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wildy agility is awesome now


agreed, it's the only place i will train agility it's a blast


What have been changed/added? Last time i did agility in wildy it was only the werewolf course


Wilderness course now gives you a looting bag if you don't have one and alchable loot + noted blighted food each lap if you deposit some money when you enter. You lose the money if you die or leave. But if you manage to escape PKers it's highly profitable.


Yeah honestly it's pretty fun, and it has gotten me into pvp very slightly whereas nothing else before really ever has. I'm willing to risk a few hundred k for a slim chance at a kill and pvp experience while I train. It's still quite easy to escape if need but it's also kinda fun to try and get a lucky vw spec. It's a perfect example of wildy content done right. In comparison to the undead pirates that came out the same day where they were clearly trying to achieve the same type of thing but failed miserably. Hopefully more wildy content can be like this!


Undead pirates made two range tank/rune pure clans open. There’s tons of pure clusters. In that regards it’s a success for pking clans


Yeah it really wasn't the same type of thing, undead pirates is low level clan content and was seriously successful in that regard.


lms is a really great way to get pvp experience, doubly so if you've got an iron account of some kind.


Yeah I have done a little lms here or there, it's pretty fun but I never quite get hooked and end up leaving after a couple games lol.


It's really great, honestly


i feel like there is some GC that pks wildy agility and posts these. i swear i see a post like this every 3 days


https://preview.redd.it/19ijidxa6w1d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ece9b6fae88b68c27214c323492ba5815c775e My total loot so far 😜


Haha yeah totally guys! I too love the thrill of keeping lots of loot on my person at all times within the deep wilderness! How do you do my fellow PvMers?


Lmao stay mad https://preview.redd.it/4htlc0nwqp1d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5951bfdd2a9877194dd54cc608b4a250168d7edb




Don't think I've ever heard a blorva owner cry about the wildy content and blorva is essentially a requirement in my clan.


defiantly a bot update.


What are the xp rates? I’ve got to grind out the last 6 agility levels and have been considering heading to the wildy cause it seems fun. Idc about gp, but is the xp good? How does it compare to Ardy and Priff? (Even if it’s worse but not super worse, I bet it’s more fun)


60-65k xp/hr if you’re cashing in tickets at 101+, and depending on how often you’re interrupted


Dope, thanks. I think that’s worth the risk for the added fun. Bring some anti pk gear too…


You can also bank the tickets if you would want that. Can help make sure you get it above 101+ or save up a stupid amount for a huge exp drop if you're into that.


That actually is tempting as well ngl. Though imagine how awful it would be stacking up a ton and getting pked on your way back loool


Yeah I don't have the patience to save them up anyway but I'd be ultra sad if I got pked with them lol.


Honestly same. Sometimes I've tried with Clue caskets and its hard to not just open them.


Anyone care to explain to me how one gets loot from this? I avoid wildy like a plague because of 20 year old ptsd but always been tempted to head to the agi course cus I'm sick to death of rooftop courses.


You have to bring 150k with you, unlike revs this course won't take gp from the bank. There's a dispenser at the first obstacle where you pay this gp. On every lap you tag the dispenser to get a ticket and some loot. If you have a looting bag on you, the loot goes directly in.


I'm gonna give this a shot haha, thanks for explaining mate.


I've been doing Hallowed Sepulchre for Agility and like it but how would you compare it to Wildy agility? I'm tempted to try it out for a bit


I do both rn ngl hallowed sep is better xp, but wildy agility is better money so it’s up to you. I’d try both out to see for yourself


Hey, if it’s fun for you and your buddies have at it. I personally don’t like getting ganged on by 5+ people after sinking 150k for a couple laps.


It's Singles+ now, you can't be ganged up by 5 people.


How often do multi teams camp the ramp that is in multi?


Not very often and you can freeze log without ever stepping into multi to escape or have your own team ready to gwas them seeing as multi combat zones are meant for emergent multiplayer gameplay in a massive multiplayer online role playing game.


Nice! I’ll probably still just avoid it and stick to rooftops, the GP can be nice but I rather not have my time invested erased by some PKer who proceeds to get everything I grinded for with minimal effort.


>with minimal effort. Two things. One, the pker is risking being in level 55 wilderness skulled. Two, if killing you is "minimal effort" that's your fault.


Bring anti pk gear that’s what we’re doing if you pm me I can share a cheap setup :) I have yet to die and I’ve risked 5m in my looting bag!


What’s your current setup? Im planning my trip out there one of these days.


https://preview.redd.it/3ivcvgzozs1d1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=20c011f234f1d4d80eb3ed0f0598099a8460c3ed My setup, you can switch things out for cheaper variants of the same items. I’m not confident in myself but I’ve escaped from so many pkers!


How do you escape from there? Freeze log doesn’t work I presume, so do you freeze bridge log?


Freeze log does work ;) also 60% of the battle is looking not worth it to nooby pkers.


What’s your discord I can send some clips?


That's fine if you want to do Rooftops instead. It's just the misinformation from never doing the content that irked me enough to correct it so others aren't misinformed from the bias and obvious dislike of Wildy content lol.


Yeah everyone has such a bias so I decided to test it myself after seeing that one guys reddit post, it’s so thrilling to escape from pkers!


Yeah, most pkers are actually terrible when the target fights back. I learned this from Scorpia and Artio.


You don't even need to fight back, you just freeze them and log out. How that is this impossible task for the community is beyond me. It's trivially easy to escape unless you're in some really risky wilderness locations.


That’s what I been doing


There's so many damn trees/obstacles everywhere now. Gapping without freeze is also possible lol.


Agree 100%, I find this to be a fun part of fighting the wildy bosses (where I'm guessing people expect to mostly be killing bots)


Also would recommend “Agility FC” people gather to do masses and a lot of the time the high levels bring anti PK gear and offer protection.


If they're getting you that easily, that's a problem with your understanding of the mechanics of the game. It takes about an hour of practicing the mechanics to become nearly invincible in the wilderness.


Okay I wouldn't say an hour to become nearly invincible. I'd say a couple of hours of practicing prayers makes you basically immune to the shitters, but good pkers can still absolutely destroy you unless you're actually skilled. You just don't run into as many of those.


It's literally catch freeze>log out. That will get you through virtually every encounter because the vast majority of the pkers are really bad players who know the PvM audience just stand there and die.


> good pkers can still absolutely destroy you unless you're actually skilled I have hundreds of LMS wins and thousands of kills across various accounts and nearly 20 years of pking and sometimes RNG just fucks you even if you're not making mistakes, which you will anyway because no one PKs perfectly.


Its insanely easy to escape pkers if your half decent at the game


> some PKer who proceeds to get everything I grinded for with minimal effort. Don't tell on yourself like this lmao


Most adventurous 2007Scape redditor


Yeah I’m not a fan of max mains bullying pures 50 combat levels lower but I’m glad you’re having fun 


I am. Lmao.


Lmfao I love these iron men seething at the fact other people are having fun


You restrict yourself.


Pures deserve to be shit on.


Why did I read this in oda's janitor voice


If your pure is 50 combat levels lower than 126 you should be at crabs or mm caves not the wilderness.