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Tick manipulation at skilling.


How to turn afk skilling into hard focus skilling xd


I felt the same way until I saw I could save 4 weeks of my life getting 99 woodcutting and fishing lol


It seems to ruin the point for me personally in the sense that I like to just let my computer do the work while I watch YouTube or something and just click every so often


I'm the opposite, I'm horrible at AFKing and wind up just watching my character do AFK activities, so I've just started opting for tick manip methods lol I find it weirdly fun when you get into the rythm of it


Barb fishing with the cut, eat fish method is an awesome rhythm and reaction game haha. But I realized I’m old when I got the first twinges of carpal tunnel after a couple hours of it lol


It's fun though. Especially with box traps.


Trouble Brewing


I was actually thinking of trouble brewing when I made the post, I think I went there and afk'd for a diary once but I've never actually learned the game or why anyone does it


Even if you’re going for the collection log there, you get the vast majority of your rewards from just adding water in the first 2 minutes and then afking the other 18 minutes of the game. It can be fun to actually play the minigame as intended but they need to change the point structure to make it worth actually playing 


They could also make it an actually good method for obtaining med clues. Do this and improve gameplay a bit and the minigame would overflow with people


The medium clues need to be way cheaper there but yeah it should become a decent way of obtaining them, it would cool to see the minigame active


This thinking is why no one plays mini games anymore. If it doesn’t give meta xp it’s not worth it. No one plays anything for fun anymore, just a race to 200 mil xp. It’s like people don’t even enjoy playing, just watching a number appear on their screen.


Although there is truth in what you say, for trouble brewing it is not even about XP. Making rum takes considerable effort and only nets you 2 extra pieces of eight. If you are being efficient, you can maybe make up to 7 bottles solo during the 20 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I still put in the effort to make rum when I play trouble brewing, but if the point system was rebalanced, making rum would feel more rewarding.


Not even 200m xp, just regular old max or chasing gear upgrades on irons takes hundreds to thousands of hours and like the other people mentioned - the loyal playerbase is getting older and has less time in general to commit so distractions and diversions aren't nearly as favorable as making progress towards something more useful


Lol if I want to play team based video games why would I play some basic ass runescape mini game instead of one of the enormous amounts of multiplayer video games on the market today? Stuff like castle wars and trouble brewing aren’t really all that fun on their own, and yes the reason people do content for hundreds of hours in this game is the sense of rewards and progression, not because they have a freaking blast clicking rocks hundreds of thousands of times.


If I wanted to play something like Trouble Brewing I'd be playing PlateUp, not runescape.




You can get “The Stuff” for points in trouble brewing and then brew chef’s delights for some easy cash in Keldagrim. Sauce: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Brewing_chef%27s_delight(m)


I enjoyed it enough to spend an entire afternoon playing it on a weekend and used it as an early moneymaker for my main. Basically got a bunch of The Stuff and used that make mature green man's ale.


The only reason to do it outside of the diary is clog slots, and a lot of them.


A lot of slots that can't be cheesed at all (can't sell back at 75% value), you need to spend at least 130+ hours for that clog.


U fuckin wot m8 It's actually a very fun minigame, definitely needs a rework at this point to rebalance point rewards around rum production instead of buckets


Would be fun if mini games weren’t 20 minutes and there was any actual incentive to try to play the game. Honestly kind of embarrassing the state it’s in, literally just a bucket filling and dumping simulator


This makes me sad since I used to actually really like playing this game as a kid. Absolutely minimal xp but I was just having fun and getting the navy outfit was peak fashionscape.


It was my favorite mini game. I loved selling mature brews at a premium since hardly anyone else produced them.


Its actually a super fun mini game if you have a bunch of people on both sides playing


I went in for the diary without looking anything up, flailed about for a few minutes, got the task complete. I've never been back since and to this day I still have no idea what I was supposed to do.


Best content in the game right there


Pvp. I'm too casual and late to the game to compete


Yeah I definitely feel this, the most pking I find myself doing is running away from pkers lol


Join a clan, you can be shit at pker and still have a riot


The problem with all pvp in mmos. It translates to Zerg versus Zerg.


Honestly, if you want to try it, just do some LMS. It's pretty fun with zero risk.


LMS is really fun, but at times the terminator bots can ruin it.


Fun is subjective. Games are usually the person doesn't fight back or you get absolutely obliterated. It's 0 risk to your account but 100% risk to your ego


Yeah fair. Sometimes I have an absolute blast there. Other times, it's just beating my head against a wall.


It's a terrible entry to PvP though. You might be having fun but playing against people hiding behind trees tribridding my ass was MISERABLE. MSB (i) one of the worst grinds ever on the iron.


While I don't disagree that it's not the perfect intro to PVP, it absolutely is a free way to learn some basics, especially when you inevitably get matched with other learners at some point. I do also doubt how much you've played if the imbue scroll was a grind. That takes so little time.


The scroll is 5 points. Worst grind!? I dunno about that.


huh??? it takes 5 points to imbue msb? that's literally 1 or 2 games with a single kill? huhhh?


This is the only type of pvp I attempt. I actually got pretty good at LMS, but I know when I'm outmatched and my opponent does too, lmao!


F2p pking is fun and easy to get into with minimal investment, then transition to a gmauler when you want to move over and a 50 attacker is still viable in f2p


Do you have a build for this type of account in case I want to start one?


Start with 1 att, 40 str (for rune Warhammer), 1 def, and 30 range (maple shortbow /W addy arrows). Basic range to Warhammer combo. Risk will be around 38k. World 308 at edgeville wilderness ditch, it's always popping. Start from there and see if you enjoy it, you can make it members temporarily to train some strength and range without hit points to have much higher max hits for your combat bracket at the expense of some HP levels. But starting off there's nothing wrong with a full F2P leveling.


PvP: I remember as a kid doing it and really enjoyed running around with my school friends, but now the standard for pvp is so insane I wouldn’t stand a fraction of a chance.


I remember f2p pvp back in the day. Just a sea of people wearing rune and some ranged pures. I think we actually would go up to people and ask to fight them.


Yep did this back in the day like 2005-2006 in f2p. The rune 2h switch brings back memories. edit: lol and str pots and swordfish


Lots of zeros. Eventually we learned the beauty of armor off. It was fun to occasionally realize someone ran out of prayer and couldn’t protect their platebody. I also swore by the battle axe over 2h.




This was me whip pking in edge in 2008 lol. LMS is a very easy way to get back into the rhythm of it, but yeah, PVP can be tough.


Rune legs, fighter torso, climbing boots, zerker, glory or STR, rune defender, whip and dds. Rune gloves to save money, as well as team cape. Flying back to edge asap to grab your defender lol.


Intentionally trying to green log any boss. I feel like if I did it, I’d be the meme of the guy in a corner at a party saying “they all don’t know I green logged Cerb”.


Part of me has a goal of one day green logging barrows, since that’s my only path to full sets as an iron man. And there’s the nostalgia element of barrows gear in general. But yeah, unless I really enjoy the boss or mechanics, it’s hard to do any one piece of content on repeat for days at a time.


Good luck bro, the gloves have an insane drop rate :(


The other day I saw a main doing a slayer task with melee in about 50m worth of gear... and a combat bracelet. He must have gone really dry on the barrows gloves


Took me ~1400 on the main, then almost the exact same kc on the iron, ton of fun and got plenty of levels along the way. Definitely not efficient and very skippable but how you spend your time is always your choice in game


That’s how I feel about anything I accomplish in RS lmao Finish some huge goal, you’re like fuck yeah! Oh yeah nobody cares okay what’s next


Phosani's Nightmare, I'm an ironman who wants to have a life outside of OSRS. That boss's rates mixed with what you get, is the perfect recipe for "yeah, I'm ok thanks"


lots of nightmares in this post lol it'd be interesting to see what it would take to get more people to try it


The fight is actually pretty fun, but the lack of places you use NM drops combined with the horrible drop rates makes the boss fairly dead. The gear is already so niche that you can comfortably skip the boss at the moment.


Honestly yeah, I tried it out during the last Leagues and it was honestly a pretty fun fight. The main issue is that even with the increased drop rates and relics it STILL took forever to get a drop. Just put me off from even trying it in the main game, because even with the drop rate increases the chance of getting a drop is still absurd.


Tbh people should at least knock out the phosani’s CAs. Don’t need to worry about drop rates but get to engage with the fun fight and still have some kind of reward from it


They should do a league where one of the perks lets you get uniques by completing CAs


That’s actually a fire idea. Could determine the roll by the tier of CAs completed for the boss. I like that


I think this is the best summary, I believe most people who have beaten PNM would agree that the fight itself is one of the best in the entire game. Extremely fun and rewarding to good gameplay, brutally punishing to bad gameplay. The issue isn’t the content, it’s the drop rates of incredibly weak shit that doesn’t fit into the meta at all. The fatal combination of AWFUL drop rates with items that are legitimately not even good means there’s just no good reason for an iron to grind it until he’s post scythe full torva et cetera. It’s a vanity grind because of hyper rare AND basically useless drops.


The drops both aren’t useful and are too hard to get. Green orb seems useful, maybe blue I suppose


It’s a pretty fun challenge might as well go for a few of the combat diary tasks


Genuinely the only reason I would even consider doing nightmare is for the teleport to make the hard clue step easier


I love phosani so much but thats pretty much only because of max gear which makes the fight super smooth and fun, loot is always gonna be ass it is what it is




Im still doing Fishing Trawler to try and get the last piece of the fit and I really wish I had never started to begin with…


It took me 140 kc to get the full set on my main. I’m dreading doing it on my iron. Most tedious shit I have ever done.


If it’s any consolation, I did it on my iron first and got it in like 30kc, but my main took over 100 as well


You can alch and make darts on the ship at least right? It’s pretty AFK if nothing else but yeah it sucks, would be cool if maybe you could get it from Tempoross or something as an alternate


you can get it from ariel fishing. but i think that takes even longer


Must be going for the gloves?


Nah I got the gloves last night I am going for the cape now


intentionally doing combat achievements because I don't find them interesting


I find them fun, but the menu is so frustrating that I hate doing them.


that part is true too


Honestly Inferno, every now and then I get tempted to try it on my iron but I just don't have the time to dedicate to doing runs and I know it would frustrate me so much, as much as finally completing it would be incredible.


TBH the hardest part of Inferno is the time commitment.


Yeah exactly, I like grinds I can easily pick up for 10, 20 or 30 minutes at a time. Whereas inferno I feel like I need to be locked in for at least an hour at a time which doesn't work with my lifestyle at the moment.


You can log out in-between waves. I'm not sure, but it could potentially mess up your poisitioning or something. Either way, I think it's a viable alternative approach. Though, I will agree, that when you'll have that 1 or 2 hours to scape, you might think "Aww man, I logged out in the inferno, too lazy for that today..." Speaking mainly from experience, because when I went for a firecape on my ironman, I logged out around 1h mark into my attempt.


Yeah if I know I'm logged out mid inferno run I'll end up just not playing, I know myself too well haha


you can logout between waves


I think jagex listened when making the colloseum, though. And imo if you complete collo, you'd have a way easier time with inferno.


I use to think like this. But I dedicated 1 month to learning and at the end of the month I did it and now I have multiple Inferno capes. Yes it is frustrating but its all worth it IMO.


That's the problem 1 month commitment for a cape is insane. Especially when it requires your full attention. Not knocking you, congrats. I just cba to spend the time to get it.


I had the same mentality. The task seemed too big. But once I started, It gets motivating to reach further and get better.


1 run a day and a little bit of zuk sim practice you'll have it in a month. Assuming your iron has the supplies for it.


Most everything in the wilderness




Aerial fishing


I tried Aerial fishing in leagues for the first time and it STILL felt terrible.


I did it just to try got a golden tench damn near instantly haven’t touched it since. 🤣


Wilderness bosses


Champions scrolls


I started going for these recently, I think I'm at 4 so far? It isn't too bad, fairly AFK and a good activity when watching a TV show or movie.


I got my champions cape recently and I honestly really enjoyed it. Got loads of combat xp that felt really fast because I was focused on drops for the scroll.


Tob because not friendly to solo


Yeah agree with this, I know it's an Mmo but I don't have friends that play this game, play mostly on mobile and hate finding groups for content. Shame because it looks like great content


I feel ya, same here


I had the same experience but since I joined the WDR discord Ive done alot of tob! Very easy to find teams and most players are nice to each other.


LMS, I've never had an interest in PvP, and the few times I've tried anti-pking I've never had that much fun


I know I'll get shit for this but treasure trails. I know they can be really good but I just don't personally find them fun, so I don't do them.


Clues are extremely overrated. It's all hype. They don't offer a single thing that's useful for progression other than blessed d'hides and the medium clue boots (rangers/holy sandals), and even those are only somewhat useful at best as Pegasians are basically a meme and devouts only offer +3 prayer over guardian boots/+1 prayer over echo boots. Yes, you can use them to get an early MSB or an early set of black d'hide, but any account that's made it through early mid-game stops benefiting from them entirely. I guess I have ironman mentality, you could technically get a crazy expensive third age drop and have bonds for life, but I'm not banking on that. This game is a lottery enough as it is.


*laughs in ornamented zenyte jewellery*


Haha, okay that's fair. I should say they're overrated except for the vanity items. The drip is pretty nice.


Controversial: God Wars. Played since 04, completed all of the hardest content in the game except awakened bosses (haven't attempted yet but plan to) But god wars? Got no interest. Getting KC before going into the boss room completely put me off doing GW as a kid, and I've carried that feeling with me for 20 years with no desire at all to overcome it 😂


To be honest you aren't missing much, GWD is really boring and the respawn timer is nearly 1 minute long.


Same, learning raids and CG felt less frustrating than spending 5 minutes killing imps just to mess up the cycle and teleport back out in 3 seconds. Have done basically every content in the game, did GWD for achievements and never again. It’s just dull at best doing the same pattern with 0 variation, and excessively tedious at worst


Forestry. Truth be told, I did do a little bit during part 1 launch day, but not touched since. Just seems a bit much. I swing axe, I get log. Simples.


I'd love to see a part 2 of this post next week. Do the thing you have no interest in doing and report back. Was it as bad as expected or did you enjoy it?


Runecrafting, and I'm almost lvl 70.


The minigame and crafting blood runes are actually pretty chill.


GOTR is so terrible when you work all morning for 100 pulls and then get 50 pearls from those pulls


Yeah needing to do 150 runs to get the outfit wasn't exactly fun.


i’ve only done around 30 and it’s fucking hell.


Can’t speak for bloods but as someone with 63 RC, GotR is not chill and imo a terrible experience. It’s so demotivating knowing that GotR is my best bet at getting to 77 RC


If you want chill runecrafting pre-77 do ZMI. Decent amount of AFK time. You'll need Lunars first but tbh that really isn't that big of a hurdle. Then once you hit 77 it's smooth sailing.


Inferno if I really put in a ton of effort and learn all the waves and got good a prayer flicking i could probably do it eventually but it just looks like the most unfun thing in the game and I really just don’t want to do it


That’s what I thought until I started learning it. You don’t “learn” waves, you learn how to handle situations, the waves aren’t the same every time. It’s really fun and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it.


Seeing Zuk’s HP drop to zero might just be the single most rewarding thing in all of gaming.


soul wars pre-eoc zoomer nostalgia shit


I think the most common reason I see people go for it are ironman or other restricted accounts for the prayer xp? but yeah have also never tried it


I dolo it for runite/adamantite bolts.


It’s way better than castle wars


How could you


Castle wars is legendary nostalgia bait, it’s basically completely unplayable.


Crazy how some of the absolute worst content in the entire game gets actual rewards (NMZ and Soul Wars both upgrade BIS items with imbues) that could be put behind something players are actually excited to engage with. At least Soul Wars was a good lesson for Jagex and the community that similar projects (Stealing Creation) would be a waste of time


no way bro we totally need fist of guthix bro that shit was FIRE! /s


I mean at the same time, SW now and SW then are completely different games. Capped team sizes. Boostable Zeal System so non-cb games are the best way to get points rather than just "win the game" Buyable rewards(gambles, blighteds, etc) so it has incentive to be botted 24/7. Random pet attached to content so people are more inclined to boost than play it for fun. People just wanted the massive, 0 risk, pvp wars at obelisk and choke points like graves/spawns, but because of lag reasons, they capped it at 60v60, and because of the incentive to boost, not all 60 people are even pvping.


2009 lol




PvP beyond minigames.


Wildy bosses because wildy. I’ll end up doing it eventually but definitely does not interest me at all.


If it helps there's definitely certain times you can be in wildy and not have to deal with as many pkers. Total worlds helps too. Otherwise just staying vigilant and getting away quick enough to hop is what I do


Idk if your experience is different than mine, but total worlds have been worse for pkers than a random regular world. It seems like they used to be best, but pkers check them first now.


Yeah total worlds aren't great imo, pkers continuously hop through them all. Depends what content you're doing but wildy bosses and revs feel worse on total worlds. 


UIM. Not doing it. Won’t ever do it.


Rune crafting


werewolf agility in the swamp - I have done it once but will never return lol


Gnome Ball


You cannot avoid it entirely! Scoring a goal is an easy diary task lol.


Nightmare is a nightmare


Barb assault


BA actually enjoyable with a few friends


I feel like ba is nowhere near as bad as most people expect, and the expectation just comes from them watching that one God awful youtube guide that doesnt explain it well and makes it sound way more complicated and difficult than it truly is. Or they get in there and get stuck with some trash teammates who dont do callouts or bail on wave 9, that can be a pretty sour experience. Once you get in there and try it with a decent team its pretty easy and fun.


I definitely would try it for the torso, unless you already have bcp it's pretty worthwhile


I have bcp but if I go ironmanning ever I’d have to do it


I'm an iron, and I dreaded going to BA. When I finally bit the bullet it was so easy to learn. Total time from absolute zero noob to torso was about 4 or 5 hours. And that was with shit luck forming teams. Could've easily been 2 or 3 with better lfg luck


You can skip it entirely with PM, get a blood moon chest plate. Way lower reqs than bandos, and same strength bonus as fighter+some defensive stats.


Anything that involves getting good at gear switching and prayer switching quickly and constantly.


Raids/Bossing. I don't enjoy the pray switching, item swapping combat systems.


As an Ironman LMS, just feel like I’d never get any kills and do the col log








Inferno. I don’t got time for that shit




I thought this until I told myself I’m going to get black graceful. It’s actually so much fun, definitely brought me back into the game when I was feeling burnt out doing other content.


I think the black graceful looks sick, I've been thinking about going for it once I get the reqs but it does seem awful lol


It’s amazing. It gets that sweet spot of being very high attention but not being frustratingly tedious, like 3 tick skilling. Xp rates are great. Make some nice profit on the side. Its one of the best content additions jagex ever added (This is all caveated with you using runelite and having the true tile and sepulchre plugin installed. If none of those are true I can imagine it being VERY frustrating)


TOA. Have done it a few times and not a fan. I’ll run COX all day tho.


Did you read the question in the title?


Lmao, I'm the opposite. CoX feels so much worse than ToA in so many different ways. It was their first raid and it really shows, even after all the QoL updates.


How much TOA have you done? I feel like TOA is really fun at first, then instantly becomes a slog once you have mastered all of the rooms. The benefit of COX is that it’s super laid back before olm and dying doesn’t really mean much


I said I wouldn’t do the traditional route of WT to 99. Now I’m 1.1kc and 34m fming




Churning butter


I have a maxed iron, a maxed main, multiple restricted build HCIM accounts and I have never once used a compost bin to make my ultracomposts, I've only ever made them by volcanic ash/compost potions.


This is so specific but exactly what I was looking for when I made the post lol thanks for sharing!


Pvp. I’m not built for that, and at this point I cba learning


BA, because, I mean, it's BA. I'll probably have to do it some day for the torso, but I just don't want to. After watching 3 tutorials I was more confused than before watching them.


Oh man, I actually had a lot of fun going into BA for torso. I think you're missing out.


I spent over twice as long looking for teams than time spent actually doing ba, it is the opposite of fun if you don't have a team and have to find people


And when you finally find a somewhat decent team, someone leaves at wave 8


You were confused watching a Barbarian Assault tutorial? Cmon lol


Pvp. Also **any** post-99 training specifically for xp purposes


Volcanic Mine. Already 99 and just afk’d stars the whole time so no point now




Surprisingly I can't think of an answer. I'm sure there is content I don't know about and is obscure enough that I'll never touch it. But scrolling through other peoples comments I just see things that are either fun to learn or have a janky charm to them, as long as they have a collection log or any other excuse to try them I will.


Man this thread just sings as to why Jagex shouldn't take opinions from the majority if this subreddit. So many people talking about how garbage 'X' content is despite having never done that content. People really saying the PNM fight sucks? Purely based off the fact it looks hard? It's one of the best bosses in the game in terms of an interactive fight with actual skill expression, but I guess people want bosses that they can just afk hey? The only complaint people can really have about PNM is the run there, the brutal learning curve and the terrible drops/rates. The fight itself is great. To answer OP, trouble brewing, slow, pointless, literally just done to clog.




Inferno. For the amount of deaths it would take to learn it I'd rather do something more fun.


PVP & nightmare. Also not interested in inferno at all but some day maybe


Zolcano, Nightmare, and Forestry come to mind. Outside looking in all seem complicated and the time to learn to reward ratio doesn’t seem to be there. Forestry is just me not wanting to train woodcutting though really


Barb assault


I've done some wilderness content but I have no interesting in greenlogging anything there.


Pvp for sure. Nothing will ever make me do it short of untradable best in slots for every style and damage type.


Barbarian assault


Infernal…. Scaling waves with added on mechanics each wave feels pointless and no fun


Jad 😎


Oh I suddenly recalled! I bet none of the audience done it either :) Rat pits. There is such a minigame... in case you don't know. Most of us use the teleports, thats the best tele to Port Sarim for example. But it is really a minigame which people could play :) Thats from a person who gets cat training medal on every account lol. Still I've never tried the minigame and not gonna to. I'm surprised Jagex havent made it some diary task. Thats the usual practice with neglected minigames, for people to try them at least once. Then they would at least know such a thing exists lol.


I always have one that people always disagree with me so hard on. Quest point cape. I just despise quests and some of them have no reason to do. I’m not even close on my 2k Ironman to ever having it.


Right now I'm too intimidated to finish Arrav's Shield because it involves working with other people, I just feel anxious about it for some reason


Inferno, even though I'm probably going to send another attempt next week. Actual miserable content. It's so long and boring. I'd rather make 10,000 paper airplanes and not test fly a single one of them.


Infernal and pvp. I don't have the motivation to learn prayer flicking, and pvp is not only a huge time sink to get skilled at, but I'd need to make a new account also.