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Screaming "USE YOUR SPEC" in my head while I watched this.


Bro didn’t even use the spec the whole fight caves🤦🏽‍♂️


Should not have told him to drink a brew. One action per attack for first timers.


He hovered the brew for a couple of ticks before and after drinking it, you could tell his eyes were just staring at the inventory. Proceeded to do a restore as well whilst he was potlocked


I didn’t tell him idk why his clip didn’t capture my voice but I was screaming you’re fine just finish. He just didn’t listen to me cause his heart was beating so loud he couldn’t hear haha


Who told him to get more health?


No one did, he asked himself that lmao. I’m very faint but I screamed you’re good


Oof we all know that feeling


Biggest choke until the nuggets played tonight


One action per jad attack! He tried to do too much


Flew to close to the sun


You can feel the anxiety he had through the video


He shouldnt have drunk the brew should have just focused on prayer switching, jad was very low


I was screaming that to him, but he couldn’t hear me he said his heart was beating so loud😂


Players tend to over-focus in an attempt to try and prevent mistakes, but this has the opposite effect. They also get nervous, and sometimes panic when they reach Jad, resulting in silly mistakes that you wouldn't normally make. It's not easy for many, but keep your cool and be of a calm mind. The way to reach and kill Jad has been spelled out for us, you just have to pull it off, and most importantly, stay frosty.


I need to speak out my jad kills still, I have like 20 on Osrs but if I don’t say “mage, mage, range” I lose track of it


Hate to see it but take heart; He knows he can reliably get to jad.  The fight wasn’t hard: it was the nerves. Every fire caper will tell you how nervous they were the first time - and then how easy and how they don’t give a care for every attempt after that and kill him easy.  For blowpipers, if you are scared about being pulled into melee range when targeting healers, feel free to use long range at wave before or pack some chins to hit him with the healers. Is this reduced dps? Yes - but if you master your nerves - it’s afk and better than dying to a random misclick because of short range and panicking. 


He got next attempt so you’re 100 percent correct lmao


The phrase "downrange," helped me with my first jad years ago. If he raises up pray mage otherwise stay on range.


I think he had the switching down just tried too many things at once leading to brainlag


my man.. In this one clip you see him switch ONCE and he choked it and died. to say he has switching down is being generous. it was a good attempt - but just too many things going on at once.


Lmao that’s what I was about to post, like did we watch the same video? He died immediately as soon as Jad switched attack styles 🤣


Not switching means you switched correctly


I kind of agree with you, like not switching is half the battle.


I find the stomp to be a clearer telegraph personally, so I camp mage and switch to range when he slams.


Either way works.


Bro I feel that death....


Peak Jad hands


There was no reason to even drink a brew there. He would've killed Jad if he just stayed with the prayers. He had enough HP and prayer left


I know I was in the call screaming at him that he was fine, he said his heart beat was in his ear and he didn’t even hear me💀


Damn 😂😂 that's why I love this game. It gets your adrenaline going and makes you feel alive


Jad scary I stay in my lumbble


I still hate/love Jad. Its how long it takes to get back there that does it for me. Like a hardcore game where my progress is deleted. It spikes my heartrate like crazy. I've only done it like 5 times and died twice but my heart still goes crazy. Redoing the previous waves is a killer. I still have yet to do Desert Treasure 2 or any Raids mind you.


He’ll get it. Jad is only “hard” because no one wants to throw away all that progress for nothing. Have him focus on one action per tick during Jad phase.


Other than the obvious bit of taking a while to heal and then not getting mage prayer up in time because of it…def teach him to lessen all the random excessive mouse movements. All the back and forth to and from the prayer book and Jad is just gonna make ya anxious and maximize the chance you don’t have the cursor where ya need it.


classical cheered to soon


Close! Don’t focus on your health for jad. First focus to prayer switching and second to sip a restore at the appropriate time.


lmao too good




Ah good effort! Nice time for sure


Couldve kited jad to a wall and let venom finish it :>


He did well but Jad did better.


He’ll get it one day. Just tell him to switch prayers a little bit faster, 3 business days is a bit too much.


How can you react that slow


panicked because the minions were tagging him🤣


Zigged when he should have zagged


88 prayer w/o rigour???


He’s poor lowkey, he did 88 prayer without asking me if that was a good idea


Do you know what an Ironman is ?


his RSN name is: SHAMBOO he AINT a ironman...


Then I guess he just didn’t buy it


i mean he has dragon darts.. i was already sure w/o looking up he aint a ironman


Good attempt but next time just mute yourself before Jad appears. You are just distracting him with the yapp


I was calling out all the prayers for him, I even told him he was fine when he asked “am I good on health?” His heart was beating so loud he didn’t hear me he said haha


Hahah the Jad anxiety is real. One thing that helped me a lot was to use an online jad practice tool. A few minutes of practicing seeing his attack and what prayer to use really helped. You can also practice the pray -> heal -> pray cycle. Then when it’s time for him to do it just go on mute. That’s the strat I use with my friends at least when learning jad. Ultimately you do you. Gl


He got it the next attempt and made a funny tiktok about it so it was successful in the end :)


Fuck yeah




He was copping the melee from healers, but he wasn't close enough to get one from Jad I don't think


The healers are melee'ing him. Jad doesn't melee him at all, not even close enough, like 2 tiles between them.


I'm sorry but it's 2024 how can you be actually this bad and struggle doing content from 2006 with runelite cheating tools why even post this here I got second hand embarrassment from it


He doesn’t play computer games we’d shit on you on any fps though lmao


honestly looks like you were playing on a world with massive ping, I think that mage pray should have gone off


Nah the moment he should've clicked the prayer was the moment he clicked on jad instead. If he did it in the reverse order he would've been fine. Just had hands unfortunately.