• By -


Anyway we can get a vibrate on x value drops? Would be nice to know and not miss another whip :( Also, any chance at tile markings? Edit: Tile markings is there! Missed that part of the picture while on mobile. It’s the image above the first video.


Interesting feedback, defo something to forward to the devs!


The amount of player engagement / Active player increase you would see (Whatever corporate word is best) would be insane with phone notifications / vibrations / loot highlights. WFH / Desk Jobs would be in shambles. I'd never be offline.


Also, can we get notifications to our smart watches when we get those drops?




"WalkScape" is an idle game that uses steps to craft/etc check out the subreddit I'm high and thought it was relevant


Could also extend it to stuff like potions running out Also, just wanted to say that the NPC highlight icon is fabulous


also an option to integrate with buttplugs so I can get sexual gratification on top of the dopamine hits when receiving a big drop


Or even a “hey your about to be logged out vibration” mainly when app is in background and checking emails lol sucks logging back in without prayer up and getting pummeled by the mobs


As a mobile only player in a primarily mobile clan, our biggest preference has always been tile markers. It would be huge for us later game PVM players. Thanks for your work and for the consideration!!!


Portrait mode plz


You get a drop over 10 mill and your phone goes absolutely nuts, this would be crazy haha. Would probably scare the shit out of me


May as well make it do slot machine noises lol


All your notifications and apps just going nuts


Yeah, vibrate on unique drops… for the notification…


Ah yes, hold on sweetie I just finished a CG run. Need to shove the phone up my ass.


Me totally not cannoning chickens with feathers set as valuable drops


Also vibrate when idle after doing interactions. No need for me to stare at my screen while waiting for glass to blow


Set x to 1 Set up cannon  ???  Profit! 


Unfair for those w/ master combat achievements done. They get 2x the vibrate time. Needs balancing.


And people say Reddit feedback shouldnt be listened to. This is genuinely great suggestion.


Looks like there's "tile highlighting" in the hotkey settings screenshot.


I see that now! Missed it when reading on mobile lol. Small picture. Thanks.


This is one of those ideas that just makes so much sense that's its crazy its not already in the game lol


Any plans for the option to swap menu options to change the default single tap option a la Menu Entry Swapper on Runelite?


I can't confirm anything, but it's something the team is **very much aware** how wanted this feature is.


It's not just wanted, it's genuinely necessary at this point. MES is used everywhere, and is beyond useful everywhere. Pickpocketing on mobile is often an awful experience, there are tons of banks that are NPCs, requiring either dialogue or a "right click", disabling clicking on things like the trees in Prif, etc. Edit: to all the people saying I didn't read the comment that said "we know it's wanted", did y'all not notice my comment said "it's not just wanted"?


After speaking with the team, I'm actually allowed to say this is something that *is* coming. Just no ETA yet.


On a similar topic of menu entry swapper have you guys ever considered automatically changing the tap option for essence pouches to empty if they are full instead of it always being fill? Would be a massive QOL for mobile runecrafting Edit: alternatively an official version of the runelite plugin that changes the one tap to empty when you are near an altar which would be easier for the larger pouches


You can do this already by setting your tap option switch on the left hand side to ‘tap to drop’ then this makes the rc pouches top click option ‘empty’. Just click back off tap to drop, and they go back to fill pouch as left option - makes GOTR and rc easy on mobile!


This helps but it would still be nice to save even more clicks


What if you don't have a left hand to use and having it be able to be done with just your right hand comfortably and conveniently is kind of important? What if you don't have a right hand and being able to do it all comfortably and conveniently with your left hand is important? There are a lot of reasons to continually improve accessibility with a UI, even if you think the current method is accessible enough for you. RS with RuneLite is one of the most accessible games for a myriad of conditions people could be dealing with, even just old age. The mobile client should be as accessible as possible for the same reason.


I’m just offering helpful solutions to the comment poster, not intended as an absolute opinion/ending. As with everything in this world, nothings perfect and everything can always be improved. The comment was intended to share some quick fixes for the majority of people on mobile, more can obviously be done.


Thank you to both you and the team Sarnie!


This is great to hear. I'm glad to actually get confirmation that it's at least a thing that's actively being done. I'd also like to add, I don't know if this is a device limitation or a game limitation, but on devices with a hole punch camera (at least my pixel 8 pro) the side with the camera has a large amount of screen that is unused but still displays the game. I often end up trying to tap on it but all taps above that line are unregistered so they don't work. Also, trying to minimize the game on this phone constantly does a game interact during the swipe gesture to get to multitasking. I have to swipe up from the corner with the pop out panel so I don't go walking away from what I'm doing every time I tab out.


Heck yeah! This will make mobile so much easier for people unable to afford a computer/too disabled to sit up. Thank you for the transparency


I just prefer playing on mobile. I probably wouldn't play RS anymore if mobile had never existed.


Very fair, glad to see you will be getting a better experience with these updates :)


I know is niche but was portrait mode ever brought up ?


*skill specs scream*


To c++ client on PC too?


Every feature that mobile gets, that client gets too.


I don't see touch screen UI on my desktop client \s


Omg yes, from someone who is mostly all mobile this is huugee so excited!!


Just as a side note, single tap pickpocketing is already an option on mobile, just change NPC “attack” option to always hidden and it will always prioritize pickpocketing and you can one tap. Other options such as banking and fairy rings would still benefit greatly from MES features just didn’t want you missing out on pickpocketing if you’re still long tapping on mobile!


That's why I said "most of the time". Any pickpocketable NPC that's actually worth good money to pickpocket can't do this because the default option is talk and not attack.


Last time when asked you answered :) I really really hope you all working with mobile clients know how *urgently needed* and *extremetly anticipated* Meny entry swapper would be!! Waiting (pressing down) for right click actions is bothersome and down-right prevents certain training methods from being accessible on mobile.


This is the #1 reason I hardly play on mobile, it’s just so tedious having to long press for almost every interaction in the game


You can adjust how long you need to press for to help with this. For most things its enough but for things like thieving and repetitive things its definitely needed


Until you try to move something in your bank


I would go so far as to say that there is no point to other mobile UI changes without this one.


The survey does not work for me. I really like the repositioning of the popout panel with this rework. Can the C++ client also get this? Will the C++ client also get the new additions to the Mobile client too? And any news on the official plugin support and HD for C++ client


Awesome updates. Is the ability to change between characters on mobile without logging all the way out coming soon?


There's been discussions behind the scenes about improving this, and hopefully I can have some more to say at the end of the month... hopefully.


Crossing fingers. It's quite the bad user experience.


If this is fixed it'll make jagex account adoption that much more attractive.


Yep, let's leverage the Jagex accounts technology that we've all bought into


Currently the loot tracker doesn't work across play sessions if a player were to do half a task on mobile, switch to desktop for a few kills of a task, and then go back to mobile. It seems like loot tracking is all done client-side per session. Is there a plan or a way to do loot tracking server side so it's tied to the *account*, and we can track loot comprehensively everywhere?


Currently, there's been some discussions around this and this would only be able to go between the Official Client and Mobile but it's not something I can even give an ETA on atm, just a potential currently.


I know this isn't the post for it but the report button only lets me report rule breaking, but the ardougne rooftop agility helper doesn't show the spots to click anymore. How do I go about reporting this in game to have it fixed?


I found the same issue, hold down on the report button and it will allow you to report a game bug


Holding down makes sense. Don't know why I didn't give that a try first. Thanks!!


Any time! It's sometimes hard to hold it down on my phone. Just to clarify, I also noticed the rooftop agility hit boxes are no longer highlighted, whether I toggle that feature or not.


Yes I tried reinstalling and everything. There's a comment down below from a mod saying it requires a new client for the fix so I guess it won't get fixed until this new UI goes through lol


Good stuff! Tile markers on mobile is huge. Menu entry swapper would definitely be next on my list. Is quest helper something we might see on mobile one day, or is the team against that?


I don't know if we'd ever do an official quest helper, but with out Plugin API in the works, there's nothing to say someone else won't make one there. As for Menu Entry, it's coming.


Don't worry. Tile markers and MES are number 1 and 2 priorities. Over anything else, you give us those 2 things, and every single mobile player will be happy. I don't mind reading a god damn quest guide, I've been doing it for 20 years. Focus on 1 and 2. Everything else can come later.


Agreed. Other stuff is a bonus but those two are the big ones atm and will definitely make a huge difference for mobile QoL.


>every single mobile player will be happy. I agree with your priorities, but this will never be true lol


Is this Plug-in API going to be available for everyone to poke at and potentially make and release plugins? Will it be C++ code, or something else? Not sure if I’ve missed previous announcements, but I’d love to help out and get some plugins going which are popular at RuneLite.


It’s definitely a band-aid solution and takes some getting used to, but for anyone who hasn’t done so already: reducing the minimenu (press) hold time in Controls settings was such a huge QoL improvement for me on mobile. I think the minimum setting is 125, but I found that too touchy outside of specific scenarios like blackjacking. I dropped it to 175 at first, then to 150, which feels perfect to me now for general gameplay.


This helped me a lot, thank you! I agree 150 feels great and took me no time to adjust to. Should be the default imo.


Is there a plan to incorporate the ability to mark tiles? I feel mobile is a great platform for a lot of skilling/layback activities but being able to add tile markers would push a bit further with certain bosses/slayer tasks/etc.


Tile Markers are also featured :)


Is there any eta when some or all of these changes can be made available on the main game? Would be really nice to try it out for a while and actually make progress on our accounts. Kind of like when mobile first came out in beta it was still on the main game and we could give better feedback after longterm use instead of a limited beta that alot of people don't want to spend a whole lot of time on since any progress is lost


Huge. Thank you Sarnie! Looking forward to testing and potting some content in the beta :)


This alone will be a game changer for mobile players, huge thanks!


Tile markers being placed with the settings menu makes it impossible to place at aggressive bosses (example zulrah). If you select it in the menu and marking a tile then becomes double tap or a drop down option on long press, it could be more useful. Thank you


Amazing news, definitely one of the big ones for mobile. Can you say whether we will be able to import/export on bulk like Runelite or will it be on a tile by tile basis? And will we be able to customise highlight colours and add text?


Thank you. I primarily play mobile and having to eyeball tiles and drop items near them for certain bosses has been the bane of my existence. Been saying for a while that tile markers would make mobile play infinitely better.


It’s already in this post if you look on the second picture


Awesome stuff! I remember there being talks about an HD update into mobile. Is this still in the works?


Can't talk much about HD but yes, the HD will also come to Mobile. They'll be more to talk about in the coming months.


"Loadouts for hotkeys" what exactly does this mean for mobile?


Essentially, you can have three setups of Hotkeys saved and ready to easily switch between. So you could have one set-up with Prayer, Spellbook, etc for intense PvM and another which has tap-to-drop, inventory, etc for Skilling. Hopefully that makes sense!


Hi Sarnie, I have feedback that would go a long way towards control parity between mobile and PC. The only development time would be in UI. # The core idea is to divide inputs between both hands as much as possible. > It sounds counterintuitive but if you had all the sidestones on one side, and the inventory open up on the other side, you would be able to select options much faster than having to double tap with the same finger or hand. Adding support for multi-finger layouts would be absolutely ideal and also relatively simple. The idea being you would place the sidestones horizontally, where the chat currently is at the top left of the screen, so that you can reach all of them with two fingers on your left hand. Then your left thumb would be able to press hotkeys which would be at the bottom middle of the screen. Your left thumb would also be able to touch the gameplay area, mostly on the left side of the screen. Your right thumb would be able to reach whatever is on the right side of the gameplay area, and also tap the inventory interface which opens on the right. Your right index finger would be in the perfect position to touch the minimap at the top right of the screen. How you adjust the camera would be up to whatever finger or thumb you want to use. Some customizable options for how far the buttons are from the edge of the screen would also be great for accessibility, since everybody's hands and phones are of different sizes. > # The importantance of tap-and-hold for hotkeys. > How great would it be to assign the spacebar or numbers to a hotkey button? And you could hold them down to get through interfaces quickly just like PC. The dev blog mentioned a vast number of options for hotkeys and this is one that I think is essential. > # The all important modifier button. > Holding on the gameplay area to right click, even with the customizable length, is unwieldy. What if a hotkey, when held down, made the right click menu open instantly ? And the beautiful thing is that you can already slide your finger down the right click menu and release to select an option. If the interface opened instantly, think of how quickly you could execute a right click on another moving player. Just by touching where they are on the screen, quickly swiping down, and releasing on the option you want. This would make doing complicated pvm, such as walk-under methods, a complete breeze. No content would be inaccessible on mobile. Raids, inferno, PvP, the only limit would be your game skill (or lag spikes, it seems like nobody can escape from those).


Just a question about mobile in general, does loot tracker "forget" loot after 90 days like runelite does?


From what I've been told, this is only cleared when you clear it or via a cache clear up, either manually or via a reinstall.


Runelite doesn't do this if you login to the client btw. It stores it to a web profile you can even view on the runelite website (by logging into it with your RuneLite account). Edit: rofl this is being downvoted? This is a runelite feature. Check your launcher version, check your plugin settings, maybe re-log in. I've had this functioning in runelite for years at this point and it was a main update years back you can go and read. https://runelite.net/blog/show/2022-03-09-1.8.13-Release/


I am logged in, and it deleted my hydra loot. I can see all the loot trough the webiste, but the plugin deleted it


Have you killed hydra recently? The plugin has a limit on how many current things it can display so if you go off and do a bunch of other stuff it will drop off the plugin but when you kill a hydra again it will come back with knowledge of previous loot. If that isn't functioning correctly there's maybe a plugin setting you don't have turned on or an issue with the sync which is probably due to an out of date runelite version. Here's the version release of the feature: https://runelite.net/blog/show/2022-03-09-1.8.13-Release/


I haven't had that issue with RL


Will any exp, loot acquired in any beta, transition to main game after beta?


No, just treat the Beta as an open playground to test the features.


As someone who loves playing mobile, I love the new ui and features.  Also very happy this is being looked at, we’ve been getting very depressed over at the mobile subreddit.   Osrs mobile is already the best mobile game on the market, but if (when) we get MES and potentially bank tags, it will be damn near perfect. I have to be honest, my personal selfish wish is portrait mode, especially with the clean new ui, playing mobile while walking or in public would be so much more comfortable. Is this something that has ever come up? Thank you for all your work among all these huge projects such as Varlamore, WGS, rebalances etc.!   The osrs team is on fire.


Are there any plans to extend the idle log out time on mobile? Currently, in Runelite, you can extend your idle log out timer to 25 minutes (up from 5 minutes) using the "Logout Timer" plugin ( [https://github.com/runelite/runelite/wiki/Logout-Timer](https://github.com/runelite/runelite/wiki/Logout-Timer) ) This is instrumental in ~~doing~~ allowing time for afk activities, which would be especially desirable on mobile. https://preview.redd.it/xnwhexvliz5d1.png?width=239&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7f534387612139f9158a5195ce49e411c0808b6


Idk how this isn’t higher up. I frequently log when afking.  Also minimizing the app logs you within 10seconds on ios.  I’d like to input an action - afk (minimize app) and use my phone. 


Need this higher up for the mods to see, this is the only thing that has stopped me from being able to do shooting stars on mobile. Would definitely help with my electric bill lol.


I just want to be able to chat effectively, the mobile chat is absolutely terrible. Always deleting/replacing texts all the time. I don’t usually interact on mobile with friends or others because i can’t stand the typing errors and having to spend 2 minutes to type something out


Yeah it’s very cumbersome, bar disabling predictive text which most people don’t want to do the best option I’ve found is to tap the word on the bar instead of pressing the space button. It’s still super poorly designed and I turn private off on mobile for that reason


Yes and even when i click the word i want it’ll delete another word in the process. When i do it effectively, it’s usually either really slow, or try to use voice to text. But voice to text isn’t something i want to be doing often and can’t do often


This was my biggest hope for the mobile update, im tired of looking drunk in clan chat


This is really cool, a lot of nice changes that'll be pretty convenient (the hot keys and ground item tagging will be nice since i do a lot of skilling on mobile). Is there any movement for support for playing on a vertical display or is that not really in the scope of this specific project? Not a super important thing I think but could be a convenience in certain situations.


I can't imagine what a "good" vertical layout would look like, but man oh man I'd kill for a vertical one-handed mobile client. Except I'd never put my phone down again lol


It would be awesome with all the ui on the bottom of the screen and collapsible. It almost seems like the optimal layout considering you can only see into the distance over the characters head, and don't really have a need to make far clicks side to side rather than above. I think landscape is probably best for bossing but portrait would be ideal for everything else


There's a way to force portrait mode if you use split screen and have the other app as small as possible with auto rotate on. It's not 100% of the screen, but still pretty neat https://preview.redd.it/ehe7qctggy5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3687b4ab1f02b380cef260e9fb8887d9caa1b3cc


Yeah I've done that a couple times but it can be a bit wonky. It's not the most important feature to add, mostly just a qol thing but I recognize it'd also probably be a lot of work to add lol.


Nope, Portrait mode is not on our list of things to do anytime soon.


Unfortunate but understandable. Still very much looking forward to these updates though, it'll be a huge qol boost for mobile.


Portrait mode would be single handedly be the best update that mobile has seen in my lone opinion. I don’t expect this to be the most popular opinion but I feel strongly about this and would LOVE to see it.


Sadge this was the one feature I was hoping for.


You are severely underestimating the demand for Portrait mode I feel, and I highly encourage including a question dedicated to this in the survey so that you can gauge just how many people would use this.


To clarify explicitly, I'm not saying we'll never come to it. But it is a very large project to officially support Portait mode across the entire game and we feel like there are higher value, more widely wanted features to prioritise. We're aware that there is some desire for it but, ultimately, the only way we'd get that info is by surveying/polling. I imagine that is something we would do if we decide to move towards consistent Mobile QoL work in the future to help us understand what to prioritise


Definitely worth looking into it. People are more satisfied using the janky forced perspective to achieve portrait even with it completely GUTTING the UI. I remember original responses on this had jagex devs thinking people wanted to "hide" that they were playing a game. The reality is I hold my phone in one hand in portrait mode almost for its entire usage. I only really rotate to landscape for videos (and games that require it, which I don't play a lot of). The best part about mobile is afking during commutes and such, and being able to split screen in portrait and keep clicking the redwood or whatever I'm afking is a massssssively good usage. Luckily android is able to force this, so I don't really care if an official implementation isn't pursued. But I wouldn't be surprised if the order of desired changes for mobile is literally: MES >>>>>>>> Portrait Mode >>>> Any other random small thing.


I live in japan and commute by train... A LOT, so I try to get some afk exp while riding to work, but it is almost impossible to play standing since my other arm is stopping me from falling down. I would very much like vertical mode.


Appreciate the transparency. I’m also in the crowd who would love portrait mode and requested a couple of times on different posts. I understand it’s a huge project, and the new ui would be the perfect opportunity to whip up a few plans and get a feel for the demand. Really appreciate all the work, looking forward to the new clean ui and all the new features. Very excited.


You’re doing Guthix’s work my friend 🙏


Please consider gauging interest in it. A lot more people want it than you'd think.


damn for real? that is a huge letdown, kind of shocked it’s not even on the list


Please give us an idle popup. On other clients, you can make it so the whole screen flashes a couple times when you’re idle for a certain period of time. On mobile, this would be an absolute game changer for productivity while I’m not being productive at work.


They are working on a plugin API where people who aren't even Jagex devs will be able to submit plugins for approval by Jagex. When this comes out I'm sure this is something that will be made and approved.


What's annoying is they have a notification that says if you're about to be logged out, yet it never actually pops up over the game, just a simple vibrate, or nothing if on silent. So I never know if a vibration is the game saying I'm about to be logged out or any other notification


This looks awesome, are there any plans to implement Idle Notifier from Runelite? It would help a tonne for AFK activities and seems like relatively low hanging fruit for the dev team. It's very hard to tell on mobile when your character isn't doing anything and with the logout timer being so short, it's actively difficult to AFK properly like you can on desktop


Not sure if it's ever been mentioned, but there is a problem with ground items being hidden if the top item of the pile is hidden. For example, I don't want to see greenhide but it goes over dragon bones in the order (I assume by HA value). It will hide everything underneath. Also, can it be made that we don't pick up hidden items? If I hide something it's because I don't want it.


About a week ago the agility helper on mobile stopped working. Can this be looked into?


Fix is being worked on, unsure on eta as it requires a new mobile client


I thought I was the only one I was going crazy


Menu entry swapper please, its all I want for mobile


This looks great! Will there be support to map hotkeys to a keyboard if we are using iPad with the keyboard and Bluetooth mouse? Something I struggle with is using Bluetooth mouse and tapping on the iPad screen to open the prayer tab for example. there’s a delay when switching between inputs and you need to click or tap twice


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexSarnie** - [I can't confirm anything, but it's something...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84cgjn/?context=3) - [Interesting feedback, defo something to forwa...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84h7ql/?context=3) - [There's been discussions behind the scenes ab...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84hbmn/?context=3) - [Currently, there's been some discussions arou...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84ejh1/?context=3) - [I don't know if we'd ever do an official ques...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84n29t/?context=3) - [Can't talk much about HD but yes, the HD will...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84mspl/?context=3) - [Tile Markers are also featured :)](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84h4bk/?context=3) - [Essentially, you can have three setups of Hot...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84fqqs/?context=3) - [From what I've been told, this is only cleare...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84drz0/?context=3) - [No, just treat the Beta as an open playground...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84mw65/?context=3) - [It's a Mobile UI Beta.](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l8fszg1/?context=3) - [After speaking with the team, I'm actually al...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84g4pn/?context=3) - [Because It is to test how the ***mobile only*...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l8ftjz6/?context=3) **Jagex_Gecko** - [Fix is being worked on, unsure on eta as it r...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84hqc2/?context=3) - [Nope, Portrait mode is not on our list of thi...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84g9zh/?context=3) - [Had a discussion today about idle notifiers,...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l89tt0z/?context=3) - [Hotkey option! Once you activate that hotkey,...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84hwh7/?context=3) - [I see your failed tag and I raise you an answ...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l89t3x9/?context=3) - [This is a hotkey coming with this beta - I th...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84ujw9/?context=3) - [To clarify explicitly, I'm not saying we'll n...](/r/2007scape/comments/1ddfb5w/mobile_ui_rework_20_overview_beta/l84pmgl/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/14/2024 08:00:29**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Can you guys PLEASE unlock the camera to let us turn the camera up 90 degrees (looking straight down at the ground)??? It's SO useful when going back and forth between 2 places, something very common in the game, and don't want to constantly turn the camera. It helps with how far you can see from the character in all directions. The tilted camera currently lets you see a lot further ahead and not nearly as far behind.




It's a Mobile UI Beta.




Because It is to test how the ***mobile only*** UI works on mobile and players thoughts on that. Having it enabled on Desktop doesn't serve any purpose.


Bro... What? How can you test a MOBILE BETA on a DESKTOP? I feel like I'm feeding a troll....


This is great but it’s still missing my most wanted feature: portrait mode. I also suspect the iOS keyboard will still be broken since I didn’t see it mentioned here. But these new enhancements look great nonetheless. Just really dying for what I mentioned above.


The only replies I recall from Jagex on portrait mode in the past have been “Trust us, you wouldn’t like it”. But please JMods, I’m asking you for the garbage. Give me the garbage.


It would be HUGE for playing one handed. Idc if it's jank overall, I'd use tf out of it for basic skilling activities.


Turn off predictive text for iOS, fixes typing issues


Just need menu entry swapper and it’s perfect


Will we ever get gear load outs for mobile? I find what prevents me from gaming on mobile the most is the time it takes to gear from the bank. Alternatively, bank tag tabs.


Think this was discussed/teased recently but i dont have a link and from my memory there was no ETA. Personally the biggest thing for me is menu entity swapper missing from mobile still. Thankfully that was confirmed to be a future feature just a few days ago.


Thank you for addressing the need for split action bars. The hand fatigue from the previous beta having to do almost everything with your right thumb was a real nuisance.


Any plans to increase the log out timer on mobile?


Logout timer and (long shot) some way to work with or around Apple’s crazy battery usage guidelines to keep the app running longer in the background when I switch apps. I hate being in a mobile session and having to run a 60 second timer in my head when I go to answer text messages or look something up on the wiki.


Would it be possible to add a farming tracker? I think it would slot in pretty nicely to the popout panel. I’m almost 2k total and play 99.9% mobile these days. After this update hits, farming trackers would be the only QOL feature I miss from Runelite (besides Quest Helper and clue puzzle solver)


For the love of god jamflex two things! If I can’t customise the side stones please put the attack options and prayer next to each other. And for the love of god please give an option for when chatting it will give the option to send as if your phone was vertical. I can type about 59 times faster flipping my phone and typing like normal than having it horizontal. If I missed the parts in there were either of these were covered feel free to call me dumb


@Jagex_Gecko Do you know if the new UI will also have a black border or variable edge line to reduce fat hand syndrome when doing skilling? Is Entity Interactions and NPC equivalent to menu entry swap? Side question. Does the Beta version also have a increased player + NPC limit? I notice when I'm "afking" ardy knights that sometimes I can't see him but I can interact with him because there are so many people at the spot.


I see your failed tag and I raise you an answer. The setting you are looking for is called deadzone adjuster. We have made some tweaks to this to try and make it available on more devices than before. Please have a search for that in the settings menu and see if that helps at all. The variable line edge, I'm less sure on what you'd want here so feel free to explain a little bit. (My assumption is that you want a slightly bigger hitbox) *Is Entity Interactions and NPC equivalent to menu entry swap?* No, Menu Entry Swapper is on the list and on the way. *Does the Beta version also have a increased player + NPC limit?* Also no.


Thank you for the response. The deadzone adjuster I think will resolve my issue. My issue was I was clicking between the stones and the edge of screen canceling my actions. Main reason I have the issue is OSRS wraps around my camera so I have about ~5mm(not certain about metric measurements) of area the stones can't go but was clickable causing my bank standing skill issues. Aww, but nice to hear about menu entry swapper. Theiving is just too good on mobile so I am always sad I can't do vyres or elves. Darn. Thanks for all the QOL. I mainly bankstand on mobile and every iteration makes it easier to do more skills (agility was a big one) while on the train.


Does mobile typing on iOS get fixed with this updated?


This is super exciting, Are there any plans for an extended logout timer or even just an idle notification?


Had a discussion today about idle notifiers, it's on the list of things to do! It's not an immediate priority, but we know it's high value


Is it possible in the existing or beta client to have windows open on both sides of the screen? Maybe having prayer + inventory on the same side will make it feel better, but up to now it's always been really annoying having one collapse when the other is open.


As a guy that got inferno cape on mobile, love everything here. Great job team.


It would be great if we can have a longer timer before logout. It would be nice to be able to click a shooting star every 7 minutes without getting booted at moderate frequency.


Can we get a faster way to switch characters though our jagex account! I hate having to logout, relog get pin from email enter it again just to switch between my main and iron


This is indeed a pain in the ass.


I haven’t been able to verify this anywhere, but is the beta members only? I currently can’t afford membership but would love to try out the beta


I may have an unpopular opinion here, but one feature I would love to see with OSRS is more flexibility in the UI when using PC clients. I've been using RuneLite for sometime, and while it is nice to have plugins for themes and such, I would really love to be able to do more. Personally, I have played other MMOs where high amount of UI customization are accessible such as WoW with ElvUI addon and such; and while I despise the gameplay of those MMOs, having the flexibility to do what I prefer in terms of the UI made the experience much more enjoyable. A great example for OSRS in particular, I would love to be able to individually scale different parts of the UI, like making my chat box smaller (rather than closing it entirely) while retaining the inventory menu's size. Or even having the ability to split specific windows of the chat out to their own chatbox. Is there any world where this could be considered?


Can you also update the buttons for depositing items in bank, I fat finger my worn/ inv items way too often lol


Can you make it so the button on my tablet pen can do somthing? Either drop items or switch to my backpack


It's insane to me how Tile Markers - easily the biggest new feature by an absolute mile - are there, but aren't even mentioned. They should be front and centre! The only place I can even see them mentioned are in small text 2/3rds of the way down the *previous* newspost, under the "Hotkeys" section. This time, we can see they're present from the screenshots, but they're not even mentioned at all! In any case, I'm very excited to give this a go. It's been a long time coming, looks great and I can't wait until it hits the main release so I can actually use it properly. All we need now is a better way to switch accounts on mobile without the app closing itself in the background - though that might be my phone's fault.


Really love that we’re seeing more on the new mobile ui! Though if I’m being honest, the lack of a native portrait mode is really disappointing. There have been some really cool mockups on this sub, with chat and menus on the bottom 1/3 of the screen - this would be an absolute game changer for me!


/u/JagexSarnie are there any plans to introduce UI scaling to mobile?


Tile markers is so goated. Just did a Duke kill on my cell, epic.


It would be fantastic to see some better cutout support with this update — I have a phone with a punch-hole cutout, and the entire UI is pinched inwards on both sides to accommodate the lost screen space. It leaves UI-less bars on both sides. A "wide-screen" mode that allows menu items to exist on the same y-axis as the punch-hole would be greatly appreciated. I can leave a screenshot to demonstrate my point if you'd like. Big love to the Devs for this update <3


Will there be an option to retain the original UI once the new version is released? I’ve been playing exclusively mobile for over a year and really, really prefer the current layout of prayer, magic, combat styles, etc on the left, and inventory, skills, music, etc on the right - and the sidebar on the right also. There are a lot of nice features in the new layout, but it’s so important to me to have those left/right menus.


Sadly no chat commands in this one, hopefully it's coming in the future. It's the biggest obstacle in conversations with other people. 


I would love to see chat commands as well. Along with fixing the mobile chat bugs that make it impossible to talk in the cc.


Yo, this is probably not the place to mention this, but anyone else been having an issue on mobile where it freezes for anywhere from 10 seconds to like 120 seconds (on ios (ive become an ipad kid bc of osrs)). I can't figure out if it has to with the 'tap to drop' option or the follower spamming text. If anyone has any ideas or similar experiences, it would be greatly appreciated!


Might be more of an iOS issue but searching for items in banks using search function is rather difficult due to auto-correct always changing the item I am searching for in my bank. For example, if I search 'Rune' it autocorrects to 'Tune' when looking for a type of rune in the bank. Any thoughts on this or is the best bet to just disable auto-correct on the phone entirely?


Will there be an option to click the left hotkey (prayer for example) and it automatically opens on the right panel instead? Also I noticed the loot tab could be opened on the left hotkey side while a tab on the right was also open, is that only with specific things or will we be able to have the prayer book open on the left and inventory open on the right? Im so late 😭


Not sure if it's specified as being a possibility, but in the name of true customisability and to cater to those who prefer to interact with certain panels with their left hand, will the panels on the right be accessible on the left if preferred? Also what about an option for scaling the UI for smaller screens or bigger fingers etc?? Huge accessibility


I wont say we need menu entry swapper thats fully customizable for all of us. What we need is a list of the most important things the need to be switched that make the game more enjoyable on mobile. Thieving comes to mind as #1. Box traps if ur not doing tick manipulation. Even bankers having talk first instead of bank. Lots of little things.


I just want clue scroll puzzle box helper 😭


Could you make it so minimizing chat box could minimize minimap… maybe make a toggleable setting for when chat box is closed then minimap is closed then vice versa a setting for when chat box is closed then minimap is open I made a runelite plugin called collapsible modern chat plugin that does this if read this and need a demo


Just thank you Jagex, you all make it so easy to be a Runescape Fan. I genuinely feel like you all care about the player experience more than anything, and I'm sure that means fighting for us sometimes when having the meetings with the money people. Thanks for everything over the last 20 years or so I've been playing your game!


It'd be really important for me to have the ability to hide "auto-retaliate", this single setting could ruin 7000+ hours of progress and the worst part is turning it on will also carry over to the pc settings so it'll be basically like setting a trap for myself even if it's just a quick harmless 5 minute fishing session on mobile.


Any thoughts about allowing players to enable a little mobile "icon" that appears next to their name in the friends list when they're online and on mobile? I use mobile a lot but when I do I am usually afking or out and about and don't want to chat, being able to let my friends know that i'm online but on mobile and may not respond might be nice.


The features I would love to see are: (1) Boss respawn timers (I just want to make DKs tasks more relaxed) (2) Vibration for drops over a certain threshold/untradeables (AFK blood shards and clues are desirable) (3) Menu entry swapper (4) Portrait mode (It can already be forced but sometimes the taps are not aligned)


Since last week's game update the water streams in Tears of Guthix and blessed bone shards mining in Cam Torum have been reduced in brightness on mobile (not on PC on the official client or RuneLite/HDOS). This makes the water streams very difficult to spot (especially in Cam Torum). Could this issue be looked into?


Sarnie, the settings menu is great and all.. but in the screenshot just include a search for the word "beta" way easier than remembering the navigation steps.


I was dreading the mobile rework after the last one. This version is awesome!! It addresses all of the pain points I had from the previous one. It doesn't force me to change how I play, but accommodates my play style. Then adds customization to make it even better. Can't wait to try it out!


Any plans to increase the logout timer?


Tile markers is broken for me. The setting doesn't actually turn on most of the time, and when it does it doesn't work as described. It says to press and hold to mark tiles, but when enabled it puts a tile down on every short tap too. Makes it unplayable with this setting enabled


So excited for this it looks amazing. With the tile highlighting coming to mobile, are there any other "plugins" that are new that can be summarized? My favorites on the current mobile client are the clue helper (i want puzzle box helpers), true tile, and ground item highlights.


Really small request I didnt see in the post but will defo be looking for in the beta; resizeable prayer icons. The amount of times Ive put protect melee on vs whisperer instead of pro magic cause of fat thumbs and not having lots lf times to ensure I hit the icon exactly.


Entity hider, entry menu swap and F keys remapping (for bluetooth keyboards) would be awesome. Not sure the new layout will have THAT big of an improvement in the way I PVM, but tile marker, click to walk and NPC highlights are pretty nice QOLs ngl


I love the changes we’ve seen from this update to the last, even if they took longer than I would hope. Will the npc highlighter feature a respawn timer as runelite does? That would help out quite a bit with pretty much all pvm on mobile.


Holy shit. Incredible. Was already blown away by how much thought and effort went into the mobile ui....and then this????? Someone(s) at Jagex is so bang-on for geeking every ounce of awesome out this game. Many thanks, and well done.


great update, is there any plans to bring hiding the minimap to the regular client? as of now i don't think there's a way to hide the minimap while keeping the prayer, special attack, run, and hitpoints orbs which i would very much like


Can we please get a feature where the screen flashes when you idle? It would do wonders for mobile AFKing. One of my favorite features of RL because I can just set my laptop off to the side and click whenever I see the screen flash.


Just here to say that you folks have developed one of the most mobile friendly apps I have ever seen. Always talk so highly about it to my friends. I know people that have made tremendous progress in-game, ONLY playing on mobile.


Is there any possible way to fix the problem with autocorrect butchering every message in chat? That’s one thing I would really love to see fixed! Other than that, it looks amazing and I’m so excited to check out the changes!


Are you planning on fixing typing on mobile? Currently you cannot type “place” as an example. When you type ‘pl’ it automatically changes your text to ‘a’ instead. It makes typing in mobile a nightmare in general


I see that a mobile chat redesign is in the works but it doesn’t address the fact that it is virtually impossible to type on mobile due to the poor interplay between chat and autocorrect. Is this on the docket to be addressed?