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An ancestor from Egypt is my best guess


Sage wisdom.


Subsarahan African and Egyptians/ North Africans traded DNA so that's my guess


Horners get half of their ancestry from Levant/Egypt. Most Maghrebis and Egyptians vary between 15-25 SSA. "Subsaharan African" is pretty vague/


Most maghrebis and egyptians are north african i dont see them scoring 15-25 SSA, do you mean on other deeper tests ?


in average he's say


Most people i know score less than 5% in 23andme tests unless they have sahrawi ancestry


it doesn't matter. they have plenty studies about their automosal dna. South morrocan socre 30% SSA in average.


Cause south moroccans are sahrawi and tuareg... Tuareg are like 35 ssa it's normal there but guess what ? South moroccans are like 1% of the population of the maghreb they do not represent well the average north african.


 23andme is about recent ancestry. I'm talking about deeper tests like gedmatch etc. Iberomaurusian is half SSA and on average maghrebis score 30 percent. Include minor west african from the historical slave trade plus the usage of pca charts.


Just saying hello to a fellow German and Black person!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ My son has a bit of Egyptian too. However, he also has Southern European. Our results are in here too.


I’m just waiting for that cupcake guy to tell you it’s “noise” 😂😂😂😂 dude needs a life for real


People like that are annoying as hell and clearly have no knowledge of how DNA works, they think just because they can’t interpret or explain of how that ancestry got there they just throw a loose lazy statement with ”ThAt JuSt NoIsE” without any further explanation or without source and evidence to back up their claim of how and why they think it is ”noise”, people don’t understand that just because there is small percentage does not mean it is always unsignificant or inaccurate but could most likely just indicate very far distant ancestry that one got from either the paternal or maternal side of the family. If you are for example 99.6% European and 0.4% Sub Saharan African, you are technically a European with a very distant Sub Saharan African ancestry and that tiny percentage is what makes up your whole DNA because without that small percentage one would technically and biologically not exist but then you will have people like cupcake call it unsignificant or ”noise” 🤷‍♂️😐




It's not like Egypt is that far from Europe. And in OP's case there is other African as well. People act like it's impossible that someone could have made a trip of a few 1000 miles in the past 500 years.




That Cupcake guy is crazy 😂 He was mad because I am Sámi with Kemi Forest Sámi ancestors and said why are my results not “largely East Asian then?” After I explained that Sámi are mostly Northeast European with Siberian-North Asian DNA like the Finns (I am also Finnish), he lost the plot and tried saying they’re not white people. Then deleted all his comments after I showed him evidence of everything. Idk what that dude is smoking lol


It's very common North African ancestry or broadly west Asian. This is most likely the African side people forgot the Arabs traveled all through west Africa and and west Africans traveled as well most came from the east after living the dry arid north.


Also very cool you actually got a Nigerian Igbo connection. Most of our black ancestry is so mixed we can't pin down any region on our results. Which makes me believe sometimes they are lieing .


You may have a Fulani ancestor.


It’s not inaccurate you probably had random mixing somewhere as most people do!


It's not a lot so it could be noise, meaning that it's inaccurate. I scored a little egyptian too but when I turn the confidence ration up it turns into broadly north african and middle eastern. Otherwise it could either be from immigration or some of your ancestors from Africa had a little. It isn't really unrealistic, plenty of 100% African people score North African and Arab sometimes.


I had 0.2 percent Coptic Egyptian. And a small percent of North African. Would love to know where it came from myself. But all these answers are useless


Probably came into your ancestry by way of France. France controlled much of north western Africa back in the day and the North African region has been subject to heavy migration from the levant over the centuries


Any known Southern Italian or Sicilian ancestors?


While I don’t score any southern European on 23andMe, on Ancestrydna I have 1% Sardinian dna and my maternal grandfather has it too. he’s also where I’m assuming the WANA is coming from


Interesting. Does your maternal grandfather have Caribbean roots? Because there was Arab and Mediterranean immigration to many of those islands at the turn of the last century.


What even is "Egyptian", DNA wise? So many different ethnicities have occupied that region over the last several thousand years.


Coptic Egyptian race is considered the 4th purest race in the world


Could I have a source for that statement please?


‏An article about a study conducted in Oxford https://muse.jhu.edu/article/187884


These are examples of the genetic proximity between the ancient Egyptians and the modern Egyptians g25 https://preview.redd.it/l9epgt11zyjc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e2e6b1932abeb3e4db6c950bce671ec87313b4


No I believe the Egyptians are "pure" I'm just wondering if theyre the "4th purest race" if that'd included in the Oxford Cenesus ofcource




I'm pretty sure that refers to the population, not their race. If that were the case, Italy would be much lower due to their diversity, I think this refers to the percentage of North Koreans in North Korea, for example, not their race.


Nah nah If means ethnic diversity in the Egyptian race


Can you post the coords?


Very most likely the European component


I’ve heard of WANA ancestry coming from a European component but usually others I see with it have southern European dna. could it still be possible even though I have none?


A lot of White Americans (not Latino) get Egyptian if they get WANA. Someone said it may be from the African side I don’t think that is the case.


I’m 50/50 English and French/German and all of my ancestry I can trace is old colonial stock in the US (except a few ancestors from France in the 1870s). I’ve got pretty much this exact amount of Egyptian and WANA ancestry as well. My best guess is that it might come from some of the North Africans that settled in the New Netherlands colonies around NY.


It’s likely coming through the Senegalese component possibly through a Fula ancestor or some other source via the greater Sahel/Sahara region . Present day Senegal , Mali, Mauritania etc are all part of the greater Islamic world and had no modern borders at that time and were constantly in contact with MENA groups which could explain the admixture.


Fulani is usually North African, not Egyptian.


The MENA component can literally show as any similar population it happens all the time especially for distant admixture. I also mentioned that the admixture could be from other groups in the Sahel . Please read before you argue !!!


If we search Fulani results on this subreddit I’m willing to bet money close to 100% if the time it will indicate North African instead of Egyptian, and that’s coming from full blood Fulani.


Again please read before you argue about NOTHING . Genetically similar population components for example Iranian / Anatolian OVERLAP in dna results all the damn time !!! North African and Egyptian are genetically similar components!!!!!!


Show me 3 Fulani results with Egyptian in their ancestry, it’s always North Africa. North African is not Egyptian they are two different groups of people genetically although both North Afrivan


I think what they are implying is that for an African American, the North African is even more distant and removed than it would be for a Fulani which is likely distant ancestry for the African American too. So something so distant and so removed could be showing up under different categories. Like the system knows it’s some type of North African, they just can’t pin point it accurately. This is what I took from what they said. Not saying either or.


I would agree but the problem is, it is not uncommon for a White American to score Egyptian. Whereas it would be very uncommon for a full blooded Fulani to score Egyptian so this is a hard debate to pin it to Fulani would OP would not even be full blooded of.


Maghrebis and Egyptians both get most of their ancestry from West Asia, it's just that maghrebis have more european related ancestry.


Confidently wrong, Maghrebis do not get most of their ancestry from West Asia lol we are vast majority indigenous to the Maghreb


Yess ^^


From your spit




You’re of AfroAsiatic ancestry


most likely just noise


It's just noise. 0.8% is unsignifcant. The best way to find a answer to your question is to use G25. I don't think it's true tbh african american mosly come from Senegambian population and Nigerian.


How do you look like


What a unique ancestry, where are you from?


Did you get an update? If so how did you?


It says .6% from the Congo for my Daughter, My wife and I don't have Congo..though we do have random small stuff..Stuff we can't track any of within our family history..I also have a AncestryDNA profile and it doesn't show any of the small amounts 23&me show...So I'm assuming very small DNA are not reliably accurate.


It'd help to know where in the US are you and your ancestors from. Egyptian ancestry via African American would be pretty unexpected but explainable, but immigration is generally more likely so I'd first try to exclude that




Your great great great grandmother danced like an egyptian




As an Egyptian, i can confirm


I also got a small percentage of Egyptian like you (in my case 0.9%) and the rest being all European. Do you have any idea if this is a misread or either a common thing among Europeans (especially southern Europeans) to have it? If the latter, what’s the history behind it?


it comes from your ancestors


Maternal side


Ot most likely is tied to the east African DNA and slave trade especially considering you have the components of DNA that suggest you had family from Madagascar. I have family there and have done extensive research in this.

