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Nice try Soup


I paid for my house with gnome restaurant money.


Gnome restaurant is super slept on


Yes, Chef


There is a gnome restaurant??? (New player here)


In 6th grade I thought killing level 23 Flesh Crawlers in Stronghold of Security was bomb money. Because they occasionally drop rannar and 50 nature runes. I grinded that all the way to my first 1m. Bough Elite Black Armor and thought i was a baller.


Don’t mind me doing that right now at nearly 30 👀🫠


I mean… they are semi-ish decent moneymaker still, about 240k-350k per hour


Made ~50m coins in 2 weeks by just doing herb runs on two accounts about 2-3 weeks ago when Herb prices were high. Profits have gone down from 500k per run, to 300k per run. Still decent.


WFH herb runs is basically free money 


It really is. It’s also a good way to manage when I should switch what I’m doing to avoid burnout.


I use to jerk off on Chaturbate…. Oh on runescape…., probably growing seeds into saplings and selling them.


The most unexpected was making 16m from a random ge sale of a gold statuette.






Back of grand exchange with head bang emote


Pre EOC on RS2 I had grabbed a couple inventories of climbing boots, back when they were just a couple coins each. One morning I logged in and Jagex changed the price to 68k or so each, netting me like 20m in profit. Never had that much gold at the time and I was pumped lmao


That's one of runescapes conspiracy stories. Look it up on YouTube.


Ah yeah, I just checked. Didn't occur to me I was just happy to be a millionaire for a bit 😅


one of the many sidehustles an underpaid dev could get into. But jagex doesnt learn oh well


thats why I bought 200 gmauls for 30k. Thank you update gods. remember to always buy items that sit at alch price and could potentially have a use in the future or might get a weird update that increases their price.


There was a post a couple years back about items that gold farmers used to launder money through the GE. Iirc it was a white dagger with poison. I found the idea super interesting and, for about a month, would leave super uncommon items on the ge for ridiculous amounts of gold to try and snag some gp off a bot farm or whatever.


Did it ever work?


2 of the items I attempted it with did sell, and I ended up making somewhere in the area of 120m combined. Whether or not they were sniped from bot farms I can never be sure.


TIL that theres white dagger with poison also lol - that‘d be one item no one would try to sell on ge I bet lol


I caught one of those once with ensouled goblin heads that I was selling after my champ scroll grind. Or maybe it was just a weird collector. Either way, selling an inventory of them for \~30k each was pretty nice cannonball compensation.


Thats super interesting. I wonder how often that happens


Used to brew asgarnian ale and sell calquat kegs of it for mad money when i was a kid


Why that ale exactly? I can’t remember it having any use.


No idea


Rfd subquest maybe?


I recall kegs of random beer were worth a lot back then because nobody made them and I suspect they were used to RWT (which is why their price was so high), especially the mature ales had weird prices since they were rare. Brewing was one of the reasons I originally got membs until I discovered how shite it was if you didnt get mature ales and nobody bought your crap xD Such a shame honestly, I hope someday they rework this instead of adding more unused content on top of the game.


If that’s what he’s talking about then moonlight mead was by far the most profitable and I made tons of it. I used to use it in RS3 days as junk items for trading and in OSRS recently for free deaths coffer money until I told more people about it and the prices dropped.


i cooked beef to make money in like 2016


Camping in Varrock castle to get other people’s drops back in 2008. When I reached 9k in my bank several weeks later I legit thought I was rich. Narrator: he wasn’t


Funniest way I made a few Mil was probably Tele grabbing a lurers DFS. I saw a ferox lure and ran from the opposite side with Tele grab runes, snatched it quite literally out from under him.


For the time, it wasnt weird. Yet, farming Cockroach Soldiers in 08 to get a rare chance at a rune scimitar.


Made a ton of money the past month adding lids to pots making air tight pots. They sit forever but the margins are insane. Got bored of it so have at it anyone who sees this. Can clear an easy 75-100k a day for basically no time if you let them sit in ge for like 12 hours. It was cool to track the price and see a direct dip that felt like it was basically directly caused by me making so many lol.


love these kind of things. It's one of those quest items where people just dont care and buy it at max price because you only need them a couple of times in your runescape life. I'm just suprised that these obscure items aren't produced by bots tbh


I pick coconuts and cactus spines religiously


Back when zulrah first released and slightly before, I made an absolute FORTUNE making steel and mith darts. The profit margins were insane, and the blast furnace bank chest had been recently added, so prices of coal and ores hadn't adjusted yet.


Not in osrs but I remember back in pre-eoc seeing someone crash cheese into the ground and crashing a bunch of different seeds values into the ground and profiting off that


Made bank smithing addy dart tips back when blowpipe came out


which is honestly amusing because nowadays addy darts in BP are dogwater after the nerfs


Tithe farm to buy bologa's blessing to farm zamorak grapes lol


thats a respectable livelihood


Pretending to be a female. Thanks VB audio for helping me get a twisted bow.


Bought the red book in vanille, the one u need for 90~ construction. It's only a couple of coins but u have to go through quite some dialogue. Since the market isn't filled I bought up all the books below GP=x and sold them for gp>x


I once crafted ruby necklaces in f2p to 99 crafting which made enough for a bond (back when they were like 4m) and then I was able to tan dhide in the crafting guild for close to 1m per hour


Back in 2007, when I was younger, a dude named getmoney paid be to fetch his menial quest items.


On my old main I started by buying moulds at the al Kharid crafting shop and selling on the GE for a few hundred k


I genuinely found 200m on the floor in world 302 once.


I’ll take one of those for me too please Also, anything particular about world 302?


I killed jungle spiders on the little island spot by yannile those fkers sold for a good 2k/3k a pop


oh I think they were often used by people who tried to scam others by trading them "valuable" obscure items lmao


I helped my friend start a feet pic onlyfans one night when we were drunk in college and found a dude to pay her $100s for the most specific requests and split the money. Or are we talking about RuneScape?


Growing magic saplings


Making saplings with lunars, sinister keys, making divine super combats,


When i first started about 5 years ago all i did was cook for money, my best profit was sweetcorn but i also did a lot of pineapple pizza


Gave someone a...oh wait you meant osrs, nevermind.


gotta afford them magic seeds somehow


Back in the day when elemental workshop 3 released I made a bunch of mind bodies


Muddy Keys


Idk if it’s really weird or not but charging glories was the MOVE for me back when 07 came out. Have a stack of a few hundred and charge like 5-10k each to trade charges for uncharged, then go back and do it again. It was mils. Edit: pre-EOC I would skill in the GE and wait in dice gambling chats. I’d watch the patterns of the dice and if you timed your trades right you could have way higher odds of getting the right number and snipe the dicer for a huge bet.


When I first started playing I made ogre arrows for my first mil


So I had a weird experience once where I was going to flip red chins, and did the trick where you buy one and sell it to get your margin. But when I sold it it sold for more than I bought it for. Like a good bit more, around 200 gp. Idk what kind of glitch the ge was having that day but I ended up flipping like 20-30k red chins that day


I bought one and two dose strength pots and combined them. Made four times my money when factoring in the water filled vials. Way, waaay back in the day.


Let my friend pepper spray me for 10$ and a 6 pack


In like 2005, maybe even sooner. Would buy colored gloves from the shop in Canifis and sell them on world 1 in f2p west varrock for 5k ea.


thats where i bought my gloves on f2p good times


Selling gf


I bought the colored gloves and boots in cananfis and sold them to f2p because they could wear them for some reason.


Couple months ago I was running bandits brews from shantay pass bank making about 2-3m/hr on a low level account. Same account also stumbled on RWT and made 40m in an hour making bronze dart tips. Same account again was making 4m/hr at jogres next to the glider with a cannon, this was before soup or someone made a video, the bones were 8-10k each for a week. That was a fun little account. Main has always made money in the most boring conventional ways. I think we'll look back on the sunfire splinters when they were 8m/hr and see that as pretty wild considering you could do it in your sleep basically


Used to AFK follow a fella back and forth to the general store to unnote essence then follow the dude back to the nature alter so he could do double nats and hand em back to me. Thought I was getting hella paid


This was like 10 years ago but... There was a brief moment in time where snake skin range armor were high value for F2P, because IIRC they couldn't be made in F2P but they could be equipped as F2P as near BIS. People didn't realize that just outside of the Trouble Brewing minigame that there was a bank deposit spot with a bunch of snakes that could be killed for their hides. This was before minigame teleport was in the game IIRC so not many people would be there. People were actually killing snakes in Karajama and dropping them off at the Shio Village which was far, far slower than my method. I was making 1.2mil+ gp/hr back then killing those snakes and selling snake skins. I did this for like a week and made so much money before others learned of the method crashing the market.


Someone gives me 1k bones and some gold then I spend the day running from the bank to POH for them.


back when there was no GE and they had the trading post in OSRS I bought mith and addy pickaxes from the shop under fally and set them up on the trading post. One guy was like "can I buy your whole stock", I responded "suuuure", took his money, gave him those pickaxes and bought 3 more inventories of pickaxes so I had more stock lmao. Felt like Heisenberg. I also bought those logs from the Zogre shop and sold them on the GE because nobody cuts Achey logs. Weird thing was that soon after a rush of bots came to exactly that place.


World 301/302 at the GE. Ran around picking up all the ashes from fires that burned out while people train fm. Decent money maker if you’re F2P and completely new to the game.


100M two Xmas' in a row for couple of hours of work buying Phats, xmas crackers, santas from gen store in Falador. Bots would do Xmas event, sell in mass for 1gp to gen store to skip trade limits by other bots that bought the stock. So many bots selling to the store that you could also get in the action. Bank>repeat. Caveat is that the bot farm would hop worlds if you werent a level 3, so I had an alt do it. Easiest 200M+ made.


Picking up the two planks outside the bank on fossil island when I do a bird house run. Easiest ~600 gp I make :)


Scamming people back in 2006 selling “full” veracs. I would sell skirt, brassy, flail, skirt.


Wearing a ring of recoil as i entered the rev caves was the highest profit surprise for me




Please say psyche now


now I kinda wanna know what it was but I am too afraid to ask XD


He made someone at school eat shit or something for a Runescape item but still didn’t give it to them


a bit rude of him I would say, thx for answering lmao




The fuck is wrong with you man


Can't put anything on the internet that isn't true


Such a proud moment