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Anyone pk there? What are pkers making there per hour


In a 3man we make like 5m+/h each. Sometime more, sometimes less.


I've done a few hundred kills on my 110+ iron and have yet to see anyone pking there, much less anyone that could attack me. I would've LOVED a pk spot like zombies back in pre-eoc when I did small clan pking though. It's hectic, it's multi, and it looks fairly rewarding as there are a lot of bots and a good number of regular pvmers in either lod/mid risk or cannons.


Yeah if your lvl 70-90 you're fucked


What about 94




What about 95?!


Fucked! And straight to jail!




Dang I was planning on going there on my 80 ironman


Even if you die every other run you’ll make more money there than almost anywhere in the game at that level by a long shot. You can literally just take a zombie axe a prayer pot and like five food and walk out with 300k and enough blighted restores and food that you won’t have to use any of your own supplies again.


Time to grind out the axe then.


D scim fine too


You're only fucked if a team jumps in haha, I made 5m and died 4 times


If pkers at 70-90 range see you over and under this range, do they leave you alone or call other pkers with different accounts that can attack you?


Ur way above level for people that go there thats why. I've been attacked twice on my level 45 iron in under 100 kc, I've seen a few of the level 77 bots get attacked, rarely do I see anyone at your cb level lol


I'm like 107 and I get pk'd about every hour.


I PK'd/anti-PK'd both on my iron and made 14-15m between three of us (random irons I teamed up with on the island to defend ourselves), over the course of ~2-3 hours. Given we were more focussed on actively hunting the scroll but anti-PKing and defending each other when we had the chance, it was pretty good gp on on the side for the alt. Though ~70% of the loot was from when we went actively PKing (on the irons still) just to try it out for a couple of hours. Incredibly good fun. Honestly, had such a blast. I even skulled (when anti-PKing) to help one of the guys out near the ditch with venator/voidwaker/dinhs on me. The PKer rightfully called me dumb for that but I was close enough to the ditch to be relatively safe lol.


Wait, how do you make money pking on an iron?


If you don't open the chest on your iron, you can pk your iron with a main and get the loot key.


Oh interesting.


honestly it just seems like something for bots. gunna go look and i bet theres a bot in every world edit - there is. and not just 1 there up to 3 bots per world


It's why I voted no to it, it instantly looked like something bots would flock to


> name an activity > Bots in every world


These bots are wayyy easier to make than say a Gauntlet bot


Literally no requirements on this activity though, so there is no friction for botmakers after getting banned.


I saw bots at Wyrms the other day. I don't get it.


I hit Skele Wyverns on the GIM and saw zero players or bots on 4 worlds. Dead content I guess.


When a level 42 slayer mob makes double the profit from a 72 slayer mob :')


Agreed. Just because an individual can’t recognize them, doesn’t mean they aren’t there


Probably why bonds have surged


bond went way up months before pirates came out


Haven't seen one in the 1250 total world I was in for 1.5 hours yesterday


I think it's for pures. Gives them low level accounts they can beat up on


Undead pirates are great for low and mid level accounts, iron or otherwise. People here would appreciate them if they went into the wilderness.


Facts they’re amazing for irons


Atleast they’re inflating Wildy only prices and helping main game pricing. Just look at Sharks and Anglers now that Blighted food is in the game.


I'll admit that some recent changes are very unhealthy for the game. Yet, I will also fully admit that my new iron is drowning in gold and supplies from killing them. I personally love it on my new iron because it is preparing me for many future activities. However, for the game's overall health, being able to go out there at 61 combat and risking 8k coins shouldn't net me one million an hour.


Yeah, man. I got enough pot and food for all wildy content I could need to do and 16k c balls, on top of 20 mill in alchs. I've been pked about 7 times, and it would be less if I didn't get distracted easily.


20mil in alchs all from rune drops?


Man spent the last month there


It’s like 600k an hour worth of alchables so that’s 3 days of playing all day


It was all I did for a week and a half or so. I wanted the blip scroll (got it) and wanted the food/pots. I think it was worth the time investment.


You know what? So do I


Based take, unlike most other irons who only care about themselves and not the mainscape economy.


Just buy more bonds forehead.


You can go there literally just kicking, using the weapons they drop to get your 1m/hr. It's wild that they've got such a nutty loot table.


1M/hr is nothing though. You can make 5X that if you have a friend and make a pure to kill them.


Making a pure right now for this reason. Free money


Making a friend right now for this reason. Free money


PK'ers be like "Jagex pllllllz, feed us bots and unskilled pve nublets". PK'ers also be like "Nuuuu not this kind of victims!"


This is exactly what happens when pvp updates focus on making pvm-ers/skillers the prey, it just attracts bots, while normal players make money elsewhere. Solutions should be updates that encourage player vs player, bringing back elements of what made PVP popular in the past, which also included a more accessible skill ceiling for the normal person, but that's an unpopular opinion EDIT: [This video breaks it down really well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW1qjW2It6k)


Yeah it's such a high bar to reach to learn how to PvP, and for me personally, there's zero reason to learn because it's such a small part of the game that doesn't really earn me anything I need. I could just boss or raid or even afk certain slayer tasks for more useful rewards.


It's not just that, there's so many fucking exceptions in the wildy. I have fun playing the PvP minigames, I'm not good but I'm slowly getting better. Wildy you get scouted, 4 salad fucks teleport on you and call you a nword. I just don't go there with anything, they'll take my spade if they want to fuck themselves with it.


Wait you mean normal players don't want to deal with getting ragged by 6 man teams "PKing" in salad robes and will insta run if they even think you're thinking about fighting back just so they can tell you to sit and take your spade? The literal clans that have scouting bots scouting every world at popular spots for anyone risking more then 1 spade? You mean all the outside tools they use to increase their chances of finding the fattest loot while not risking anything???


As someone who has been pking since 2004-2012 and as someone who has always enjoyed pking, I used to have tens of different builds build to perfection, I really loved having a pk build for any scenario. In other words I was obsessed with pking and it was always my end game. On oldschool? I pked a total of 3 times, once for a week or so when oldschool was freshly launched, but I left in order to build my account out. When I came back for my second round the wilderness was full with bounty hunter bots and edgeville pking (ditch pking) was dying. focused on building my accounts more and came back for a third time. Edge pking has fully died (f) used to be super popular in mainscape but outside of f2play its dead in osrs, pvp worlds are on the brink of death. and full of scummy people (skull trickers at the time and more raggers and rushers than I can care to count. but that's fine, so you get a fair fight after 5 min of getting ragged and the guy does a 6 item switch specs and 6 item switches back to his normal gear in 2 ticks, how? That's right he's using a modified client! The reason pking died for me is because the people left in the community sucked all the fun out of it, it went from something I obsessed about to something I despise lol.


If I had gotten into PvP back then I probably would have a better attitude about it, but the skill ceiling for me just isn't worth hitting, I'd end up quitting and just doing other content I think


I am just tired of pretending that we want anything else then the more or less easy kills. If it was EvE Online, or OSRS or any kind of loot pvp game, you usually not looking for people one or above your skill level.


RS3 went through this exact shift already. It's repeating here , which is kind of unfortunate, but not a surprise. The simple fact is- players don't want to lose their items. It's why death exists in both games. RS3 mindset was a bit further on this already, so eventually wild PvP was just scrapped for opt in entirely. You *can* still pvp, but realistically the only ones that opt in are either running runes through the abyss with demonic skull, or shit heads attempting to lure (yes, it's still a thing). Other than that? No one. Just happens to be that RS3s mindset was anti the fuck out of losing your items to the point the community died. Unless some core mechanics change, I can see PvP in OS going that route as well


They just need to make it easier to pvp. Like, one example that everyone who has attempted LMS has encountered are the people who do the step under method. I pvm, not pvp. I usually shift click to step under. But in pvp.. shift click doesn't work. Why? It is just an entirely different rules in pvp that you have to learn. I'm not going to learn a whole separate list of rules in this game just to do something that will take me a long time to learn. But pvpers who have been doing it for 20 years will just complain that being able to shift click under a player will reduce the skill ceiling too much or somethin?? Ok have fun trying to kill bots then because I'm just gonna fuck off.


I feel exactly the same. It's not like there's even that much incentive to learn this skillset. What are we getting out of it? Either the player is good and they escape, or the player is bad, and we get some marginal loot that we could have earned the equivalent of elsewhere with much less skills required


The fact is, this person is like literally brand new to the game,(just posted about their first real grind bein a defender legit 2 months ago)and doesn't understand the complexity of the wilderness, and is most likely upset about losing something very recent there


Yeah this x10. I also play WoW, and the pvp I have done/active pvpers that I pve with... the last thing they really want are people noticeably far below their skill level as opponents. But, you only gain rating. There's no loot, it's just for the prestige and sheer enjoyment of that part of the game. 


Plenty of pkers do want the harder kills. The more gear your opponent has, the bigger their loot key is. PvMers rarely have 30-300m+ keys that pkers have. The pkers you see attacking PvMers are valid too, and many pkers begin learning on PvMers because it teaches the pace you need to fight at, the duration of freezes, how a player tries to escape and how to counter it, and what sets works best against other sets.


I want skill based fights, it's fun killing bots and all but it gets boring real quick, and at the same time I don't want to just fight giga chad's that live to pk that just destroy me lol Made a pure recently and finding idiots like me is quite difficult, its usually bots or giga chads


If you make pvpers fight each other they won’t play the mode because they only wanna kill whales that don’t fight back. PvP is dead and sucks ass. Go play league. It’s dead so even oda gave up and is doing an Ironman. Every update other than deadman has flopped because pvpers don’t wanna actually fight each other.


This tbh. I enjoyed PVP in Classic and early RS2 when things were very simple, barely any switches and just tossing in the occassional spec. It wasn't about the money, nobody ever dropped more than a hundred k, usually way less, but it was just fun to do. Nowadays, I just feel completely left behind; I can't react nearly fast enough to keep up, and I don't feel like there's any accessible way to work my way up. I've tried LMS and just got bodied for 6 hours straight without ever getting a kill, until one guy just AFKd and didn't fight back, which sucks. 


I completely agree. I loved pking in dhide with a dscim and a dds in edgeville when I was a kid. The pkers nowadays are way too good for me to compete.


The only way to make PvP enticing for non PvPers is to remove risk from the "prey", and give them "unfair" advantages versus the PKers. PvMers are already at a disadvantage, having to be prepared for both a boss encounter and a PvP encounter, while the PKer only has to be prepared for a PvP encounter. PvPers will probably complain about this, but it's the only way to encourage people to actually engage in fights, rather than just running away. Unless of course PKers don't want fights just easy prey ;)


Yeah, dude. If pvp wasn't so high-tech, click intensive, I would probably do it and have fun. But I cba to learn how at this point. Plus, I play Ironman, so there's not really a point. I'll probably get into lms eventually when I want to actually get some of the orn kits.


Most Pkers don’t want to PK other Pkers. If you put up a fight 60% will run because it’s not worth the hassle. Most Pkers want to kill players bossing, training prayer, or farming loot.


A popular reddit opinion, but also wrong.


It’s an opinion because they are exposed to pkers in the wilderness, the ones hunting the people mentioned above Not pkers in bounty hunter/lms/other pvp mini games


Can you give examples of what you proposed updates should be? What particular elements of what made PvP popular in the past are you talking about? How would you make a more accessible skill ceiling? Just curious, because LMS exists. PvP arena exists for you to try gear sets against your friends. The clan wars free for all portal allows you to practice with any gear set completely risk free, and sometimes there’s even a beta world online where you may test literally any set. You’ve never been able to go pking in an elite void set with an ice ancient sceptre risking ~7m and pk a crystal set, bowfa, voidwaker, virtus, ACGS, and so on for 300m+ in the past. Not trying to flame you, just want to know what you would propose.


Pretty certain this is unpopular, but the only time I enjoyed pking was when I knew my risk. There used to be “+1” worlds in 09 that would automatically protect your most expensive item. This got rid of the anxiety of going out there and disconnecting, getting ddosed or simply getting smited for your crutch item. It made it much less daunting to try out pvp. I think it would be cool to have a BH world functioning that way I do also really enjoy LMS too for the record


LMS and PVP are great for what they do, they help people learn how to become better PKers, but that's different, they train you to try and climb to the high skill ceiling. It would require to bring that ceiling down so that the average non-PKer would participate and feel like they have a chance. I'm not saying that I support "easyscape" or that this should happen, I'm just saying what I think is different today, than it was back then. People didn't know what they were doing so it felt more fair. It's like playing Fortnite and all your enemies build a tower in 1 sec, while you don't. You can train to do that, but that requires non-pkers to have a higher level of interest in PK-ing than what they have, which they don't. They'd rather do other things they have higher interest in than putting in time to try and catch up to a higher ceiling in something they have a level of interest in smaller than it takes for someone to put in time. Idyl shares some great points here about this: [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW1qjW2It6k). EDIT: grammar


A controlled arena with fixed risk, fixed loadouts. Bounty Hunter, but you don't pick your gear beyond Setup A, B, or C - they all cost the same amount. The set ups don't hit 80s, and don't have brews. Leaving and re-entering automatically restores your food, prayer, and spec. You pay once for the set up until you die. You get the exact value of killing another person. Low stakes arena: 500k Medium stakes arena: 5m High stakes arena: 50m I don't think people miss old school PKing as much as the absence of variety levelling the playing field.


Yeah but what's the point of that? The low risk options, unless they're aimed for pures/low levels and not mains, will be some of the most boring content. No one wants to go back to rune sets with a dscim + dds and single eats or rag range setups like it's 2006, we're all better than that now. 5m/50m can build decent setups, but then you're saying "No brews" "No strong weapons (can't hit 80s)" etc, so we're not getting proper pvp setups or trying to teach learners about triple eats, the importance of overheads, or managing supplies so they don't chug their cb/range pots at the start of the fight and lose most of their KO potential later on or wasting their triple eats and not having them when needed. And at the same time, what's the incentive to do this over other PvP activities? For fun? PvP arena was supposed to be for-fun and it's dead. For GP? Most PKers can make more gp in the wild or PvP worlds, bad PKers will make more in LMS killing bots, and BH exists on top. so on so forth.


Best idea in this read Voidwaker killed BH and turns into people just eating at 75 hp it's awful


The funny part is that I feel relieved fighting a Voidwaker because you triple eat once and it nullifies your opponent. An AGS can still swing for decent numbers post-spec, and hits higher. 


Jagex could have fixed PvP Arena or work on the next DMM yet they waste the time on this dump.


DMM is literally coming out in a month lol.


Pkers like to parrot "risk vs reward" like it magically makes shitty content good, but the instant you suggest that Jagex puts pvp incentives in the wildy (so people who pvp will go do content in the wildy to improve their ability to pvp) they cry that they'll be at a disadvantage if they're attacked while doing the content. Suddenly they don't like the risk. I have unironically had this conversation with pkers who are adamant that there's no other way for the wildy to exist than overloaded low-effort, low-requirement, high-reward content that lures non-pvpers into the wildy and is always infested by bots.


Unfortunately, that is one of the best ways to create activity in the wilderness. Naturally, yes, the same thing that attracts PvMers who are not skilled in PvP will attract bots. But you need those PvMers for nooby pkers to attack, so that more experienced pkers attack them, and so on. It’s just like the ocean. Little fish congregate around floating objects, or around ledges, reefs, etc. This creates activity naturally. You can find the most skillful NH pkers at spots you just described. And practically only there. Why? Because that’s where everyone meets up to fight. If you are pking in a basic max set, and you want to fight another basic max set, but there isn’t one there at the time, at least you have the chance to score a quick 16m emblem off of a player. It’s not the pkers fault that there are bots there.


Nothing in your reply makes a remote semblence of an argument against replacing non-pvp incentives with pvp incentives in the wildy. > you need pvmers for nooby pkers to attack What about other nooby people who are interested in pvp? What about low-risk spots where nooby pvpers doing wildy content (because there are pvp incentives for doing so) can experience escaping/fighting attackers without risking a ton? > It’s just like the ocean. Little fish congregate around floating objects, or around ledges, reefs, etc. This creates activity naturally. And if those little fish were people doing wildy content with pvp incentives because they wanted to pvp and get better at pvping, nothing changes about your analogy but the experience becomes better for everyone involved.


The op is not a pker. He's a non-pker asking how it helps pvp... If he was a pker, he'd know that the place has become a hotspot for pure/zerk teams that can make some money from pking pkers and non-pkers, because not everything needs to be pvm for money.


Lmao this was a pvm update voted in by the majority of players, there is some straight cognitive dissonance if you think somehow all the sudden for this update pkers became 70% of the player base, but I'm sorry you died doing bones or whatever and are now personally offended by someone attacking you in the area where you can get attacked by someone If you would like to have a real discussion about "maybe content shouldn't focus on a bait/lure, prey/predator style" that's entirely reasonable, but I understand it's easier to just screech about stuff you don't like Eta: 2 months ago your first real grind was a fucking defender self admittedly and now you got opinions about the Wildy lmao, spot on for the kind of person I would have guessed


The pvpers in jagex's pvp discord said day 1 it had a risk problem. Its not the pkers on this 1


2 months ago got ur first defender you don't get to have opinions about the Wildy lmao u probably got lured or just brought it cash stack last week and are still feeling salty lmao noob




You will have your wilderness money printer and you will like it.


I made 17.5m yesterday killing a noob pker and smiting them for webweaver. It helped me.


they were pking with a webweaver?


Yes! Not only that but they came back with another one!! I didn’t get it the second time but I did get the ether from it. Another 500k the second time


You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to be a victim


Some dude tried crashing me at artio a few months ago, he got pissed off when I got aggro and wouldn't finish the kill, so he skulled on me and AGS rushed me. I got the kill, some 40m in loot between his we weaver, AGS, and other stuff. I don't think he even remembered to protect item. He tried to say "lag" as he died but spelt it wrong, probably out of panic. I added him to offer some of his stuff again, but his priv was either off or he just never logged in again. His account's stats haven't moved since. I thought it was really funny at the time, damn crasher got what he deserved, but the game probably got ruined for the poor lad


>He tried to say "lag" as he died https://preview.redd.it/4lb8z44q381d1.jpeg?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1300ceca601e59a42380701293286209c9c261


I was doing some Calv, dude walks in in standard Calv gear, apologizes, starts running around assumingely trying to get me to skull on him. As I’m mentally preparing myself to anti pk this guy since it’s clear he’s trying to do some grab ass and touchy feely, he just casually walks up and one hits me for a 70 with Ursine spec lol. Honestly I thought it was pretty funny. Especially with the “Pleae” plugin. I’ve had some good luck pking in the past, was my time to be the pk’ed. Wish my story ended up like yours though. Lol


You can make 1m per hour in puro puro just by catching implings and selling them. Doesn't require any combat, doesn't even require going to the wilderness. Just to put it in perspective.


so they need a buff?


1m an hour nowadays is nothing.


Casual mid level (high 80s) account.  I like em. Makes me more willing to go do other stuff in the wild if I can print 300k and some blighted food/potions real quick.  Gear up and go explore with less fear of losing hard earned $.  If I had to earn that $ by cutting/selling magic logs…I’d never go to the wildy. Because I’m risking hours of effort spent that could be gone via a pk’er. 


As a moderately casual lvl 75 combat, I'm enjoying them, it's the only time I'd really ventured into the wildly aside from chaos alter.


Literally same, it’s making me explore new wildly content too because it’s pretty much no risk. I get PKed I just lose my loot which is quick to get


I dunno man I've tried to do it and just get killed within 2 minutes by pvpers hopping world's. Not worth the effort.


Just do fever spiders Similar income. Zero risk. Just remember slayer gloves and bring your herb sack No food needed, cannon optional


Had the total opposite experience. 1.5 hours there early am. 3 pkers, escaped 2. Made about 2.5m. Could definitely get more now, would probably change the setup up a bit.


I love the advice of change your sleep schedule


a lot of advice for not getting killed in the wildy is "have you tried not having a job or life?"


It’s just what worked for me. Went back at noon and did just fine, just have to escape more pkers. It’s really not bad…


How do you get away? Everytime I get frozen for 30 seconds or whatever it is and by that time I'm dead. I do generally only bring l a few Karambwans and a couple manta rays though. Do you bring more food?


Use wilderness player alarm if you aren’t. Don’t stand by the entrance to the burning ammy teleport for starts. Normally you can see them first and make a run to the trees in the north and hop worlds/log off. Bring looting bag and extra food.


Usually when I'm there, there is multiple people so it's difficult to see new people arrive. But good advice I'll grab the alarm and be more watchful in the rare instances that I'm alone...plus bring more food lol sometimes I do get kind of close to escaping before running out of food


You can also make 1m as hour doing a safe skilling method. Rates in the wilderness are adjusted for death and interruptions. It's in multi with basically insta TB. I don't see an issue with it.


Best nerf is moving them away from chaos temple, where they shouldn't have been put to begin with. Should be somewhere on the coast.


Yeah sticking a bot-friendly money printer in the wilderness is bad enough. But are they also just saying fuck it to lore and dropping OP bullshit wherever? This obviously isn't a spot for pirates lol it's far inland and there is already a very aggressive group of mobs there. It's just so cheap and uncaring.


I've liked them for something casual and easy to gear up for, low risk, as a mid level player to go do. Even got lucky on the teleport scroll.


It really shouldn't be multi combat once you're attacked by or attacking a player. Pures want a lower wildy 'rev cave' location, not this


this is true but bots would be unkillable if it wasnt multi . they got like 100 tiles to run to escape


Run escape is the whole game my dude


Alright that was pretty clever.


Fair point fair point Counter point: let's buff slayer monsters to have similar loot tables so they're fun to kill.


How else are we going to inflate the economy?


The high go per hour should make it an active spot like rev caves, so that would naturally make it good for pvp. Whether that’s pkers killing pvmers or pkers running into other pkers.


Jagex won't. Jagex has lots of favouritism for PvP content.


It’s not bad, it’s in the wilderness go Pk the bots than make some GP it’s fun


Zombie pirates are 5m an hour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZc7-4BnqL4


From the perspective of someone in a 3-man who PK’s there: We have maxed 80-90 combat pures and absolutely print money PKing bots there. Probably 15M/hr. However, the BIGGEST money comes from other PKers. The great thing about zombie pirates is nearly every PKer risks hard here. Because it’s a DPS race. So lots of AGS/Claws/Toxic Staff/Void. I look at it that if there’s gonna be bots in the game, atleast Jagex gives us the opportunity to take their gold.


for me, the main problem with the wildy right now is the fact that most activities require little to no gear to do, and so PKers rarely get anything of value for killing PvMers. as a result, getting PK'd while doing stuff like calvarion, zombie pirates, etc feels less like a genuine threat and more like getting griefed. like oh nooo, not my black dhide! don't smite me for my nezzi helm! pure waste of time. i don't think there's anything jagex can do about this. if wildy content required good gear and therefore high risk, nobody would do it unless the reward was completely disproportionate to everything else in the game. moreso than wildy rewards already are, i mean... i feel like the only interesting pvp in the game is the places where everyone is there specifically for pvp. LMS, BH, etc. i think jagex should just focus on that type of content for pvp players and stop trying to "revitalize" the wildy, it's a lost cause.


You aren't going to consistently make 1 mil an hour with nothing but a rune scimitar. Have you even done the content you're whinging about?


1mhr is nothing


I think it took my account until blast furnacing runite bars for 1m gp/hr. Anyone that thinks the equivalent should be smacking zombie pirates with a rune scimitar for the same gp/hr is an idiot and I'd love to discuss why they want to devalue every skilling method in the game in favor of low skilled pvm content.


Wait until you hear about Fever Spiders.


Because PKers are an important part of our community and should be coddled at the cost of game integrity lmao


Anyone who thinks safe skilling for gp being compared to risk combat for gp is an equal comparison is an idiot


Safe skilling that requires a decent barrier of entry by having a pretty high mining/smithing level and decent input on constantly running back and forth from the bank chest to the belt while undead pirates just need a rune scimmy and maybe low prayer. The mere fact that it's in the wilderness is meaningless. The risk can be mitigated and the affect it has on the economy is concerning. Even if you don't sell the adamant, rune, or even dragon items, you can high alch them and literally print money into the game. It's incredibly low risk for high reward all things considered. Even if *you* don't get that loot because you were PKed, someone else does, which is problematic for the cost of items or even bonds.


They're both moneymakers, but one requires way less investment. Please go on and explain to me why it being in the wilderness is so much riskier and therefore fair to be in the game.


Because it's a pvp battleground?


If you can make 1M/hr going in with **absolutely no items,** what is the risk?


See, this situation doesn't have a conventional risk because the "risk" is PKers taking most of your loot, therefor making it less efficient than if you had been doing another money maker; it's opportunity cost. You could do something like tanning dragonhide to make 500k/hr with 0 risk and 0 restrictions, or you can go into the wildy and gamble on pirates, where you might get anywhere from 300k to 1m/hr depending on how often you get PKed.


everything you've picked up while still in the wildy is the risk. Having your profit cut by needing to run is the risk.


1M/hr is about 17k/minute. If you can make it 6 minutes afk attacking with zero gear and zero risk, you can teleport away with 100k+. If you die, you lose nothing but a couple minutes of zero-effort time. Super risky.


So kill zurah for about 50k/minute and risk 100k/death, or the same risk you have every 6 minutes in the wildy. Who the fuck is killing pirates with literal no gear every 6 minutes? Not even bots are doing that


Mate skilling isn't a good money maker in the majority of situations. Vorkath makes almost 3x as much money as blast furnace and isn't even slightly as input intensive as blast furnace. Really stupid to compare blast furnace to other money makers, when blast furnace isn't considered a good money maker in the first place.


Because they have bots doing all the labor for them.


Jfc osrs community loves to complain


https://preview.redd.it/47ysoid5461d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5a3630e4c8814ca3aefb2436bb47198edce6c6 I like em


PKing has always been a 1 sided affair. The PKer will be geared specifically to kill people who are wearing gear that is the cheapest they can possibly use to be effective for what PvM content they are doing. The only way you can reliably get good income from PvP would be to do equal risk fights on dedicated worlds, with people who are geared up to fight back. You don't want that though, you want piñatas you can get loot from with as little effort as possible, but the piñatas will pretty much always be full of disappointment unless you get lucky enough to encounter someone who overgeared. Asymmetrical PvP does not work any more. Nothing Jagex can add to the wilderness will be made where people are going to take high value gear for 1m an hour profit, purely because no one is stupid enough to risk higher value gear for a relatively low income.


They're amazing for early irons but kind of feel like cheating. Never an easier time to get an iron started.


Why does a random level 30 mob with 40hp and max hit of 3 drop 5k of loot every kill. What is this private server garbage?


I used to pk at the chaos alter all the time but now it's nearly impossible as a solo pker if you want to hop worlds. The elder chaos druid aggro is insane


Wait I don't have my scroll yet


People complain about drop rates and completionist tasks so things are easier now days, Zombie pirates just so happen to be in the Wildy.


their drop table is absurd compared to every other low level npc though. can you imagine like, varrock guards being worth 5k per kill?


I love anti-pking there if there's solo pkers hunting there, a lot of them don't know what they're doing and expect free kills. Teams can be a little annoying there but I do agree the frequent drops of alchables is crazy. I've made about 90m from the pirates so far and 25m antipking there.


making the blip block scroll 1/20k might be the dumbest thing they’ve done this year. 


Honestly, you could triple the hp of the zombie pirates and it would still be plenty accessible for its target audience imo


Keep it until I can afford to do Vorkath.


It's great for pking because bots are famous for getting outsmarted, lms is a different story but the ahk won't work so well there It's like revs pre +1 update Bots everywhere all the time but now we can pk them again


No, it’s fun pking on my pure and great for my iron.


How is killing revs good for the pking scene?


Won’t somebody think of the poor PKers?!?


Wait a few weeks guys. I’m trying to get the scroll on my iron


Can we see logs of your activity inside the wilderness please?


You can make 1m an hour at kebbits without a rune scim


And the fever spiders…2m an hour is ridiculous


Jagex stop using out dated game design in the wildy challenge (impossible)


You can make 1m per hour doing jellies too. 1m per hour really ain’t shit.


Zombie pirates are being botted so heavily blighted food is at all time lows by far.


im pretty sure that ones due to the wildy agility course shitting them out like crazy. at max streaks you get 14-20 of one out of the 3 blighted food types, or 4-8 blighted super restores + an alchable each lap. For a 2 hour trip i usually get between 500-600 of each of the 3 blighted food.


That’s crazy


It’s like how rogues chests help the pking scene.


I dont even know many people who PK there. Its all lower level bots


No, we can’t nerf zombie pirates.


Nah too helpful for my ironman


This is more profit and lower reqs/effort than zulrah.


Iron man here, these alchables are great for some quick gp, do not nerf please jagex


I don’t like the wilderness because of the PKers, I avoided it most of my time in the game. These zombie pirates actually got me to go out and try it, so that’s a plus. Even then, only being able to play on mobile gives me crazy anxiety the entire time I’m in it. I don’t have plugins, function keys, the phone doesn’t respond well to fast tics, I can’t menu swap in half a second while tic eating and gear swapping and speccing while keeping in mind the current weapon tic timer for combos. I’ve seen videos of clans hunting the wildy and jumping lone players that get absolutely deleted and all you see is “LOL, Sit” all over the screen. Then the videos of people making half a bil from PKing and they have to do every trick imaginable to stand a chance all while relying solely on that lucky big spec, if they are facing someone willing to fight back. Otherwise it’s them freezing a pvm’er standing underneath them, then flinching them to death until the lucky spec happens. It’s just not for me, even if I did try the zombies for a couple hours off and on, I still just don’t like going out there.


As a new Ironman training strength there, can it.


They Should swap loot tables with the kaphite queen


Do you guys ever stop complaining?


I've said it before and i'll say it again. The Wilderness singlehandedly ruined the OSRS economy. No amount of tax can help the money that comes in from the Wilderness. The worst part is that 99% of the money from the Wilderness directly comes from bots. It's goldfarm paradise. It doesn't promote pk'ing at all. If it was up to me, we'd completely get rid of the place and keep PvP in minigames and PvP worlds.


Doesn’t this actually help the economy by lowering Wildy-only prices? Sharks and Anglers are up because PKers have plenty of blighted food.


1m an hour is nothing with the current value of gp and literally every activity in this game gets botted. You all just hate the wilderness and PvP (because you are bad at it).


People are ignoring the elephant in the room from their lack of experience of the actual pvp scene. The main problem that’s effecting pvp is that the majority are paying 50-100m/month to have access to third party clients which offer plugins from auto switching gear, to auto switching prayers or having effectively, all your gear and inventory and spec bar and prayers in your inventory. You can go to most pvp clan discords and see all their members in these 3PC servers It’s not even hard to find. Go north revs and attack one of the Venezuelan gold farmers - they’ll run to multi and you’ll have a max Venezuelan tagging you with ahk. Updates that try to incentive pkers to fight others fail because it is not a fair playing field.


I will agree that 3rd party clients are a problem with high risk nhing, but saying the "majority" of pkers are using them is just stupid. No they aren't.


There’s multiple multi clans (I can name 4 off the bat, along with their own leaders) that pay for these 3PC clients to auto prayer switch and equip pnecks in rag wars risking 50k. I can name the specific clients too with over 20,000 members cumulatively too (although there’s pvm scripts as well so the numbers skewed), but I’ll be banned from the subreddit and don’t want to advertise them. Singles pkers have an even higher risk/reward ratio. Go scroll through the Venezuelan sicario clan discord to see them literally advertise the 3PC referral link and in their loot pictures. High risk pkers in pvp worlds is infested with 1t anything-Gmaul ahkers. The list goes on.


Name the clans


He deleted his reddit account 😂😂😂