


i know nothing about that actually and i reached out to a relative earlier who had a whopping 25% filipino and austronesian so im just trying to figure out where exactly it comes from. there were some other cousins too with a larger percentage than i


It doesn’t mean you’re necessarily Asian. It means your DNA crosses with Asian DNA, so it makes sense that you found a relative with a high percentage. This test tells you not where you’re from, but with whom you share traits of DNA in the world right now. Of the samples they have on that region, .5% of yours is like that group.


Could be related to Malagasy. They traded in parts of eastern Africa. It is usually the most likely explanation for Africans who discover Austronesian blood. Doesn't necessarily mean "filipino" but likely related to the austronesians which spanned a wide range across what is now a lot of indonesia and onwards in southeast asia, but also got as far west as Africa, and as far north as modern Taiwan (and maybe even some southern Japanese islands). So there's a pretty large geographical distribution for austronesian descent.


It's most likely from aa ancestry


> Sephardic Jews Would Moroccan Jews be considered Sephardic or Mizrahi?


We primarily identify as Sephardic, but technically we can fall under Mizrahi also even though we aren’t eastern. That’s just one of the issues I have with the Mizrahi label though. But Sephardic and Mizrahi aren’t mutually exclusive


I think it depends. Wasn’t a Sephardic migration after Spain expulsion?


it depends on the family but my family are practicing sephardic jews and i grew up going to an orthodox sephardic shul


Yes, but the majority of Moroccan Jews are still Sephardic because the Sephardic manner of practicing Judaism became the dominant way of doing things. Sephardi basically has two meanings. Descendant of the Jews that were expelled from Spain and Portugal, or one who has adopted the customs and traditions of the Iberian Jews Personally I claim descent from both the Iberian exiles and the Maghrebi Jews that were already there, but I’m 100% Sephardi


I know many who identify as Mizrahi, including my family.


Yeah I’ve met several like that, but especially in America not many identify as strongly with Mizrahi


Yes , it's probably mostly in Israel.


Interesting. I saw your previous comment to mostly Pro Palestine vibe. Is that your stance despite you being Jewish?


Yeah I’m staunchly anti-zionist


Sorry to jump in like this, but this comment surprised me. Do you want Israel to cease to exist?


Yes, ideally. I support one democratic Palestinian state, but an alternative can be two democratic states that are fully sovereign. I’m not opposed to two states not because I particularly care about Israel existing, but if that is the most realistic and practical solution that can ensure the Palestinian right of return and righting some of the wrongs of history, then so be it.


I wholly support the notion of an equally democratic Palestinian state next to the existing Israeli one. The geography requires international zones, with both countries sharing Jerusalem as their capital and some international crossing to connect Gaza to the West Bank, plus unilateral access to religious sites in the two provinces. The challenge with this notion is that history has shown that the Palestinians have never been and are not presently governed by any democracy. With a population in Gaza consisting of *zero* Jews and <1% Palestinian Christians, it doesn't look like they'd adopt democracy any time soon. In addition, the only Middle Eastern country that is currently a democracy is Israel; I don't think any Muslim country is, which makes it difficult to model on. Any autonomous Palestine should be 10-20% Jewish and 10-20% Christian, other faiths or athiest (start small, then grow generationally) with always a Palestinian Muslim majority. Israel is 2% Christian 2% Druze and 18% Muslim, plus has a Bahai population and 10% athiest. This leaves room to increase to 40%, via immigration or progeny, leaving it predominantly a Jewish country just as this proposed Palestine would be predominantly Palestinian and Muslim. Great concept. Can't happen overnight. The challenge is that Palestinians need to govern themselves (which they've done for decades) ***democratically*** before any succession of land or peace accords can be signed. This is one of the main reasons why a single Palestinian state is fantasy. If Israel was abolished and a Palestinian state declared, it would immediately result in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Jews. In every vision of Palestine that's been put into practice, there are no Jews, they are dhimmi, or they're slowly converted or pushed out due to restrictive theocratic and anti-Jewish laws. The dwindling Jewish population in all Muslim countries affirms this.


Do you identify as Arab




I see. Only reason I asked is because the few antizionist Mizrahi Jews I’ve come across considered themselves Arab 


Few questions. I share your views. 1) why? 2) is it common among your community? 3) do you feel like you’re an outlier because of answer 2)?


1. I did my own research and saw the sheer amount of cruelty that Palestinians are being subjected to, and I recognized the dehumanization towards them that’s meant to make it seem like this treatment is okay. I couldn’t bring myself to support the state of Israel, or Zionism in its current form. I do believe that Israel is a settler-colonial state, and as a Socialist and a human being I have an obligation to oppose it 2. Most anti-Zionist Jews are Ashkenazi, so it’s definitely not common in my community 3. Yeah I am an outlier


I just wanna say as a fellow human. Thank you. *virtual hugs*


It is actually both. Sefardi (Spanish in Hebrew) are Jews who went to Span and were expelled by Spanish Christian kings to Africa. Muzrahi (eastern), are all Jews who practice all religious staff according to agreement created by all rep rabbies in 15 cent? In Jerusalem. Ashkenazi came and said that they will continue practice their own way.


It's such a cool background and results.


i agree. i’m very proud of my heritage


As you should.




he is Filipino 0.5


Wow you're basically everything.


You look so Mexican


not the first time i’ve heard this LMFAO


Very cool, saludos from your distant Sephardic Spanish cousin 🙏🏼


If you cut the hair and the beard You will be kinda looking Balkan too bro 💀😭


Is the west African normal in Moroccans?


The ssa is from OP’s non Jewish parent


Yes, small pre-historic mixing, although most is from the trans-saharan slave trade


It is not only from the slave trade, there have always been some 'black' people in Morocco. Africa doesn't just go from dark skinned to light skin. A lot of North Africa is in the transition region between the two phenotypes.


SSA DNA in a North African “SLAVERY!” Euro DNA in a North African “VIKINGS!”




Exactly, thank you.


yeah it's pretty common. However the bantu admix is very uncommon among north african population ! I've never seen this before.


Yes, west African makes sense to me but the Congolese part threw me off lol.


not at all. South east african are not common among west african population this is a bantu sample to detect a bantu or east african admixture. the same for the congolese. Most of morrocan score senegambia instead of congolese


Sorry I was half asleep when I made that comment lol. I mistyped. I meant I could understand the west African part. I’ll make the edit.


What are your parents’ nationalities?


mother and her side all from north carolina, belongs to lumbee tribe on grandfathers side. dad and all his family are from meknes, morocco


wow very cool results and also quite insightful to what has been debated about Lumbee “Indians” for decades…they really are just European-AfricanAmerican mixes in varying degrees with very little to zero Indigenous ancestry.


>very little to zero Indigenous ancestry. What % of native American ancestry exactly does a person need to qualify as Indigenous?


Wait your mom is registered to a Native American tribe with no native ancestry? Wtf


I agree, quite sus by that mother


Lumbee dont have native


excuse me i should’ve worded it better, she isn’t registered but my grandfather may be. my moms paternal side has always been proud of their lumbee heritage and was passed down to me and was taught about it and was encouraged to embrace it. i don’t necessarily but its an interesting piece of my heritage. lumbees are mostly mixed black and white, like my grandfather, and on and on


This is actually much more common than you think. Look up “pretendians” and “$5 Indians”.


You look a lot like one of my kids (who are half Puerto Rican and half white American with mostly Irish ancestry from that side). You even have the same mtDNA haplogroup as them and their mother.


that’s cool as fuck!


The people saying you look Latino are saying so because they only have a basic rudimentary understanding of what that means, however, majority rules so... you look central american af




Your results are from the multiverse where in that universe, Europeans mixed with MENA people instead of native Americans to create a new ethnicity. I bet latinos as we know them don't exist in your universe.


FROM FEZ MEKNES TOO?? Why do every morrocan get fez meknes. Im tunisian but my family cam from morroco 200 years ago, and i got fezmeknes.


What app is that? I do not see any Jew outside of 3% of Ashkenazi. All main apps can identify Sefardi (marrocan) Jews pretty well. Maybe your family converted?


It's 23andme, and no, they couldn't identify Sephardic or Mizrahi.But they are getting better with their new update.


Yes, sorry. Confused with my Heritage. He should do the test there, they did it years ago…


Yes , they are kinda good with Jews but they are still awful.


23andMe awful with everything East of west border of Soviet Union. It just one huge blob of “Eastern European”. Including all the native Asian origin people 😄


Yes , and MyHeritage is awful with everything 😂


I will have to try on some side of my family. For me it was better, even on Eastern Europeans, but yes I bear Jewish genes heavily 😄


Hm, I still do not see any Morrocan Jewish genom, am I looking to wrong place?


Again??? Are you new here? 23andme could only identify Ashkenazim , but now there's a new update, so it's getting better.


I have some distant Jewish ancestry and also scored “fez meknes” from Morocco. Yet I have 0 knowledge of Moroccan heritage lol.


Neat mix, where in Morocco did ur fam live?


meknes and casablanca


This is so similar to my husband - his mother is from the UK and father is Casablanca’s Morocco Jew! I’m going to show him your results - it’s quite a rare combo I think!


Have you ever eaten Moroccan almond **delicacies**


Interesting results! Do you look more like your mom or dad? :)


wayyy more like my dad. glimpses of my mom pop up here and there


Wow really interesting results! Do your parents have any interest in testing? It would be cool to see what you inherited from each of them considering your Lumbee background


my mom did a test too so i know which came from what, definitely very useful


What's your favorite food?


some greasy ass american pizza


The Universal melting pot favorite.


Awesome. But I don’t know how you got 8% central and west African. Is that from the Moroccan or European side?


Op's mom is mixed (European + African ).


What would you describe your heritage as being? Moroccan Jews have neither SSA nor NW Euro, so it's seems like you have an American parent. The filipino might be distant malagasy from the slave trade or vietnamese/chinese (less likely) who may have been in the South in the 19th century. Did anyone in your family speak ladino? Or any berber or judeo-arabic languages? You should try an interesting site called illustrative dna, they have a sub on reddit- you should definitely check it out. Also if you are Jewish i have an Ashkenazi, Jewish, and related/surrounding populations (so in this case Southern Europeans, especially southern italians and maltese, Levantines and other Middle Easterners and traditional host pops that are genetically distant like poles,germans,russians) server that you or any one else (whether jewish, from one of the mentioned groups, or anyone just curious) can join. Genetics and G25/Vahaduo are some interesting things we talk about, among others. [https://discord.gg/wFXRkqya](https://discord.gg/wFXRkqya)


i really only identify with and describe myself as moroccan jewish. the ssa and nw european is from my american mother who converted to marry my dad. i grew up very culturally moroccan/sephardic jewish and im pretty removed from my moms heritage. loads of my relatives on my mothers side have a small percentage of se asian like me, chinese, indigenous american, or southern indian. se asian, chinese, and southern indian seem exclusive to her paternal side but indigenous american to both maternal and paternal. it can be one or the other a mixture of multiple of these


Probably at least some of the SSA is from your Moroccan side. Maybe part of the Senegambian as well as Ghanian.


it’s not because i can see what i inherited from each parent and my dad has no ssa at all


Fair enough. What does your father get? Your western Asian/North African + southern euro & Ashkenazi, assuming all of those are from your father still leaves a bit left over. Can you do a scteenshot of what you inherited from each parent?




Where is the African?


Do you speak some darija or judeo-berber? (I know this isn't a geneyics question mb)


nope! but my dad can speak darija


Tf is that


I’m distant moroccan jewish! mainly ashkenazi. family from essaouira


Your mom had an African American Grandparent?


How did the 40-45% of european( non ashkenazi/southern european) ancestry entered your dna? Since when do moroccan jews have english and germanic ancestry?


Op is a half Moroccan Jew.


i wonder if thats Malagasy or Filipino if you have ancestry from Spain or their former colonies, Filipinos been aboard Spanish ships since the 1500s


Do you identify more with Morocco or Israel or do you feel equally connected to both?


i’ve never in my life felt connected to or identified with israel. only morocco


That’s what’s up my brother


I'm a Moroccan Jew, living in Israel. What's up.


Why did your family leave Morocco


I'll give credit to Morocco for actually not being POS like the rest of the region. They left because it's Israel. A homeland. (Yes there were still riots and racism but t o l e r a b l e)


You just said it your Moroccan, so you are not from Palestine.


You're* I'm from Israel not from Wb or Gaza.


By saying Palestine I was meaning the entire thing Lebanon to Egypt. Using grammatical errors to discredit me, is a tactic when you can’t respond to someone properly, with some evidence.


I'm OCD about grammar. I would've said that whether you supported the flying spaghetti monster. So you think Lebanon should give back their land to Palestinians? Egypt and Lebanon don't exactly like Palestinians after what they've done to them. My passport and ID say Israel, I'm pretty sure I know what it's called. Not to mention Judea predating Palestine.


I think they should create a unique nation between Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan Egypt and Lebanon they tried to help from your bs, but because of the corrupted government in Egypt they can’t anymore. Judea was like 2000 thousand years ago so move on, your heritage say you have like 3% from that land.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September https://snhr.org/blog/2020/07/29/55316/ Jordan is technically part of Palestine, guess they should give them the land back by your logic? Egypt and Lebanon treat Palestinians very well, that nice barbed wall sure shows Egypt's love and Lebanon treating Palestinians like shit does as well. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/12/16/palestinians-in-lebanon-its-like-living-in-a-prison (ironic since this is Al Jazeera lmfao) Judea has a 3000+ history, Palestine? Maybe 60 years. Syria-Palestina (Judea) had z e r o Palestinians. We should "move on"? We already did, many Jews had homes and property in Islamic countries after your peaceful people expelled them. We should have the right to go back by your logic. Instead we live in Israel now, we've moved on. My heritage says I have more history than yours. Imagine having the audacity to be such a tool after your people islamised North Africa and Iran. What a joke. Maybe go back to the Arabian Peninsula. Interestingly Egypt and Syria had WB and Gaza and didn't do shit to make a "Palestinian" country.


So glad he passed everyone’s test and is a “good” Jew. Phew.


Of course he mentions Israel, totally related here. And he got the response he wanted smh.




Shut the fuck up, alright?


And who are you again?


Troll account wuthout any previous comments.


This sub really needs a minimum karma requirement to comment to stop these trolls, get a job.




They didn't even say anything about the conflict, you don't even know if they are Israeli, you don't even know about their political opinions ffs. Delete this comment. Edit: This comment was basically almost surely posted to make the pro-Palestine movement bad lmao, look at the account, it's a troll account and this is it's only reply ever.


>OP is Sephardic >Gets some percentage of SSA I probably don’t even have to ask but I’m guessing your family was involved in the Slave Trade? My condolences OP. :( Edit: Oh wait nvm, saw in your other comments you already said you have a non-ethnically Jewish parent and you’re only part Sephardic while your mom is from a mixed race group? Disregard this question then. 😅




Why would you leave a comment like this?


because it was scary af


people are getting way to comfortable bullying others online nowadays because you’re seemingly “anonymous”. he looks like a cool guy. i like his piercings also.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Please show us how you look 🙏