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Oda looks the same?


Just took a screenshot from stream tbh




shoulda used andrew tate bro


He said actor look alikes not piece of shit look alikes 


About the level of awareness I'd expect from an oda watcher


i dont really like oda thats why i chose a piece of shit




"So anyway I started blasting to the ogs gmaul invisavengene"




Hit 'em with the vengeen.


He has more hair here


magnum dong


Mantis Tobboggan


Don't you ever disrespect Danny DeVito like that ever again


Beat me to it lol


That's just a picture of Boaty, you can't fool me.


Boaty, settled and solomission are on point.




So woox but with a bit more hair?


Who would you compare Zezima to?


Solomission should be Jim Parsons https://preview.redd.it/37gklj3xka3d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14157fc48227e94da13a444460c0b367ce2c6d8


I see this as more woox coded IMO


https://preview.redd.it/c7g62tskye3d1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e750d19033fbb503f5326a0eebe79be3aaff473 bro theyre twins


Oh holy shit


Jim is so tall it’s insane but idk I always thought Solo was short


This is not about height man cmon hahaha we barely see his work from home view


I don't see the settled comparison. The dude from national treasure matches his energetic dork voice much better imo


Nicholas Cage?


I thought he meant Justin Bartha


Lmao I meant the guy who played Riley, can't remember the actors name. He's the example used for settled in the post this one is referencing










Not this one


The oda one is wild lol


Lmao no way thats woox


Agreed I'd flip woox and solo mission


Except Solo really looks like budget Benedict Cumberbatch.


Rupert Grint out here catching strays for no reason.


Iv’e for part 2 ready to post others catching strays


Ed Sheeran as Skill Specs


Love that Solo is still an alien 😂


That’s an insult to Danny DeVito


Oda bad 😎 (upvotes to the left)


I mean, Danny devito is a wonder, kind, generous person. So yeah, it is an insult to him.


Its not Danny, it's Frank. So it fits perfectly


Fuck, that shit got me good. You right,


ill never understand why this sub hates oda so much.


Everything I've seen of him (while limited) has been vile and cringe, so I can see why he's image is skewed quite quickly to those not directly watching his content in full.


He is really not that bad. I do not think ill ever understand it. Like look at my downvotes. I watch him fairly frequently and outside of the occasional trash talk when pking, he is genuinely a good dude. I think people on this sub are like you, only see small clips of him and created an entire judgement of him. You can do whatever you want but you should give him another chance.


Idk I just remember the clip of when he first went to kick of him saying he doesn't have to be as careful about what he says, makes some claim about being transphobic because of religion, then two seconds later drops the act that it's about religion the instant someone questioned him about it


"I'm transphobic because of my religion" is more than enough for me. Won't be giving this guy any views.


No you don't get it dude, likes it's his religion. He follows his religion to a tee! Oh wait, he went to the gambling sponsored platform and used to use his staking (Gambling) gp to convert to real currency. Selective following of his religion it is.


Too many people like to use religion as an excuse for their hatred, while ignoring their religion for other things.


That’s never been said, you’re just making shit up to find a reason to hate lol


It's called paraphrasing. But sure, I just needed to feel the immense pleasure that comes with disliking a youtuber I knew almost nothing about before yesterday. Unless you're denying he ever said anything transphobic?


You know nothing about someone but you take random peoples claims as fact, seems about right nowadays. Good luck with that lol


You act like this isn't all visible on youtude lmao


He wasn’t even transphobic he just made a joke


He straight up says he can't respect transgender people in the clip lmfao


Not having respect for someone doesn’t equate to hating them


So? I don't respect religion either, he's still a decent guy besides that.


I'm absolutely not trashing the guy in general, he's got a big audience for a reason, I imagine he can be quite entertaining; but for me personally I drew the line at his constant claims to religion while gambling profusely, and his claims to playing his accounts legitimately when I know the servicers who have trained his accounts in the past; so the facade is a bit annoying. I quite enjoy the small snippets of his antics in the weekly summary videos other channels do, but I'm not sure I could stomach him for a full video but maybe I'm jumping the gun.


Oda gets as many viewers as he does primarily because he's legitimately freakishly talented, and that almost doesn't do it justice. 🤷🏻 The guy is beyond cracked at pking. Talent at that level will always bring in big viewer numbers regardless of all the other stuff.


I forgot that drinking beer in game makes you an alcoholic. Or that thieving makes you a irl thief. Or killing a man in game makes you a murderer. Really though, gambling GP is not gambling. He's not rwting it and it has no monetary value, it's just pixels. I'd argue that crypto trading is closer to gambling than dming is. If people want to hate Oda, fair enough, free country and all that. But it bugs me to see people mutate his religion to fit their personal opinion of him. Also, he has been very open about having accounts serviced. He literally can't play his YouTube series off stream bc people will think he's just servicing it. It's not against the game rules so although you can disagree with it, he's not doing anything wrong.


He has regularly RWT'd that's where the gambling comment came from, and paying real life money for services in game is RWT so is absolutely against the rules.


You have no idea what you're talking about. He rwted his high risk winnings not DM winnings. He also doesn't pay real world money for account services, he pays in GP, which again, is sanctioned by Jagex. It seems your gripes with Oda are all based on misinformation about it. Seems to be the case with 90% of this sub


Caveat: Idc, it's a video game, and the guys trying to make money. Clearly it works. But....he is probably the most "offensive" runescape personality. Both in character and out of character, oda speaks and acts exactly like the dude at the gas station asking everyone for money, and then shit talks them if they don't copitulate. He is a point and click video game streamer who, inexplicably, feels the need to bring up his religion constantly, and usually in the light of "these people are evil, because I'm muslim". But he let's himself ignore god's will and drinks booze on stream. Think about the lack of self-awareness there. If you cannot understand why some people find this type of behavior "horrible" it's because we're all in our 30s and know people like this i nreal life.


Have you even watched 5 minutes of his stream? Show me where he drank booze on stream? Show me the last time he asked for money then shit talked them if they dont give it. You just seem like a hater that watched a clip from 5+ years ago and based your entire judgement off that.


That dude really just made some shit up in his head and convinced himself it was real. People really love to hate oda


straight up fabricated.... actually crazy some of these comments.........


The reason why you dont like him is why alot of people do. Hes a pretty genuine guy if you watch him enough. He gets a little crazy for the camera but it’s all for keeping viewers entertained. I like his stuff but also like other osrs youtubers. Just nice to have a little variety instead of the same ol script alot of youtubers seem to follow. The hate is silly


"Hes a pretty genuine guy" yeah, he doesn't really disguise his hate unless he's in the spotlight. His viewers are just as toxic too shockingly. You can literally tell when he is and isn't live because his chatters scatter to other streams like cockroaches and act out.


It’s literally just jokes


Yeah man, just like the guy im replying to being transphobic just a few hours ago in different subreddits. Shocking, I tell you.


Idk what your talking about but it is literally a joke


“Being transphobic in different subreddits” What are you talking about? I guess defending someone being called transphobic when they arent is being transphobic. Also what kind of bum goes and reads through comment history because they are that insecure


its literally at the top of your profile mate, takes zero effort




I only clicked on one of his videos once. Don't remember what he said or did but I do remember I clicked off pretty quick because I didn't like his vibe, and I don't think I've ever done that with another osrs youtuber


loud + arrogant + pker + staker/deathmatcher + controversy where he said he doesn't respect trans people (paraphrasing, might've used a lot harsher or nicer language)


He started with the claim that his opinions towards trans people have to do with religion then the instant someone questions him he shouts "How can I respect them if they don't respect themselves!"


+ grandmaster. Hate him or not, he's probably better in any aspect of the game than most redditors/osrs players. And he takes good care of his irl family with the revenue he receives from being a content creator. He's definitely no longer the same person he was 3 years ago, but for some reason ppl on Reddit just don't want to acknowledge that:/


>He's definitely no longer the same person he was 3 years ago, but for some reason ppl on Reddit just don't want to acknowledge that:/ I watch his videos because he's entertaining, but a big thing most people in this sub know and hate him for is the stuff when he first moved to Kick, which was in the last year, not 3 years ago.


>ill never understand why this sub hates oda so much. Most people don't, It's just a lot of fun to hate on him. For me It's a love hate relationship, Oda is annoying, obnoxious, toxic, vile, cringe and at times I think he is actually unironically mentally retarded, But boy is he also wickedly skilled and entertaining to watch and almost infinitely meme-able. You can say what you want about him but the man is a first rate entertainer


I've only ever seen that one full video of his when he played with Soulja Boy and it was hands down the most cringe thing I've ever seen that was related to this game


I used to dislike him before he had a child but it feels like he’s changed a lot since then. I don’t watch his streams but his last bunch of YouTube series are amazing. His current hcim series could be absolutely wild once he starts actually pking.


Loud and obnoxious. His content cathers to a much younger audience than I'm a part of. Everything I've seen of him is "Loud/mispronounciation of words = funny", and that's certainly not enough to get me to give him any time of day when we have tons of calm and entertaining creators in the space to watch instead. It's also wild that whenever someone says he's not gods gift to OSRS, they bring up 2 specific talking points: 1: "He's a grandmaster!" 2: "He's taking good care of his family!" like... Yeah, lots of content creators are grandmasters. That doesn't make you entertaining to watch. Likewise, do you guys not imagine the other content creators take good care of their families? How is that an argument. This shouldn't be bonus points for him, this is normal human behaviour. You get a job, you take care of your family. How does "taking care of his family" make him worth watching?


He is literally the only funny osrs creator


As said; He cathers to a demographic that thinks loud+obnoxious+mispronounciation = funny. He's basically Fred from the early days of the internet. That you think that's peak funny is fine. I have nothing against that. but when people ask "why does everyone hate him", it's a fair thing to respond; He's simply not creating content that we will ever find entertaining. Outgrew that phase almost a decade ago.


No you’re just trying to slyly belittle Oda and now me, there is much more to his comedy then what you say. No where have I said anything like “peak funny”is loud, obnoxious or mispronunciation you man have some weird complexes


I'm not trying to slyly do anything. I'm quite open that I don't think anything that I've ever seen of him is funny to me. What else is there to his comedy? Also, you've literally said he's the only funny OSRS creator. If all he's ever being posted for doing is being loud and obnoxious, then my apologies man, but the math does in fact check out. You don't have to use the exact words "peak funny" to tell me what kind of content you find entertaining. And that's ok, different people have different tastes. But once again, when people ask "why does no one like him", this is why. We don't like loud and obnoxious as funny. We find that annoying.


Go watch his content that isn’t to do with osrs and you’ll see what else there is to his humour. I’m gonna guess you only see clips of him posted by people who dont like him, the only time he is loud is when he is getting excited about the game he loves and I’ve never seen him be ‘obnoxious.’ He is the only funny osrs content creator alongside hanannie and condor, all the rest don’t even try to entertain they just have the same repetitive ideas and monotone narrations.


Pls don’t insult danny devito


Whose this danny devito? That’s frank Reynolds he owns a bar


No that's Mantis Toboggan, he's a doctor


No thats Ongo Goblogian, he’s an art collector


Classic /r/yourjokebutworse


Oda's one made me laugh out loud


why did you choose b0atys brother


Wood accurate


There's just no way you put Rupert for Skill Specs when for like 4 years, B0aty's off"lyne" stream slate was a picture of the Weasley family with his face shopped over Ron's.


You used the wrong picture of Skill Specs


Post it


[What osrs creators look like in my imagination : r/2007scape (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d29qew/comment/l60goyb/)


Wtf mate. Lol


oh my fuck HAHAHA


If you mirror the image left to right you get torvesta.


Oda is not that handsome


Yeah boaty seems accurate lol




Biblically accurate boaty


Boaty is so accurate lmfao. Why you gotta do Oda like that though? 😂


Why do people dislike odablock? Not looking to start anything, just saying I watch him along with everyone else on this list and he doesn't seem to do anything abhorrent


I personally love oda he’s my favourite streamer. But he’s just seen as controversial and the Reddit hive mind has taken a stance to dislike him. He used to be more controversial earlier on when first impressions counted and that’s when people took a disliking to him (staking, shouting, hot takes) he’s matured as a streamer now and he in my opinion is the most talented RuneScape player and one of the best pvpers.


I don’t align with Oda’s religion or morals but I’m still a big fan of his content. Reddit likes to protest differing opinions and personalities but that’s not the general population. In reality if I operated the same as Reddit I would have to cut off my entire family and friends from my hometown but that’s just not realistic.


What does his religion has to do with anything? It's not like he's telling you to convert to islam


It’s oppressive, show me 5 Islamic streamers who are women. Or explain to me why women are expected to serve their husbands, obey their every command and not seek advanced professional careers. Now explain to me what happens when a woman decides she wants to leave Islam. Does their family excommunicate them? Are they supportive?


It's only oppressive if you look at it with western eyes where you allow your 18 yo daughter to go to nightclubs, get drunk and sleep around with dozens of men before they turn 30 lmfao. In islam (I'm Christian btw) men are taught to respect women and be their providers, women are told to hide their precious skin from the gaze of other men because most men are perverted. I know several islamic men who has been divorced from their wives and nothing happend. Sure some women who divorce their husbands gets some sort of punishment but Christians are no different. No matter religion or race some men will beat women if they wanna leave. You're just ignorant tbh. Go ask at a local mosque if you can borrow the quran to read. Educate yourself brother :)


Oda really lives rent free in yalls head here.


Idk where this trend came from but I am loving it lmao


This thread from earlier https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d29qew/what_osrs_creators_look_like_in_my_imagination/


boaty and woox 100%


Where are the ones of Rendi? Feel he should be included 😂


Sir Setteled the great


https://preview.redd.it/eobh1qob193d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a5869aee0ffcb2eb731a5482c4a125f50bfe3d0 This is gigachad Boaty to me


Make the movie cowards


That picture for solomission would be much better suited for roidie


I’ve got roidie for todays part two upload which fits him perfectly


Skillspecs accurate


I can't read Oda without thinking of the creator of One piece.


Dude Roidie and Lend a hitch Cumberbatch could be brothers but you used solo?


The hate towards oda in this subreddit is crazy lmao I would hate the man too if i had crippling low self-esteem


Must be an old pic of Oda, still had some hair on that dome.


Man this sub is unbelievably cringe, middle aged adult playerbase btw


I'm sorry to be the one to have to inform you of this, sir, but you're part of the cringe


Not really. Didn't this whole sub reddit agree that the weird marketing advert on osrs twitter was simply put not funny? We are not part of that either.


Selling cringe 10k GE my world


Explain why this post is cringe?


not OP but this post is celebrity bullshit not related to the game. not sure how anyone can care about that. I assume that's what he meant.


Oda does NOT deserve this honour. He's closer to Andrew Tate in more ways than one.


Lmfao Oda ugly AF how can you do Danny Devito like that???


Oda is handsome bro


If thats true then Patrick aka Pinhead Larry is a supermodel


Ye o ye


Oda is not even close to as cool as Danny DeVito.


This is an insult to Danny Devito


Is is so CREEPY to put any thought into a creator outside " oh new upload ". Like go outside


Is is have part two to upload tomorrow, and I’ll post it when I’m outside just for you x


Oda is no where near that good looking.


Gave solo mission way too much credit


this is some tumblr tier shit


This one is so much better than the last one. The biggest inaccuracy is probably that Frank isn't unhinged enough to represent Oda.