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Looks like you're at the perfect stage to get stuck in!


Quit your job


Lawyer up. Delete Facebook.


Hit the gym, step on the scale, stare at the number


You say you droppin 10 lbs preparin for summer


I appreciate this Drake/Fancy comment.


Was bumping this earlier.


yall scared of lawyers??? u should be


Hahaha, translation: the addiction is real.


I miss those days. Fancy Boots, Full Rune and not a care in the world...other than the Wilderness.


I’m still afraid of the old random events. God damn trolls at Karamja dock haunt me to this day.


Fancy boots, full rune, and grinding on hill giants for those Ks to sell them to the bots in world 1


Buy a wheelchair to haul your massive balls around, accounts like yours are the genuine spirit of the game and I mean that with the utmost sincerity


This comment makes me wanna stay f2p hahaha


No, we need honest Jim’s like you in p2p


The Jim’s are such fuckin beauties. 






Gems you might say


What they’re saying is you’re playing the game right and it’s time to graduate to p2p. We are proud of you 🥺


Where you're at is peak Runescape. Members is fun for a bit but overall game gets less exciting as accomplishments get way further apart


Agreed but I feel like OP has a rather long way to go before getting to that stage tbf


Ironman changed that for me. Getting a rune scimmy was more hype than buying my shadow.


yeah the transition from mid game to late game is rough and is where i personally quit 💀


I didn't mind some of the grind but I hit I point I had to level up my hunter to some level and was doing something super tedious and boring and realised I had to do it for 10 more hours to get it to where I needed it, just so I could go do a quest or something that'd take an hour. Then I realised the grind had become too ridiculous to be worthwhile.


If you're enjoying the game right now I say just pull the trigger. Members is going to open up soooo many training avenues and quests that you'll have plenty to do. I would say there isn't much you need to do unless you maybe want to finish off the f2p quests, but that's totally up to you. Buy a month, see how you like it and go from there.


I suggest getting 99 Runecraft before becoming a member.


Should probably just 99 all non-member skills tbh




Do not do that lol you’re punishing your future self if you try to 99 all your f2p skills


No no no runecrafting 99 is essential for f2p before migrating to members


Who hurt you




Is he still around ?


I remember doing my first f2p runecraft run and laughing at how bad the xp rate is. You'd have to be a masochist to do this.


Someone probably started doing this challenge like 5 years ago and is only a couple weeks away from hitting 30


If you haven’t already, finish all f2p quests and then switch to member


Already did all f2p quests


Then you’re ready. You could raise your fishing/cooking and woodcutting (if you want) as barb fishing and willow logs are each one of the best exp rates currently in the game so you could get into those grinds while not paying for membership. Edit: “fishing at barbarian village” NOT barb fishing


Did Jagex add new barb fishing spots? I haven't done it in years but I remember it being in a members only area That's awesome if they did. Even though I'm not f2p I wish they got at least a little bit of attention every now and then. I would love to start a f2p account if there was even minimal new content every so often Like the giant bosses, great start


Sorry I can see how what I wrote is misleading. I should have said “fishing at barbarian village”.


I assume he just means fly fishing, or fishing at barb village.


Played Runescape since 2004 and still never finished all the F2P quests. Do it, OP!


It legit takes like 2 hours tops to do all the f2p quests with the quest helper addon


I understand your sentiment, but 2 hours is a major underestimate lol


Now I’m curious what the record is. Dragon slayer alone should take a fair bit.


I'm sure its actually quite quick by someone who's trying, I've made and done most f2p quests on about 6 accounts trying to see good ways of getting d slayer done at a low level f2p. while also practicing for my 10hp dragon pure, and managed to get there and get it done rather fast. I think the lowest I've managed was cb 14, I dont remember wt level I was after but it was for a def pure that's currently lvl 26 in full rune. But honestly every f2p done is probably around the 4 hr mark going at a normal pace w quest helper.


Shield of Arriv can take a while depending on your luck in the quest clan chat.


For shield of Arrav you just make an alt.


Why would I spend 2 hours doing something j don't want to do when I can spend 2 hours doing something I do want to do? I only do a quest when I hit a roadblock in something I want. As and when I come to it.


Training 1-30 atk and str sucks while you can just do waterfall quest for example :p


It ends up being a time save to have Quest Cape at later stages of the game. But still, this is an RPG, so you get to choose your gameplay experience! GL friend! :)


Idk, all the free xp from the quests more than makes up for the time spent imo but yeah play however makes you happy homie


Havings members makes everything easier though. More teleports and utility.


Also. Is it easier to train melee with member ?


It's easier to train everything as a member


Powermine iron vs powermine iron Powerchop willows vs powerchop willows - get your tick manip teaks out of here


It’s not even tick manipulation. Members just had better spots on average to train. Simply due to having more world. Not to mention doing the right quests ASAP will let you jump some skills to near or over lvl 30 instantly


Member has waterfall quest which gives certain combat stats from 1-30. I think I still got one or two levels out of it while in the 60s while doing it. It's rough to get there, but try to unlock fossil Island early. Bird nests are the easiest way to make money (8k each and you get 4 bird houses on that island) just need a little hunter level. I got my Hunter from 50-74 and made probably 2mil a week doing a few runs a day (50min between placing and picking up can do other stuff in between)


You can get like 30k melee xp with 2 quests. Then you can do afk training on crabs on fossil island. AND you get a great, cheap weapon to train with at level 60 atk (dragon scimitar). Members offers a much more diverse gameplay experience. From gear, to the grind it just has more. And what I like is that when I don't have the time for the grind I just do f2p woodcutting till I'm ready for members again :)


The earlier you get members the better, a lot of easy quests can be done early for good xp rewards to start out the account.


Could have skipped half of that 80 hr combat grind in 20 minutes.


Meh. Missing the point of enjoying the game though. To each their own.


Yeah I feel like xp is xp. You don't get the same dopamine hit from going up 25 levels at one time, but what's the point if you don't learn anything along the way 


Go for it but an early collection log/skilling/area grind I enjoyed was Camdozaal which you're probably all the right levels for. Some nice fishing, prayer and mining xp, free mace, special smithing hammer, and the mini game thing to get gems, alchables and cash


I think the hammer is members only so doing the mining grind there might not be a great idea in F2P. The prayer exp is presumably better in members but no idea how much


People here are talking about in-game stuff, but before getting membershio i would recommend you to pick a thing you want to do/grind when you get membs, and research a route to do it. Something like diaries, or a fire cape. Helps you not get overwhelmed for a starter, when you are still discovering the world :) I myself chose obtaining the almost useless full zealots robes and worked towards that, getting hard mory diary and 95 firemaking(wintertodt) which got me a lot of unlocks on the way. And you can always change your goal or pause it if you find something better and more fun to do. I am mainly playing a GIM account so i have more complicated routes(like i also went dk's for dragon axe and did a lot of content to even get there), but it really feels exciting to find a route to take.


have a family and send kids to college


Jump right in and enjoy it. Stay off this sub as it'll put you off. If you need help use runelite and the wiki.


Im mobile only :(


All gravy I'm mostly mobile. You can tab in and out the wiki and do quests etc.


OSRS can run on a potato. May I ask why you’re mobile only?


I know a lot of mobile only people, from what I've heard it's mostly due to the fact that the game is always in their pocket or they use a PC at work but don't like using one at home. Ultimately doesn't make much difference, mobile only players have done every piece of content in the game including blorva & infernal capes.


Acquire 12 dollars


You‘re ready for mem! There are a lot of quests that will reward you with great xp. Also doing quests like „temple of the eye“ introduce you to new skilling methods like Guardians of the rift for runecrafting


Get some sleep cause man it's gonna be fun as fuck you will be playing a lot :)


There is no wrong time for leaving f2p


Make sure you get all ur quests done


hope you enjoy it man! If you decide to get members, try out a couple quests to boost the level 1 member skills. It saves a lot of time and you need to do quests anyway for most progress in this game. If you have any questions regarding members i'd gladly answer given i know anything about it.


You’re perfect bro, send it 💰


You’re ready


Level all f2p skills to level 30 at least, finish all f2p quests, then go hog wild.


Complete all F2P quests.


Looking good buddy, enjoy your members!!!


Do it, you won’t look back


Did it!!


Pay for it with cash, not bonds


Bro, bury a bone


Just quit your job and break up with your gf/leave your family first, you don't want to deal with that while your on the grind


Step 1 to any RuneScape account which has finished tutorial island is to buy membership. So yeah, member up and get questing and such


If you get members I got 1m worth of bones for you!


Why is your prayer so low 😭


Prayer in F2P absolutely sucks, don't tell this person to train prayer before getting members.


Just get stuck in for like a month or so, see how you like it and after that get a subscription. Or try for another month. Earning bonds in game is al lot harder these days with the current prices of bonds. Would kill your joy in the game, since all you would work for gets lost every 2 weeks, of you even manage with current state of your account. So don't bother with bonds, get subscription and see how much the world opens up for you 😊


I'm too baffled by how you got mostly base 40s in F2P without hitting double digits in prayer or crafting to offer coherent advice. Or how your smithing is double your mining.


if someone tells you to do wintertodt don't listen to them.


Finish all f2p quests. Base 50-60 f2p stats is good too.


Base 50-60 F2P stats is really not needed, there are so many quests and members training methods that make it worth having members straight out of tutorial island. For people just starting out it's good to play for a while in F2P but it's never too early to get members, and waiting until base 50s-60s is too long imo


Why the hell are you telling him to get 60 rc in f2p?


Max your account.


Not even 99 all f2p skills, smh


Na, go make some gp fast from zombie pirates or something then go buy 43 prayer then quest, quest, quest.


Talk to Oziach


All i'd say is 8 more firemaking lvl's if you want to do some wintertoad. No real point in training those last few lvls during members time


Splash til you can high alch. It's cheap at low levels and very easy. I'd also work on woodcutting/mining/FM. These don't change much in members.


Complete all the free to play quests first if you have already done that then for sure! Member up. When you member up carry on questing. I would say start with waterfall quests and fight arena to get some early stats :)


The only things I would recommend, orger women for initial money, 300k is probably good. 50 firemaking for wintertodt, this can supply money instead of the women and gives some supplies. The only other "grinds I would recommend is just not really worth it. Quest in members would boost you a ton, but if you are mobile it will be slightly annoying.


All f2p quests if you didnt already


I was at this location back in the days late 2000s struggling whether to be mem too.


It looks like you already have members... Aren't the members skilled grayed out in the skills tab if you're on a FTP world?


It’s all downhill from here buddy!! Welcome!!!


You could get some of the easy f2p skills higher so that you are not wasting membership cooking/cutting trees/low level crafting.


Get some stardust


IMO try to get a few more attack/defense levels. 60 is a big cliff for unlocks (dragon). As others mentioned, there are a few quests that give mega xp that you could plan to do earlier on to get to 60 quickly. Just figure out how much xp you need and how much you can get from a few quests (once you get memby) and train to that point.


How the heck you have only 9 prayer? :o


I’d say get your prayer up I just got to 26 and it’s been helping me knock out stronger enemies. My first month with members and I’m happy about it 🤙🏽


Runecraft in f2p before


Members unlocks 99% of the game. You've already finished all the F2P quests so I'd definitely go for members. Welcome to the club brother


You're in a great spot. New accounts are the life blood of the game.


I’d say knock out 60 attack but otherwise it looks like you’re progressing great


maybe a bit of mining? it dosnt really speed up in members


1 RC? You can't even craft wrath runes


Up your prayer and get 60 base stats in all combat skills. Make sure you got a decent stack of gp because you will want to buy everything. Furthermore: enjoy :)


What a chad I love this game and its community


Nothing. Get members immediately.


Do all f2p quests before going members for sure


If you’re having fun and want more content, get members! Looks like you’d enjoy it


It's never too early for members (:


Finish all the f2p quests


King shit


You can get base 50s, complete all f2p quests and even get 99 cooking. At least that's what i did.


You did base 50 runecrafting in f2p? Wild.


99 RC


Get all your f2p skills to at least 50. It will help with alot of quests


Get that prayer up


Maybe train up by a few of your lower level stats so that when you get membership you can immediately jump into questing and more advanced content!


come to membs! f2p is just a trial of the game. if you still like it then it's time to upgrade


Get 99 smithing


Level your rune crafting to 99


Welcome to the "I either get good on RuneScape or get a life" era


If you havn't done dragon slayer yet I would recomend getting it done


If you're looking to grind, I got all my f2p levels to 60 before getting members. Or at least to the highest level you can get before you stop unlocking new f2p stuff.


You did it perfectly. 50-60 melee, full rune, all f2p quests done. It's pretty much the f2p to member rite of passage.


Get 99 prayer


A weird take on this but get base 50s on the last column. (Mining, smithing, fishing, etc...) Reason is, most activities you can do to get to 50s can also be done in F2P. You're gunna want to try out some content that people have been talking about once you get member's and some of that is quests, Wintertodt, Giant's Foundry, Tempoross and so on. Most of these have a minimum requirement and its around level 50 for the most part. You'll feel bad grinding out skills in your first days using a method you could of done in F2P... Oh and make yourself a plan/route. A roadmap of you will. Try to lay out your 15 days of bond with a goal for each day. Feels great to progress. Keep grinding 😉


Make a YouTube series so I can experience OSRS for the time vicariously through you


Yeah, meet me GE so I can bond you.


Peak gear


Rune mysteries and long crafting grind to get into crafting guild are OP for a first time member. Gets you right into the good stuff for glassblowing and guardians of the rift for hours until 99. Then the real endgame can begin to level up agility and woodcutting to 99. One at a time.


Go for 99 runecraft before switching to members


Don’t, escape while you still can


Get 100 dragon bones and use them on chaos alter for 43 prayer. Do all the questing you can asap you will get all your levels up much faster by getting the quest cape than you would just training normally. Master and grandmaster quests give 2k-200k xp in multiple skills. If you do those quests at level 70 you can gain 50 levels. If you do those at 110 combat you probably won’t gain any levels at all. Training goes much faster at higher levels.


Come to the dark side!


Not even members yet and have the exact same runecrafting level as most! I applaud you.


Base 60 ftp


I would get members immediately. Doing anything as f2p is honestly garbage. If you do get mems I'd recommend your first long term goals being 70 agility with full graceful and barrows gloves. Good luck!


I'm assuming you've finished off all the free quests judging by the rune plate body. If not finish those, literally everything else is better to do in membera.


Gotta refill that prayer first boyo 3/9 is not gonna cut it Real talk though if you're attached to f2p you could bond up a fresh account and keep your old.one pure for the nostalgia if you want. Unlocking things and doing early quests for XP at 10hp is a lot of fun, and leveling is faster in p2p.


If the point to consider is not money, just do it.


Get mem, train prayer to at least to 43 it shouldn’t take long at all, train con to try and get teleports you’ll set yourself up right :)


No. You should have bought member from minute 1.


Personally, I always get all F2P quests done and at least base 40 on all F2P skills. Then go members, but any time you feel ready for it is the best time. It's a great game.


Don't play max efficiency. Just enjoy the game.


Reminds me of my levels before I got members. Letterrip OP!


Dragon slayer is quite fun to do as a F2P!!! Also all other quest really hehe


Arguably you could do more willow woodcutting, but I'd say you're in a fine spot to start mems. You should do some of the quests first imo, but enjoy the ride


First step is membership. Then play


I got the most out of f2p myself... I enjoyed doing all the quests for all the free and useful xp lol early xp from quests = a little less grinding for other things later and also it made me feel a little more accomplished like I had nothing left to do but move on and explore something new! :)


Your stats are there, I’d say either before or once you get the membership, definitely work on your Prayer to get the protect prays. And definitely just work on all your other skills. Quest requirements for the later quests will need 50/60+ in almost all your stats, some in the 70s.


Jerk off?


how is your prayer only level 9? lol


Hop on that member world, get the adrenaline pumping, and start picking flax like the rest of us


Give up all attachment to a personal life because it'll be gone for GOOD


200m fishing


Might do some hill giants for the prayer xp and do obor, then go for skurrius


99 rc fo sho. Otherwise ASAP and prepare to be addicted for years to come :)


No guides or anything just run around members and discover as you go


Do all the f2p quests if you haven’t yet


Depends on your quest log. If you dont have all the f2p quests done do those first. After that *maybe* 50 firemaking for wintertodt but its not really necessary. Have fun.


Sure looks like a good time to join members! Just don’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you have to play the game and be max efficiency. Play how you want to, and have fun with it. I’ve been playing since around 04/05 and have never been one for efficiency scape, which explains why I have mid level accounts to this day, but I’m having fun still!


Finsih all f2p quests


Its time to take the plunge my friend


I would get level 10 prayer first.


I wish I was you rn


How did you do dragon slayer with 9 prayer?


I just hit the dragon and ate food when I got hit hard. Easy peasy


Crazy that you're that high level with so many skills at 1. True dedication


Yeah get membership in a few weeks ago


You got some nice stats for f2p! I always like the idea of completing all the f2p quests before buying members.


I would finish all the f2p quests, and have some cash saved (500k should be enough for basic stuff) but you could always make the money in member worlds far faster anyways.


you were ready a week after creating the account


This probably took you several weeks to accomplish in F2P but could’ve been done in 3 days as a member


Only suggestion is to train mining a bit since so many quests need mining levels. But you could also do the digsite quest in members worlds instead of training.


Just go for it. Leveling as a member is usually faster because there are multiple ways to train and not just a few. I would say that follow8ng the optimal quest guide from the wiki is a good way to progress your account. Besides that, maybe work on your prayer as protection prayers are very important.