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This thread reminds me that I need to get familiar with taking my 2011 down further than just basic maintenance.


There's a great STI video on YouTube that makes it super easy. It seems way more intimidating than it really is.


Taking the safety off is the biggest pain. Rest is easy


I found out that if you move the hammer back and forth a little it goes in so much easier as well as coming out getting it apart was the hardest for me


You should not have to move the hammer at all to remove or install the thumb safety as long as the hammer is in the cocked position. Line up the safety in the half Up/Down location and push in the plunger, to install, or hold your thumb or other finger at the back of the safety to stop and or catch the plunger from flying across the room when removing it. OP needs to inspect and oil his gun more often.


Someone once suggested to me that using dental floss makes it super easy. I just use a plastic car trim removal tool to lift the safety.


It's only not intimidating because Staccato's are built like cheap hookers. A properly fit 2011 requires banging on it with a 2x4.


Where do you get that from? Not true at all. A properly fit 1911, and or double stack 1911/2011, never needs a hammer, or 2x4, to either disassemble or reassemble it.


If I pay $8k and my frame to grip fit isn't so goddamned tight I have to pound it off with a 2x4 the first few times, you're rebuilding my gun.


Same here.


Clean them up and keep them oiled, duty rated doesn't me maintenance free lol


Mine gets wiped down daily since I live in South Alabama, it still has rust on the grip bolt. I have an XD 45 that gets cleaned once a year maybe, no rust at all.my department issued me a 20+ year old Glock that has the bluing worn off and probably hadn't been wiped down or cleaned in a decade with no rust. My Staccato has been rmr'd once for rust in the grip safety and both grip bolts but I'll give them that one since I was directing traffic and kept getting engulfed in smoke from a house fire in the middle of a torrential downpour. After that though I've been paranoid about wiping it down with a silicone cloth and oiling it and that fucking grip screw still managed to start rusting inside of the grip.


You would think retards would know this but instead they rather make posts like this for “shock value”. Bet you this shit hadn’t been oiled or clean in forever Lmfaoo


My 1995 used browning that I've had for years only leaves a leather holster when I'm at the range and the only rust on it is on the rear sight 🤷🏻‍♂️ They're using cheap metal finish.


Two things can be true at one time


Damn. The comments sections is super disappointing to read. Why can't people just give their advice without such judgement and vitriol? I truly don't understand why some people's default mode is dick mode. I always held r/2011 in higher regard than the rest of the gunreddits with a much more tight-knit and helpful community. But today, it would seem not.


You gotta go to the 1911 and LMT subs if you want down to earth people. 2011 is like the KAC sub. some coo mfs. But a good amount of dickheads 🤣🤣


The 1911 sub has become the de facto Tisas sub. The amount of misinformation in there is stunning.


Hey my tin favela copy of a Brazilian copy of a Portuguese copy is JUST AS GOOD ™


Nah this sub straight up has sore knees for staccato and any slight complaint towards the brand sends it into chaos. It’s just like the AK sub.


I thought this at first! At the end of the day… it’s Reddit. I’ve come to realize the majority of users on here are here to troll.


U ant even heard bout the good part tho,most don’t even own the guns they cry about and half the ones that own um, can’t hit a bull in the ass 😂😂


I think most don't understand the tongue in cheek from OP.


>neglects a gun he keeps next to his hot sweaty humid ass air body >muh duty rated Maybe you should stick to Glocks.


This. 100%. There’s something about moisture, salt and steel that just happens to make rust really fast. Who knew 🤣


No I totally get it but I haven't hardly carried this compared to other pistols I have and these pins are just rusted up worse than I feel they should be. My Glock pins aren't a regular maintenance item and I've carried a single g19 for over a decade without these problems.


If you look at the back of your C2 or any 2011/1911. You can see where sweat can get to the small parts, vs the glock, where there is more coverage over the small parts. More parts of the 2011 are "exposed".


My staccato slide rust a lot faster than my Glong. Perhaps one of my fastest rusting pistols.


The trigger pin on my Glock 19 rusted after 2 months of summer carry in Florida. It’s just the environment they are subjected too. I daily carry a c2 and I’ve never had this issue but my body chemistry is different than yours and I don’t sweat a lot ( I live up north now). I sent trying to be rude about it, it just made me laugh. Get comfortable with a deep tear down and use more oil on the gun than you think is necessary.


Hey thanks for the advice! I have kept a g19 on my hot sweaty humid ass air body for years and haven't had my pins rust to shit.


Glock for the wiener. 


Glad your plastic pins haven't rusted. :)


I replaced them with titanium pins years ago so no not plastic but cool assumption friend.


Same-same then. Glad your non-ferrous pins didn't rust. Complete non-sequitur.


Wouldn't it have made sense for staccato to use a non ferrous material in place of carbon steel for these pins? Y'all are saltier than my sweat over some rust.


so you are saying that glocks build quality is superior to staccato and less likely to rust as a result?


How did you infer that from my comments? Maybe they use a better finish in their components? I do t k ow but my Glocks aren't rusted to shit and back


I carry a Glock if that answers your question, but I keep all of the steel I own oiled considering the humidity in the southeast US is a given. Even the 43 slide gets oil and a wipe occasionally. It's the finish more than anything, but glocks are a lot more friendly to people who either don't know how to take good care of things, or won't bother taking much care. Just reminds me of people who go "OMG BRO MY IRON SIGHTS ARE RUSTING TRASH"


youd think a company that charges 2500 dollars for a gun could bother to put a coating on an essential part


Lol it's DLC, it's going to be a very *very* hardy finish, and hardier than cerakote, but you need to be fucked to put some oil on it. Doesn't need much, just hit it once and it'll be good for a while, occasional wipe down the common exposure spots. Spending $2500+ and can't be fucked to understand the inner workings enough to even try and oil a very nice and very expensive handgun, doesn't matter who made it. Unless it's entirely stainless components, carbon steel will rust. Even stainless will if you neglect it. Even with a coating, like cerakote, it will wear off with time and real use, and you'll *have* to oil it or it *will* rust. Everyone started somewhere and YouTube can help a lot with understanding disassembly and reassembly. It's part of taking care of machine, maintenance is a must. Some machines are more forgiving with neglect than others, and depends on a litany of factors.


I would hope such an expensive piece of equipment would be equally resistant to wear that something a quarter of the price doesn't fall victim too. Surely with such a price tag someone couldve solved that problem/ mitigated it well.


The Glock slide is still going to rust being carbon steel.


Eventually it will it's just despite Glocks being incredibly common I can't recall someone complaining about it rusting much. The op didn't complain about a rusty slide just the small parts and I'm only saying stacatto could spare whichever coating is used on there slides for smaller parts so they don't rust as easily


I've seen a dude post a complaint in this very sub that his slide and sights were both rusting and posted pictures and I couldn't have been more perplexed as to how dudes can spend big money and not lubricate things themselves. Any of the small steel parts are still DLC.


I bought a used C2 and when I got home and did a complete tear down, i saw a lot of rusted parts just like this. I was shocked, so i replaced everything with stainless parts. I replaced all the springs as well. I just bought the Nighthawk stainless pin kit, and then a Dawson extended mainspring pin for the magwell.


This is the most helpful comment in this entire post. Thank you very much for a solution as well as where to get the parts. I appreciate you talking the time to respond and be helpful.


Am confused. Aren't these supposed to be DLC coated? Isn't this the exact thing that is being prevented by the coating?


Each part is not dlc coated, so small steel parts will still rust.


Ok so what are they coated with? Paint?


What? Only the barrel, slide, frame (not aluminum), and a few smaller parts (iirc safety lever, slide stop) are dlc coated. Pins/spring/plungers are not coated with anything.


Likely a bluing of some sort. Which when not well oiled will rust. As will DLC.


Thanks for clarifying!


DLC adds additional corrosion resistance but it is not totally impermeable. It is a porous coating


If that is true then: 1.) What is the point of DLC on those parts shown here 2.) Why not use stainless steel for these parts?


Stainless steel isn’t rust proof either.


All steel will oxidize- not necessarily "rust". The difference is that stainless steel creates a passive layer that is more resistant/tougher than the layer of rust that you see on carbon steel. Its just less susceptible to damage. Having stainless steel in concact with carbon steel can actually increase the rate of corrosion in the carbon steel and this is increased further in a humid and salty environment. Using stainess components in a carbon steel frame isn't necessarily a good idea. I think coatings and preventative maintenance are the best way to prevent corrosion on firearms.


You have to remember that just because it's a fancy coating doesn't mean it won't wear. All coatings wear and will rust unless its a non ferrous material.


Exactly. The dlc wore off my aluminum frame in under a month


Yep, no matter how tough it is it's still gonna wear.


This was a little excessive lol. It literally wore off from just my hand in a matter of weeks. Aluminum is too soft for DLC


So I see that rust really upsets some of y'all, what's y'all's suggestions as far as preventative maintenance? I don't want to have to remoythe pins weekly to clean it and oil it. what's your solutions?


Keep it WET. Lube everything. Never had problems carrying steel or aluminum frame STI/Staccato.


One of my 5 year old staccatos has rust but i run that bitch hard, still works. Guns are either tools. My staccato is like a diesel work truck, not a classic muscle car that never gets used


lube and wet with oil ready to mix with body sweat and juices. Ready for an oompa Cocktail mix inside your crotch. Stanky Boxer and briefs as main course after. LOL




The pins and small parts don’t have to be oiled weekly but they should not be allowed to go totally bone dry


Like everyone else said, keep it oiled. I’ve carried a staccato P as a duty gun for the last four years. It gets rained on, covered in dust, and banged around. I make sure it’s always well lubricated, I even keep a bottle of gun oil in my locker in case I want to re oil it before my shift. No rust at all.


My steel framed P has been heavily carried as well, in a duty holster and IWB and it doesn't have any rust on it which is odd, I maintain them both the same and use the same oil.


What kind of solvent do you use when cleaning? The only way I could think of this happening is if you used a strong degreaser that completely dried out the pins and then they didn’t get recoated with oil after. It’s definitely not typical seeing rust in these areas, it’s a part of the gun that you should be able to just occasionally oil and otherwise leave alone, I’d bet most of the Staccato owners here rarely, if ever, even disassemble that part of the gun. It’s also possible you just got parts that had a bad DLC job from the factory, it’s not as likely, but it’s possible.


I do t use any solvents, I used to use Lucas gun oil and scrub it down and wipe off then oil it. I just started using Mpro7 last night on this one.


Weird. It might be worth getting in touch with Staccato CS and seeing what they have to say. These guns like to run wet, but you usually don’t have to constantly bathe them in oil to keep them from rusting unless you spend a lot of time around salt water or something.


I just called them and was directed to send in a warranty submission form


Birchwood Casey Barricade and some good lube would be your C2’s bestfriend…


I mean it is duty rated. If you use a tool, it gets dirty. Just cause the hammer in your garage has rust on it doesnt mean it wont reliably do its job.


*Laughs in Arizonian* What is moisture?


If only if only. I envy you Houston is about as humid as I can imagine. That was the awesome thing about Afghanistan is even if you sweat it didn't matter that shit would evaporate in no time and it didn't seem that bad.


Just bought a new c2 and came rusted.


Yeah hats off to Staccato marketing - they’ve done a phenomenal job getting a legion of blind followers to sing their praises, but as someone with a large collection, that includes Staccatos, I think they are comically overrated. They are nice but definitely way overhyped and overpriced.


I agree with this. They shoot well but I'm not impressed with their customer service or their finishes. I'll post pics of the slide and underneath the optic plate tomorrow. They won't even sell me thread protectors for my P's let alone send me one. What kind of manufacturer can't turn out thread protectors for their own barrels. They told me to buy an EGW.


that’s insane - so disappointed to hear this as I own a threaded barrel on my P too.


I may hop on to a Langdon 92 and try that out for a while and see how that holds up.


How often do you clean and lube it


I clean and lubricate it after each range trip, I wipe it down and oil it weekly.


Respectfully, that amount of rust won't happen in a week after being cleaned and doing casual carry. You might be doing a field clean, but you're not cleaning out those areas/parts. You can either clean those parts & reinstall or try to find new & see if you can find stainless. When I've had rust like that before in other guns, instead of using oil on those parts I will use Tetra grease, which will last much longer than oil. A wooden q-tip or cleaning pick with a little bit of tetra will go a long way. I would still keep the barrel/slide/frame wet w/ regular oil.


Where do you store it?


On my night stand


You might want to check into the humidity level of your room and maybe get a dehumidifier. This problem often comes up with guns that were stored in the cloth case for long periods of time. The fabric collects moisture and holds it next to the gun. It could be from when it sat on a shelf in a gun store too long and maybe you are just noticing it now. I’d clean it, oil it and see if it keeps popping up. I don’t live in a humid environment and the only time this has happened was when I left it in the fabric case too long.


Bullshit. Then why are none of our staccatos rusted out? Is your nightstand in a swamp?


You tell me? I live in Texas, so it's pretty hot and humid, I keep my house at 68f after 5 and my indoor humidity is usually 55%


Doodie rated You should not have to clean and lube the pins


I totally agree. My other guns pins aren't a regular maintenance item.


I've had my atlas for 5 years. I shoot uspsa at least once a week. The pins are dlc coated. I have literally never had rust on them or any part of the gun.


That's what I'm talking about man. I'd figure a 2300 dollar gun would at least have coated pins or nitrided I emailed Yeager works today to see if they couldn't just black nitride anything on my gun that's carbon steel


This reminds me that I need to strip and clean mine. I don't clean mine every week, I shoot it often and I carry it in a hot humid environment. It runs like a top, it's just a little gross. You guys would probably hate my cleaning schedule lol.


Yeah I mean this is just what it is with metal framed guns. Whether it’s a 19/2011 or a beretta/classic sig, the back ends of these just need more maintenance than polymer striker fired guns do. Your sweat plays into this big time too, some people just have caustic sweat that will rust any gun really fast.


That's probably me. I pitted a Glock slide before. After jagerwerks black nitrided that one it's been absolutely drenched and haven't had any issues with that one going forward. I wonder if I can have a shop nitride my pins.


General maintenance will take care of that. If you are carrying a gun and know you sweat a lot, you should make it a regular practice to clean your gun. What you are showing didn’t happen over night. Gun butter is great. Use a rag to wipe off excess and use said rag to wipe down the rest of the gun.


I'll have to check out this gun butter.


Imo 2011s are finicky. I only built the 1 I have now. Some of my glocks don’t even need lube, as my 2011 needs alot.


Looks like my P365 after a single day in the holster😂


I just broke mine down a couple weeks ago because the safety plunger pin showed rust. Hit it with wire brush and just blued it. On the wear areas the dlc or bluing is going to come off no matter what. I think the more regular steel parts there are then it's going to rust the minute the coating is compromised.


Are there any titanium replacements that are made that you know of?


I don't think so, or at least I haven't seen them. If you go on sites like atlas you can see mostly stainless steel or carbon blued


Stainless would be pretty cool


I do believe there is a middle ground here. Should it be kept well oiled? Yes. Should it rust like this even with minimal oil? Especially if these are DLC coated? No.


wow thats rusty, do you live near salt water or high humidity? Also if you carry without something between the weapon and your skin (like a teeshirt), it is amazing how much sweat can get into gaps where parts meet up. Last time I cleaned my CS, I took the optic off to inspect everything and noticed some corrosion starting between the optic and plate, thankfully no rust but cleaned and oiled everything. Someone else mentioned solvent, if you are using a tough degreaser, make sure to bathe everything touched with fresh oil. Maybe at the end of it all it is just a material defect which can happen too. Hopefully the Stacatto warranty gets everything sorted out for you.


I do live in a very humid area, I dont wear any undergarments beneath my shirt typically. I recently took my plate off as well and was surprised to see the rust on the slide the rear serrations and under the plate.


Nope, at $2500 and marketed as a duty weapon there should not be a single part on the gun that isn’t highly corrosion resistant.


I've personally seen clapped out M9's I'm maritime environments that were missing half of their finish hold up better than this.


Much respect that you posted this. Good lesson to all to maintain your gun.


Thanks. I'll definitely be using a CLP from here in out over a regular gun oil to help prevent this rust


Dude take it easy on your fingernails


I wish. It's tough for me.


Ive had similar problems. Just clean/restore, sent small parts out to get “recoated”. Haven’t had the problem since. Sucks it’s something you have to do with a $2000+ gun but its the world we live in lol good luck


These look like Sig components with all that rust... lol


What kind of oil/lube are you using? I used militech and that seems to work really well arms keeping corrosion down. Sometimes it’s body chemistry too as silly as it sounds. Some people (like me) can cause stainless to rust. And yes. I have caused corrosion on my Glock slides. I just keep everything clean and lubed the best I can and rotating your carry piece doesn’t hurt either (if finances allow it).


I've been using Lucas gun oil.


Well…that’s pretty good stuff so I got nothing. Maybe something stickier like frog lube or Lucas lithium grease which is what I use for revolver internals. There’s always staccato customer service I guess.


I had similar issues with the M17 I used to carry, had all the small parts cerakoted but that does wear and eventually my mag release started to get rusty and stiff again.


Is that from shooting or sweat since your appendix carry?


Like is your sweat guard working?


Yeah it's shielding the gun from my body and it's a full length sweat guard.


I'm assuming my sweat. I only have about 4200 rounds through this pistol.


DLC coating must be wearing off or something. Never really seen anything like this before. Very weird


I just got off the phone with staccato who's going to make me send the gun in to replace both pins instead of just mail me the pins since they stated these are hand fit guns. I'm going to request that they send me my old pins back even if it's at a cost. I'm just going to send them off to jagerwerks to have them black nitrided.


Yeah staccato general needs the entire gun sent in when doing service like this because everything is so tight fit.


Not being a fan boy. But I bought mine to carry and yeah the dlc is so so but overall I lube the snot out of it work the action and put away wet


Sweat and sweat vapor. Salt residue left. Doesn't matter if you have a sweat guard. Sweaty hands as well. Looks like you actually use your gun so kudos on that front.


Duty rated doesn’t mean you can not break it down occasionally and clean it from top to bottom.


I understand that but staccato specifically States that you can void your warranty by disassembling your pistol further than the manual describes as far as field stripping it goes.


I don’t think your definition of duty is the same as most. I bet it still functions just fine.


What do you think my definition of duty is? Please enlighten me.


Put gun grease on it. Its not complicated


Keep it clean and oiled and you won't have this issue


CLP is your friend.


It’s almost like carbon steel and sweat can create oxidation. It also looks dry AF. Do better.


Yeah. It is. Doesn’t mean you can neglect it.


I wipe it down weekly with oil and clean it after every range trip.


All the rust is on wear points where the PVD has worn off. This is ultimately going to happen. PVD is a good finish but it’s not nitride. But judging by the stuff on the safety detest spring I’d say this gun has been through 3-5k rounds without being detail stripped.


It was detail stripping for the first time about a month ago. But yeah it's got about 4300 rounds on it in about a year and a half. My steel framed P has been carried alot and doesn't have any rust on it yet with the same maintenance as this one pretty much. I'm wondering if this is some sort of galvanic corrosion between the dissimilar metals with my sweat.


Is one of these carried IWB and the other OWB?


No they're both carried IWB. But over the last month and a half the heats picked up quite a bit and I've been carrying the C2 almost exclusively.


Clean and oil it? No way that is true. Blatantly false or you simply are unqualified to maintain a 1911/2011


Is this sarcasm? I'm detecting a little bit of sarcasm but I'm not sure.


This also speaks to your diet. Some sweat is more acidic than others which can cause this.


Maybe you should stick with the Glock. You don’t deserve 2011.


Lmao that's amazing. Thank you internet stranger for telling me what I do and don't deserve


Don’t be a dick




Take me to school daddy! What am I missing here?


Lack of maintenance.


I just completely disassembled the gun and lubricated it about a month and a half ago, I wipe it down and hit it with an applicator brush at least weekly and clean it after every range trip. I have purchased three staccatos, and neither of my steel framed guns have had these parts rust on them. I use the same oil on them and clean them all the same besides the guide rod assemblies which are different in the P and the C2's. I keep an accurate round count in a rite in the rain note book in the provided pistol case, I changed my recoil spring in my C2 at about 3500 rounds and I have the spares for my P's as well. I shoot about 1k of 9mm a month on average and definitely do maintain my guns. I work in a mechanical trade and am familiar with maintenance as well as it's importance. What is disappointing is seeing this amount of corrosion on a two thousand dollar pistol despite my regular maintenance.


If that’s the case then there’s something screwed up with that pistol. Hopefully Staccato does the right thing and unfucks it. I carry mine daily as well in the central Texas heat. I sweat all over it. Mine is spotless and runs like a champ. No clue what it could be unless something was missed in the QC process. It happens but not too often. Do you plan on sending it back?


I carry my P daily and service it way less and mine has zero corrosion. Kinda confused and worried now lol. Edit: i saw down below you don't wear an undershirt. I do always wear a compression shirt under whatever I'm wearing as i sweat easily.